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First Consulting & Administration, Inc.
1020 Central, Suite 201 Kansas City, MO 64105-1670
Phone: 800.927.2730 Fax: 816.391.2755
Press Release
Joe Bieniek
[email protected]
May 13, 2015
Vickie Goodman Joins First Consulting & Administration, Inc.
BODY: First Consulting & Administration, Inc. is excited to announce and welcome Vickie
Goodman, FLMI, ALMI, AIRC, ARA, ACS, as their newest Consultant. Vickie’s background
includes work as a Senior Compliance Analyst and as a Manager of Policy Filing and
Compliance for a nationwide life and health insurer.
President and CEO of First Consulting, Francine D. Fetyko, shares her enthusiasm: “We are
very excited to have Vickie join our team. In addition to her product knowledge, Vickie brings a
strong understanding of the operational aspects of product implementation.”
Vickie has been in the insurance industry for over 21 years, of which more than 10 have been
directly in compliance. Her expertise from work at an insurance carrier home office includes the
research and creation of summaries on specific compliance matters for 50 states, as well as
drafting, filing and regulatory compliance management for each state.
Vickie has extensive experience with life and health products deemed exempt from mandated
benefits requirements. She has worked with individual and group life and health products,
including group trusts as policyholders.
About joining the team Vickie says, “I am very excited to assist our clients creating a quality
product and obtain approvals so that our clients can achieve their goal of speed to market.”
Vickie can be reached at [email protected] and at 816.391.2735.
First Consulting & Administration, Inc. is a premier provider assisting the insurance industry
in achieving business strategies with a focus on compliance and regulatory issues. Since 1969,
First Consulting has advised and assisted companies across the country. The primary areas of
practice include product development, drafting and filing; compliance consulting; third party
administrator licensing; research; advertising compliance; UCAA filings; and, a full range of
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) services including Own Risk & Solvency Assessment
(ORSA) compliance tailored to insurance company needs. More information about our Cosourcing services is available at: