! TUSCOLA CHRISTIAN Publication of First Christian Church, Tuscola, Illinois ! Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5th Two Worship Services - 9:00 am & 10:30 am ! Join us for our special celebration of Jesus and his resurrection this Sunday, April 5th. Invite your family and friends for our worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 am. Our regular Sunday School classes will not meet that morning. There will be classes for the children through 4th grade at each service. ! We know you will be blessed by celebrating with us on Sunday. V I S I O N Not long ago I had my vision checked. I went to the eye doctor and got a check-up. They had a chart with 6 lines of letters in a row. I felt really good because I could read the third line fairly well. I misunderstood greatly because they asked me to read the fifth line down. I couldn’t even begin to see the tiny letters. ! April 2015, Vol.55 When they gave me corrective lenses it was amazing what all I could see. ! It changed everything. Without proper vision I was not seeing the world as it really was. I could actually read the street signs sooner. I could read the TV guide without having to get up close. I continued on next page… 1 continued from page 1… ! I could read a book without getting a headache due to eyestrain. ! Vision provides some good benefits: • Vision provides clarity • Vision helps with direction • Vision prevents disaster ahead of time ! In the months ahead, our church is going to go on a discovery to determine our vision, purpose and direction as a church. Your church leaders ! have been working on a process that will help us to determine these mission critical factors. Some of the key things we will need to look at first include our place, our people and our passion. ! Our objective is to have three research teams look at these three components. The end goal of this discovery process is to find our ministry sweet spot that will enable and empower FCC to make a Kingdom impact in people’s lives, in our community and around the world. —Bob Wed. April 8 11:30 am !We will be blessed by the music from Tuscola High School for our May meeting on Wednesday, April 8th. Join us at 11:30 am for a potluck luncheon. Bring a dish or two to share and enjoy the fellowship and music from our local students. ! Nursing Home Worship Service Come and worship with the residents of the Tuscola Healthcare Center on Sunday, April 12th. We will meet together in the activity room at 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, contact Dena Meyer or the church office. Life’s Healing Choices will begin on April 12 for 6 weeks at the Sunday school time, 9:15 am. This study will be offered based on the book by John Baker titled “Life’s Healing Choices” which is part of the Celebrate Recovery curriculum. You will learn lots of advice for dealing with life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups, straight from God’s Word :). The class will be led by Mike & Rachel Haste and Ginger Campbell. Swap ’Til You Drop ! Ladies…. It’s Springtime! So clean out your closets - bring your friends trade you stuff! Mark your calendars > Tuesday, April 21st Where everybody leaves happy & nobody spends a dime! More Details to Come! April 2015, Vol.55 2 Guest Author We want to see in this series of articles who the Lord Jesus Christ is and what He came to do, as displayed in the Old Testament. As we begin the series, we will look at the book of Genesis and we will see that the same God who spoke in Genesis, is the same God who wants to speak to us today to dispel darkness, or our lack of understanding. We will see that God wants to use our lives to relive the story of Genesis. God is willing and fully able to create and restore, in reference to our lives even today. ! In Luke 24:27, we read, “Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” The Lord Jesus Christ is able and willing to “explain” to us what the Bible is saying about Him. Luke 24:32 says, “They said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scripture to us?’” Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of the eternal God. ! Genesis 1:2 says, “The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep….” The word “darkness” can mean the absence of light, as is the case in Genesis 1:2. The Hebrew word can also mean “lack of understanding”. Whenever you or I do not have the right understanding, God can command the light to shine. When we do not understand our circumstances or why something took place, we can trust that God can give us light in our darkness. ! When God commanded the light to shine in the first chapter of Genesis, things began to take place in an orderly fashion. The earth began to produce things that God wanted. We can have God’s light to shine in our hearts, and our lives will produce things that God wants. In II Corinthians 4:6, we read these words, “For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” Who Jesus Christ is as seen in the Old Testament ! In Genesis 1:1 we are told that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In Genesis 1:3 we are told that “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’ ; and there was light.” The very first time that we are told that God spoke, we are told that He commanded the light to shine! The Bible talks of the Lord Jesus Christ as the voice of God. That is why we read in John 1:1 that Jesus Christ is the word of God. Ephesians 3:9 tells us that God created all things by Jesus Christ. Thus, we see that God “voiced” existence and restoration for the heavens and the earth, and that voice was April 2015, Vol.55 ! In other words, when God commands the light to shine in our hearts and lives, people can see something about who Jesus Christ is, as reflected in and through our lives. God can cause His people to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.” When the light shines, God can get what He wants. I believe this is true for a person, an assembly of God’s people or a nation. - Cecil Smith 3 ! Down Love Upside You may have discovered that my wife, Amanda, loves to write. She enjoys writing encouragement cards, letters to others, and often writes down the thoughts the Lord gives her as she reads her Bible and moves about the tasks of the day. Following is something she wrote just a couple nights ago. Its theme surfaces the amazing love of Jesus. ! Tonight as I pulled the throw pillows off our bed, I had a thought. My mom’s love language must be pillows because all =ive of the decorative tufts that adorn our bed have been gifts from her. One of the pillows is a small pink heart that says “Mom.” She helped my children pick it out years ago for Mother’s Day. Another is a small oval shaped pillow and two large square pillows, made by one of her co-‐workers. The =inal of the =ive is not fancy. It is now a kind of dirty white color with, inked in pen, the word “Love.” As I placed that last pillow on the =loor I realized that I did so in such a way that the word “Love” was upside down. The phrase “upside down love” =lashed into my brain. “How could that be used in a teachable context,” I wondered. I guess upside down love is love that is turned up on end, unexpected, given when times are chaotic, decisive, out of the ordinary. If one loves “upside down” then he/she is loving without pretense; loving without the expectation of getting something in return for the love given away; loving when life is turned 180 degrees and nothing makes sense. Sounds a bit like Jesus’ love, yes? He loved us before we were knit together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13), has ordained our life before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:16), endured the cross, scorning its shame (Hebrews 12:2) to save us from ourselves (sin). That love is unexpected, decisive, sel=less, out of the ordinary and upside down. ! May we never forget that while we were still sinners and before we were even created, Christ demonstrated great love for us (Romans 5:8) by dying on the cross. His incredible act of obedience to death on the cross has paved the way for all who trust in Him to experience true living now and for eternity. The mighty and lavish love of Christ is truly out of the ordinary. ! April 2015, Vol.55 Blessings, Jason 4 ! ! ! Wednesdays during school year: Gathering of Brothers, a 5th-6th grade boys only after school program, AND God’s Girls, a 5th-6th grade girls only after school program continue to meet (3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.) Church bus will pick up students from East Prairie immediately after school and transport to FCC. ! APRIL Sunday Mornings in March 9:15 a.m. Programming for ages 0 – 6th grade 10:30 a.m. Programming for ages 0 – 4th grade ! What’s Happening in Children’s Church (grades 1-4) on Sunday Mornings: Aside from Easter Sunday, children will continue to visit a very strange town, a place where people live their lives upside down. Now that doesn’t mean they stand on their heads. No, it is the wrong choices they make that we call “upside down.” When we don’t live as God wants, we call that living upside down. During the month of April, children will continue to learn what it looks like to live their lives right side up. ! April 5 - He is Risen! (Luke 23-24) April 12 - the Parable of the Loaned Money (Matthew 25:14-30) April 19 - The Separation of the Sheep & the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) April 26 - FAMILY Sunday ! What’s Happened in the Children’s Ministry lately? The 5th-6th grade students, 33 of them to be exact, traveled to Eastview Christian Church in Bloomington, IL on March 13 to attend the SuperStart conference. The students learned that Grace is an unearned gift that costs the giver, and shows God’s love. There was much singing, learning, playing, and just a little sleeping. :) ! Our elementary children also performed an Easter Show titled “It’s All Because of Jesus” in which they shared the good news about Jesus through song, dance, and drama. What a joy to witness our young people share their talents in such a way that honors Jesus. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 am each Sunday morning ! HERE’S WHAT IS HAPPENING! April 1 - SR HI Dodge Ball, 8:45 pm No Youth Groups April 5 April 12, 19, 26 -Junior High Youth Group 4-5:30 pm; Senior High Youth at 6-8:00 pm April 10,11- Vine Conference at LCU for Senior High April 26 - Student Ministry Family Lunch, 12 noon April 26 - Camp Sunday! ! ! SAVE THE DATE…… ! May 17th: Graduate Recognition during the worship service ! May 21st: Baccalaureate Service at TCHS at 7:00 pm. Open to all! ! If you have questions, contact Lori Reed, 259-2433. On the Horizon….. *Keep your eyes open as summer plans are being finalized! *Don’t forget to sign up for Summer Camp at Little Galilee Christian Camp. Brochures are at the Resource Center (near the kids check-in area). you can also view the schedule and register online at www.littlegalilee.com. April 2015, Vol.55 5 Work Day at Little Galilee May 9th !Come and help our church camp at Little Galilee get ready for the summer camping season. We will be going on Saturday morning, May 9th. Little Galilee is just south of Clinton IL off Route 51. There are a variety of jobs available to do. This is a great project for a family, youth group, small group or Sunday school class. ! We will leave at 7:45 am from the church. Contact Craig & Beth Romine or the church office if you are going so we can plan transportation. This is also an opportunity for your kids to get to know the camp! ! ! Get Out Your Sewing Machine! Remember all the lovely dresses that were sewn for Haiti and Thailand? Plans and instructions are coming for boys’ shorts that will go to Haiti. We are still going to sew more dresses next winter, too! Watch the bulletin for more information! The picture below was taken when Bob was in Haiti in February. These dresses were made by our sewing people! Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. ! - Ephesians 3:20 April 2015, Vol.55 6 Remember in Prayer… SERVING FOR APRIL FIT Team 5 Jack & Phylliss Ehrsam; Team 2 12 Carson Alexander/Emily Groves; Team 3 19 Robbie & Sandy Robinson; Team 4 26 Joyce Allison/Myron Gingerich; Team 1 Daniel Cisney Ruth Burris Phyllis Moore Danny Ragle Tom Warner, friend of Ragle’s Virginia Ward, sister of Linda Schultz Dora Norfleet Heather Poole Emily Tillis Gary McPheron, friend of Pickett’s Mike Valerio, son-in-law of Richard & Dianne Eiche Laura Rawski, friend of Chris & Cheryl Harris Shirley Quinn Ashley Manzella Sonya Maurer Jim Clarkson Jason Galvin, friend of the Carners Michelle Hengel, friend of Carners Kelly Burns, granddaughter of Dale & Martha Burns ! Communion Meditation 5 1st- C. Harriss 2nd- C. Harriss 12 1st- J. Fortney 2nd- D. Foltz 19 1st- L. Reed 2nd- D. Meyer 26 1st- C. Romine 2nd- G. Foltz ! Serving Out 5 H. Bossle 12 M. Otto 19 A. Reeder 26 D. Dundas Serving Leader- April 1st: J. Martin 2nd: D. Meyer ! ! Communion Prep April 5 & 12 Mary Knight April 19 & 26 Jim & Diane Bierman Our Sympathy goes out to John & Stephanie Hudson & family in the loss of his Kye Hudson; to Janet Butler & family in the loss of her mother Joan Spence; to the family of Jean Bender; Julia Anderson & family in the passing of her mother, Marjorie Blakeney ! Communion Clean-Up April 5 & 12 Kelly Whittington April 19 & 26 Kerry & Linda Kincaid ! ! Missions We Support…Abel Sairattanyu family (Thailand), Jack Swanson family (Chile), Les & Sarah Evans (Japan), Little Galilee Christian Camp, Christian Campus House EIU, Illini Christian Ministries, Stadia Church Planting, Roseland Good News Daycare (Ms. Pearl), Operation Christmas Child ! Please call or email the church office to have someone added to the prayer list. Thank you for your support and encouragement for those in need of prayer. Attendance March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Worship 169 281 279 292 306 Sun Sch 42 65 62 60 69 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 General Fund $4377.68 $12,040.25 $5740.48 $6971.00 $13,882.47 Benevolence 125.00 430.00 110.00 178.00 635.00 Debt Reduction —— 2120.00 220.00 20.00 —- Other funds & Reimbursements 1062.86 352.35 576.00 128.63 583.59 $5,565.54 $14,942.60 $6,646.48 $7,297.63 $15,101.06 March (Missions is 10%) TOTAL April 2015, Vol.55 7 100 E Church Street Tuscola IL 69153 ! Phone: 217-253-2394 Fax: 217-253-3869 Sunday Worship Services 8:00 & 10:30 am Sunday School Classes 9:15 am for all ages ! ! ! Office Hours: 8 am - 4 pm Mon-Fri Ministers: Bob Williams, Jason Rennert, Lori Reed April 2015 ! ! April Calendar 1 - Quilting Group, 9:00 am 1 - God’s Girls & Gathering of Brothers, 3:30 each Wednesday after school 1 - Jump 3:16, 6:00 pm (end of year party) 1- Dodge ball, 8:45 pm (Senior High) 3 - Office closed for Good Friday 5 - EASTER SUNDAY, 9:00 & 10:30 am services 8 - Prime Timers, 11:30 am 10,11- Vine Conference at LCU (Senior High) 12 - Nursing Home Worship Service 15 - Quilting Group, 9:00 am 15 - Building use for the evening 19 - Coffee with Bob, 9:30-10:00 am 21 - Swap ’Til You Drop, 6:30 pm 25 - Ladies Conference in Terre Haute 26 - Family Sunday 26 - Camp Sunday! 26 - Student Ministry Family Lunch 27 - Elders, Trustees, Staff meeting, 6:00 pm 29 - Ladies Day at Lincoln Christian University - see info on the bulletin board April 2015, Vol.55 Elders: Gary Foltz, Clayton Harriss, Mike Otto, Don Rudder, Bruce Thompson Trustees: Jeff Martin, Dan Meyer, Joe Stanfield Ministry Deacons: Benevolence- Chris Brown Caring- Clayton Harriss Children’s Ministry Pre-School- Leslie Smith Missions Ministry- Craig Romine Stewardship- Dan Wakefield Treasurer- Alison Gilles Asst. Treasurer- Kent McGillen 8
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