May 6th 2015 Leslie Sgro, President Springfield Park Board 2500

May 6th 2015
Leslie Sgro, President
Springfield Park Board
2500 South 11th Street
Springfield IL 62703
President Sgro:
It is with deep regret and sadness that I have been constructively discharged and feel forced to resign
my position as Captain with the Springfield Park District Police Department effective immediately.As you
know,I have been placed on administrative leave since January 26th, 2015 (101 days) for what the
person conducting the investigation has classified as "personality conflicts"; the chain of command has
been so severely eroded within the Police Department and the actions of Executive Director Harms and
Labor Council Attorney Reichert leave me with little confidence that anything will ever change. The two
of them have systematically over time conspired to terminate me or force me to resign, all in retaliation
for my speaking out against racism and corruption within the Park District and for speaking my mind in
regards to the unsafe environment they have created for Park Patrons and Park Officers by reducing the
number of Park Police Officers and allowing shifts to go vacant. To my knowledge the investigation has
been complete for at least one week,if not longer and I have been provided minimal information as to
the investigation and its status for the past 101 days. I cannot even begin to explain the emotional toll
that this leave has taken on me and my family and I can no longer tolerate these conditions nor subject
my family to them. I certainly feel, as any reasonable person in my shoes would, that I have been
constructively discharged.
I have sustained un-repairable damage to my reputation in the professional law enforcement
community and the public eye. I have been persecuted in the media and as a result often sustain long
looks and snide comments of disgust while in public by those who think I must have violated my oath as
an Officer, as I have been placed on leave without public explanation. We know I haven't violated my
oath or my office; however only negative information has been released to the public and often times
leaked to the media to serve the agenda of the few. I find it particularly disheartening that one board
trustee used my leave to further her own political agenda and even stated to the media that "We need
to find an alternative to Mr. Davis' employment"; this before the investigation had even begun as she
continued to use me and my circumstances in an attempt to win an election.
I have given the Springfield Park District almost 11 years of outstanding service, serving as a Patrol
Officer, a Sergeant and Captain. I have trained many of the Park District Police Officers both current and
former. I have brought to resolution several high profile cases such as the theft of Manny the red tailed
hawk from the Zoo and the daytime shooting and stabbing in Comer Cox Park. There are many other
instances throughout my career with the District wherein I went above and beyond the call of duty.
Throughout my years of Service I have consistently ranked as one of the most productive Officers in
regard to the number of calls for service answered, reports written, citations issued and arrests made,
even while serving as a Sergeant and Captain. As Captain of the Police Department I was able to obtain
two fully equipped Police cars for the District’s use at no charge to the District, I was able to obtain
Mobile Data Computers for all of the patrol cars at no cost to the District, I was able to equip each Park
District Police car with dash camera video (at the opposition of the Police Officers) which resulted in a
reduction of citizen complaints against the Officers, I was also able to author and receive numerous
traffic related hire-back grants that increased patrol presence at no cost to the district. I created and
implemented the first comprehensive Policy manual for the department including general orders,
operating procedures and rules and regulations and obtained new and up to-date equipment including
weapons and uniforms for the Officers.I certainly have done more for the Park District Police
Department than any other Park Police Chief in recent history, and, I might add, without the actual and
deserved title of Chief.
As you are well aware, I have filed complaints with the Illinois Department of Human Rights and the
EEOC. Not once has anyone from the board contacted me or my attorney to discuss these violations. I
will continue to pursue these charges so that others that come after me do not have to be subjected to
the treatment that I have received and may have a fair opportunity at employment with the Springfield
Park District.
I will truly miss serving the citizens of Springfield and wish the citizens of Springfield and the park
patrons nothing but the best.
In closing I'm reminded of a quote from the great Jackie Robinson that I will leave you with…
"I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a
human being." - Jackie Robinson
Respectfully submitted,
Captain Jonathan Davis
Commanding Officer, Springfield Park District Police Department
CC: Board of Trustees
Park District Human Resources
Justin Leinenweber