Monthly Newsletter - First Baptist Dyer

Opportunities of Service
9:00 AM Rehearsal/Sound Check
9:30 AM Family Connection
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:50 AM Morning Worship
10:50 AM Children’s Church
5:00 PM Mission Studies
6:00 PM SNL
6:00 PM Read the Bible for Life Study
6:00 PM Parenting Course
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
9:00 AM Prayer Group
3:00 PM Bible Drill
7:00 PM Orchestra Rehearsal
9:30 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Golden Agers
Wednesday Meal
Beth Moore Study
Adult Bible Study
P. O. Box 290
Dyer, Tennessee 38330
April 2015
Love God
Love People
Be on Mission
April Schedule
April 4
Worship Choir Dress Rehearsal - 2:00 pm
Youth Gym Day - 2:00 pm
April 5
Dyer Ministerial Alliance
Community Sunrise Service FBC - 7:00 pm
Bro Mark Kirkpatrick - Speaker
Worship Choir Easter Musical 10:50 am
“Arise My Love”
PM canceled
April 11
Community SNL
6:00 - 10:00 pm - FLC & Sanctuary
April 12
College Study - Youth House - 1:00 pm
Church Council - 4:00 pm
Deacon Meeting - 5:00 pm
Business Meeting - 7:00 pm
April 13
Associational Bible Drill - Whitehall - 6:30 pm
April 19
Ecuador Mission Team - 5:00 pm
April 20
Mission Action - 7:00 pm
April 25
State Bible Drill - FBC Milan - 10:00 am
April 26
College Lunch - Noon
College Study - Youth House - 1:00 pm
Presented by
The Worship Choir
April 5 @ 10:50 AM
Love God, Love People, Be on Mission
Congratulations to Ben and
Joyce Flowers on the birth of their
Daughter Alexis Flowers
I am grateful for so many
Volunteers serving our Lord and
impacting our community for Jesus!
Thank you for making a difference.
We can do more if we have more
workers in the fields sowing gospel
seeds. What a great time of the
year to share hope with the hurting.
Resurrection Sunday will be an epic
day we our Adult Choir shares the
musical, “Arise My Love”. There
will be a 7:00 Sunrise Service and a
10:50 service. Invite people to
church this Sunday!!!!!
VBS- June 15-19
Journey off the Map
Sign your kids up at
Click link
on front page
Pre-K- 6th grade
Welcome to our
New Members
Robert Lyons- Profession of Faith
Carleigh Travis-Baptism
Taylor Townsend - Statement
Keep Serving, Keep reaching others
for Jesus
Blessed to serve as your Pastor
God gives us four seasons to enjoy and my favorite is the "spring time". The beauty of His world comes to us
with so much loveliness - the colorful flowers, the budding of the trees, the birds building their nests and the green
grass and clover with bees and butterflies fluttering around. All our world comes to life and glows with God's
love. This month is also the celebration of Easter when our Lord was brutally killed and then rose from the
dead. His long and painful death proves God's love for us and His death makes it possible to live with Him forever
and forever in the place called Heaven.
Easter is a time for joy and giving. When we give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 100% of this money
goes to support our North American missionaries and their ministries. This can be a time of learning - learning the
hardships of Miss Armstrong who was a woman of prayer that interceded for the missionaries and for those they
were helping to discover Christ. Our goal is $3,000.00 and our church is always so good to "give" - to be obedient
to God's call to share the gospel to someone who has yet to come to know Him. God has given our families so
much so let us give in return to those families who desperately need to know Him as their personal saviour. Thanks in advance for supporting and helping meet our 2015 goal.
Bro. D
A Message from
Bro Adam
This month has sped by incredibly fast! February seems as if it were yesterday, which means that May will arrive
as if it were tomorrow. With all these days coming and going so quickly, I am reminded of Eph 5:5-16, which says
“Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the
days are evil.” If the Lord allows, we have several opportunities this month for students to spend time and grow
together. One such opportunity that we are very excited about is on April 11th, a community wide youth SNL!
The youth leadership team has prayed that the Lord would work to make the youth group more diverse, and we
believe that He has brought this event about as an answer to that prayer! Please encourage any youth in the area to
come and join us as we eat, play, and worship together!
Please pray for the youth group this month as we begin a study on Biblical men, women and relationships. Pray
also for the college students, as we study the lives of Moses, Ruth and Ester.
We’re so thankful for you all and for the blessing that it is to serve among you, have a great April!
Upcoming Events:
4/4: Youth Gym Day @ 2pm
4/11: Community Youth SNL in the FLC/Auditorium from 6-10 pm
4/12: College Study in the youth House @ 1pm
4/26: College Lunch after church and College Study in the Youth House @ 2pm
4/26: Youth Girls Study in the Youth House @ 3:30 pm
WMU Loves Missions,
Selene Barron
WMU Director
Music Ministry News
Hallelujah! How exciting must it have been to hear the angels proclaim the news “He is not here, for He has risen,
just as He said He would.” Matt. 28:6 Doom and despair were overtaken by rejoicing that Jesus was indeed alive.
Jesus’ promise that He would rise again had come true, and even today His promises are still being fulfilled.
This is a wonderful time of year as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. He conquered death, and paid the ultimate
price for sin so that we would not have to. We are forever grateful for that.
At 10:50 on Resurrection Sunday morning our worship choir will present Arise My Love to everyone. This musical tells of the Love of our Savior and gives us as a church the chance to present the gospel of salvation to everyone. Come and worship with us and be blessed by the words that are sung. All are invited.
In HIS grip!!!
Bro. Jason
Phil. 3:14
Sunday Schedule
9:00 Rehearsal/Sound Check
9:30 Family Connection
9:45 Sunday School
10:50 Morning Worship
5:00 Children’s Mission Studies
6:00 Evening Worship
7:00 Worship Choir
Choir Dress
2:00 pm
Youth Gym Day
2:00 pm
Sunrise - 7:00 pm
Adult Easter Musical - 11:00 am
Community SNL
FLC & Sanctuary
5:00 - 10:00 pm
PM Canceled
Church Council - 4:00 pm
Deacon Meeting - 5:00 pm
Business Meeting - 7:00 pm
Bible Drill
6:30 pm
Ecuador Mission Team Meeting
5:00 pm
Mission Action
7:00 pm
@ Paulette’s home
State Bible Drill
FBC Milan
10:00 am
College Lunch - Noon
College Study - 1:00 pm
Youth Girl’s Study - 3:30 pm
Wednesday Schedule
9:30 - Golden Agers
5:30 - Wednesday Fellowship Meal
6:00 - AWANA
6:00 - Women’s Bible Study
6:30 - Youth
6:30 - Adult Bible Study
April Nursery
April 5
10:50 – 3-4 Year Olds: Tesha Goodgine and
Allie Landrum
Infant-35 Months: Kim Thompson & Bridget Barron
PM Nursery: Bett Jewell and Dana Penn
April 5 -
Inside: Bob Barron
Josh Sample
Outside: Craig Blackburn
Tracy Cole
April 12 - Inside: Bob Barron
Alice Ernest
Outside: Craig Blackburn
Tracy Cole
Mark Davidson
April 19 - Inside: Bob Barron
Josh Sample
Outside: Craig Blackburn
Tracy Cole
April 12
10:50 – 3-4 Year Olds: Dee Leah & Anna Lyse Sullenger
Infant-35 Months: Jessica and Ambere Flowers
PM Nursery: Becky & Barbara Hopper
April 19
10:50 – 3-4 Year Olds: Cindy Lyons & Abbey Landrum
Infant-35 Months: Debbie Cole and
Mary Elizabeth Wollam
PM Nursery: Karen Duncan and
Mary Elizabeth Wollam
April 26
10:50 – 3-4 Year Olds: Britni & Kyle Pack
Infant-35 Months: Rachel Duck & Ann Drumright
PM Nursery: Sandy & Austin Thompson
April Greeters
April 26 - Inside: Bob Barron
Alice Ernest
Outside: Craig Blackburn
Tracy Cole
Mark Davidson
Please contact Dee Leah Sullenger at 731-695-3926 if
you are unable to work your given Sunday or if you
and another worker have swapped. Thank you for
Dola Acree, Jerry Legg,
Brett Hendrix, Wanda Adams
Tyree & Katie White, Sue Brown
Mary Ann Brown,
Helen Carson, Lorene Maxwell,
Evelyn Fay Farris
Dear Church Family,
Ellen and I want you to know how much we appreciate
your thoughts, cards and prayers during the illness and
death of my sister JoAnn. May God continue to bless
you. Ed Pratt
April 5
Eric Taylor, Sonny Crews
Charles Phillips, Gary Shoemaker
April 12
Michael Landrum, Mike Fuqua
Tim Canada, Hunter Simmons
April 19
Doug Duncan, Ronnie West,
Allen Thompson, Michael Sullenger
April 26
Bo Booth, Josh Samples,
Kenny Oliver, Billy Barron
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Goal: $3000
April Ushers
Dear Ladies,
What an awesome night you and your church provided on
Saturday, 2/28/2015!
Each decorated table was a “feast of beauty” for the heart
and the eyes. The talent and hard work of each lady was
amazing. Many of the bible verses used are favorites of
The two young ladies who sang are “so blessed and
talented” as are the musicians.
The food was delicious and the fellowship good. May the
Lord bless the men who served so graciously!
I have read Mrs. Smartt’s columns for years, but never
met her. She was so kind, witty and fun and her wisdom
so abundant! She is “so right” in stating that Satan is
after marriages and the home.
Thank you for providing such a needed and informative
ministry for this area.
May the Lord richly bless your pastor, his family and
each member of First Baptist Church. I pray that each of
you. Keep pressing on, as my family and church plan to
do! We are blessed to be “part of the Family of God”!
In Christian Love, Ruth Miller
First Baptist,
We have been truly blessed by the spirit of generosity at
FBC. Not only is generosity measured in terms of donations, but also your members willingness to donate their
time and talent. Because of your generosity, we were
able to keep Mom’s Day Out going. Thank you for your
donations to Mom’s Day Out. You have all been such a
blessing! Thank you so much. Love, Ms Tabitha and
Ms Leah, Mom’s Day Out
You are invited to a Bridal Tea
Honoring Logan Duncan & Emily Tabor
Sunday, June 7
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
First Baptist Church
Dyer, Tennessee
If you would like to help,
please call Susan Barker
@ 414-1391
Building Fund
In Memory of Jo Ann Suttner
Given by Doug & Karen Duncan
Tanya Taylor Family Mission Fund
In Memory of Troy Harrison
In Memory of Gerald Powell
In Memory of Bonnie Pipkin
In Memory of Louise Rose
In Memory of Carolyn Horner
In Memory of Winnie Stafford
Given by Ronnie & Selene Barron
2015 Ecuador Mission Trip
In Memory of Paul Hicks
Given by Doug & Karen Duncan
Mom’s Day Out
In Memory of Mark Barker
Given by Joey, Krista, Kelley & Lawson Parks