FISCAL PLAN TABLES 105 TABLE OF CONTENTS FISCAL PLAN TABLES Statement of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Consolidated Fiscal Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Balance Sheet Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Expense by Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Debt Servicing Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Operating Expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Disaster / Emergency Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Capital Amortization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Inventory Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Capital Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Capital Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Capital Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Expense by Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Expense by Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Inventory Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Capital Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Liabilities for Capital Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Capital Plan Liability Principal Repayments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Cash Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Pension Liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Financing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Loans and Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Guarantees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Full-Time Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 2015-16 Allocation of Lottery Fund Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Changes to Premiums, Fees and Fines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 NOTE: Amounts presented in tables may not add to totals due to rounding. 106 FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_02-soo.pdf Statement of Operations (millions of dollars) Statement of Operations (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target Revenue Personal income tax / health care contrib. levy Corporate income tax Other taxes Non-renewable resource revenue Transfers from Government of Canada Transfers for 2013 Alberta flood assistance Investment income Net income from govt. business enterprises Premiums, fees and licences Other 10,537 5,486 4,500 9,578 5,477 1,582 3,423 2,541 3,437 2,873 10,994 5,717 4,605 8,794 6,537 (246) 3,073 2,602 3,552 3,331 11,699 4,529 5,322 2,869 6,922 2,562 2,721 3,872 2,901 12,647 4,586 5,617 3,477 7,275 2,630 2,772 3,958 2,866 13,477 5,499 5,744 4,753 7,563 2,840 3,002 4,074 2,875 14,402 6,371 5,877 6,279 7,878 3,048 3,181 4,140 2,788 15,167 7,283 6,012 8,739 8,173 3,189 3,170 4,221 2,823 Total Revenue 49,434 48,959 43,397 45,828 49,827 53,964 58,777 - - - - - 49,434 48,959 43,397 45,828 171 785 302 7,213 808 827 18,259 3,861 647 5,578 33 111 1,311 1,631 591 293 1,339 1,588 22 114 601 2,906 748 205 1,056 320 7,343 768 901 19,027 4,137 656 5,865 37 163 1,337 2,150 654 293 1,394 1,440 22 127 732 196 931 313 7,488 1,010 717 18,868 4,209 729 5,810 37 186 1,347 1,348 703 294 1,275 1,433 22 153 891 199 200 49,736 48,711 Less resource revenue risk adjustment Budget Revenue Expense Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Res. Develop. Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Executive Council Legislative Assembly Debt servicing costs 2013 Alberta flood assistance Unallocated disaster/emergency assistance Pension provisions Total Expense Surplus / (deficit) = Bud. rev. less total exp. (302) 261 (176) 248 31 (1,570) (4,370) 49,827 52,394 54,407 190 932 314 7,592 735 729 18,843 4,198 733 5,843 38 194 1,354 1,747 707 289 1,282 1,545 22 151 1,179 193 929 315 7,640 670 726 18,823 4,187 716 5,864 38 201 1,353 1,757 665 289 1,330 1,590 22 129 1,524 203 956 323 7,892 663 746 19,347 4,313 707 5,842 39 207 1,393 1,797 666 296 1,390 1,633 22 129 1,767 186 983 331 8,123 681 765 19,924 4,443 746 5,976 40 213 1,435 1,712 663 304 1,406 1,675 23 129 1,855 102 200 54 200 50 400 50 400 (42) 48,388 48,875 (4,991) (3,047) (97) (97) (142) 49,118 50,684 51,919 709 1,710 2,488 Beginning net assets (+ adjustments) Add: resource revenue risk adjustment 54,173 - 53,871 - 54,119 - 49,128 - 46,081 - 46,790 1,570 50,070 4,370 Net assets at end of year 53,871 54,119 49,128 46,081 46,790 50,070 56,928 FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/St of Ops p2 107 3/19/2015 /11:27 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_03_cfs.pdf Consolidated Fiscal Summary Consolidated Fiscal Summary (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS (CFS) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Projected 2019-20 Projected Revenue 1 8,794 2,869 3,477 4,753 Resource revenue risk adjustment - - - - 3 Income and health care tax revenue 16,711 16,228 17,233 18,976 20,773 22,450 4 Other revenue 23,454 24,300 25,118 26,098 26,912 27,588 48,959 43,397 45,828 49,827 52,394 54,407 42,096 4.4 451 2,612 2,164 831 374 358 (176) 42,030 (0.2) 301 2,021 2,206 911 413 477 31 42,162 0.3 220 2,177 2,294 888 506 673 (42) 42,256 0.2 204 2,080 2,297 856 628 896 (97) 43,351 2.6 400 2,132 2,301 830 702 1,065 (97) 44,646 3.0 400 2,033 2,289 839 772 1,084 (142) 48,711 48,388 48,875 49,118 50,684 51,919 (4,991) (3,047) 709 1,710 2,488 2 Resource revenue 5 Total Budget Revenue 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Expense Operating expense % change from prior year Disaster assistance (with operating 2013 flood support) Capital grants (including 2013 flood support) Amortization / loss on disposals Inventory consumption Debt servicing costs – general Debt servicing costs – Capital Plan Pension provisions 15 Total Expense 16 Surplus / (Deficit) 248 6,279 8,739 (1,570) (4,370) Reconciliation to Fiscal Plan Basis Presentation 17 Total Revenue – CFS Basis, less: 18 Resource revenue risk adjustment 19 SUCH sector own-source revenue / other adjustments 48,959 (4,247) 43,397 (4,327) 45,828 (4,382) 49,827 (4,475) 53,964 (1,570) (4,525) 58,777 (4,370) (4,549) 20 Total Revenue – Fiscal Plan Basis 44,712 39,070 41,446 45,352 47,869 49,858 21 Total Expense – CFS Basis, less: 22 SUCH sector additional expense / consolidation adjustments 23 Pension provisions 48,711 (4,606) 176 48,388 (4,672) (31) 48,875 (4,844) 42 49,118 (4,849) 97 50,684 (4,711) 97 51,919 (4,761) 142 24 Total Expense – Fiscal Plan Basis 44,281 43,685 44,073 44,366 46,070 47,300 (4,615) (2,627) 986 1,799 2,558 2,695 3,755 2,131 4,300 2,211 4,024 2,093 3,886 2,148 3,476 2,047 3,186 6,450 6,431 6,235 5,979 5,624 5,233 25 Surplus / (deficit) – Fiscal Plan Basis 26 27 Capital Plan Capital grants Capital investment 28 Captal Plan – Fiscal Plan basis 29 SUCH sector adjustment / self-financed investment 30 Total Captal Plan – CFS basis 431 803 493 246 331 212 316 7,253 6,925 6,480 6,311 5,836 5,548 pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_03_cfs.pdf M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan- volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 108 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Cons Fisc Sum p3 3/19/2015 /2:04 PM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_04_cfs.pdf Consolidated Fiscal Summary, continued (millions of dollars) Contingency Account 1 Balance at Start of Year 2 Surplus / (deficit) – CFS basis 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Projected 2019-20 Projected 4,658 6,527 2,479 1,000 2,902 4,609 (4,991) (3,047) 709 1,710 2,488 248 Adjustments to Fiscal Plan basis 3 4 SUCH / Alberta Innovates revenue / expense adjustments Pension provisions 359 (176) 345 31 462 (42) 374 (97) 186 (97) 212 (142) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cash Adjustments – Sources / (Requirements) Heritage Fund inflation-proofing Retained income of funds and agencies Energy royalties Student loans Other cash adjustments 2013 Alberta flood assistance revenue / expense Inventory acquisition Inventory consumption (non-cash expense) (285) (570) 1,373 (232) (116) (944) (187) 145 (166) (659) (378) (367) (76) (164) (170) 214 (244) (742) (168) (341) (35) 73 (175) 190 (279) (843) (313) (304) (58) 132 (163) 158 (315) (897) (265) (266) (46) (159) 132 (957) (244) (232) (393) (159) 141 13 14 15 16 17 18 Capital Plan Cash Adjustments – Sources / (Requirements) Capital investment (3,755) 861 Amortization / book value of disposals (non-cash expense) Withdrawal from Capital Plan financing account 673 Direct borrowing for Capital Plan 3,000 Alternative financing of capital projects (P3s) 227 Current principal repayments (P3s / direct borrowing) (39) (4,300) 880 5,681 114 (42) (4,024) 980 5,535 150 (51) (3,886) 1,093 5,229 211 (61) (3,476) 1,177 2,775 242 (564) (3,186) 1,223 338 (966) (4,048) (1,479) 1,902 137 19 Surplus / (deficit) plus net cash adjustments 582 (1,877) 20 Cash from prior-year final results 21 Cash to be transferred next year 22 Balance at end of year prior to allocations 1,287 6,527 2,479 1,000 2,902 3,039 2,732 23 NRR allocation to Contingency Account 24 NRR allocation to Capital Plan / debt repayment 25 Balance at End of Year 6,527 2,479 1,000 2,902 1,570 4,609 304 1,964 5,000 - - - - 1,570 1,570 4,370 4,370 - - - - 1,570 - - - - - - 304 1,964 1,051 1,051 - - - - 1,570 4,370 Opening balance Alternative financing (P3s – public-private partnerships) Direct borrowing Re-financing of existing debt Principal repayments / amortization of debt issue costs Allocation from surplus cash for debt repayment 8,724 227 3,000 905 11,930 114 5,681 - 17,700 150 5,535 - 23,349 211 5,229 - 28,744 242 2,775 - 31,213 338 - 39 Total Liabilities for capital proj., net of surplus cash 11,930 17,700 23,349 28,744 31,213 29,549 - - - - - 1,051 1,051 Allocation of Surplus Cash 26 Resource revenue risk adjustment (line 2, facing page) 27 Total for allocation Allocated to: 28 Contingency Account 29 Capital Plan 30 Reduction in capital borrowing 31 Savings (Heritage Fund) 32 Total Allocation Liabilities for Capital Projects 33 34 35 36 37 38 Savings 40 Allocation from surplus cash for savings 41 Total Accumulated Savings pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_04_cfs.pdf (926) - (25) - (36) - (45) - (548) - FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan-volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ (951) (1,051) 109 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_05_bsd.pdf BalanceSheet SheetDetails Details Balance (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Financial Assets Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Endowment funds: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Alberta Heritage Science and Engineering Research Alberta Heritage Scholarship Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund Alberta Enterprise Corporation Contingency Account Self-supporting lending organizations: Alberta Capital Finance Authority Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Equity in commercial enterprises Capital Plan Principal Repayment Account Student loans Other cash, inventory, marketable securities. accounts receivable SUCH sector / Ab Innovates corp. additional financial assets Total Financial Assets At March 31 2015 2016 Forecast Estimate 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019 Target 2020 Target 15,091 15,257 15,501 15,780 16,095 17,146 1,416 845 1,058 485 98 6,527 1,454 873 1,076 468 98 2,479 1,492 905 1,106 455 98 1,000 1,535 942 1,144 442 98 2,902 1,583 983 1,188 429 98 4,609 1,659 1,027 1,237 416 98 5,000 15,148 4,232 3,787 1,354 5,379 8,251 15,970 4,658 4,163 1,722 5,837 7,696 16,376 5,145 4,493 2,063 6,328 7,281 16,449 5,715 4,933 2,366 6,507 6,811 16,628 6,259 5,417 2,633 6,867 6,606 16,722 6,791 5,799 1,051 2,865 7,202 6,558 63,671 61,751 62,243 65,624 69,395 73,571 11,424 11,455 11,413 11,316 11,219 11,077 15,148 2,253 15,970 2,422 16,376 2,614 16,449 2,847 16,628 3,025 16,722 3,188 2,658 9,272 943 5,323 320 5,041 2,486 2,730 14,970 943 4,485 320 4,796 2,546 2,828 20,521 944 3,918 320 4,627 2,626 2,978 25,766 945 3,149 320 4,417 2,606 3,156 28,057 946 2,782 321 3,983 2,571 3,428 27,172 597 2,567 322 3,597 2,564 Total Liabilities 54,868 60,637 66,187 70,793 72,688 71,234 Net Financial Assets Capital Assets 8,803 1,114 (3,944) (5,169) (3,293) 2,337 45,316 48,014 50,025 51,959 53,363 54,591 Net Assets 54,119 49,128 46,081 46,790 50,070 56,928 (4,991) (3,047) 709 3,280 6,858 Liabilities Pension liabilities Self-supporting lending organizations: Alberta Capital Finance Authority Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Liabilities for capital projects: Alternative financing (P3s) Direct borrowing Debt issued to reduce pre-1992 TPP unfunded liability Other debt, accounts and interest payable Other accrued liabilities, including guarantees, indemnities, remissions SUCH sector / Ab Innovates corp. additional liabilities Deferred capital contributions Change in Net Assets 248 pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_05_bsd.pdf M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan- FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 110 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Balance Sheet p5 3/30/2015 /10:09 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_06_rev.pdf Revenue Revenue (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Income Taxes Personal income tax Health care contribution levy Corporate income tax Other Taxes Education property tax (includes opted-out boards) Tobacco tax Fuel tax Insurance taxes Freehold mineral rights tax Tourism levy Non-Renewable Resource Revenue Bitumen royalty Crude oil royalty Natural gas and by-products royalty Bonuses and sales of Crown leases Rentals and fees / coal royalty Transfers from Government of Canada Canada Health Transfer Canada Social Transfer Direct transfers to SUCH sector Agriculture support programs Infrastructure support 2013 Alberta flood assistance Other (includes labour market agreements) Investment Income Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Endowment funds Alberta Capital Finance Authority Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Other (includes Contingency Account and SUCH sector) Net Income from Government Business Enterprises AGLC - Gaming / lottery AGLC - Liquor Alberta Treasury Branches Other Premiums, Fees and Licences Post-secondary institution tuition fees Health / school board fees and charges Motor vehicle licences Crop, hail and livestock insurance premiums Energy industry levies Land Titles Other (includes lands & grazing, health benefit premiums) Other SUCH sector sales, rentals and services SUCH sector fundraising, donations, gifts and contributions AIMCo investment management charges Fines and penalties Refunds of expense Miscellaneous (includes CCEMF and Ab. Innovates corps.) Total Revenue - Consolidated Financial Statements basis 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 10,994 5,717 16,711 11,303 396 4,529 16,228 12,115 532 4,586 17,233 12,937 540 5,499 18,976 13,845 557 6,371 20,773 14,600 567 7,283 22,450 2,106 915 965 384 143 92 4,605 2,253 1,010 1,476 409 88 86 5,322 2,318 1,016 1,490 603 104 86 5,617 2,360 1,021 1,520 646 109 88 5,744 2,403 1,027 1,566 681 109 91 5,877 2,448 1,032 1,613 717 108 94 6,012 5,001 2,163 960 484 186 8,794 1,361 594 450 315 149 2,869 1,767 776 466 334 134 3,477 2,850 907 474 396 126 4,753 4,326 928 505 400 120 6,279 6,551 1,022 645 404 117 8,739 3,618 1,452 474 304 278 (246) 411 6,291 3,978 1,515 476 288 259 406 6,922 4,242 1,570 478 296 283 406 7,275 4,460 1,626 478 302 285 412 7,563 4,694 1,687 480 306 299 412 7,878 4,944 1,751 480 308 299 391 8,173 1,867 352 289 129 436 3,073 1,455 260 318 137 392 2,562 1,413 283 420 155 359 2,630 1,462 303 512 185 378 2,840 1,498 317 564 216 453 3,048 1,514 331 625 236 483 3,189 1,493 750 316 43 2,602 1,545 834 283 59 2,721 1,599 851 264 58 2,772 1,655 870 376 101 3,002 1,688 886 401 206 3,181 1,722 905 426 117 3,170 1,122 634 517 308 296 93 582 3,552 1,153 671 556 301 306 250 635 3,872 1,172 673 572 326 306 254 655 3,958 1,193 675 581 339 306 261 719 4,074 1,217 677 594 352 291 268 741 4,140 1,242 679 609 360 291 276 764 4,221 862 549 225 136 590 969 3,331 48,959 855 563 257 204 138 884 2,901 43,397 858 563 261 209 138 837 2,866 45,828 863 563 270 215 138 826 2,875 49,827 868 564 270 222 138 726 2,788 53,964 874 565 270 222 138 754 2,823 58,777 M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan-volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES 111 3/19/2015 /11:28 AM X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Revenue p6 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_07_ebm.pdf Expense by by Ministry Ministry Expense (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Executive Council Legislative Assembly Unallocated disaster / emergency assistance 2013 Alberta flood assistance (operating and capital grants) Total Program Expense Debt Servicing Costs Pension Provisions Total Expense – Consolidated Financial Statements basis 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 205 1,056 320 7,343 768 901 19,027 4,137 656 5,865 37 163 1,337 2,150 654 293 1,394 1,440 22 127 261 48,155 196 931 313 7,488 1,010 717 18,868 4,209 729 5,810 37 186 1,347 1,348 703 294 1,275 1,433 22 153 200 199 47,466 190 932 314 7,592 735 729 18,843 4,198 733 5,843 38 194 1,354 1,747 707 289 1,282 1,545 22 151 200 732 891 (176) 31 48,711 48,388 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 193 929 315 7,640 670 726 18,823 4,187 716 5,864 38 201 1,353 1,757 665 289 1,330 1,590 22 129 200 203 956 323 7,892 663 746 19,347 4,313 707 5,842 39 207 1,393 1,797 666 296 1,390 1,633 22 129 400 186 983 331 8,123 681 765 19,924 4,443 746 5,976 40 213 1,435 1,712 663 304 1,406 1,675 23 129 400 102 47,738 54 47,691 50 49,014 50 50,206 1,179 1,524 1,767 1,855 (42) 48,875 (97) 49,118 (97) 50,684 (142) 51,919 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables Pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_07_dsc.pdf pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_07_ebm.pdf Debt Servicing Servicing Costs Costs Debt (millions of (millions ofdollars) dollars) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target Seniors – Alberta Social Housing Corporation Treasury Board and Finance - general government 73 10 291 75 8 330 80 6 420 95 5 528 106 5 591 115 5 652 Total General Debt Servicing Costs 374 413 506 628 702 772 Education – Alberta Schools Alternative Procurement P3s Transportation – ring road P3s Treasury Board and Finance – direct borrowing 30 72 256 30 71 376 30 83 560 29 94 773 30 92 943 30 90 964 Total Capital Plan Debt Servicing Costs 358 477 673 896 1,065 1,084 Total Debt Servicing Costs 732 891 1,179 1,524 1,767 1,855 General Agriculture and Rural Development Agriculture Financial Services Corporation 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target Capital Plan Pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_07_dsc.pdf M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanFISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 112 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Exp by Min p7 3/19/2015 /11:29 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_08_oe.pdf Operating Expense Expense Operating (millions of (millions ofdollars) dollars) 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 190 890 272 7,286 591 610 200 917 280 7,536 593 629 183 945 288 7,777 611 648 17,485 4,190 509 5,369 38 192 1,338 281 17,480 4,180 504 5,390 38 200 1,338 281 18,004 4,306 519 5,368 39 206 1,378 290 18,581 4,436 535 5,501 40 212 1,420 299 569 241 479 1,522 22 148 569 241 480 1,567 22 126 586 248 494 1,610 22 126 604 256 510 1,652 23 126 42,030 42,162 42,256 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target Agriculture and Rural Development Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Municipal Affairs Unallocated 108 150 32 - 200 200 200 400 400 Total – excluding 2013 Alberta flood assistance 290 200 200 200 400 400 6 1 6 4 37 17 5 56 28 1 7 6 7 12 1 57 11 - 6 2 7 1 4 - 3 1 - - - Total 2013 Alberta flood assistance 161 101 20 4 Total Disaster / Emergency Assistance 451 301 220 204 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Executive Council Legislative Assembly Total Operating Expense pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_08_dea.pdf 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 194 901 272 7,045 682 608 188 892 271 7,225 591 613 568 235 529 1,419 22 124 186 891 270 7,169 678 596 17,504 4,197 498 5,337 37 184 1,329 281 569 242 479 1,412 22 150 42,096 17,704 4,125 518 5,392 37 162 1,313 251 43,351 Budget 44,646 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables Disaster / Emergency Assistance Disaster / Emergency Assistance (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target a 2013 Alberta flood assistance Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Municipal Affairs Transportation 400 400 a Excludes a capital grants included in expense for 2013 Alberta flood assistance reported in the Capital Plan: Excludes reported98 in the Capital825050 Plan: capital grants included in expense for 2013 Alberta flood assistance 100 50 100 98 82 50 50 50 M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanFISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES 113 volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 3/19/2015 /11:30 AM X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Oper by Min p8 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_09_ca.pdf Capital Amortization Capital Amortization (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 17 3 298 23 55 584 11 96 473 1 24 3 32 44 455 21 3 17 4 309 20 55 613 11 109 473 2 17 3 32 42 472 21 3 17 4 363 20 55 601 8 122 474 1 16 3 38 42 503 23 3 17 4 354 20 55 583 6 139 474 1 15 3 36 42 520 23 3 2,144 2,205 2,293 2,296 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target Culture and Tourism Environment and Sustainable Resource Development 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 739 1 25 14 49 1 752 1 96 10 50 - 756 1 73 6 50 - 759 1 38 6 50 - 759 1 759 1 831 911 888 856 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 11 30 44 - 2 23 38 5 2 23 38 - 124 128 30 1,477 100 250 2,177 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Legislative Assembly pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_09_ic.pdf Total Amortization Expense 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 16 4 356 20 55 583 6 141 474 1 15 3 35 42 521 23 3 16 4 346 20 55 583 6 141 474 1 15 3 34 42 521 23 3 Budget 2015 2,300 2,288 Fiscal Plan Tables Inventory Consumption Inventory Consumption (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) Health Human Services Infrastructure Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance pdf named: pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_13_cg.pdf Total Inventory Consumption 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 12 6 50 - 21 6 50 Budget 2015 830 839 Fiscal Plan Tables Capital Grants (millions of dollars) Capital Grants (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Infrastructure Municipal Affairs Seniors Transportation 63 149 16 1,892 43 364 10 23 38 10 313 142 26 1,078 102 279 Total Capital Grants 2,612 2,021 M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 114 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Cap Amort p9 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 59 110 35 1,473 60 280 2 23 38 50 110 35 1,504 45 325 2 23 38 50 110 50 1,410 25 325 2,080 2,132 2,033 3/19/2015 /11:31 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_12_cp.pdf Capital Planaa Capital Plan (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 11 46 47 955 10 35 41 1,123 2 34 41 1,503 2 34 41 1,377 2 34 41 971 2 34 41 499 Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Legislative Assembly 95 221 659 7 279 816 1 103 1,897 164 43 1,879 27 3 330 309 457 6 356 914 1 67 1,088 215 46 1,903 21 2 140 296 432 5 258 672 1 29 1,478 164 54 1,360 11 1 75 216 453 5 228 672 1 10 1,474 179 44 1,486 11 1 66 176 453 5 241 672 1 7 1,505 94 48 1,507 11 1 66 161 453 5 267 671 1 6 1,411 35 48 1,836 11 1 Total Capital Plan 7,253 6,925 6,480 6,311 5,836 5,548 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target a The Capital Plan comprises capital grants included in expense plus capital investment in government-owned assets not included in expense. a Capital The Capital Plan comprises capital grants included in and expense capital government-owned assets notexpense included in investment adds to government capital assets, thoseplus assets are investment depreciatedinover time through amortization included in expense. Capital investment adds to government capital assets, and those assets are depreciated over time through Budget 2015 pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_12_ci.pdf total expense. amortization expense included in total expense. Fiscal Plan Tables Capital Investment (millions of dollars) Capital Investment a (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Legislative Assembly 16 3 955 32 72 659 7 263 816 1 103 5 121 43 1,515 27 3 12 3 1,113 17 167 457 6 330 914 1 67 10 113 46 1,624 21 2 11 3 1,498 16 168 432 5 228 672 1 29 1 64 54 1,110 11 1 11 3 1,377 16 106 453 5 194 672 1 10 1 119 44 1,206 11 1 11 3 971 16 66 453 5 207 672 1 7 1 49 48 1,182 11 1 11 3 499 16 51 453 5 218 671 1 6 1 10 48 1,511 11 1 Total Capital Investment 4,641 4,903 4,304 4,230 3,704 3,516 a Capital investment is not included in expense. Rather, the assets are added to government capital assets and depreciated over time through Capital investment is not included in expense. Rather, the assets are added to government capital assets and depreciated over amortization expense. time through amortization expense. M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 3/19/2015 AM FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES/11:33115 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Capital Plan p12 FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 Education Educa tion 13,208 7,489 166 4 5,543 6 - - Socia Services Social l Serv ices 4,740 9 4,024 120 458 116 - 13 1,277 36 3 1,238 2,651 931 99 887 219 2 261 25 88 23 116 - - 2,073 7 6 7 230 19 57 79 1,201 84 97 40 46 200 - 1,393 197 6 1,189 1 - - Transportation, Trans po and U rtation, Co Communications and mmUtilities tilities unica tions Agriculture, Resource Agricu lture, and Economic Management Re an s d o u E r c c Development o e n o m ic Dev Managem elopm ent en Pro Protection te c ti on ooff Persons and t P Perso2013 flood roperty (includes Property ns an (in d c lu d a es 20 ll /ununallocated disaster) o c a 13 flo ted dis od / aster) Regional R egion Planning and al Pla Development a n d Develo nning pmen t - Recreation and Culture R e c r e ation and C ulture 340 213 81 3 36 8 - - - 338 94 245 - Housin Housing g M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan-volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 18,897 Total Expense 18,859 7 20 11 - Health Health Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Executive Council Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Trainiing and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Unallocated Disaster Expense Legislative Assembly Ministry Expense by Function Enviro Environment nmen t 355 31 276 47 2 - - 2,226 38 56 22 574 (3) 13 65 197 1,125 - 140 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables 891 30 8 71 706 - 75 - (millions of dollars) Gen e r a l Gove General (inclu Government de p rnment e n (includess pension s io n provisions) provis ions) Debt Servicing Deb t SeCosts rvicing Costs pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_10_ebf_hor.pdf Expense by Function 48,388 204 1,006 318 7,564 1,010 806 22 18,868 4,211 785 5,807 37 186 1,347 1,373 711 294 1,351 2,135 200 153 Total Expense Total Expe nse 116 FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES 117 SSalaries, alarie Wages and Empl. s, aBenefits nd Em Wages pl. Be nefits 19,464 29 170 78 5,614 288 306 18 7,396 636 85 3,416 28 93 696 68 29 133 76 229 - 77 and Services SSupplies upp li e s and S ervice s 12,088 6 618 86 1,321 268 284 3 4,829 1,462 404 1,354 8 38 402 29 17 108 403 393 - 56 GGrants rants to Others to Oth ers 10,436 158 103 110 218 121 18 5,276 2,098 56 510 2 53 208 195 522 786 - - Cap it Capital Grants a l G rants to Others to Oth ers 2,021 10 23 38 10 313 142 26 1,079 102 279 - - of Capital AAmortization mortiz a AAssets ssets tion of Cap ital 2,206 17 4 309 20 55 613 11 109 473 2 17 3 32 42 472 21 - 3 910 1 1 752 1 96 10 50 - - Cons Consumption of Inventory um of Inv ption entor y M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlan-volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Exp by Object p11 Total Expense Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture and Tourism Education Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Executive Council Health Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Trainiing and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Unallocated Disaster Expense Legislative Assembly (millions of dollars) Ministry Expense by Object Expense by Object PPension e Provisions n s io n Pro vision s 31 38 (3) (4) - - D Debt Costs e b t SServicing ervicin g Cos ts 891 75 30 8 71 706 - - Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables 48,388 204 1,006 318 7,564 1,010 806 22 18,868 4,211 785 5,807 37 186 1,347 1,373 711 294 1,351 2,135 200 153 3/19/2015 /11:32 AM 341 2 24 2 2 9 57 23 1 3 200 17 Other Other // Unallocated Disaster Disas Unallocate ter d pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_11_mebo_hor.pdf TTotal otal EExpense xpen se Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_14_ia.pdf Inventory Acquisition Inventory Acquisition (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target Culture and Tourism Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health Human Services Infrastructure Service Alberta Transportation Other 1 1 762 1 63 14 50 1 1 1 758 1 47 10 50 1 1 1 760 1 54 6 50 1 1 1 760 1 42 6 50 1 1 1 760 1 38 6 50 1 Total Inventory Acquisition pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_13_ca.pdf 893 868 873 861 857 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2019-20 Target 1 1 760 1 38 6 50 1 857 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables Capital Assets Capital Assets (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 53,363 3,516 (2,288) - Net book value at start of the year Additions (Capital investment) Amortization Net book value of capital asset disposals 42,839 4,641 (2,144) (20) 45,316 4,903 (2,205) - 48,014 4,304 (2,293) - 50,025 4,230 (2,296) - 51,959 3,704 (2,300) - Net Book Value at End of Year pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_13_lfcp.pdf 45,316 48,014 50,025 51,959 53,363 2016-17 Target 17,700 150 5,535 (36) - 2017-18 Target 23,349 211 5,229 (45) - 2018-19 Target 28,744 242 2,775 (548) - 2019-20 Target 31,213 338 (951) (1,051) 23,349 28,744 31,213 29,549 54,591 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables Liabilities for Capital Projects Liabilities for Capital Projects (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) Opening balance Alternative financing (P3s) Direct borrowing Re-financing of maturing debt Principal repayment / amortization of issue costs Allocation from surplus cash for debt repayment 2014-15 2015-16 Forecast Estimate 8,724 11,930 227 114 3,000 5,681 905 (926) (25) - Total Liabilities for Capital Projects 11,930 17,700 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_13_cplpr.pdf Capital Plan Liability Principal Repayments Capital Plan Liability Principal Repayments (millions of dollars) (millions of dollars) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target Education – Alberta Schools Alternative Procurement P3s Infrastructure – Evan Thomas water treatment P3 Treasury Board and Finance - direct borrowing Transportation – ring road P3s 12 1 905 26 13 1 28 14 1 36 14 1 46 15 1 500 48 Total Current Principal Repayments 944 42 51 61 564 966 - - - - - 1,051 944 42 51 61 564 2,017 Allocation for future principal repayments Total Current / Future Principal Repayments M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 118 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Inven. Acquisition p14 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 16 1 900 49 3/19/2015 /11:36 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_14_ca.pdf Cash Adjustments Adjustmentsaa Cash (millions of dollars) 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate Retained Income of Funds and Agencies Alberta Treasury Branches Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Access to the Future Fund Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Endowment Fund Heritage Science and Engineering Research Endowment Fund Heritage Scholarship Fund Alberta School Foundation Fund Alberta Social Housing Corporation Alberta Capital Finance Authority Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund Other (316) (167) 96 (52) (49) (60) 6 62 (51) 15 (54) (283) (259) 6 (38) (28) (18) 4 24 (55) 17 Total Retained Income of Funds and Agencies (570) 1,373 (232) (187) (116) (39) 244 (1,188) 145 836 Other Cash Adjustments Energy royalties (difference between accrued revenue & cash) Student loans Inventory acquisition Other cash adjustments Current principal repayments (P3s / direct capital borrowing) 2013 Alberta flood assistance revenue 2013 Alberta flood assistance expense Inventory consumption (non-cash expense) Amortization (non-cash expense) Total Other Cash Adjustments 836 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target (29) (264) (296) 5 (38) (32) (30) (10) (51) 13 (39) (376) (337) (6) (43) (37) (38) 63 (41) 13 (41) (401) (300) (7) (48) (41) (44) 13 (41) 13 (41) (426) (300) (9) (76) (44) (49) 17 (41) 13 (42) (659) (742) (843) (897) (957) (378) (367) (170) (76) (42) 338 (502) 214 869 (168) (341) (175) (35) (52) 300 (227) 190 980 (313) (304) (163) (58) (61) 200 (68) 158 1,093 (265) (266) (159) (46) (564) 132 1,177 (244) (232) (159) (393) (966) 141 1,223 (114) 472 484 9 (630) Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables a pdfNegative named: FP_B15_TBS_15_pl.pdf cash adjustments are a cash requirement; positive cash adjustments are a cash source. a Negative cash adjustments are a cash requirement; positive cash adjustments are a cash source. Pension Liabilities (millions of dollars) Pension Liabilities At March 31 (millions of dollars) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS Teachers' Pension Plan (pre-1992) Teachers' Pension Plan (post-1992) Local Authorities Pension Plan Public Service Management Pension Plan (pre-1992; closed) a Public Service Pension Plan Universities Academic Pension Plan (pre-1992) Special Forces Pension Plan (pre-1992) Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan (closed) Management Employees Pension Plan Public Service Supplementary Retirement Plan Provincial Judges and Masters in Chambers Pension Plan SUCH sector – Universities Academic / Supp. Retirement Total Pension Liabilities a 2015 Forecast 8,556 635 600 580 305 300 70 45 50 283 2016 Estimate 8,520 673 700 550 330 275 45 44 38 280 11,424 11,455 Annual non-cash change in pension liabilities a a (176) 31 2017 Target 8,411 706 800 520 355 260 20 43 26 272 11,413 (42) 2018 Target 8,239 734 900 490 380 245 42 14 272 11,316 (97) 2019 Target 8,054 755 1,000 460 405 230 41 2 272 11,219 (97) 2020 Target 7,858 732 1,100 430 430 215 40 272 11,077 (142) Membership closed and pensionable service no longer being accrued. Membership closed and pensionable service no longer being accrued. M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES 119 3/19/2015 /11:35 AM X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Cash Adjustm p14 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_15_fr.pdf Financing Requirements Requirements Financing (millions of (millions ofdollars) dollars) Term debt borrowing for provincial corporations: Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Alberta Capital Finance Authority Alberta Treasury Branches Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission Direct borrowing for capital purposes Re-financing of maturing debt Total Financing Requirements pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_15_laa.pdf 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 Estimate 2016-17 Target 2017-18 Target 2018-19 Target 2019-20 Target 300 1,500 1,000 - 175 1,655 650 227 3,000 905 300 2,375 1,050 340 5,681 - 375 1,825 1,400 5,535 - 300 2,575 1,500 5,229 - 300 2,000 1,000 2,775 - 6,612 9,746 9,135 9,604 6,075 2,800 Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables Loans and Advances Loans Advances (millions ofand dollars) (millions of dollars) At March 31 2014 Actual 2015 Forecast Loans and Advances Agriculture Financial Services Act Student Financial Assistance Act Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act Ridley Grain Ltd. Vencap Acquisition Corporation Alberta Housing Act Financial Administration Act accountable advances Total Loans and Advances 1,987 1,525 2,230 1,941 156 22 4 28 4 4,203 3,694 Allowance for doubtful loans, advances, implemented guarantees and indemnities a Agriculture Financial Services Act Student Financial Assistance Act Total Loans and Advances (33) (120) 3,541 (44) (155) 4,004 a When a loan is considered to be impaired, accrued interest is no longer included in income. This does not alter the borrower’s obligation to pay all accrued interest. a Budget 2015 pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_15_gua.pdf When a loan is considered to be impaired, accrued interest is no longer included in income. This does not alter the borrower's obligation to Fiscal Plan Tables pay all accrued interest. Guarantees pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_15_laa.pdf (millions of dollars) Guarantees (millions of dollars) At March 31 2014 2015 Actual Forecast Guarantees Alberta Housing Act Feeder Associations Agriculture Financial Services Act Securities Act Total Guarantees M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanFISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 120 volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Financing Reqt p15 5 47 10 2 55 10 2 64 67 3/19/2015 /11:37 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_16_fte.pdf Full-Time Equivalents a Full-Time Equivalents a Department / Organization Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Department Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd. Culture and Tourism Department Travel Alberta Corporation Education Department School boards (public, separate, francophone, charter): Certificated Staff Non-certificated Staff Energy Department Alberta Energy Regulator Alberta Utilities Commission Environment and Sustainable Res. Dev. Department Environmental Monitoring, Eval. and Report. Agency Natural Resources Conservation Board Health Department Alberta Health Services Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions Health Quality Council of Alberta Human Services Infrastructure Innovation and Advanced Education Department Post-secondary institutions Alberta Innovates corporations Alberta Enterprise Corporation International and Intergovernmental Relations Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Department Victims of Crime Fund Municipal Affairs Seniors Service Alberta Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Department Alberta Investment Management Corporation Alberta Pensions Services Corporation Alberta Securities Commission Alberta Insurance Council Alberta Local Authorities Pension Plan Corporation Executive Council Legislative Assembly Total Full-Time Equivalent Employment 2015-16 2014-15 Budget Estimate 228 222 951 928 647 630 35 35 613 601 84 87 648 648 Change (6) (23) (17) (12) 3 - 34,415 24,433 696 1,232 150 2,875 82 47 978 76,101 60 31 6,190 958 719 33,517 652 6 212 609 6,865 37 566 265 1,377 799 777 372 282 191 25 6 153 714 34,415 24,189 696 1,240 143 2,857 105 47 978 74,406 60 32 6,190 958 719 33,517 652 6 206 609 6,864 37 546 297 1,367 799 754 376 287 196 24 6 136 717 (244) 8 (7) (18) 23 (1,695) 1 (6) (1) (20) 32 (10) (23) 4 5 5 (1) (17) 3 199,598 197,582 (2,016) Main reasons for change Hiring restraint / unfilled positions Cost containment measures Cost containment measures Cost containment measures Transfer from department Cost containment measures Regulatory enhancement project Cost containment measures Transfer to AEMERA Transfer from department Workforce management Replace contractor International Offices Review Calgary Young Offenders Centre Cost containment measures Various programs Cost containment measures Cost containment measures Increased assets under management Transition to new IT system Oversight activities Cost containment measures Hiring restraint / unfilled positions Office of the Child and Youth Advocate a 2014-15 Budget numbers have been restated on the 2015-16 basis. a The 2014-15 Budget numbers have been restated on the 2015-16 basis. M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN3/25/2015 TABLES /3:01 PM 121 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/FTEs p16 pdf named: FP_B15_TBS_17_aolfr2.pdf 2015-16 Allocation of Lottery Fund Revenue 2015-16 Allocation of Lottery Fund Revenue (thousands of dollars) (thousands of dollars) Lottery Fund Revenue a Aboriginal Relations First Nations and Metis Relations First Nations Development Fund Agriculture and Rural Development Major Fairs and Exhibitions Agricultural Service Boards Agricultural Societies Agriculture initiatives Culture and Tourism Community Facility Enhancement Program Assistance to the Alberta Foundation for Arts Alberta Media Fund Community Initiatives Program Assistance to the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation Assistance to the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Other initiatives Education Transportation Plant operations and maintenance Environment and Sustainable Resource Dev. Parks operations Integrated Planning pdf named: FP-B15_TBS_18_ctpff-1.pdf a Includes $3 million of Lottery Fund interest income. 1,547,716 200 128,000 18,140 11,600 8,670 1,450 38,000 26,650 25,800 24,585 22,020 8,200 2,100 150,000 150,000 10,000 500 Health Changes Premiums, Fees Alberta Healthto Services - Community and and Fines 768,992 (dollars) Population Health Services Changes to Premiums, Fees and Fines 2,100 Other initiatives Assistance to the Alberta Historical 8,200 Education Resources Foundation Budget 2015 150,000 Transportation Other initiatives Fiscal Plan2,100 Tables 150,000 Plant operations and maintenance Education 150,000 Environment and Sustainable Resource Dev. Transportation Parksoperations operationsand maintenance 10,000 150,000 Plant Integrated Planning 500 Environment and Sustainable Resource Dev. Parks operations 10,000 Integrated Planning 500 Health Alberta Health Services - Community and 768,992 Population Health Services Health Human AlbertaServices Health Services - Community and 52,000 768,992 Family and Community Support Services Population Health Services 12,000 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder initiatives Human Services 6,500 Prevention of Family Violence 52,000 Family and Community Support Services 400 Training for Work 12,000 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder initiatives 6,500 Jobs, Skills,ofTraining and Labour Prevention Family Violence 4,574 400 Settlement and Integration Training for Work Justice and Training Solicitor and General Jobs, Skills, Labour Assistanceand to the Human Rights Education Settlement Integration and Multiculturalism Fund Justice and Solicitor General Transportation Assistance to the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund Provincial Highway Preservation 4,574 1,735 40,000 1,735 Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Horse Racing and Breeding Renewal Program Provincial Highway Preservation Bingo Associations Treasury Board and Finance Gaming Research Horse Racing and Breeding Renewal Program Bingo Associations Total Lottery Fund Allocation Gaming Research 28,000 40,000 6,000 1,600 28,000 6,000 1,547,716 1,600 Total Lottery Fund Allocation 1,547,716 Budget 2015 M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_Fiscal Fiscal Plan Tables volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Lottery p17 (2) M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalP volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Lottery p17 (2) Human Services (dollars) 52,000 Family and Community Support Services Ministry / Description 12,000 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder initiatives Service Alberta 6,500 Prevention of Family Violence Motor Vehicles 400 Training for Work Driver abstract Jobs, Skills,licences Training and Labour Drivers – application / renewal (1 year–5 years) 4,574 Settlement and Integration Passenger motor vehicle registrations Commercial (ClassGeneral 1–3 vehicles and trailers) Justice and Solicitor Land Titles Assistance to the Human Rights Education Searches and Multiculturalism Fund 1,735 Caveats Transportation Transfer / Title creation – flat fee 40,000 Provincial Preservation TransferHighway / Title creation – variable fee ($5,000 increments) Mortgages – and flat fee Treasury Board Finance Mortgages – variable fee Renewal ($5,000 increments) Horse Racing and Breeding Program 28,000 Vital Statistics Bingo Associations 6,000 Marriage licence Gaming Research 1,600 Birth, Marriage, Death certificates Corporate Total LotteryRegistry Fund Allocation 1,547,716 Incorporations (including amalgamations) Annual returns Searches M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanvolume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ FISCAL PLAN TABLES • FISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 122 X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/Lottery p17 (2) page 1 pdf named: FP-B15_TBS_18_ctpff-1.pdf 2014-15 2015-16 $15 $15 - $75 $75 varies by weight $20 $15.80 - $79 $84 $4 increase $10 $30 $50 $1 $50 $1 $15 $35 $75 $6 $75 $6 $40 $20 $50 $30 $250 $30 $1 $275 $50 $5 3/19/2015 /11:38 AM Budget 2015 Fiscal Plan Tables pdf named: FP-B15_TBS_18_ctpff-2.pdf Changes to to Premiums, Premiums, Fees Fees and and Fines, Fines continued Changes (dollars) (dollars) Ministry / Description Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Application fees and rent for dispositions on public land (surface materials, mineral and other leases) Royalty rates for sand, silt, soil, peat moss, clay and gravel Parks fees Base camping fee range Campsite electricity rates Base group camping fee Dump station use fee Canmore Nordic Centre fees In-park (visitor services) interpretive program fees Cottage lot lease fees (increases phased over 5 years) Industrial / commercial land use disposition administration and land rent fees Permit and special event fees Group accomm. rent – Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation (Lesser Slave Lake Prov. Park) On-site pump out service Justice and Solicitor General Court Filing Fees – Civil and family matters Court of Appeal applications Court of Queen's Bench Statements of defence Counterclaims Third Party claims Interlocutory applications Family Law Act claims Daily trial fees for civil matters (trials > 5 days, starting on day 5) Provincial Court Dispute notes Counterclaims < $7,500 Countercalims > $7,500 Third Party Claims Interlocutory Applications Family Law Act claims Court Filing Fees – Surrogate fees Issuing grants of probate, letters of administration, resealing grants, excluding trusteeship, where net Alberta property value is: Up to $10,000 $10,000 to $25,000 $25,000 to $125,000 $125,000 to $250,000 Over $250,000 Other estate documents, application for trusteeship, grant of double probate, caveats Filing an application during estate or trusteeship action or proceeding Court Filing Fees – Queen' s Bench commencement fee Traffic Offence Fines Speeding Emergency vehicles / construction zones Failure to obey red light Failure to stop at signal / crosswalk Unsafe advance into intersection controlled by flashing red light Traffic fine administration fee (% retained by Province) 2014-15 2015-16 various various 5¢-60¢ /cu. yd. 10¢-$1.20 /cu. yd. $5-$23 / night $5-$26 / night $6 / night $7 / night $50 / permit $50-$150 / permit $3 / use $3-$10 / use $0-$1200 $1-$1440 $0-$1500 $0-$2000 $600-$700 / year $1200-$1400 $0-$375 $40-$1500 $0-$60 $1-$240 $80-$200 / night $80-$500 / night $0 up to $25/ service $0 $50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 $150 $150 $50 $50 $250 / day $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25 $50 $100 $50 $50 $50 $25 $100 $200 $300 $400 $200 $0 $200 $35 $135 $275 $400 $525 $250 $50 $250 Average 35% increase $57-$351 $78-$474 $115-$703 $156-$949 $287 $388 $172 $233 $172 $233 16.67% 26.67% pdf named: FP-B15_TBS_18_ctpff-2.pdf M:\MinShare\PublnsProd\CorpFin\OBM.PUBLNS-2015-16\2015-18_BUDGET_FiscalPlanFISCAL PLAN 2015 –20 • FISCAL PLAN TABLES volume\7_FiscalPlan_TABLES_B2015\source_docs_Tables\ 123 3/19/2015 /11:40 AM X-BUDGET2015_TABLESPRINT.xlsx/P,F,L change p18b BLANK PAGE 124
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