The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme April 2015 Dear friends, I’m writing to you once again from the Rolling Seminary. That’s how I’ve come to think of the journeys our church community makes to various parts of the world, visiting with new and old friends, learning about other cultures and religious traditions, and witnessing the struggles that often occur in such areas. Today, the RS traveled to the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Hebron is a flash point in the Israeli occupation, site of some of the most violent incidents of ethnic cleansing in the country. The most notorious incident took place in 1994, when a Jewish settler from Brooklyn, a physician named Baruch Goldstein, entered a mosque called al Haram Abrahimi and gunned down 29 Palestinians, injuring 125 others. There’s a monument for Goldstein in Hebron, one that memorializes his act of killing. The engraving reads: “A Martyr with Clean Hands and a Pure Heart. He gave his life for the people of Israel.” We stood at that monument this morning, and witnessed the rocks that had been placed upon it in veneration. It was hard to know exactly how to feel. Outrage. Horror. Sadness. Embarrassment. All of those and more. Marvin Gaye’s Motown classic played in my mind – Makes Me Want to Holler. Indeed. Those feelings felt all the more powerful because six members of our Tree of Life trip are Muslims. Just before arriving at the Goldstein monument, Reza Mansoor, from the Berlin mosque outside of Hartford, shared a story about Abraham in the Islamic tradition. In the Koran, Abraham is a figure associated with hospitality. He possessed a large tent, with openings in all four directions to receive visitors. But one day Abraham failed to show the hospitality he was famous for. On that day, an old man came to visit Abraham in his tent, and Abraham prepared a meal for him. Before eating, Abraham asked if the old man believed in God. The man replied that, no, he didn’t believe in God. Then I can’t serve you, Abraham said, because when we eat, we must always eat as if before God. The old man left with an empty stomach. That night, an angel appeared to Abraham in a dream and questioned him. Do you not know, the angel said, that God has been feeding the old man for 80 years, even though he didn’t believe? Abraham awoke and realized his mistake. Abraham was who he was, but from that time on, he received anyone who came to him, and showed hospitality to all, no matter their beliefs. Hearing Reza’s story made me powerfully glad to be on the Rolling Seminary with Muslim friends. It felt like a welcome antidote to the hate and violence that is enshrined in Hebron, and is played out in various contexts throughout the Middle East. And it was a useful reminder of the kind of faith, and the kind of church, I think we’re all called to model. We have strong convictions about the justice issues of our time, and we rightly speak out about those, even as we do our best to recognize our own complicity in those troubles. But we also strive to practice the form of hospitality modeled for us among our Muslim friends. We strive to create enclaves of beauty, not unlike the Rolling Seminary itself, where we can be challenged and nourished by stories and practices that call us to the best forms of our humanity, where we wrestle with painful questions, and where we allow our hearts to come close to cracking. We strive to enact the hospitality of Abraham, providing nourishment for all who need it. I hope we each practice those things to the best of our ability in our individual lives. But I hope we continually find new ways to practice it in our church as well. Sometimes our Rolling Seminary takes us toward despair. There is much in this world that would crush the spirit and snuff the flames within our hearts. But sometimes the Rolling Seminary moves us toward examples of extraordinary generosity and hospitality, moments that remind us of what we still might become. Whether in Palestine or Old Lyme, we’re all called to get on the bus. It’s not easy, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. From the West Bank, behind the Apartheid Wall, rolling through the night, feeling as though I’d like to holler… EASTER SEASON SCHEDULE Bread & Puppet FIRE 3/31 7:00 pm performance, followed by a time to eat bread, visit, and talk about the performance. Maundy Thursday 4/2 6:30 pm Concert, Soup Supper & Informal Communion Good Friday 4/3 Meetinghouse open for prayer and meditation. No Service. Ecumenical Crop Walk at 9:45 am. We will meet at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church and walk to FCCOL and back again -- about 3 miles. Please join us and walk for world hunger. All ages are welcome. Easter Sunrise Service 4/5 6:30 am at Griswold Point (if you need directions, call the church) Easter Sunday 4/5 9:00 am & 11:00 am Worship Services Join us in Fellowship for a light breakfast/coffee hour between the 9&11 services. Easter Egg Hunt in the side garden at 10:15 am. No Sunday School on Easter Sunday. No coffee hour following the 11:00 am service. One Great Hour of Sharing This year we will once again dedicate our Easter offering to the work of One Great Hour of Sharing, a fund collected through the United Church of Christ and dispersed through the National Council of Churches. This fund can be accessed for any emergencies world-wide, such as relief in times of natural disaster or critical health or social crises. Last year we received word from the UCC that, in terms of the OGHS collection, we were among the 100 most generous churches in the nation! That is a testimony to the generosity of our congregation, and a real honor. We have set our goal for the 2015 collection at $10,000 once again. Please help as much as you are able. Maundy Thursday Please join us in the Meetinghouse on Maundy Thursday (April 2nd) at 6:30 pm for a presentation of The Crucifixion, a choral meditation on the passion and crucifixion of Jesus, written by John Stainer. Our Senior Choir, along with Soloists, will perform this work, interspersed with scripture lessons and lead us more deeply into an understanding of Maundy Thursday. Following the concert there will be the opportunity for those who wish to adjourn to Fellowship Hall for a simple supper of bread and soup, and an informal communion service. Memorials Louise Ely Lorraine Powley Philip Norman Simmons Anthony Campbell Thurston Church News FCCOL Ladies’ Benevolent Society April Luncheon The Ladies’ Benevolent Society continues its monthly series of luncheons and programs at noon on Tuesday, April 7, with a luncheon in Fellowship Hall. Around 1 pm, nationally known folksong collector and balladeer, Dawn Wright, living and performing in New England for over 30 years, presents a suite of America’s roots music. Ms. Wright is a master balladeer and folksinger whose musicianship and storytelling skills combine to create a one-of-a-kind experience. She includes authentic instrumentation such as 6- and 12string guitars, a 5-string banjo, mountain dulcimers, concertina, and drums from Ireland, Africa, and Native Americans. She offers a total-immersion experience into both American history and current environmental themes. Admission to the Luncheon is $5 plus canned goods for the Food Pantry. Please call the church office at 860-434-8686 by Monday, April 6, to reserve a place. All welcome. Save the Date INDIAN TACO NIGHT On Sunday April 12, 2015, at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, we will be hosting an Indian taco fundraiser! $10 at the door gets you a delicious taco with all the trimmings plus some tasty desserts. If you have not experienced an Indian taco, you are in for a real treat! Made with a fry bread base and stacked with plenty of meat and veggies, it is one of our favorite meals when we visit our friends on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota (vegetarian options will be available). Lakota artist Travis Harden will be joining us with his artwork and his drum, leading us in a few traditional songs. Proceeds from the dinner will benefit the Green Grass Partnership, celebrating 30 years! Please RSVP to [email protected]. VETERANS UPDATE First I want to thank everyone for their generous donations. With them we were able to get all the Vets in the house a phone card. Now we'd like to get them all a gift card to Walmart for Easter. So I will be putting our collection box out for coffee hour; look for it on the same table as the coffee. They are very appreciative of all we do and say thank you often. On another note many of you said to me that you would be willing to donate furniture and housewares to those trying to set up an apartment for the 1st time. We all know how much that takes just to have the basics. I have found a group in Essex that does this very thing. It's called "Simply Sharing". They will pick up donations from you and have a building to store them until they are needed. The e mail address is [email protected]. The phone # is 860388-7390. So give them a call and do some spring cleaning. You'll be helping yourselves and the vets. Thanks again! Carolyn Randall, I love Hugs and Teddy Bears. Growing Through Grief C. S. Lewis said, "Grief is like a long, winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape." The next Growing Through Grief meeting will be on April 24th at 10 a.m. Come share the journey with others on the path. If you have questions about this group, give Cynthia Robbins a call at (860) 608-7996. Memorial Flowers There are 2 dates available for Sunday Memorial Flowers, the 3rd Sunday in January and first Sunday in February. Please call Susan Griggs at 860-434-7660 for more information. Sewing Group Sewing began in January and we have sewing every Monday. Bring your lunch, and enthusiasm, for we will be sewing shorts and dresses for Haiti for a few weeks before we start up other items. Eunice Taylor and I cleaned up and organized all our materials so we now know where stuff is, and what we do not need anymore. We have tons of fabric for little dresses and shorts, so hope we can have a lot for the kids who are going to Haiti to take with them. New folks are welcome. Nat Fogg Tai Chi & Meditation Classes Fridays. Please call Ahlam at (860) 447-9916. Coffee Hour Help The Deacons are hoping to find some new volunteers to host after-worship fellowship hours in the next months and into the summer. It’s easy, it’s a wonderful opportunity to serve, and you can meet new people! Please call Lina Tuck at 860434-3770 if you would like to help. More Church News EASTER MORNING FELLOWSHIP Between the 9:00 & 11:00 services on Easter morning we’ll have a light breakfast/coffee hour in Fellowship Hall. We’re hoping folks who plan to attend the 11:00 service will come early to enjoy the fellowship. And we’re hoping those who worship at the 9:00 service will join us as well. Please note there will not be a coffee hour following the 11:00 service on Easter Sunday. MEMBERSHIP PHOTO DIRECTORY We are updating our membership photo directory this year, and it will not be complete without you! There is no cost to our church. Each participating family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait as well as a new directory and have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits to share with family & friends. We look forward to seeing you! The following dates are available for you to schedule a session. Thursday - Saturday April 16-18, 2015 Thursday - Saturday April 23-25, 2015 Appointments are scheduled between 2:00 -9:00 weekdays, 12:00- 6:00 Saturdays. Make your portraits special, be creative! Include your family pet or bring some memorable items like musical instruments, your favorite hobby, or wear your favorite team’s gear and show your spirit! We ask that you allow one hour for the process, during which time you will check-in, be photographed and select your portraits. We suggest you pick up a price sheet at the church in advance to give you plenty of time to become acquainted with the Lifetouch Pricing Program when you choose to purchase. You can also learn about special savings for military and how you can participate in the Feed the Need Food Drive at the sign-up table. When you sign up online, be sure to include your email address and you will automatically receive a confirmation email with your date and time, plus an email reminder a few days before your session which includes a link to a $10 discount off any photography you purchase! Web Site: (Call or email the office and we can send you this link to paste into your browser.) The site is easy to navigate, but if you find you need help, you can call or email Stephanie Kenny at 860-884-3875 or [email protected]. You can also sign up during coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall; just look for our table! I hope you will join us! More Church News MUSIC AND ARTS BOARD The Music and Arts Board will be sponsoring another Coffeehouse on Sunday, April 26, from 4-6 pm. If you would like to showcase your talents, please contact Chris Solimene ([email protected]). We are also looking for a few volunteers to help with set-up just before the Coffeehouse (call Cheryl Sorensen 860-434-2025). CHOIRS SENIOR CHOIR Thank you to all members of the Senior Choir for some lovely singing during Lent. We look forward to a festive Easter season! Here is the rehearsal and service schedule for April: April 1 - Dress Rehearsal of Stainer's Crucifixion in the Meeting House at 7:30 pm. Please be prepared to rehearse to at least 9:30 pm. April 2 - Warm Up in Sheffield Auditorium at 5:30 pm. Performance of Stainer's Crucifixion in the Meeting House at 6:30 pm April 5 - EASTER DAY: Rehearsal at 8:00 am. Singing at both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services REMINDER: The choir provides food for the betweenservices fellowship hour. April 8 - NO REHEARSAL April 12 - Singing at the 11:00 am service with a rehearsal at 10:15 am April 15 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm April 19 - Singing at the 9:00 am service with a rehearsal at 8:15 am April 22- Rehearsal at 7:30 pm April 26 - Singing at the 11:00 am service with a rehearsal at 10:15 am April 29 - Rehearsal at 7:30 pm Simon Holt (860) 705-3037 ALL-AGE CHOIR The All-Age Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm. All rehearsals will be held in the Sheffield Auditorium. Our rehearsals are one hour long with plenty of room for fellowship. We work mostly with 4-part music in a contemporary style. We encourage and welcome new members to this group. Our choir membership includes young children, teenagers, families and seniors. The ability to read music is always a plus but not a determining factor for eligibility in this group. Please feel free to contact Joel Spineti with questions regarding the All Age Choir. Joel may be reached by phone (860-554-5079) or e mail [email protected]. Church Business News WHEN SENDING A CHECK Please be sure to note on the check where the offering is to be credited (i.e. pledge, food pantry, donation, Habitat, etc.). It is also important to note whether your contribution is for 2014 or 2015, especially vital this time of year. Thank you for your help. WHEN MAKING A GIFT OF STOCK Please notify the Church of your gift, including the designated use, at the time you request your broker to make the transfer. You may also use the Church’s broker, Smith Barney, to make the transfer if you wish. We occasionally receive gifts from a broker without knowing the donor, or whether the gift is intended for a 2014 or 2015 giving, or for another purpose. Specifically and on that subject, we have received the following securities, and do not know the donors: 24 shares of Exxon Mobil received 12/5/14 37 shares Exxon Mobil received 1/20/15 340 shares Pfizer received 1/6/15 2 shares of 3M Company received on 12/23/14. Please feel free to call me or our bookkeeper Julie Scocozza at 434-8686 with this information, or with any other questions or comments. We appreciate your help! Bob McCracken, Treasurer ********************************************************************* Senior Housing Communities from Nathalie Fogg I have recently had some conversations with other church members in Old Lyme about the need for middle income senior housing communities. This came about when I attempted to sell my larger home and found nothing in Old Lyme to accommodate folks who would like to downsize to a much smaller house. I have in mind something like a community of smaller homes for the folks who want to down size, still want a house, but smaller and with services outside such as plowing, yard care, and maintenance to the outside of the home. East Lyme has several tastefully designed communities of cluster housing that offer all those services for a monthly fee. Several members of our church left Old Lyme for one of these communities. I would prefer to stay in Old Lyme, where I have lived for over 40 years. Older couples and singles would benefit from this type of housing in Old Lyme. I wrote to our Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder about my concerns and she passed it on to Jane Cable, from whom I have heard nothing. I would be interested in hearing from others who have similar needs in mind and see if we can get some type of senior, over 55 community started in Old Lyme. If there are enough folks who would like to explore this need, we could have a meeting to discuss this and perhaps see what we can do about it. If you are interested, please call me at 860-434-8572. More Church Business News STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: STEWARDSHIP BOARD EXTENDS CAMPAIGN DEADLINE WHIT HOPE OF MAKING GOAL In recognition of the fact that the 2015 campaign is within $8,000 of the church’s $600,000 goal, the Board of Stewardship is extending its campaign deadline until April 15 to see if we can bring in the additional commitments needed to meet the budget. This is a bare-bones goal, one that does not provide funds for emergency repairs or other unforeseen needs or special opportunities that arise from time to time. The 2015 campaign began with a goal of $625,000 to provide a small cushion to help fund such contingencies. It would be helpful if we could exceed the $600,000 mark to meet some of these as well. None of us wants to see budget cuts in the programs, services, and outreach which make our church so special and life-affirming. If you are among the 390 members and friends who have made commitments to this year’s campaign, we extend our gratitude for your generosity. If you have not yet responded, over three weeks remain to do so. Please return your pledge cards as soon as possible, or phone or email the church office (860-434-8686 or [email protected]). Regardless of what you can give, your commitment will mean a lot. If you have previously sent in a pledge and feel you can stretch to give more, we would very greatly appreciate that as well. With grateful thanks for all you do, Barbara Smith Chair, Board of Stewardship Members of the Board of Stewardship: George Clough, Emily Fisher, Sandy Long, Chuck Lynch, Ken McGrath, Paul Stigliano, Lee Whitaker, Matt Winkler Christian Education News Easter Day Egg Hunt Join us in the side garden for an Easter Egg Hunt between the two Easter services. There will be two areas set up – one for the littlest among us and one for those who prefer a bit more of a challenge! Bring along your basket and we will plan on meeting about 10:15 to begin shortly thereafter. Questions? See, call or email Chris at [email protected]. Calling ALL singers, crooners and aspiring balladeers! Do you have a favorite Broadway, folk or other genre tune you love to sing? Here’s your chance to sing (or play) your heart out! Back by popular demand, FCCOL is hosting our second Coffee House event on April 26 (4-6 pm) and we need YOU! Contact Chris with the song and sheet music you want to perform, and either Joel Spineti or Rachael Junkeit are happy to accompany on the piano. We have room for about 15 acts, so please call or email Chris ASAP, [email protected] or 860-434-8686! CROP WALK 2015, April 3 – Walkers & Pledgers Needed! Walkers, young and old, are gathering at 9:45 am -11:15 am on Good Friday at St. Ann’s Episcopal Parish located at 82 Shore Road for a contemplative walk. CROP Hunger Walks help to support the overall ministry of Church World Service, especially grassroots, hungerfighting development efforts around the world. From seeds and tools, to wells and water systems, CWS helps people work together to identify their own development priorities. It’s something CWS has learned through some 68 years of working in partnership around the world. If you can’t walk, please do consider pledging for the walk and becoming a “Spirit Walker.” Need more details, forms and information? Forms in vestibule and office or see, call or email Chris Solimene [email protected]. Your Used Books NEEDED for Heifer Book Fair The Board of Youth Education invites you to participate in a book sale to support the Heifer Project. Bringing in and selling our gently used books is a great way to raise money for Heifer International, an organization which combats poverty by giving animals to people around the world. These animals help provide families with food, clothes, and extra income. Please bring in your gently used books and leave them on the Sheffield stage. (fiction, nonfiction, inspirational, poetry, biographies, children’s, etc.). On April 19, all are invited to the Book Fair in between worship services! Book prices will be nominal. All left-over books will be donated to the local library or to local literacy programs. Questions? Email Chris at [email protected]. Junior PF Christian Education News HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE! April 3rd Good Friday: Please join us for the annual CROP WALK 9:30 am-11:00 am. Meet at St. Ann's Church. Please remember to ask your family & friends to sponsor your walk with any size donation in your pledge envelope. More envelopes are available if you don't have one yet. Every little and big donation helps so much to support our local soup kitchens & Church World Service. Friends, family, & well behaved dogs on leashes are all welcome. April 4th Saturday: We will gather at 4:30 pm today & join with Carleen and Travis to make some very special preparations for the Easter Sunrise service. Please watch your email for some more specific details. April 5th Easter Sunday: Happy Easter! All who are able, we will meet at Griswold Point for the beautiful Easter Sunrise Service. JPF will be taking special part in this service with our wonderful friend Travis Hardin, from South Dakota. Getting up early is not always easy, but you will be so happy you did for this memorable way to celebrate the miracle of Easter together! We hope to see you there and again a little later for one of the marvelous music-filled Easter Sunday services. April 19th Sunday: Look for more details to come regarding how we'll help, and enjoy the Heifer Book Fair happening this morning! April 25th Saturday: Please join us for our monthly Food Pantry Inventory at the church, 9:30 am-11:00 am. It is a fun and very helpful way for us to assist in this very special ministry of our church. April 26th Sunday: Special Earth Day activities today during Sunday School. Also, we'll have fun helping to serve beverages and desserts at the second church "COFFEE HOUSE" event this afternoon! Watch for more details to come, and be sure to let Minister Chris know if you would like to be on stage as well! You are each a very special part of this group! We hope to see you soon! Blessings, Danny & Deanna (860)707-2597 Senior PF Christian Education News Senior P.F. Trip Deschapelles, Haiti April 10- April 17, 2015 Our next meeting is Friday, April 4th, at 10:00 in the church library. We have 14 travelers now and room for one more male youth traveler. There is still time to sign up! Last year’s trip was so much fun. We filled the week with many meaningful encounters: we offered arts and crafts to over 135 Haitian children; we played a soccer game with the local team; we visited remnants of two sugar cane mills and learned about Haiti’s history of slavery; we passed out pillow case dresses and clothing; we offered English tutoring for teenagers and adults; we walked to the wild & crazy market; we worshiped at the Baptist church in Les Forges, and we sang and danced with the Haitian people. Please come if you are interested in joining us on our next trip, April 10-17 (during the Spring Break). If you have questions or concerns, please talk with Becky Crosby at 860-434-8054. Adult Enrichment Programs April Adult Forums April 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY No Forum April 12, 2015 Report from Tree of Life Trip: "Rejecting Violence and Finding Enclaves of Beauty." April 19, 2015 Speakers from Al-Anon and Ala-Teen April 26, 2015 Speakers from the Haitian Trip May 3, 2015 Russell Learned,Bob McCracken and Mark Waldo will discuss Solar Energy and FCCOL's solar project. BOOK GROUPS Book Study On Marilynne Robinson’s Lila A discussion group for Marilynne Robinson’s latest novel, Lila, is planned to start the week after Easter. The discussion is being led by the Rev. Dr. Scott L. Harris, a retired Lutheran minister. Groups will meet over a three week period with two sessions each week: April 8, 15, and 22 at 10:30 am; and April 9, 16, and 23 at 7:30 pm. The daytime groups will cover the same topics as the nighttime sessions--at least that is the plan. For each group we will meet in the Library. Besides reading Lila, we will be exploring references to the Bible that are made in Robinson’s novel, especially the Old Testament prophet, Ezekiel. If you are interested in participating a copy of the book is available at your local library; or better yet, the book can be purchased. (That way you can mark it up to your heart’s content.) Have both Lila and Bible in hand for each group. Book Study Group on "Where the Heart Is" by Billie Letts Join us on Thursday, May 7th, at 10:30 in the library for a discussion of this wonderful little novel. It was published in 1996, so it’s possible that you might have read it some time ago. But it would be a treat to re-read it. We'll interface the novel with some passages from the New Testament, and explore the ways in which the life of Novalee Nation, the protagonist, brings to life some Biblical truths we all hold dear. Martha Beaudoin and Carleen Gerber will lead the discussion. More Adult Enrichment Programs GROWING THROUGH GRIEF C. S. Lewis said, "Grief is like a long, winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape." The next Growing Through Grief meeting will be on April 24th at 10 a.m. Come share the journey with others on the path. If you have questions about this group, give Cynthia Robbins a call at (860) 608-7996. CARE GIVERS SUPPORT GROUP There are some in our fellowship who shoulder the responsibility of caring for a family member or friend. This can be spiritually and physically very depleting, and sometimes quite lonely. We would like to have a time to get together to offer encouragement and perhaps help one another along this journey of care giving. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 8, at 9:30 am in the Hoag Parlor (Note: Time change). Carleen will be there to convene the meeting, which should be about one hour long. Please call Carleen with any thoughts or questions, 860-434-0058 We have changed the time for this one month to allow people, if they desire, to go directly to the Book Study of Lila, which starts at 10:30 am. WRITING FROM THE SPIRIT The writing group will begin meeting in April on alternate Wednesdays at 3:30 pm (April 1, 15 & 29) in the Hoag Parlor. All writers of prose or poetry are welcome. Bring something of your own to share and/or a poem or short prose piece by an author you admire. An appreciative and supportive group! If you are interested in joining us, please contact Vicky at (860) 526-4426. Alternate Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Hoag Room. Led by Vicky Murphy. POETRY READING The poetry-reading group will begin meeting in April on alternate Wednesdays at 4:30 pm (April 8 & 22) in the Hoag Parlor. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in our readings. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Alan Bradford at (860) 434-0247 or [email protected] or just show up; texts will be provided. Alternate Wednesdays at 4:30 in the Hoag Room. WHO AM I? If you have been thinking about coming to the class to be with others in deepening our spiritual understanding, this is a good time to do so. To sign up, please call Ruth Robins at 860.434.2999 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you. Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 in the Hoag Room. Seeking Employment: American Craftsmen need America’s help. As a furniture maker of 33 years, I am offering my services to fellow church members at 25% off: $65/ hour. My work includes restoration of antiques, work on cherished family pieces, and general furniture repair. As well, my passion is designing and building fine furniture: large and small pieces include dining and side tables, beds, benches, and chairs; religious pieces, pet coffins, etc. Please contact Dick Humphreville at 860-442-5003 or Experienced master carpenter, licensed and insured, looking for work. Call Tom Kratzert at 860-271-9633. Home Designer Design & drawing from concept to construction documents for new homes, additions, and renovations. Servicing home owners, builders, and architects. Other services include drawings to help sell a house, develop & present an idea. Computer aided using DATA CAD 12 - 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional. David S Nelson-Building Design Services 860 434-5526 [email protected]. Handyman Service Light Carpentry, Installation Help, Painting, Seasonal & Holiday Preparation and Light Hauling. I have an enclosed pick-up truck, tools and a shop. If you need something done just give me a call. Dave Nelson 860 434-5526. The "Pet Nanny" Carol Giuliano, an Old Lyme resident, will provide loving care for your pets when you are not there. Over forty years experience with all types of animals. Call (203) 738-9932. Paul Fitzpatrick-Nager Experienced master carpenter. Will design and build comfort zones for your home, indoors and out. Patios, pergolas and more. Call me anytime at 860-304-9916 or 860-4344366. Marcia Dean Experienced Nanny/housekeeper, looking to get back to what I love most, working with children...Excellent references... I live in Chester but would relocate for the right position... good with all ages... infants and multiples are my specialty. I am also a seamstress and love animals. Please call for more information at (860)-912-1037. Caregiver - Companion Long or short term, reasonable rates and references. Call Marion Campo in Old Lyme at 860-389-1872. Weaving Classes Always wanted to learn to weave? Start by weaving a rag rug on Stephanie Morton's ENORMOUS loom in her Old Lyme studio. Call her at 860/434-1188 or 917-3429. Carolyn Randall Need a vacation? Available to stay with your loved one for a long weekend or a week (live in). 25 years nursing experience, 15 homecare. Call Carolyn at 860-598-9278 or 860-343-3573. Wendy Knight – Organizer, writer, researcher, editor, proofreader Happy to work on any project, big or small, update lists, prepare mailings. Also love to sort and organize closets, cabinets, libraries, photos, files and documents. Please contact Wendy Knight anytime at (860) 304 – 6665 or wendyknight@gmail. com. Sue Mandeville Transportation and/or accompaniment to professional or medical appointments, outpatient surgeries and home stay following anesthesia. Airport, train or bus transport. Livery license, insured, references and medical training. Call Sue Mandeville 860-908-2310. Lorelei Mitchell Mediator, Lorelei Mitchell, is available to assist with family dilemmas, landlordtenant disputes or workplace conflict. Mediation is a better alternative to litigation and can often transform relationships, while giving you a say in the outcome. Call Lorelei Mitchell at (860) 536-0260 or email [email protected] toschedule a consultation. Guli Gvelesiani I lived in Old Lyme and have worked for 7 years as a live-in caregiver for a local family. I live in Essex and have worked for 2 years as a live-in caregiver for a local family. I am seeking a new full time, live-in position with a caring family. I do house work, cooking and baking as well as give home care. I can provide references. Please call Guli at 860-3915691. Alterations I'm a professional with over 20 years experience, from shortening jeans to restoring or redesigning a beloved wedding gown. Estimates and references freely given. Please call Hazella Pease at 860-434-5784 for an appointment. T h e F i r s t C o n g re g a t i o n a l C h u rc h o f O l d Ly m e St aff The Rev. Dr. Steven R. Jungkeit, Senior Minister (860-434-8686) The Rev. Carleen R. Gerber, Senior Associate Minister (860-434-0058) Christopher D. Solimene, Associate Minister (860-389-1363) Simon D. Holt, Director of Music (860-705-3037) The Rev. David W. Good, Minister Emeritus The Rev. Rebecca T. Crosby, Minister for Haitian Outreach Erin K. Grayson, Minister of the South Lyme Union Chapel Mary Tomassetti, Church School Coordinator (860-391-5384) Lisa Feltes, Director of Children’s Music (860-691-2226) Joel Spineti, Director of The All Age Choir (860-554-5079) Robert McCracken, Church Administrator Joan Kelley, Church Office Manager Julie Scocozza, Bookkeeper Mark Testori, Sexton Church Office Tel: 860-434-8686 Fax: 860-434-1135 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Sunday Worship - 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. South Lyme Union Chapel Worship - 9:00 a.m. Pastoral Counseling Center Tel: 860-767-0221 Candace E. Wilson-Stanberry, MSN FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF OLD LYME, Member U.C.C. The reproduction of our Meetinghouse on the cover is from a sketch by William Steeves. The First Congregational Church 2 Ferry Road Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371 U.S. Postage Paid Permit #7 Old Saybrook, CT Non-Profit Organization The next FCCOL Newsletter will be in May; the deadline will be Friday, April 17th. If possible, please send articles by e-mail <[email protected]> as a Word document. THE FOOD PANTRY NEEDS HELP FROM ALL OF US Whenever you come to church….worship, church events, meetings, or just to visit…. PLEASE bring some non-perishable food items each time to restock the food pantry. Please let us know if you have some time to volunteer at the food pantry and/or with food drives. THANKS! Please e-mail the church office at <[email protected]> if you want to be removed from the newsletter mailing list and read it on the website. Each household that can read the newsletter on (and print from) the website rather than receive it by mail will save the church $5.17 each and every year. We will ask for your e-mail address so we can alert you when the new issue is available on our web site. Thanks for your help!
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