Document 12048

New Resources
in Adolescent
Sexual Health
December 2013
The following are resources for those working in
the fields of adolescent sexual health, HIV, STI,
and pregnancy prevention. The list is compiled
quarterly and is not an all-inclusive list.
Resources should be reviewed locally to
determine appropriateness and fit for specific
programs and communities. Information is
geared toward a variety of audiences (e.g.,
parents, educators, clinical providers, teens);
therefore, it is important to review and
determine the most appropriate audience(s).
Addressing Sexual Health in Schools:
Policy Issues. September 2013.
Source: Healthy Teen Network.
This resource is intended to guide educators,
administrators, and advocates in assessing the
sexual health policies and practices in their
states, school districts, and schools. The guide
brings together years of policy, research, and
advocacy efforts illuminating the need for young
people to have access to the sexual health
education and services they need to ensure their
overall health and well-being. This compendium
of policy considerations was developed as a
resource for schools and community partners to
support the implementation of policies
addressing sexual health in schools.
Policy Statement on Condom Use by
Adolescents. October 2013.
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
This new policy statement updates a 2001
statement. It was developed to help
pediatricians’ understanding and support of
condom use by their patients to prevent
Last Revised: December 3, 2013
unintended pregnancies and STDs. AAP
acknowledges that although abstinence from
sexual activity is the most effective method for
the prevention of pregnancy and STDs, young
people should be prepared for the time when
they will become sexually active—if they are not
already. Similar to the 2001 statement, the
Committee reiterates the importance of
comprehensive sexuality education,
recommending: “Condom availability programs
should be developed through a collaborative
community process and accompanied by
comprehensive sequential sexuality education to
be most effective. This is ideally part of a K–12
health education program, with parental
involvement, counseling, and positive peer
Puberty Is Coming Earlier, But That
Doesn't Mean Sex Ed Is. October 2013.
Source: National Public Radio (NPR).
This NPR report talks about a fictional play about
puberty that is being brought to audiences as
young as fifth grade. The changes kids grapple
with in the play are beginning earlier than a
generation ago. Researchers are debating the
possible links to environmental chemicals, stress
and obesity. But regardless of the cause, more
and more kids are already well into puberty by
the time sex education begins in school.
Physicians emphasize that teaching kids about
puberty in fifth grade is too late.
New Training Modules about Sex
Education and Services. October 2013.
Source: Advocates for Youth.
This webpage includes access to four online
training modules. Topics include:
The Role of School Health Advisory Councils
(SHACs) in Comprehensive Sexual Health
Policies and Programs.
Mapping State Sexuality Education Standards
and Evidence-Based Curricula to the National
Sexuality Education Standards.
Reducing Homophobia in Schools.
Social Media 101: Connecting Youth to Health
and Social Services with Facebook, Twitter,
and Text Messaging.
Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing.
November 2013.
Source: Child Trends.
This Adolescent Health Highlight presents key
research findings about teen pregnancy and
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Dating and Sexual Relationships.
October 2013.
Source: Child Trends.
This Adolescent Health Highlight presents key
research findings about the prevalence of and
trends in adolescents’ dating and sexual
relationships; discusses dating and sexual
behaviors that may put adolescents at risk for
negative outcomes; examines how these
behaviors vary by gender, age, and
race/ethnicity; and considers individual, family,
and media influences on adolescents’ sexual
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
October 2013.
Source: Child Trends.
This Adolescent Health Highlight presents key
research findings about the trends in STD rates
among U.S. adolescents, discusses factors that
heighten or reduce adolescents' risk of acquiring
an STD, and provides information and resources
on STD prevention and testing.
Youth and Family Planning: Findings
from a Focus Group. November 2013.
Source: Act for Youth.
Do you think youth have positive impressions of
birth control? Think again. This fact sheet
summarizes the result of a focus group study
that looked into young people's experiences and
beliefs regarding birth control and family
planning services.
Getting the Facts Straight on the
Benefits of Birth Control in America:
Summary. November 2013.
Source: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen
and Unplanned Pregnancy.
Pregnancy planning, and the use of birth control
in particular, are directly linked to a wide array
of benefits to women, children, and society. This
brief outlines all the benefits in detail.
Teen Media Use Part I: Increasing and
On the Move. November 2013.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services - Office of Adolescent Health.
In recent years, innovations in Internet and
mobile technologies have created opportunities
Last Revised: December 3, 2013
for adolescents to use media and connect in new
ways. In this update on adolescent media use,
there is information on how youth are interacting
with media, especially TV, computers, and
mobile devices.
Assessment on Professional Development
Opportunities for Educators. September
Source: Healthy Teen Network.
This report is a review of sexual health elearning professional development opportunities
for educators, assessing accessibility,
affordability, content and visuals, quality,
appropriateness for adult learners, assessments,
cost, and duration.
What Does It Take to Implement
Evidence-Based Practices?
A Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Shows the Way. November 2013.
Source: The Bridgespan Group.
This new report concluded that the federally
funded Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP)
program is showing promise as a model for
supporting the growth of evidence-based
programs (EBPs). The article covers how EBPs
and grantees were selected in the TPP program
and how fidelity to the original programs was
maintained through training and technical
assistance. The report also discusses six key
elements that create an "ecosystem" of support
needed to scale the use of EBPs.
For More Information
Laurie Bechhofer
Michigan Department of Education
[email protected]
HIV, STD, and Sex Education in Schools
Kara Anderson
Michigan Department of Community Health
[email protected]
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
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