PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATURAL RESOURCE ENDOWMENT FUND BY THE GHANA FORESTRY COMMISSION. BY DR KWAKYE AMEYAW OPERATIONS MANAGER FSD OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ONENDOWMENT FUND. 1.1 TYPES OF ENDOWMENT FUND. 2.0 FUNDS OF THE FORESTRY COMMISSION. 3.0 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND FOR FORESTRY COMMISSION. 4.0 POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND. 5.0 DRAFTING OF AN ENDOWMENT AGREEMENT 6.0 FORMATION OF A PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR ORGANISING THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION CONTN’D 7.0 SUGGESTED POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND. 8.0 FORMATION OF AN ENDOWMENT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 9.0 CONCLUSION. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ENDOWMENT FUND • An endowment fund is an investment fund set up by an institution in which regular withdrawals from the invested capital are used for ongoing operations or other specified purposes. They are funded by donations, which are tax deductible for donors. • An endowment fund is created when a donor or the Board of Trustees specify that a gift is to be invested and only the income earned on that gift may be spent for a specific purpose. • The gift amount is referred to as the principal or corpus and is held in a fund that is managed by the Finance Department. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ENDOWMENT FUND CONTN’D • An endowment fund can also be defined as a fund from which the income is used currently and the principal continues to be invested. • As the fund grows, the income the fund generated will also increase. Each year, the concerned organization will benefit from a purchase or other expenditure that is not funded by the annual budget. For example, one Department, division or unit may use funds from an endowment fund to purchase the entity’s sets of furniture repaired and polished. Another may purchase a much-needed colour printer for the department’s office using income from its endowment fund. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ENDOWMENT FUND CONTN’D • A gift to an endowment fund is a gift that extends into the future, because the principal remains intact to produce income for years to come. • Giving to an endowment fund is appealing to prospective donors because their gift will continue benefiting the organization long after they are gone. TYPES OF ENDOWMENT FUND. There are two basic types of endowment funds namely; A. True Endowment. B. Quasi Endowment. TYPES OF ENDOWMENT FUND. True Endowment • A true endowment is defined as an endowment in which the donor stipulates that the amount donated (corpus) must be held inviolate and in perpetuity and invested to generate income to be spent for a specific purpose. TYPES OF ENDOWMENT FUND. Quasi Endowment • Funds that are designated as endowment by the governing board of an institution are called quasi endowment. These funds are also invested for the purpose of generating expendable income for a given purpose, but, as the funds are internally designated as endowment, the governing board can decide to spend the funds at any time.(E.g. the Forestry Commission Board). • In some cases, donors will allow for the corpus of their endowment to be spent. This is categorized as a quasi endowment. FUNDS OF THE FORESTRY COMMISSION According to Section 19 (1) (a-d) (2)(a-c) (3) (a-d) and (4) of the Forestry Commission Act 571 of 1999. The funds of the Commission shall be: 1. Such monies as Parliament may provide to the Commission for the performance of its function. 2. Monies due to the Commission under this Act and any other enactment. 3. Loans granted to the Commission and grants. FUNDS OF THE FORESTRY COMMISSION CONTN’D 4. For the purposes of increasing its funds, the Commission may determine the fees to be charged: • For provision of advice and technical services. • In respect of the development of plantation and game ranches and • For provision of technical and advisory services and market intelligence to operators in the time industry. FUNDS OF THE FORESTRY COMMISSION CONTN’D 5. The Commission may in respect of: • Its functions conduct pre-shipment inspection and examination of timber and forest products. • Its function to vet contracts for the exportation of timber, wood and wildlife products. • Entrance by any person to a protected area charge such levy or fee as the Minister may on the recommendation of the Commission by Legislative Instrument prescribe. 6. The funds of the Commission shall not include the export levy payable to the Commission under the Trees and Timber Decree 1974 (N.R.C.D.273) as amended. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND FOR FORESTRY COMMISSION. The reason that mainly accounts for the performance gaps in the Forestry Commission’s work plans are inadequacy and erratic flow of funds. It implies that, so long as this situation persists, the Forestry Commission shall always remain incapable of executing its legal mandate for protecting, developing and sustainably managing the forest and wildlife resources of the country. In my opinion, the funds that are likely to be generated through the establishment of the endowment fund shall constitute a reliable source of funding which, when prudently managed, can be used to augment the shortfalls in the financial inflows. POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND 1. Natural Resources Endowment Fund (NREF) programs will foster community reliance and capability in managing natural resources to provide important socio-economic and environmental benefits today and for future generations.(Defunct community structures can be revived when money is available to provide the much needed incentives in that regard.) 2. Direct funding for the conservation and management of important forest sites will lead to greater protection and generate significant environmental services (e.g. water, carbon sequestration, biodiversity) that will benefit society at a local, regional, and global level. 3. Selling these services globally could generate significant long-term revenue flows that support the NREF’s mission. DRAFTING OF AN ENDOWMENT AGREEMENT The underlisted are suggested practical steps to be taken in setting up the proposed endowment fund: 1. Form an Ad Hoc Committee to draft the endowment agreement. It should be composed of at least one person with an experience in Endowment Fund administration, hopefully an attorney, an accountant, and some people with business acumen. 2. Sign Agreement. The agreement is suppose to be signed into effect by the appropriate authorities. Eg, Hon Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Chief Executive of the Forestry Commission and Chairman of the Forestry Commission Board. FORMATION OF A PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR ORGANISING THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND Once the endowment fund agreement has been singed to bring it into effect formally, it paves the way for the CEO of the Forestry Commission to set up a six-member planning committee to organize the launching at an appropriate venue which is most likely to attract higher public patronage eg. The Accra International Conference Centre. SUGGESTED POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND The under listed potential donors are to be invited: • All Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies(MMDAs) • All Timber Companies • All Mining Companies • Road Construction Firms • All Paramountcies • All past chief farmers • Cocoboard • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) • Lands Commission • Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (MLNR) SUGGESTED POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PROPOSED ENDOWMENT FUND CONTN’D • Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation . (MESTI) • Office of The Administrator of Stool and Lands (OASL) • Minerals commission • Chamber of mines • Survey Department • Geological Survey Department • Universities/Academia • Building /Road Contractors FORMATION OF AN ENDOWMENT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. • It is proposed that, after raising the funds successfully, the Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission forms a Board of Trustees to administer the fund. • The Committee will invest the initial funds, monitor the funds, and decide on how the income will be used each year. • The suggested membership should consist of representatives from the following; Departments/Units/Divisions. i. Finance and Administration-Chair ii. Legal Department iii. Corporate Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (CPME) iv. Wildlife Division (WD) v. Timber Industry Development Division (TIDD) vi. Forest Services Divisions (FSD) vii. Forestry Commission Training Centre (FCTC) viii. Resource Management Support Centre (RMSC) FORMATION OF AN ENDOWMENT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONT’D The Board of Trustees may have to set up the mechanics. Select a broker or foundation to hold and invest the funds. Set up bank accounts to receive donated funds and fund distributions. CONCLUSION It would be appreciated, if the proposal would be endorsed by the Chief Executive for approval by the Board of Commissioners of the Forestry Commission in order to create an alternative source of funding for various forestry and wildlife operations across the country.
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