The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme March 2015 Dear friends, I’ve been thinking about rituals lately. I was raised in a Protestant environment, and so for most of my life I’ve been distrustful of ritual. Often, rituals felt formulaic, dull, lacking zest and life. Only in the past decade or so have I begun to take rituals seriously as a way that people use to orient themselves in the world. The church has its rituals of course – Sunday worship, for one, but Christmas and Easter celebrations, along with many others – even as other social rituals mark our lives. The Super Bowl is a conspicuous one, as are the parades on the 4th of July or Memorial Day. Mardi Gras would be another. The more I’ve become conscious of rituals, the more I see them everywhere I turn – performed behaviors where memory is reconstituted, where communities remind themselves of who they are, and where new moral dimensions and directions are sometimes forged. From family meals to national spectacles like sporting events, rituals are everywhere around us. Bread and Puppet is an organization up in Glover, Vermont that takes the notion of ritual seriously. I first encountered them when I was pastoring for a summer in Newport, and some friends in the area suggested that I might be interested in the Bread and Puppet troupe just south of them. I was deeply interested. The group was founded in the early 1960’s by Peter Schumann, an emigrant from Germany. Every Sunday afternoon in the summers, Schumann and his troupe put on a series of performances using giant sized puppets (many of which take several people to maneuver), performances that dramatize some of the pressing moral issues of the day, ranging from war and debt to ecology and technological surveillance. Following every performance, the troupe serves delicious home made bread, as a way of reminding us all that art and theater are a way of feeding the stomach, as well as the soul. On Tuesday, March 31st, Bread and Puppet will be in Old Lyme to help us in our own set of rituals called Holy Week. They’ll be offering a performance at 7:00 that evening, followed by a time to eat bread, visit, and talk about the performance. They’ll be performing a piece called “Fire,” one that dramatizes the effects of warfare on individual lives. It was first written as a response to the Vietnam War 40 years ago, but was redesigned this past summer to address the carnage in Gaza. Here’s what a writer named David Dudley wrote after seeing the performance: "Fire doesn’t tell the audience what to think. It offers no answers to the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict [or other current conflicts]. Rather, through a series of scenes that are powerful and poignant, evocative and enigmatic, the show encourages varying forms of wonder, and earnest demon confrontation. There is indeed a fire in the belly of this prayer." Bread and Puppet’s performance will be a powerfully meaningful way to engage in the set of rituals that we call Holy Week, a time that we’re asked to reflect on the ways the world can be dark. Two days later, on Maundy Thursday, the choir will offer a performance, which will be followed by a simple soup supper and an informal celebration of communion. And then on Sunday morning, of course, we’ll mark the good news of Easter with three services: a sunrise service at Griswold Point, and then our two services at 9 and 11. Over the years, I’ve come to believe that the rituals we use to mark the days and weeks are powerfully significant, from the smallest ones to the largest. Rituals have the power to remind us who we are, and just as importantly, who we’re called to be. I hope you’ll join us for the rituals we’ll undergo during Holy Week. They won’t leave you unmoved. They might even change you. Love and blessings, EASTER SEASON SCHEDULE Maundy Thursday 4/2 6:30 pm Concert, Soup Supper & Informal Communion Good Friday 4/3 Meetinghouse open for prayer and meditation. No Service. Ecumenical Crop Walk at 10 am. We will meet at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church and walk to FCCOL and back again -- about 3 miles. Please join us and walk for world hunger. All ages are welcome. Easter Sunrise Service 4/5 6:30 am at Griswold Point (if you need directions, call the church) Easter Sunday 4/5 9:00 am & 11:00 am Worship Services Join us in Fellowship for a light breakfast/coffee hour between the 9&11 services. No Sunday School on Easter Sunday. No coffee hour following the 11:00 am service. One Great Hour of Sharing This year we will once again dedicate our Easter offering to the work of One Great Hour of Sharing, a fund collected through the United Church of Christ and dispersed through the National Council of Churches. This fund can be accessed for any emergencies world-wide, such as relief in times of natural disaster or critical health or social crises. Last year we received word from the UCC that, in terms of the OGHS collection, we were among the 100 most generous churches in the nation! That is a testimony to the generosity of our congregation, and a real honor. We have set our goal for the 2015 collection at $10,000 once again. Please help as much as you are able. Easter Memorial Music As in years past, you can make a donation to our Easter Memorial Music by calling or stopping by the church office. Any amount would be appreciated, but it is important to call 860-434-8686, and to be specific about the names you wish to have listed. We will need all information by Friday, March 27, in order to print the Easter bulletins. Easter Flowers This year we will have a collection of Easter lilies and spring flowers as our altar arrangement (rather than all lilies). These flowers will be distributed to those who are homebound or in nursing homes following Easter morning. If you would like to make a contribution to this effort in honor of a loved one, please make a donation of $10.00 and call us to let us know the name you would like in the memorial list. As with Memorial Music, we must finalize this list of names on Friday, March 27. Thank you. Memorials Gladysmae Good Church News Blanket Drive/Church World Service Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. hold CWS Blankets events, providing funds to help people in need around the world. For over 60 years, CWS has worked in partnership with local communities in 30 countries to identify their needs to build the foundation for a more viable future, including: Blankets, tents, mosquito nets, food, tools and seeds, wells for families to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops, literacy training and microcredits for women struggling to realize their potential. Each blanket costs $10. Please make checks payable to CWS, indicating in the memo space "Blanket Drive." Special envelopes are available in the pews and may be put in the collection plate or sent to the Church c/o LBS." The LADIES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Crosby Fund for Haitian Education with a traditional Haitian dinner on Sunday, March 8th, in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner begins at 5 pm, and the program begins at 6 pm. Donation is $10 per person, with all proceeds benefitting the Crosby Fund. Make reservations by calling the church office at 860-434-8686 by Thursday, March 5th. The Crosby Fund for Haitian Education celebrated its 10th anniversary September 2014. Becky Crosby’s program will reviews those ten years of growth: from 32 students to 352 students, from one program to four programs, and she will focus on the future: the plans for the new Educational Center. Helene Clervius, MD, a Crosby Fund university graduate, will be a special guest speaker and offer her insights on the impact of the program on her life and many other students in Haiti. There will be an exhibition that documents these ten years, and a sale of Haitian arts and crafts (100% supports the artists). A bake sale provided by the Senior Pilgrim Fellowship travelers will help earn funds for the next youth trip in April 2015. Please call the church office at 860-434-8686 for reservations, seating is limited. The LBS is funding the dinner and request a donation, minimum $10, at the door. All donations will go to the Crosby Fund. Late Winter Potluck Suppers Our Board of Deacons is planning a potluck supper event for Saturday, March 21st. We’d like to find a number of homes that would be willing to open their doors to a gathering. Our hope is that folks would enjoy sharing a meal in a personal setting where they would have a chance to get to know one another as they share fellowship. To do this we need two things: 1. Homes that will host and 2. People who would like to participate. This promises to be both fun and easy. If you are willing to be a host home, please call the office ASAP and give Joan your name and the number of guests you would find ideal. It could simply be the number that can be seated around your kitchen or dining room table! If you would like to be an “attendee,” please give Joan your contact information. Both “couples” and “singles” are welcome in either capacity! A few of our deacons, together with Carleen, will work to match people to host homes, perhaps based on geography or interests. We’re still working out the details, but we look forward to hearing from you, and starting the year on a welcome note! End of Life Discussion On Tuesday, March 3rd at 2:30 pm, Dr. Peter Dixon, associate of the CuniffDixon Foundation and a physician in Essex, and Carleen Gerber will be presenting a panel discussion about issues pertaining to end-of-life decisions and planning. Hamilton Hall at Essex Meadows will be the place where we gather, but anyone from our own church fellowship is welcome to attend. All are welcome. We expect our presentation to take place from 2:30 to 3:30 pm, with questions and discussions to follow, ending by 4:00 pm . Let Joan in the office know if you’d like to attend so that we could give the folks at Essex Meadows a “heads-up.” Essex Meadows Hymn Sing Join us Wednesday, March 4th at 4:00 pm for a Hymn Sing at Essex Meadows. Folk Concert Series MusicNow Foundation, Inc. announces the Nightingale’s Acoustic Series, comprised of monthly concerts featuring regional/ national folk and Americana artists with opening aspiring local youth talent. All shows will be held at the Sheffield Auditorium, First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. The next concert will be Friday, March 20, 2015, 7-9:30pm. Desserts & Coffee served. Tickets: $10 adult, $5 students at the More Church News Reminder: Day Light Savings Time begins March 8 at 2:00 AM. Don’t forget to set your clocks FORWARD 1 hour Saturday night. door or email to reserve [email protected]. tickets. Memorial Flowers There are 2 dates available for Sunday Memorial Flowers, the 3rd Sunday in January and first Sunday in February. Please call Susan Griggs at 860-434-7660 for more information. Prayer Shawl Ministry Whether you’re an old pro or a first-time knitter, you’re invited to crochet or knot shawls that can be given by our ministers to those in hospital or needing the comforting tangible sign of our faith community’s love and healing prayers. See or contact Chris Solimene at [email protected] or call 860-434-8686 for more information or to receive materials. Stay tuned for an opportunity to have all prayer shawl creators gather for a time of sharing ideas and fellowship. Thank you for sharing in this special ministry. Sewing Group Sewing began in January and we have sewing every Monday. On Presidents Day, February 16th we will not sew. Bring your lunch, and enthusiasm, for we will be sewing shorts and dresses for Haiti for a few weeks before we start up other items. Eunice Taylor and I cleaned up and organized all our materials so we now know where stuff is, and what we do not need anymore. We have tons of fabric for little dresses and shorts, so hope we can have a lot for the kids who are going to Haiti to take with them. New folks are welcome. Nat Fogg Visiting Nurses of the Lower Valley is cosponsoring a health fair at the East Haddam Senior Center on March 8th from 10-2 pm. The event will focus on the Model of Healthy Living seven areas of a healthy life. There will be lunch, giveaways and lots to learn. Save The Date: On April 25th at the Essex Town Hall 9am-12 noon there will be a program presented by local clergy and business members called “Looking Both Ways: Decisions of a Lifetime.” More information will be coming soon. Tree of Life Journey 2015 Please consider joining the next Tree of Life Journey, scheduled for March 10-20, 2015! The theme for this journey will be, "Rejecting Violence and Seeking Enclaves of Beauty." On this interfaith trip we will have the honor of visiting our respective sacred sites and learning from a variety of voices of conscience, Israeli and Palestinian -- Jewish, Muslim and Christian. On this journey we will also learn about artistic expression as a way of resisting violence. While Palestinians and Israelis experience many dehumanizing consequences of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, they also find ways to withstand and challenge a culture of violence by creating enclaves of beauty. From the Jenin Freedom Theatre to the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, those who suffer from injustice render their hopes and suffering visible and audible. Beholding their art, we may better understand their experiences and desires for a more just world. This journey is open to all and will be led by Rev. Dr. Steve Jungkeit, Senior Minister of the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme (Connecticut), and Rev. Nancy Boldt McLaren, Minister for Faith Formation and Discipleship at Storrs Congregational Church. For those interested, there will also be an opportunity for an extension in Turkey for a few days, from March 20-24, to experience the rich Sufi tradition and also to learn about the role that Turkey plays in the tumultuous landscape of the Middle East. Further details can be found on the Tree of Life Educational Fund website, If you have questions, please feel free to address those questions to our church's Minister Emeritus, Rev. David W. Good, at [email protected]. Tai Chi & Meditation Classes Fridays. Please call Ahlam at (860) 447-9916. More Church News SAVE THE DATE! “Bread & Puppets” Fire coming to FCCOL on March 31st at 7:00 pm. Books Needed for Heifer Book Fair The Board of Youth Education invites you to participate in a book sale to support the Heifer Project. What a wonderful thing it is to give a gift that keeps on giving! Bringing in and selling our gently used books is a great way to raise money for Heifer International, an organization which combats poverty by giving animals to people around the world. These animals help provide families with food, clothes, and extra income. In turn, families pass on the gift of the animal's offspring to others. We invite you to bring books in good condition and leave them on the Sheffield stage. On March 8, all are invited to the Book Fair in between worship services! Book prices will be nominal. All left-over books will be donated to the local library or to local literacy programs. Questions? Email Chris at [email protected]. Palm Sunday All-Church Event, March 29 Following the 9 am service, all are invited to Fellowship Hall for food, drinks and activities. Try your hand at crafting your palms into a keepsake cross. Plant some seeds in flower-pots you can take with you. Pick an inspirational seed for your heart’s garden. This is a season of promise. Join your church family for fellowship and to plant your own seeds of hope! CHOIRS SENIOR CHOIR Thank you to all members of the Senior Choir for a musically uplifting February! Here is the rehearsal and service schedule for March: March 1 - Singing at the 11:00 am service with a rehearsal at 10:15 am March 4 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm March 8 - Singing at the 9:00 am service with a rehearsal at 8:15 am March 11 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm March 15 - Singing at the 11:00am service with a rehearsal at 10:15 am March 18 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm March 22 - Singing at the 9:00 am service with a rehearsal at 8:15 am March 25 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm March 29 - Singing at the 11:00 am service with a rehearsal at 10:15 am ALL-AGE CHOIR The All Age Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm. All rehearsals will be held in the Sheffield Auditorium. Our rehearsals are one hour long with plenty of room for fellowship. We work mostly with 4-part music in a contemporary style. We encourage and welcome new members to this group. Our choir membership includes young children, teenagers, families and seniors. The ability to read music is always a plus but not a determining factor for eligibility in this group. Please feel free to contact Joel Spineti with questions regarding the All Age Choir. Joel may be reached by phone (860-554-5079) or e mail [email protected]. Church Business News WHEN SENDING A CHECK Please be sure to note on the check where the offering is to be credited (i.e. pledge, food pantry, donation, Habitat, etc.). It is also important to note whether your contribution is for 2014 or 2015, especially vital this time of year. Thank you for your help. WHEN MAKING A GIFT OF STOCK Please notify the Church of your gift, including the designated use, at the time you request your broker to make the transfer. You may also use the Church’s broker, Smith Barney, to make the transfer if you wish. We occasionally receive gifts from a broker without knowing the donor, or whether the gift is intended for a 2014 or 2015 giving, or for another purpose. If you have any questions, or need further instruction, please feel free to call me or Julie Scocozza at 434-8686. Your help is greatly appreciated. Bob McCracken, Treasurer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please call Julie, our bookkeeper in the office at 860-434-8686, if you have donated 24 shares of Exxon Mobil received 12/5/14, 340 shares Pfizer received 1/6/15, 37 shares Exxon Mobil received 1/20/15 or 2 shares of 3M Company received on 12/23/14. Offering Envelopes If you ordered offering envelopes for 2015, they are on the table in the connector. More Church Business News STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: CLOSING IN ON OUR GOAL, BUT STILL A WAY TO GO! We are deeply grateful for the 379 of you who have sent in your gift intention cards for 2015. With your generous help, we have received a total of $583,596 toward our budgeted goal of $600,000. However, we still have a way to go to reach our budgeted goal, and especially our stretch goal of $625,000. This is the amount the Board of Trustees has estimated that we need to accomplish the church’s important ministries, missions, programs and ongoing property maintenance needs going forward. Please remember that financial support is everyone’s obligation. Every organization you belong to depends on your financial support, and our church is no exception! Our church stands out in the Shoreline community for its vibrant and life-changing programs, all of which are dependent on the generosity of time, talent, and spirit many of you contribute to them. However, those programs cannot operate without the resources to run them. Whatever you can give helps, and the fact that you give matters a lot! If you have not yet returned your gift card, please do so at your earliest convenience. If you cannot locate your card or you prefer to phone in your intention, please call the church office at 860-434-8686 and ask for the treasurer’s office. THIS YEAR’S CAMPAIGN ENDS MARCH 15 AND WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU! Again, we greatly appreciate hearing from those of you who have responded, and we thank in advance those of you who answer the call to respond before March 15. Barbara Smith Chair, Board of Stewardship Members of the Board: George Clough, Emily Fisher, Sandy Long, Chuck Lynch, Ken McGrath, Paul Stigliano, Lee Whitaker, Matt Winkler Christian Education News CONFIRMATION MEETS MARCH 9, 7-9 PM Confirmands and Mentors will meet in Hoag Parlor to present their Ministry Murals to each other. These projects will creatively explain the many church ministries through the study and presentation of the who, what, where, when and why of our committees and boards. Please note the extra time given for this special meeting. JPF FUN BRUNCH, MARCH 1 A Brunch and Fun Event for all youth in grades 6-8 on Sunday, March 1, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm hosted by Danny & Deanna at their home at 272 West Rd in Salem. We will carpool from the church with our chaperone, Lisa Doggart, after Church School, and can carpool back to church if that helps too. We will create and share a delicious brunch together and then talk about & organize the details for all the wonderful plans you have already made and imagine some great new volunteer & mission ideas. We'll wrap up our afternoon with some music & fun & games. What to bring ?? Yourself and a friend, An inspirational song to share, Your great ideas & smiles! In the event of snow, we’ll host this event at the church! Please RSVP Danny & Deanna Donovan at (860) 7072597. JPF MEETS AT NIGHTINGALE, MARCH 15 Special Lenten Fellowship Event at the Nightingale Café Sunday March 15th after Church School, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm. We'll all walk together to the Nightingale Café and warm up with some hot tea & cocoa & share some yummy light refreshments together. In addition to creatively sharing the concerns & the hopes & the joys we hold for our world, community, families, friends, and ourselves, there will be time for some wonderful music, and a fun game or two. Bring a friend and, if you want, a guitar and/or special song to share. Please RSVP to Danny & Deanna at (860)7072597. JPF WITH FOOD PANTRY, MARCH 28 Meeting on Saturday, March 28, 9:30 – 11:00 am. The young people in JPF are partnering with the Food Pantry Ministry of this church. Specifically, JPF will partake in efforts to help with end-of-themonth inventory and to help from time to time during the pantry hours with the retrieval of shopping carts from outside. Want to help? Want to bring a friend? Please email Chris at [email protected]. SPF COOKS AND GOES TO HOMELESS HOSPITALITY CENTER, MARCH 28 Senior PF youth in grades 9-12 gather each last Saturday of the month to bring a meal and an opportunity to share fellowship with the women and men at the New London Homeless Hospitality Center. This center serves as a safe haven for the community’s homeless neighbors. The area soup kitchen does not serve a Saturday dinner so when our youth arrive with food, they are literally answering the call to feed the hungry for this is often the only meal some will eat that day. Meet in the kitchen at church at 5 pm where we will cook a nutritious meal, eat ourselves and then bring the meal to New London. We’ll return to church by 8:30 pm. Let Chris know you are on board at [email protected]. SrPF Christian Education News Senior P.F. Trip Deschapelles, Haiti April 10- April 17, 2015 Our next meeting will be Sunday, March 1, at 10:15 am in the church library. We have 13 travelers who have signed up and are ready to go! We still have room for 2 more. Last years trip was so much fun. We filled the week with many meaningful encounters: we offered arts and crafts to over 135 Haitian children; we played a soccer game with the local team; we visited remnants of two sugar cane mills and learned about Haiti’s history of slavery; we passed out pillow case dresses and clothing; we offered English tutoring for teenagers and adults; we walked to the wild & crazy market; we worshiped at the Baptist church in Les Forges, and we sang and danced with the Haitian people. Please come if you are interested in joining us on our next trip, April 10-17 (during the Spring Break). If you have questions or concerns, please talk with Becky Crosby at 860-434-8054. Tentative Itinerary Friday, April 10 Fly to Port-au-Prince from JFK (American Airlines) Departs around 9 am ( We will arrange for a bus) Arrives around 1 pm. We will drive to a Moulin Sur Mer in Montrouis, Haiti (2 hours) and spend the night. Pack a sandwich or snacks for lunch (can be purchased in the airport – after security checks). Saturday, April 11 Depart for Deschapelles in the morning (1 hour drive) Tour Deschapelles in the afternoon – hospital, a dispensary, library, grain mills, see some schools and local market. A fun Kreyol lesson in the evening. Sunday, April 12 Worship at the Baptist Church in the morning Soccer game in the afternoon Monday, April 13 Activities with children in the morning– arts and crafts Tutoring English in the afternoon Tuesday, April 14 Distribute Pillow case dresses in Les Forges and the Cite Visit Estime and see his metal making Activities with children in afternoon Wednesday, April 15 Walk to Verrettes Market in the morning Visit Hospital and local dispensary possibly volunteer Thursday, April 16 Environmental Morning– visit tree reforestation projects and see farmers working the land Meet the artists—buying in the afternoon Friday, April 17 Travel to Port-au-Prince (American Airlines) Departs around 3:00 pm and arrives in JFK at 7:30 pm Should be home around 10:30 pm. Adult Enrichment Programs March Adult Forums March 1, 2015 Lisa Laing, Master InterPlay Leader, teaches the integration of body, mind, heart and spirit to reduce stress and regain balance in our lives. This course has been offered at Yale Divinity School. She also leads the Hope Is Power Cancer Wellness program. March 8, 2015 Jodie Craig Atkinson, Executive Director of the Covenant Shelter will talk on: "Housing First: Ending Homelessness in SECT." March 15, 2015 Ashley Makar from IRIS (Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services) will speak on "Serving Refugees in Connecticut." March 22, 2015 Claudia Highbaugh, Dean of Religious and Spiritual life at Connecticut College, will discuss "Good Bridges Make Good Neighbors: Reflections On Devices For Connection, Movement and Communication." March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday - No Forum WINTER BIBLE STUDY WITH BECKY A 10-week Bible Study on I & 2 Kings is on Thursdays and runs until April 2, 2015. The group meets in the Library at 10:45 am for one hour. 1 Kings begins with the death of David and the accession of Solomon and covers the rich history of Israel, including the division of Israel into the two separate kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The books offer many great stories to explore and discuss. Please join us. All are welcome! BOOK GROUP A discussion group for Marilynne Robinson’s latest novel, Lila, is planned to start the week after Easter. The discussion is being led by the Rev. Dr. Scott L. Harris, a retired Lutheran minister. Groups will meet over a three week period with two sessions each week: April 8, 15, and 22 at 10:30 am; and April 9, 16, and 23 at 7:30 pm. The daytime groups will cover the same topics as the nighttime sessions--at least that is the plan. For each group we will meet in the Library. Besides reading Lila, we will be exploring references to the Bible that are made in Robinson’s novel, especially the Old Testament prophet, Ezekiel. If you are interested in participating a copy of the book is available at your local library; or better yet, the book can be purchased. (That way you can mark it up to your heart’s content.) Have both Lila and Bible in hand for each group. (continued) More Adult Enrichment Programs CARE-GIVERS SUPPORT GROUP There is a Honduran saying that states, “Grief shared is half grief. Joy shared is double joy.” Life brings many forms of grief whether it is the loss of a spouse, a job, a marriage, or health. Sharing the journey decreases the impact of grief and helps to bring us back to joy. Along the way, life can be enriched and deepened. Our next meeting is March 27 at 10:00 a.m. Call Cynthia Robbins, (860) 608-7996, or simply show up if you would like to attend. If you are interested in helping form an evening group, please let Cynthia know. WRITING FROM THE SPIRIT The writing group will begin meeting in March on alternate Wednesdays at 3:30 pm (March 4 and 18) in the Hoag Parlor. All writers of prose or poetry are welcome. Bring something of your own to share and/or a poem or short prose piece by an author you admire. An appreciative and supportive group! If you are interested in joining us, please contact Vicky at (860) 526-4426. Alternate Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Hoag Room. Led by Vicky Murphy. POETRY READING The poetry-reading group will begin meeting in March on alternate Wednesdays at 4:30 pm (March 11 & 25) in the Hoag Parlor. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in our readings. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Alan Bradford at (860) 434-0247 or [email protected] or just show up; texts will be provided. Alternate Wednesdays at 4:30 in the Hoag Room. WHO AM I? If you have been thinking about coming to the class to be with others in deepening our spiritual understanding, this is a good time to do so. To sign up, please call Ruth Robins at 860.434.2999 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you. Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 in the Hoag Room. Seeking Employment: American Craftsmen need America’s help. As a furniture maker of 33 years, I am offering my services to fellow church members at 25% off: $65/ hour. My work includes restoration of antiques, work on cherished family pieces, and general furniture repair. As well, my passion is designing and building fine furniture: large and small pieces include dining and side tables, beds, benches, and chairs; religious pieces, pet coffins, etc. Please contact Dick Humphreville at 860-442-5003 or Experienced master carpenter, licensed and insured, looking for work. Call Tom Kratzert at 860-271-9633. Home Designer Design & drawing from concept to construction documents for new homes, additions, and renovations. Servicing home owners, builders, and architects. Other services include drawings to help sell a house, develop & present an idea. Computer aided using DATA CAD 12 - 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional. David S Nelson-Building Design Services 860 434-5526 [email protected]. Handyman Service Light Carpentry, Installation Help, Painting, Seasonal & Holiday Preparation and Light Hauling. I have an enclosed pick-up truck, tools and a shop. If you need something done just give me a call. Dave Nelson 860 434-5526. The "Pet Nanny" Carol Giuliano, an Old Lyme resident, will provide loving care for your pets when you are not there. Over forty years experience with all types of animals. Call (203) 738-9932. Paul Fitzpatrick-Nager Experienced master carpenter. Will design and build comfort zones for your home, indoors and out. Patios, pergolas and more. Call me anytime at 860-304-9916 or 860-4344366. Marcia Dean Experienced Nanny/housekeeper, looking to get back to what I love most, working with children...Excellent references... I live in Chester but would relocate for the right position... good with all ages... infants and multiples are my specialty. I am also a seamstress and love animals. Please call for more information at (860)-912-1037. Caregiver - Companion Long or short term, reasonable rates and references. Call Marion Campo in Old Lyme at 860-389-1872. Weaving Classes Always wanted to learn to weave? Start by weaving a rag rug on Stephanie Morton's ENORMOUS loom in her Old Lyme studio. Call her at 860/434-1188 or 917-3429. Carolyn Randall Need a vacation? Available to stay with your loved one for a long weekend or a week (live in). 25 years nursing experience, 15 homecare. Call Carolyn at 860-598-9278 or 860-343-3573. Wendy Knight – Organizer, writer, researcher, editor, proofreader Happy to work on any project, big or small, update lists, prepare mailings. Also love to sort and organize closets, cabinets, libraries, photos, files and documents. Please contact Wendy Knight anytime at (860) 304 – 6665 or wendyknight@gmail. com. Sue Mandeville Transportation and/or accompaniment to professional or medical appointments, outpatient surgeries and home stay following anesthesia. Airport, train or bus transport. Livery license, insured, references and medical training. Call Sue Mandeville 860-908-2310. Lorelei Mitchell Mediator, Lorelei Mitchell, is available to assist with family dilemmas, landlordtenant disputes or workplace conflict. Mediation is a better alternative to litigation and can often transform relationships, while giving you a say in the outcome. Call Lorelei Mitchell at (860) 536-0260 or email [email protected] toschedule a consultation. Guli Gvelesiani I lived in Old Lyme and have worked for 7 years as a live-in caregiver for a local family. I live in Essex and have worked for 2 years as a live-in caregiver for a local family. I am seeking a new full time, live-in position with a caring family. I do house work, cooking and baking as well as give home care. I can provide references. Please call Guli at 860-3915691. Alterations I'm a professional with over 20 years experience, from shortening jeans to restoring or redesigning a beloved wedding gown. Estimates and references freely given. Please call Hazella Pease at 860-434-5784 for an appointment. T h e F i r s t C o n g re g a t i o n a l C h u rc h o f O l d Ly m e St aff The Rev. Dr. Steven R. Jungkeit, Senior Minister (860-434-8686) The Rev. Carleen R. Gerber, Senior Associate Minister (860-434-0058) Christopher D. Solimene, Associate Minister (860-389-1363) Simon D. Holt, Director of Music (860-705-3037) The Rev. David W. Good, Minister Emeritus The Rev. Rebecca T. Crosby, Minister for Haitian Outreach Erin K. Grayson, Minister of the South Lyme Union Chapel Mary Tomassetti, Church School Coordinator (860-391-5384) Lisa Feltes, Director of Children’s Music (860-691-2226) Joel Spineti, Director of The All Age Choir (860-554-5079) Robert McCracken, Church Administrator Joan Kelley, Church Office Manager Julie Scocozza, Bookkeeper Mark Testori, Sexton Church Office Tel: 860-434-8686 Fax: 860-434-1135 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Sunday Worship - 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. South Lyme Union Chapel Worship - 9:00 a.m. Pastoral Counseling Center Tel: 860-767-0221 Candace E. Wilson-Stanberry, MSN FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF OLD LYME, Member U.C.C. The reproduction of our Meetinghouse on the cover is from a sketch by William Steeves. The First Congregational Church 2 Ferry Road Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371 U.S. Postage Paid Permit #7 Old Saybrook, CT Non-Profit Organization The next FCCOL Newsletter will be in April; the deadline will be Friday, March 20th. If possible, please send articles by e-mail <[email protected]> as a Word document. THE FOOD PANTRY NEEDS HELP FROM ALL OF US Whenever you come to church….worship, church events, meetings, or just to visit…. PLEASE bring some non-perishable food items each time to restock the food pantry. Please let us know if you have some time to volunteer at the food pantry and/or with food drives. THANKS! Please e-mail the church office at <[email protected]> if you want to be removed from the newsletter mailing list and read it on the website. Each household that can read the newsletter on (and print from) the website rather than receive it by mail will save the church $5.17 each and every year. We will ask for your e-mail address so we can alert you when the new issue is available on our web site. Thanks for your help!
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