Minutes from Last Year - Fellowship of Christian Motorcyclists

Held at Andover United Reformed Church, East Street, SP10 1ES
On 22nd March 2014
Meeting started at 11.08
Opening Prayer:
Present; Brian Partridge, Nicky Partridge, Phil Partridge, Robert Morris, Shelagh Henderson (left during
lunch break), Tim Rice, Stewart Rice, Ann Egan, Jane Pirson, Perce Pirson, Patrick Laycock, Janice
Thomson, Stephen Thomson, Yvonne Partridge, John Rees, Tony Woodford, Derrick Hamling, Gordon
Rhodes, Glyn Edwards, Margaret Edwards, David Fawcett (11.37) Andrew Harcourt and Mike Wilman
arrived after lunch.
Apologies for absence: Jo & Jenni Anthony, Jon Field, Stanley Carter, Carol Rice, Sally Rice, Andrew
Henderson, Stuart Gunn.
Minutes from last AGM meeting: Robert Morris proposed them as an accurate recording of the meeting,
Derrick Hamling seconded.
Matters arising: none
Correspondence: RM had a letter from Northampton Street Pastors thanking us for the donation. TR has
had various correspondence from areas where we do not have a region, otherwise will forward them.
Chairman’s remarks (Brian Partridge): an honour to serve fellowship over last 12 months, and a
challenge. It makes the organization a lot more personal to you when having taken on responsibility like
Treasurer’s Report (Budget for coming year) / subscriptions (Robert Morris):
We reduced our surplus by £322 over the year. Charity giving consisted of £10 from the national camp and
£15 from W-WM region. There is still a healthy surplus that could allow for a reduction in subscriptions.
The proposed budget could effect a reduction of about £400 in the surplus.
Patrick Laycock proposes we accept the proposed budget, Stephen Thomson seconding, all in favour.
Tim Rice propose we allow committee to change subs. JR comments that disadvantage of reducing subs is
that at some point it will have to increase again. TR comments main reason for reducing subs was to
redress the balance between electronic and paper memberships. Pirce Pirson seconded. Committee voted in
Thanks to Gordon for doing the auditing.
Membership Secretary’s Report / Regional Development (Gordon Rhodes):
Membership has continued to decline despite five new members during the year. We started with 77
members, were joined by 5 new ones, but, for a variety of reasons, had 15 resignations. It might be useful
to summarise the membership losses. Of five losses, two had not been comfortable with the introduction of
FCM on You Tube, one had moved to the Republic of Ireland, one had health reasons and one gave no
reason. Five had various domestic issues that discouraged renewal, but indicated that they would like to
return if and when circumstances changed. Four members failed to respond to any of the three
communications. Finally, we had the sad demise of Peter Vickers. Also, I know Colin Bricher made a
contribution to Trans-Mission on the subject, but I would like to record our thanks for his membership and
support for the Chiltern Region over some 22 years, and that he may enjoy better health in the years ahead,
our membership now stands at about sixty seven members. Of this membership some six or seven could be
described as non active riders. The other point of note is that we have lost many of our members who live
in regions where there is not an active riding group.
This reduction follows a pattern of decline over four years now. With a membership of 67 it raises the
question as to whether we can truly describe ourselves as a national organisation. Furthermore, our
membership is almost entirely south of the Midlands, something that has become more obvious since the
loss of the North West as an active group. It raises the question of what we intend to do about what appears
to be a real trend of decline, and whether our organisational structure is still appropriate. For example,
should we devolve more autonomy to the regions and minimise National control and constitutional
influence? It also raises the difficult problem of how to start regional groups where there is no or little
active membership. If we fail to address these issues, continued decline seems likely, even if at a slower
rate. Perhaps these are matters that should be a priority for our national committee in the year ahead, along
with some debate etc. in Trans:Mission.
On a more cheerful note I would like to welcome our most recent new member, from Guildford, Stuart
Gunn, who has joined only in the last week or so.
PP commented that this is a similar issue for other organisations – including the BMW club. JT and SH
agreed it is a trend in many other organisations, so we shouldn’t beat ourselves up about it.
You tube clip situation was discussed.
TG asked how CMA is faring. BP spoke to that organisation in the summer and they had the same
Trans:Mission Editor’s Report (Tim Rice):
Thanks to all the regular contributors to Trans:Mission – please keep them coming or we won’t have a
magazine! Our esteemed Chairman has agreed to “manage” the invitations to contribute to Vicker’s Notes.
If you receive an invitation, and then find you are unable to contribute, please let me know so I can look out
some alternative material. Otherwise I’m left guessing if something will be sent.
Website update:
We are still struggling with making password access to all members – the one way we can do this is
somewhat confusing and I dread the succession of pleas for help if we try to implement it!. This restricts
access to Trans:Mission and the Archive, and the on-line copy of the Members Directory. If you would
like access to the Trans:Mission archive, please contact me and I will give you direct access to it – Stanley
has done so and enjoyed the stroll down memory lane it gave him.
I do still need updates from National Committee members / Regional Secretaries for their pages to add to
the site (and obviously from any New Committee Members after the AGM!!)
At present, the Diary on the site is a pdf version of the Events Diary, rather than an actual calendar – again
done for simplicity and speed in getting a working site running again. It will appear by next weekend.
A brief discussion regarding the usability of facebook arose.
Broke for lunch 12.31 and restarted at 13.20
Publicity Officer’s Report (Andrew Harcourt):
Unfortunately due to family commitments on top of work I haven’t managed to do a great deal other than
the basic duty of proof reading the monthly Trans:Mission. I get the first draft by email from Tim Rice,
read carefully through it and make any necessary corrections. I then return it to Tim and he produces the
final version, prints the magazines and posts them out.
I would like to comment that Tim must put in many hours of work to produce the monthly magazine, and
he deserves the thanks and gratitude of all in the membership.
I have started, belatedly I have to admit, to distribute Show copies of Trans:Mission together with publicity
material and membership application forms for the Fellowship. I gave out five sets to motorcycling
members of my church last Sunday, and it is my intention to send out information packs to churches,
starting in my area and working outwards. I need to have time to search for church contacts on the internet.
Could I make a plea, and probably will in Trans:Mission for members, and in particular those in churches
where they know there are other motorcyclists, to send me a name and address for someone in their church
that I can send publicity pack to? That might be another motorcyclist, or to the pastor / vicar / priest or
whoever is in charge or a secretary. Even last Sunday I discovered that someone in my church was a
motorcyclist, and I didn’t even know it. So there are probably lots of people out there who would join if
only they knew we exist.
Also I have read several times in Real Classic bike magazine that the editor wants club secretaries to send
them information on events that their club is running, so I think I ought to put something together to send to
that magazine, and others. Can I put in a request here, for any members with a bike that might be called a
‘classic’ to get in touch with me on 07913 484109 or by email to [email protected] and let me know what
they have got. If we could cobble together a photo of us with classic bikes, they would probably print it.
Anyone good at PhotoShop? By the way, anything up to the late 1970’s is regarded as a classic, and it
certainly doesn’t have to be British. They are quite keen on early Japanese and Italian machines. I have a
little experience of journalism and magazine articles, and I have found that their most difficult job is to find
stuff to print. They are so desperate for articles that I have on several occasions been surprised to find
letters and comments that I have sent in is printed. I also intend to send information to Church magazines
and hope they will give us some free publicity.
BMF Representative’s Report (Janice Thomson standing in for a vacant post):
I have continued to cover this post for the last year writing regular columns for Trans:Mission to keep you
all up to date with the political manoeuvring both here and in Europe.
Stephen and I attend the BMF AGM in October which was a more positive experience than has often been
in the past and it was a valuable exercise in networking and raising awareness of the FCM. We both took
the opportunity to stand and speak in reponse to some of the issues raised, in order to ensure that they name
of the fellowship remains known, and awareness is raised.
Our attendance at the BMF show was well supported by the membership although more came to help on
the Saturday than the Sunday, however, we are always pleased to see anyone who can spare the time to
man (or woman) the stand over the weekend.
Regional Secretaries’ Reports:
Chiltern (Jon Field not present and no report sent)
Essex (Derrick Hamling): Fairly good year for turn out on runs. Several of the runs were attended by
members from other regions. The BMW show at Framlingham and the BMF rallies were national events
that were part of the Essex program. These were also well attended. Kent hosted a joint New Year run with
Essex and many folk from both regions attended. Several of our runs were joint with our neighbours in
Kent. Essex will continue to join in with other regions runs in 2014 to seek joint fellowship, as with our
membership decreasing over the past couple of years we have found more difficult to have a run in Essex
every month. December 2013 saw the passing on to Glory of our brother and founder Peter Vickers. It was
our honour to provide as a fellowship, a motorcycle escort for the funeral cortege to the crematorium. Essex
region are planning a memorial run for Peter to scatter his ashes later on in the year.
Kent (David Fawcett): This has been quite a good year for runs due to reasonably good weather and only
one cancellation because of members unable to attend.Attendance for runs has varied from two to seven
with visitors including two potential future members (Colin & Andrea Fowle rejoining, Geoff Hillier also
in contact but not rejoined, also a friend of Tims), I say in hope!! Overall membership on paper is fairly
good but we only manage an average of three per run. It seems difficult to recruit due to people not being
free at weekends, family commitments, or bikes not being ready.The most notable outings were the run to
and stay at the BMF show. The annual Sept. visit to the Hardstaffs in France with Super Ted and Jan from
Essex was special. Tim and Carol, Pierce and I then continued on a tour of N. France, Luxemburg,
Germany and Holland with dry weather all week! A late run to a village pub in the Medway valley in Nov.
was our best attended apart from the joint runs with, as Jo puts it, ‘those on the dark side’ meaning Essex!!
We really do enjoy their fellowship.I thank our Lord Jesus and his angels for safe journeys and no
breakdowns and all the blessings we experienced in 2013.Overall we are a happy group with a nucleus of
committed members looking forward to great runs and fellowship in 2014.
Wales-West Mercia (Robert Morris)Our experimental 2013 ‘dual event’ programme (i.e. one event per
month in the east and west of the region on different dates) has been partially successful in that there has
been something accessible for all members without having to travel long distances to a starting point. Some
members haven’t been on any of our runs whereas others managed some or most of them. We’ve had to
cancel or alter some of our scheduled events but those that have taken place have been generally enjoyed.
Our season ended with a couple of runs in October, followed by our annual review and planning meeting in
November. We held our formal AGM in February. Two members haven’t renewed their subscriptions for
Wessex (Nicky Partridge): good collection of runs with variable attendance. Smaller turn out for AGM this
year with the split of Westcountry, so more runs being organized joint with neighboring regions where
possible this year.
Westcountry (Brian Partridge): 2013 has been very encouraging; we have had new members and more
support on runs. April started wet with an abandoned joint meet at Thruxton, but a time of fellowship was
enjoyed in the warmth and dry with much food consumed. May saw our representation on the church stand
at the Devon County Show with a lot of interest and was very much appreciated by the organizers. June we
had our first proper run out, again a joint meet and we headed off to Charmouth and on to West bay to meet
up with Wessex member, and were joined by a new member from Cornwall for this run. July was our
biggest turn out with three members on there first run (a total of 8) for a very hot run over Exmoor. (A
sheltered run up the exe valley under trees was appreciated). August was another great day with much sun
at the Sid mouth folk festival and again we wee joined by another new member (Anne) from Bath.
September was not so well supported with people unable to come, but we had another great run on the
south coast (with a lot more sun) and we were joined by a friend making three bikes in total. We enjoyed
another joint meet at Dorchester for our pre Christmas meal in November with a good number again.
Overall it has been our best summer with more sunshine than we have seen for many a year. We had our
fist westcountry AGM in February 2014 which was also well supported.
Election of officers:
Secretary: Perce Pirson, proposed by Stephen Thomson, seconded by David Fawcett, all in favour.
Membership secretary; Sally Rice, proposed by Tim Rice, seconded by Patrick Laycock, all in favour.
BMF Rep: BP to ring Jo Anthony to ask if he would be willing to read and précis BMF Rider magazine
instead of Janice Thomson.
Publicity Officer; Patrick nominated Andrew Harcourt to continue and Robert Morris seconded. All in
Graham Salt trophy; the first National Secretary for FCM and founder member – he was killed in a
motorcycle accident and his mother paid for the award in Graham’s memory. BP would like to present this
to Stewart Rice as thanks for all his work on the website before and after he became a member.
Witness trophy was renamed the Clive Banks Witness Trophy funded by Clive’s wife Glenda. BP would
like to present this to Patrick Laycock for his witness in this difficult year.
Future Events 2014 / 2015:
BMF Show: many thanks to Glyn Edwards for the work he has done over the last years for the publicity
work he has done for the FCM stand at the BMF show. Let ST know who would like passes, and who is
willing to help create a display publicizing the fellowship.
National Camping weekend: has already been in Trans:Mission. 15-17 August 2014, Applewood Caravan
and Camping site in Banham, Essex. Suggestion is that we do have a service on site this year. Tim is
willing to bring party tent.
FCM 40th anniversary – suggestions on how we celebrate required and between Bath and Rugby if a house
party venue.
Motions of which prior notice has been given:
Allocation of donations made by region (Robert Morris)
PP suggests that we give away some of our surplus, Glyn seconded. Resulted in some discussion but agreed
good biblical precedent and publicity. Principle was that a member of the fellowship was actively involved.
All agreed that 10% of surplus will be allocated to the charity specifics to be agreed by the national
committee this year, and next year a number to be agreed by the AGM, all agreed.
Allocation of interest/tithe: ST suggests Gideon’s, AH/PL seconded – all in favour
Any other Business: GR thanks for NP and helpers for organizing AGM.
TR has suggested that chairman ring new members to thank them for joining and to send them a sticker
from surplus stock.
Date, time and place of next AGM: 21st March 2015 Andover United Reformed Church pending
Closing Prayer: Brian Partridge
Nicky Partridge
National secretary