filrl{alfiq* OTHER RUANA KNIFE INFORMATION Email List If you'd like to be notified about new knVes or special offers from Ruana Knife Wodcs, Inc. send an email to [email protected] witt'Special NoUfrcation" in the subject line. Well keep you posted about anyhing new with a newsletbr and will not share your email address or sell it to anyone. Be surc to set your email settings to always allow messages frcm our addrcss. Find us on Facebook Formorc Photos and in depth information about our kniltes, shop, knife making and business become a fan ofthe Ruana KnifeWorks, Inc. Facebook page. Custom Orders: Ifyou are intercsted in having a custom knife made to your specs, send a detailed diagram and description and well quote you a price, Custom orders generally cost more and take longerto make than catalog knives. Please note at certain times we may not acept new custom odeF. Old Ruana Knives: Ifyouare intercsted in selling your old Ruana knife or trading it for a new knife wel consider old Ruana knives of any age shape or condition, Send a photo with your mking price. If we're intercsted' you can rest mured that you'rc selling to a reliable buyer and won't have to worry about getting paid. Customer Comments: We let our knives speak for themselves with a money back guarantee, Some cu$mers haw dtosen to speak about Ruana Knives with heir commenb shown bebw. "I am a US Marine fficer currcntlY on my fifth tour in Inq. I am the prcud owner of thrce of your grcat knives. My Jr' Bowie has seen ombat in Somalia, the Balkans, Afghanisbn and lraq. It is still going strcng with me now... I think you make tlre best in the business. SemPer Fidelis." G. 8., Camp Falluiah,IRAQ "I picked up the knife at the post office bday, and you guys halre outdorc yourceN€s' It is a beautiful piece of wot1< and I am utremely proud to own it." P. K., State College, PA "lust wanted you to knorrr that the knife is specbcular m alwqs. It really tumed out betber than I expeded. ThanK agEin and continue to makeawesomeknilres." S. M., Azusa, CA .M:=' hlq.*all b let you know hotrv plemed I am with the two 5 ADs that I rccently receired from you. The design, cnflsmanship, and finishing of these knives and heir sheaths is truly oubtanding. Ruana hunUng knives have become a family tradition and are prized "I just wanted possessiors. Thank you all very mrch for continuing to provide top quality Ruana knives." R, 1., Billingq MT \ iYs a wod< of Ruana knives and rcally got tfre Bowie today and art. I'm proud to own apprcciate tlre skill and crafumanship that go intothem." D. S., Denver, NC "I recently purchased one of your 12A knives and I am still marueling at iE quality and craflsmanship. A satisfied cu$omer." B. B., Wichita, l(S "l reeilred my 20-B ye$erday and feel compelled to write you. S[rnning Quality!!! To own sornething so beautiful and so functional is nre, This knife is worth every penny I paid... period!" F. F., Lewiston' ID got the 26CD and the book in the mail last week. I am \ERY \ERY pleased with the quality and workmanship in the knife' I am particularly impressed with the'Yeel" of the knife ... the grip and the balance are superb. I'm pleased with the quality of the sheath too." R. D., Athens, TN \ "How can a piece of hand foqed steel, cast aluminum and elk antler feel so good? The heft, balance and feel is for someone with talent to describe. Thank you to you, your sons and to arryore else "behind the scene" who pull this cnfumanship togeffer. I apprcciate your business, seryice and dm." D. O., Snohomish, WA "I just wanted to let you knon' I used my Ruana knife to field dress 3 antelope bucks and cape 2 of them without e\€n $apening it once. I have never owned such a great knife and hope to use it the rest of my life." P, H. Yucaipa' CA "I am cunently a Seryeant in the Marine I own several Ruana knives and have canied them with me on all my mmbat dedoymenb to Iraq and Afghani*an' They arc grcat knives and have never let me down. They arc a family tradiUon starting with my grandfather getting his fiom his father. ThanK again for the 6m greatknives."C. B., Great Falls, MT 2106.2s8.5368 EMAIL: [email protected] I FAX: 406.258.2895 | PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 520, BONNER, MT 59823 ORDERING INFORMATION PLEASE READ BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER. Avaihbility & Delivery Time of Orders: We try to keep all accessory items and a few knives on hand for walk in sales or phone orderc, but availability literally changes by the minute. In general, the cast handle modelswill get to you fastest with Custom Orders (if we're accepting them) and Bowies taking longer to receive. We have limited production and will not make promises regarding shipping dates or sacrifice quality to rush an order' Any estimated time frame to complete your order is an approximation at best, and we will not be held responsible for any guaranteed completion date. In other wordt well finish your order when we can. Your business, paUence and understanding are appreciated and we will do everyhing within our power to make any wait you have wofiftwhile' Catalog Numbers: Catalog numbers are shown throughout the catalog and referenced on the price list. Photos & Dimensions: Due to the nature of the raw materials used and our handmade processes, Ruana Knives you receive may not look exacty like the models pictured in the brochure and the dimensions may vary slightly from those listed (note that stock gze is the beginning thickness of the blade before any grinding takes place). When observed dosely, no two knives are exacty alike, with each one being its own unique piece of work, which is one of the great characteristics of handmade knives. Prices: All prices are subject to change without notice. There are no quantity discounts unless noted, Knife orders can be placed with no down payment required' Making a down payment or paying in full will not speed up your order. Items are sold at the price when your order is placed (not a higher price, if there has been a price change by the time the order is completed). If you proMde credit card information we will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. How to Order and Contact Us; Send hf ennil (as an atbdnent) or regular You are also welcome to call in orders' If you qet our answering machine while calling in an. order, leave a phone number you can be reacneo ASAP. Do not send at anil we'll get back to you 'unless you are advised credit card #ts via email to clo so. Payment Methods: Wewill accePt U. S. dollars in the form of a money order (our prefened method), checK VISA or Maste(ard' All NSF returned checks will be subject to a $30.00 fee. Credit cards will not be charged more than one business day ahead of the shipping date. If you want to be notified when your is finished and send payment when it is done, you can do that. There is no obligation on your end to buy the knife once you have been notified, but if full payment isn't received within one week after you are notified, we reserve the right to sell your ordered items to other customers. Ifthat happeng you are welcome to reorder but cunent prices will apply order (not the price when the items were originally ordered). Shipping and Insurance: We ship through the U. S. Posbl Serviae or UPS and eadl package is insured for the full value of its contents. No C. O. D.3 or shipments through other carriers are nrade. Return Policy: If upon receiving your order you are dissausfed with it, return it within 10 dala for a full refund or exchange. Returned knives that have been used are subject to a refinishing fee and may not receive a full refund. Hats and tee shirts must be rehrrned before being worn to receive a full refund. Shipments made to you as part of an exchange will be assessed shipPing charges. Use and Abuse of Knives: Please note that Ruana Knives are made for use as a cutting tool. We will not honor returned knives that have obMously been abused. Abuse includes chopping or prying on any material including bone (those jobs are for saws and hatchets), beating on the back of the knife with a rock or hammer, or any other misfeatrnent of your knife. orders W nnil. EMArL: [email protected] I FAX: 406.258.2895 | PHONE: 406'2s8'5368 MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 520, BONNER, MT 59823 RUANA KNIFE WORKT INC. RUANA KNIFE WORKS, INC. - ORDER FORM Email: [email protected] Fax: (406) 258-5368 P O Box 520 Price List Effective Catalos 5AD 5BD 108 LzA L4B z0B ulA tzH 1-ll5lt. -All Number 25 AC 26 CD $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AC 28 CD 9s AD 95 MP $ $ $ $ S/H $ 27 prices are subject to change without notice. cahlog Price 320 320 285 360 360 390 390 Number Prace qM SMOKE qM $ )BS $ FISH lssx $ )DSX2 $ $ )MA ;TEEL x 380 FPC 380 MPB 380 BOOK 335 335 294 $ 30A 920 31 B 1.160 1,680 rB 11 +3 FOB (RKW) FOB (RKW) Shipping Address: (Must have if different than Billing Address) Circle One: Residence or Business ( We prefer to ship to a business if possible.) 25 20 20 Name: Business: Address: City,State, Zip: 16 20 24 10 6 * X 1,500 S +2D (L) * Daytime Phone #: 920 $ D City,State, Zip: Name: t2 $ vc(M)x $ c 80 B 320 MC (S) x 660 358 Address: 50 25 X $ 338 99 99 50 B HATX RZC Billing Address: 16 $ rEEx MT 59823 40 $ $ 440 ;TROP 410 FLfiz. Bonner, 1.275 * These items are discounted when shipped 1,195 ryith a new or refinished knife. Contact us 1,195 rr visit our website for discounted Dricino. 1,085 SHIPPING & INSURANCE D $ CB CK Cost Of ltems In UPS UPS Priority Mail Shioment Ground 2nd Dav Air (All 50 States) Up to $100 $1s $17 $30 $10 UPS $32 $12 UPS, 2nd Day Air $19 $34 $36 $38 Contact Us $14 $100.01 to $200 $200.01 to $300 $300.01 to $400 $21 $400.01to $ 500 $23 Over $500 Contact Us $16 $18 Contact Us Shipping Method: (Circle One) Priority Mail Payment Method (Gircle One) - NSF checks will be subject to a $ 35 service fee. Check Money Order VISA, Mastercard or Discover JPS rates listed above are for lower 48 states only. \laska and Hawaii please contact us for all UPS 2nd Day Air rates. Credit Card #: \ll packages will be insured for the value of enclosed contents, unless specifed. ihipments outside the U. S. are subject to additional charges and our discretion. Signature: Exp. Date: PayPal
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