WELCOME! We are glad you are here! We would love to get to know you a little and allow you the chance to ask some questions about us. One of the greatest privileges God has given us is to gather together to encourage one another and to worship Him. If you are a guest, please take a moment to fill out the connection card enclosed in this program. At the end of the service, please place the card in the offering plate. Budget Offering 3/15/15 Needed: $54,088.06; Given: $52,996.64; YTD Needed: $1,298,113.44; YTD Given: $1,374,134.42 WEST JACKSON BAPTIST CHURCH - Andy Neely, Lead Pastor 580 Oil Well Rd., Jackson, TN 38305 | www.wjbc.org | 731.660.4535 Emergency on-call number 731.512.3354 We have two unique worship gatherings we offer each Sunday. The 8:45 will be led by our sanctuary choir and orchestra. As a congregation, we will be singing Blessed Be Your Name, My Faith Looks Up to Thee and Great is Thy Faithfulness. Paul Helms will be leading worship for our 11:15 service. THE GREAT EGG HUNT Saturday, April 4, 2015 WE STILL NEED EGGS! If you would like to donate eggs for this event, just drop them in the boxes located at the elevators. We also need volunteers so if you are interested in volunteering, go to wjbc.org, click on The Great Egg Hunt and follow the links to sign up online –OR- call the Children’s Ministry office anytime throughout the week. INASMUCH DAY SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Sign ups are going on now! Sign up cards and Project Lists are available today at the table in the foyer. (Project Lists are also available online at wjbc.org) Make sure you sign up today to help serve our community on Inasmuch Day! THANK YOU TO JOHN WILLIAMS BFT The Missions Ministry would like to extend a sincere “thank you” to the John Williams BFT for providing food and volunteers to help at RIFA on March 19. UNION SPRING BREAK MISSION TRIP The college-led spring break mission trip to Des Moines, IA, is March 28-April 3. Please keep them in your prayers. WMU MAE GUY BIBLE STUDY Tuesday, March 24, 2015 | 10:30am Nell Rawls-11 Glen Eden Drive Brenda Williams will be our Bible study leader and our group assignment is to bring a canned good for RIFA. PLEASE GIVE TO THE ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING The task is urgent. In the last 100 years, Southern Baptists—and evangelicals in general—have lost significant ground in the church-to-population ratio. This is especially true in the non-South regions of North America and in and around our large cities where more than 80 percent of our population lives. The stats below reflect the current trends: › 1 Christian church for every 430 people during World War I. › 1 SBC church for every 6,194 people in the United States in 2013. › 1 CNBC church for every 115,040 people in Canada in 2013. › 70 percent of Southern Baptist churches are plateauing or declining. (source: 2015 AAEO Prayer Guide) Please give sacrificially so we can reach North America!! WELL IN INDIA On Sunday March 8th, the students of WJBC who attended One City Weekend had the opportunity to join other churches from Jackson, TN in providing a well for the people of India. When we were made aware by our recent WJBC India team that $1,600 was needed to provide a well for an unreached people group, our student pastors brought the challenge before our students and they accepted. Our students went above the need and gave a total of $1,797.20 in one offering! Join with us in celebrating Christ’s mission that runs deep in the the hearts of our students! SAVE THE DATE! Student Ministry Summer Camps Junior High Splash: June 8-12 Senior High Camp: June 22-26 THIS WEEK @ WJBC NOBODIES FOR JESUS Last week, as a church, we started walking through Nobodies For Jesus-a 14 day study on living a great commission lifestyle. Today we are on Day 7. If you didn’t get a copy of the book, we have some available at the church office throughout the week for a suggested donation of $5. MEN’S CHURCH LEAGUE BASKETBALL If you are interested in Men’s Church League Basketball, contact Chuck Rhea at 731-5123810 or [email protected] for details. March 31st is the deadline to sign up. INASMUCH RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, April 18, 2015 | 9am - 12pm Gather your “rummage” to sell at the church-wide rummage sale and deliver it to the Courts after noon on April 17. Then, come back on April 18 and shop! GOLDEN AGERS’ APRIL FELLOWSHIP April 9 | 10:30am | Old Country Store Chapel and Restaurant Our musical guests will be the Shepherd Family from Paris, Tennessee. Scott is Minister of Music at FBC Paris. The parents and 4 children play mandolin, viola, guitar, cello, violin, piano, banjo, and their vocal blend is amazing! They will perform an exciting format from bluegrass to classical music. ____________________________________ MEMORIALS To: Debt Retirement In Memory of Mrs. Alice Miller by Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sherrod; In Memory of Mrs. Helen Linton by Pam Linton Roberts, Jim Linton, and Patrick Linton; To: Budget Offering In Memory of Mr. Hot Elkins by Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:30 am Church Media Library Opens 8:45 Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 TV Broadcast, JEA, Channel 6 10:15 Forest Cove Nursing Center 11:15 Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00 pm El Shaddai Hispanic Church (The Loft) 4:30 Youth Choir (6th-12th Grades) Choir Room 5:00 RA’s and GA’s (D-212) 6:00 Evening Worship (Sanctuary) MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 6:00 pm Hartland Apartment Ministry 6:30 Boy Scouts Troop 100 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 6:00 am TV Broadcast, JEA, Channel 6 6:30 Men’s Prayer Group (Old Country Store) 6:30 Men’s Group (Latham’s) 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 9:00 Co-ed Bible Study (A-121) 10:30 WMU Mae Guy Bible Study Group 6:30 Jackson Oaks Senior Living Bible Study WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 4:30 pm Family Night Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:30 Church Media Library Opens 5:30 Children’s Choir 6:15 Fusion (Grades 1-6) 6:15 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 6:15 Prayer Meeting 6:15 Financial Peace (A122) 6:15 Men’s Bible Study (Annex) 6:30 Encounter: Grades 7-8 (Meal @ 6:00) 6:30 Adult Bible Studies 6:30 Mission Friends 7:00 Encounter: Grades 9-12 (Meal @ 6:30) 7:45 Orchestra Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 8:00 College Worship THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 9:00 am Mother’s Day Out 6:30 pm Iron Sharpeners Men’s Bible Study FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group (Old Country Store) SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 _____________________________________ ON THE MENU Wednesday, March 25 | 4:30-6:00 pm Adults: Catfish, Baked Potato, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, Salad Bar, Lemon Ice Box Pie Children: Hamburger and Chips
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