Five Worship Opportunities on Easter, April 5

A Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
April 2015
Volume 63, Number 4
Worship & Music................................
Residents’ Corner ..............................
Faith in Action ...................................
Transitions ...........................................
Annual Giving .....................................
Opportunities for Women ..............
Children & Families...........................
Youth Connection .............................
Adult Education..................................
Campus Connection ........................
Congregational Life............................
We are entering the most holy time of the year, a week
that begins with a scandalous parade, includes betraying an
innocent man for a few pieces of silver, and ends with the
light having gone out of the world. Shouts of ‘Hosanna’ are
replaced by cries of ‘Crucify him!’ and few people seem to
grasp the enormity of what is taking place. The depth of sin is
eclipsed only by the depth of God’s love, which will not allow
death to have the final word.
The resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, is the basis of our
faith. It testifies to the power of God, a power that is unrivaled. The more one studies the scriptures and comes to
know the grace of God – made most evident and clear to us
in the person of Jesus Christ – the more one is humbled, the
more one bows in awe before God. Life is too beautiful and
intricate to be happenstance. Life is too fragile to be taken
for granted. Life is too difficult to be lived without a strength
greater than our own to nurture and sustain us, to grant us
peace and give us hope.
As people created and loved by God, we gather to worship in joy and thanksgiving and in witness to the resurrection
of Jesus the Christ. Easter at First Pres will be celebrated in
five morning worship services. Details are elsewhere in this
newsletter. May our joy continue well beyond the final notes of
Handel’s Hallelujah chorus, for Christ is raised from the dead!
Death is no match for God. God’s love has no end, and God’s
love is for us all. Thanks be to God!
Grace and peace,
Fairfax F. Fair, Pastor
Five Worship Opportunities on Easter, April 5
6:45 a.m. – A 30-minute sunrise service will be led by our resident ministers on the Circle Terrace, weather permitting, or Monteith Hall.
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. – Rev. Dr. Fair will preach at these traditional services held in the Sanctuary. Musical leadership will include the Chancel Choir, brass quintet, organ, and timpani. The services will conclude with the congregation singing Handel’s Hallelujah chorus.
10:00 a.m. – A new worship offering will be led by Rev. Roederer in Monteith Hall
for those for whom a less-crowded worship experience is preferred. The service will
include a sermon and music led by a soloist.
Please note that there is no 7:07 worship service on Easter.
Worship & Music
Decorate the Church with Easter Lilies
Lilies will grace the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Sign up in the Church
Office or online at by Monday, March 30, at
5:00 p.m., to donate a lily in memory or in honor of a loved one. The cost is $17. After Easter worship, our deacons will deliver
the lilies to members and friends of our congregation who are ill, grieving, or shut in.
Parking on Easter Sunday: Make Room for Others
Please make considerate parking choices to leave open as many spaces near the church as possible for people with mobility issues. Handicapped spaces will be designated in the parking lot on the Hillegonds Chapel side of the church. Parking is
permitted on Washtenaw and Hill Streets on Sunday mornings and free parking is available in the nearby parking structure at
650 S. Forest Avenue.
Easter Morning Coffee and Fellowship
Enjoy Easter morning fellowship, refreshments, and Fair Trade coffee from 7:15 to 8:00 a.m. (hot cross buns!) in the Narthex,
and from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. outside Monteith Hall.
Help the Flowering Crosses Bloom on Easter Morning
Bring fresh flowers on Easter to add to our Flowering Crosses located outside the Sanctuary on the
front steps and in the Monteith Hall vestibule. Store-bought flowers are welcome!
No Easter Sunday School
Sunday School classes do not meet on Easter Sunday. Childcare, for crib through young five-year-olds,
is available at 8:00 a.m., by reservation only, and at 9:30, 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., no reservations needed.
Residents’ Corner
A Letter from Rev. Conrad
Dear First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor,
I am writing with deepest gratitude in my heart for God’s call that joined us together in ministry for
this past year and a half. Your celebrations and tears, trials and adventures, home-brews and hospitality
have bolstered and affirmed by call into pastoral ministry. For all that and more, I am deeply touched and so grateful.
As you all know, the resident ministry program comes with a ticking clock and swirling questions of what lies next for each
of us pastors you have grown to love and care about, and allowed to minister alongside you and to you. I understand this to be
the most difficult and most wonderful part of your call as a congregation. For bearing the tears of saying goodbye alongside the
excitement of what lies ahead, I again give you my thanks.
So I have big news to share with you! First Presbyterian Church of Burlington, NC has called me to be their Associate Pastor of Mission, Young Adults, and Congregational Care. I am thrilled for this next adventure in my faith journey, but that also
means my time in Ann Arbor with you is drawing to a close. My last Sunday is on May 10, 2015.
I look forward to celebrating the mutual ministry we have done together on that day in worship, and I prayerfully look
forward to the continual unfolding of the ministry of First Pres in the years to come.
Peace be yours,
Rev. Lindsay Conrad
Faith in Action
Help Save Lives! Give Blood Monday, April 13
The Deacons’ Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, April 13, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Curtis
Room. As the Red Cross says, “The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood.” Please help!
Sign up to donate blood, either online at, or at the Blood Drive table at Coffee
Hour on March 29. Questions? Contact John Yodhes at [email protected], or Susan Sweet Scott at 3205819. Donating blood is a simple thing to do, and it will make a huge difference in the lives of others.
Date Change for April Communion Sunday Food Collection
Donations will be accepted on April 12 - note date change!
Communion will not be held on Easter Sunday, but one week later, on April 12. Please bring
forward food and offerings on the last hymn during each worship service. Presbyterian
Women will take the Sunday Communion Food Collection on April 12 to the Second Mile
Center in Detroit. The Second Mile Center of Detroit serves Monday night dinners to many
people, including the homeless, cares for many children in the after-school program, and
provides lunch for campers during summer camp. Their other efforts include a yearly Health
Fair and a clothes closet. In a dangerous area of Detroit, people are fed in body, and given
hope that their children may avoid street gangs and graduate from high school. Bring food
and donations, and pray that Second Mile Center of Detroit may continue these ministries.
Philippines Book, Bake, and Reuse Items Sale
Donate April 30 & May 1, Shop on May 2
Are you moving or downsizing? Do you need to purge your garage, attic, basement,
and closets of items you no longer need? Consider donating those items to the Philippines
Mission Team who will turn them into mission dollars, bricks, and mortar! Drop off your
donations in the Social Hall, Thursday, April 30, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Friday, May 1,
from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Come back on Saturday, May 2, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and
go shopping!
Suggested donation items include books, linens, costume jewelry, kitchenware, dinnerware, tools, dishes, antiques, framed
prints, children’s clothing, sports gear, pottery, and such. We cannot accept adult clothing, old computers, large appliances, large
furniture, or exercise equipment. Do you have questions, need pick up help, or need to drop off donations early? Contact John
Kinzinger at [email protected], Joe Schmidt at 417-4921, or Hank McQueen at 769-1793. Limited storage space is available.
Spring Events at Cass:
Rev. Conrad Preaches at Cass
On April 8, Rev. Lindsay Conrad will be preaching her last sermon at the Cass Community Social Services Wednesday evening
worship service. Lindsay has been a popular guest preacher at Cass throughout her residency with us. In December, her guest
preaching was combined with a mission event with Cass residents. Although we will not be combining the event with a mission
activity, many have expressed an interest in attending the service. The service begins at 6:00 pm and will be held in the warehouse. If you are interested in going and would like to carpool, please contact Sue Jeffers [email protected].
Spring Planting
Come and be a part of First Presbyterian’s annual spring planting of vegetable and flower gardens at Cass Community Social
Services in Detroit on Saturday, May 9. Carpools will leave from the church at 8:00; we should wrap up our work in the early
afternoon. Absolutely no skills are required. Please sign up on the church’s website or email Sue Jeffers at [email protected].
Fair Trade Coffee on Sale at Coffee Hour April 12
Put some “spring” in your step with Fair Trade Coffee. Regular, decaf, whole bean, and a variety of blends will be sold next Sunday, April 12, at Coffee Hour. Your purchase supports a living wage for coffee farmers and helps pay for First Pres’ commitment
to serving Fair Trade Coffee at all church events. Coffee can also be purchased any day by completing an order form (located in
the Welcome Center) or by stopping by the church office during business hours.
Blanket Tying for Children Thursday, April 16
Join us from 10:00 a.m. to noon on April 16 as volunteers cut and tie fleece blankets that will
be given to abused children at the “Kids Talk Clinic” in Detroit when they come for treatment. A $10.00 donation is suggested for the cost of material.
News from Niger:
from Rev. Michael and Rachel Ludwig,Our Mission Co-Workers
Please pray for the Ludwigs, their health issues, and progress with Michael’s work with the national church.
Our language teacher recently told us that it appears we “don’t really do much.” It was nice to
see we’re close enough to tease each other, but also a really interesting comment on how time
is valued here. We have spent our time in these ways – Rachel working with the kids in school,
Michael doing computer work and collaborating on projects with church leaders, contacting
supporters, memorizing Hausa vocabulary, filling water buckets, enjoying conversation with
our former guard’s wife, preparing for meals and children’s needs, and more. Our language
teacher then told us what it means to him to “be really busy.” He listed all the people he had
helped in the last two days. In Niger, the relationships you have in a day and the people you see
have everything to do with what you get done.
We’ve gotten used to the basics of living here, and even adjusted to surprise problems. We’ve
found ways to get into the community, be helpful to the church, and nurture our children in
this place. However, often the hardest part is having the energy, after just doing the work of
surviving, to stretch ourselves and try to be part of this “other” culture. When we can do that,
we start to see that all of the progress we’re making is just scratching the surface of what it
means to understand and adapt to another culture.
As you see, we need prayers for continued energy, and for our relationships with the people
around us. Michael has moved into spending some of his time at the national church office this
month, and we are all working on further language learning so that we can soon be able to carry on real conversations in Hausa. We could also use prayers for our health. Also, continued grace for the planning for the national consultation on theological
education, which has a chance to make a great impact on the way the church trains and reaches out.
Help for Hope Clinic
Do you have unused, unneeded, unopened test strips or glucometers? Donate them to the HOPE Medical Clinic in Ypsilanti.
Place your excess test strips in the plastic mail bin outside the First Pres Parish Nurse’s office and doctors at the clinic will give
them to needy patients. By sharing your excess, new diabetics or those without access to test strips, will be able to benefit from
your generosity.
Save the Date for the Haiti Reunion Celebration
Saturday, June 27, 6:00 pm
The Haiti Medical Mission Team and the Haiti Nursing Foundation are co-sponsoring a special evening
to celebrate the 15 years of medical mission in Haiti and the 10 years since the founding of the FSIL
School of Nursing in Leogane, Haiti. The celebration will feature a reception on the patio, steel drum
band, Haitian dinner, and guest speaker Dr. Michael Lindvall. Ticket sales begin May 1. For more information contact Rosemarie Rowney at [email protected] or Marcia Lane at [email protected].
We Grieve the Death of
Dorothy “Dottie” Steiner, February 1, 2015
Margaret “Peg” Ressler, February 14, 2015
Betty Reinhart, March 9, 2015
Bob Snyder, March 19, 2015
Barbara Black, March 26, 2015
We say farewell to:
Richard and Katie Norton, to Indianapolis
Wanetta Jones, to New York
Pat and Tom Elkington, to Arizona
Annual Giving
Upcoming Memorial Services:
Barbara Black, April 1, 2:00 p.m.
Margaret “Peg” Ressler, May 15, 11:00 a.m.
Betty Reinhart, May 16, 11:00 a.m.
Bob Snyder, June 7, 3:00 p.m.
We Celebrate the Birth of
Claire Kristine McInchak, born March 14, 2015, daughter of
Joe and Kellie McInchak.
Wyatt Byers Ginsberg, born February 11, 2015, son of David
and Megan Granito Ginsberg and grandson of Harry Granito
and Kim Byers-Granito.
Update on Annual Giving for 2015
The Annual Giving Committee thanks all who have turned in their Financial Commitment and Opportunity to Serve forms.
Through Friday, March 6, we have received 551 pledges totaling $1,562,980 million. This represents 97% of our 2015 goal of
Please know that it is never too late to make a commitment to your church. If you have not yet turned in your 2015 commitments to serve or your financial pledge, please consider doing so today. Lost or misplaced your Commitment forms? Extra forms
may be found in the Welcome Center, in the Church Office and online at
The Reverend Dr. Fairfax F. Fair has thoughtfully connected our theme from Micah 6:8 with our stewardship giving:
What does the Lord require of us? God asks our best. Our gifts to God are to be as bountiful as God’s blessings toward us. Giving
to God is a sign of spiritual maturity. Making our gifts to God our highest priority demonstrates our trust in God and our gratitude
to God. Through our giving, we seek justice and show kindness. Through our giving, we demonstrate our mindfulness that we are
children of God. That’s what it is to walk humbly with God.
If you have questions, please contact either Lucie Audette, Annual Giving Workgroup Chair at 717-8062 or Lynnette Conner,
Finance Manager at 662-4466, ext. 344.
Formation of 2016 Annual Giving Workgroup
The following individuals have graciously volunteered to begin the process of planning the 2016 Annual Giving this coming fall:
Lucie Audette, Chair; Carol Downton; Gail Grady; John LeDuc; Zach Monsma; Chris Queen; and Carson Smith. We met for
the first time Monday, March 9. We laughed, prayed, got to know each other, and shared our hopes and ideas for Stewardship
this coming year. We need additional members for this committee. Please consider joining this group, no experience necessary. We will be meeting once a month to share fellowship and develop plans. Our next meeting is Monday. April 20, from 5:30
to 7:00 p.m. Questions? Interested in joining us? Contact Lucie Audette at 717-8062 or [email protected]
Opportunities for Women
Habitat for Humanity Tour on April 15
Presbyterian Women will begin their gathering at 9:30 a.m. in the Lewis Room for lesson 8 of
the Bible study Reconciling Paul, led by Jill Binkley. At 10:45 a.m., Don Redding and Barry Johnson will meet us at church and lead our group on a tour of area Habitat homes that First
Pres has built or rehabbed. After the tour, PW will enjoy lunch at Dalat restaurant in Ypsilanti.
Other PW Events:
•Women’s Evening Bible Study (WEBS) will meet on the third Monday, April 20, at 7:00 pm in the Curtis Room.
•PW Reading Group will meet on Wednesday, April 22, at 1:00 pm at the home of Myra Larson.
Children & Families
Sign Up Now for Summer Vacation Bible School!
Register online at, (search VBS)
Our Summer Vacation Bible School program, “Christ’s Chosen,” will be held Tuesday through
Thursday, June 16 - 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m, on the grounds of First Pres. For three funfilled days our children who have completed Kindergarten through fifth grade and their friends
experience what life was like when Jesus lived. They relive Biblical events, occupations, the
synagogue, family life, and experience being part of a typical Bible-time family. Children visit
the shops of the marketplace and try their hands at many crafts, travel to the storyteller’s tent,
enjoy game time, and witness events in Jesus’ life re-enacted by our drama team. There are many
ways that adults, middle schoolers, and high schoolers can volunteer and be a part of this great
activity. Questions? Contact: Debbie MacVey [email protected] or Cindy King
[email protected]
Have You Signed Up for Camp?
Over 30 children and youth have already registered for our fun week at Camp
Westminster, but spots are still available. If you want more details about camp or
to learn how to register your 2nd through 8th grader go to www.firstpresbyterian.
org and search “Camp Westminster.” Take a look at all the good times we have
had by checking out the the camp pictures from past summers on the bulletin
board on the 400 level at church, or view the photo gallery on the church website.
Questions? Email Debbie MacVey [email protected] or Rev. Dr. Jim
Monnett [email protected]
Youth Connection
What does it take to encourage a young person to make a personal decision to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? This year’s eighth
grade Confirmation ministry was a great Church School class where the class worked with their mentors Carol Detmer, Margaret Jahnke, Drew Burton and Diane Hockett with Rev. Dr. Jim Monnett, Director of Youth Ministry, to study, discuss and probe
the Christian faith. Confirmation weekend is April 18 and 19. It begins with a banquet with the Session at 6 p.m. in the Social
Hall followed by an examination in Monteith Hall . On Sunday, the class will stand before the 9:30 a.m. worshipping congregation and profess their faith and affirm the membership vows as they join our church. This year’s class includes Ethan Bilby, Allison Dabrowski, Elizabeth Engel, Nicole France, Leina Kaehr, Emily Lancaster, Ben Meyers, Claudia Morville, Aedan Mulcrone,
Charlie Rogers, Jack Santinga, and Lydia Schaafsma.
Believe Youth Conference
Friday, April 24 - Saturday, April 25
The Believe Youth Conference ( is a high-energy weekend event for
sixth through eighth grade students only. It’s packed with great speakers, bands in worship, and
events including illusionist Jeff Walling. Middle schoolers will leave for Holland, Michigan at
3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24 and return by 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 25. The trip will be led
by Rev. Dr. Jim Monnett (RJ) and Sarah Glinka Endicott. The registration fee is $140. Checks
should be made out to First Presbyterian Church and given to RJ along with a Consent Release
form. Contact RJ to obtain the link to the online conference registration form.
Adult Education
Note: There are no Adult Education classes on Easter Sunday, April 5
Sundays @ 9:30 A.M.
The Bible @ 9:30 - French Room/Library
Bible Exploration and Conversation
April 12 - 26 The Book of Genesis
The class, led by Rev. Ed Koster, continues a fascinating study of the first book in the Old Testament, Genesis.
First Couples - Monteith Hall
This group offers spiritual growth, learning, fellowship, and support for couples and individuals and meets in Monteith Hall.
April 12 & 19 24 Hours That Changed the World
In this Lenten journey, Pastor Adam Hamilton guides us through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus’ life with a DVD presentation filmed in Israel and discussion. The presenters are class members.
April 26 Developing Cultural Understanding and Communication
The presenter is Robbie Ransom.
Adult Education on Sundays @ 11:00 A.M.
Common Ground - Lewis Room
Common Ground is a fresh group at First Pres where new and longtime members alike find a place to grow in faith and develop
friendships. All are welcome! The class is conversational in style and is led by First Pres members, pastors, and other knowledgeable presenters.
April 12 - 26 Love and Logic Parenting Classes
Join us for this introduction to the general philosophy of Parenting with Love and Logic® which covers
discipline tactics, sibling rivalry, and creating one-liners to help keep your sanity. Holly Majorprice and
Mary Magos are the instructors. Childcare will be available, and snacks for adults and children will be
provided. The cost for the 3 week series is $20/family which includes childcare, snacks, and a Love and
Logic workbook (additional workbooks are $10 each). Register in the Church Office or online at
Exploring the Faith (Monteith Hall)
April 12 - 26 : Lila – A Conversation with Dr. John Whittier-Ferguson about a beautiful novel
Enter the world of Lila with Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gilead and Housekeeping Marilynne
Robinson as storyteller. Return to the town of Gilead to trace a story of a girlhood lived on the fringes of society in fear, awe, and wonder. Lila, homeless and alone after years of roaming the countryside, steps inside a small-town Iowa church – the only available shelter from the rain – and ignites a
romance and a debate that will reshape her life. The presenter is Dr. John Whittier-Ferguson, Professor of English at the University of Michigan.
May 3 The Living Stones of Israel and Palestine
Margaret and Harris McClamroch, and Mary Lynn and Jim Thomson will share their experiences meeting and learning
from inspirational peacemakers (the Living Stones) in both the West Bank and Israel
in October 2014, when they traveled to the Holy Land with the Pilgrims of Ibillin.
Campus Connection
From Rev. Renee Roederer, Director of Campus Ministry
It’s hard to believe that we are nearly finished with the 2015–2016 academic year. Our year together has been tremendous, and it’s time again to thank you. Our undergraduate and graduate
students are so grateful to have a home away from home at First Pres. Thank you for getting to
know their names and learning more about their lives on campus. Thank you to all of our small
group leaders who meet regularly with their students. Your love and hospitality has shaped their
faith for a lifetime. Thank you to all the volunteers who have cooked dinner for our students on Sunday nights. This time has truly
been a doorway into the life of our broader church. Many students, after dinner, have started attending worship more regularly,
participating in our midweek programs, serving in local mission, and learning more deeply in small groups. Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the Pancake Supper. It is an amazing gift to have 300 students inside our building in December! Thank you
to everyone who serves as a leader in ministry on the Campus Ministry Work Group and on the Board of the Ann Arbor Campus
Ministry Foundation. You add so much to the vision for what we do! And thank you to everyone who has provided financial gifts
this year. You supported our overall ministry and our Spring Break service trips. On trips, faith is deepened, and some students
have a faith experience for the first time in their lives. Trips build friendships that last a lifetime and strengthen the leadership of
students in service for years to come. We could not do what we do without you, and we’re so grateful!
Congregational Life
Pilgrimage: The Sacred Journey of Ordinary Life
Women’s Retreat April 24 - 25, Maumee Bay Lodge, Ohio
24 hours of relaxation, fun, learning, growth, and friendship. Come to a deeper faith
and renewed friendship with other women from First Pres. Always a popular event,
registration is due by April 1. Fees are $120/ double or $180/single and include all meals
and lodging. Scholarships and carpooling are available. If you did not get a brochure in
the mail, see the First Pres website to register, This year we
welcome co-facilitators and leaders Rev. Karen Ferguson Ness (Libertyville, IL) and Rev.
Melissa Anne Rogers. Worskhop leaders include Rev. Lois Colon, Rev, Kristin Riegel,
Sandy Talbott, and members of First Pres who have taken various kinds of literal and
spiritual pilgrimages. Why does the idea of pilgrimage speak to us? What is it about the journey that calls to us? Some of us are
led to take an actual spiritual pilgrimage, but others can find the deeper meaning of the spiritual journey in all aspects of life –
even in the ordinary everyday moments. At this retreat, we will explore the literal and metaphorical meaning of pilgrimage,
and how to draw courage and strength from this idea of journey no matter where we find ourselves and what might be ahead
of us. As Jesus was with the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, where is Jesus with us on our journey? To what pilgrimages is
Jesus leading us even now? Join us for great keynote speaking and preaching, wonderful communion together, a real walking
pilgrimage on the grounds, workshops, and more.
Sign up to get your portraits taken now!
We have one more week of photo taking with Lifetouch scheduled for Wednesday, April 29 to Saturday May 2. If you have not
yet had your photo taken for the new directory, please sign up soon. The new photo directory is planned to be published and
distributed in September. Sign up at, or call the Church Office (662-4466) for an appointment.
Eat. Drink. Be Merry!: Immature Ministries (40s/50s) is at it again!
Dessert Pairings: Wine vs. Beer! And the winner is…
Our next Immature Ministries is April 17. Eat dinner before arriving at the home of
the Reynolds. Bring nothing (except $7.50/ person to cover costs) and come enjoy some
delicious pairings of beer and chocolate along with some wine and cheese pairings. We’ll
be voting before the night is out to determine which tasting(s) are the best! If you’re in the
(roughly) 40 to 50 year old age range, enjoy laughter, conversation, and rubbing elbows
with some of the most engaging people you’ll ever meet, then join us – Friday April 17,
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Reynolds’ – 5416 Waldenhill Court, Ypsilanti. RSVP online at www., or contact Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers ([email protected]) or or Sandy Talbott
([email protected]). We hope to see you there!
Hilltoppers Goes to the Dogs!
Join us on Thursday, April 9, at Noon, in the Social Hall, for “Therapaws: What is is, How We Serve, and The Difference We
Make: Woof!” Jerry Nordblum will join us, and bring several therapy dogs for us to meet. Enjoy a delicious hot lunch by Chef
Christine for $5. Sign up in the Church Office, or email Rev. Rogers, [email protected]. Hilltoppers is geared to
those 60 and up, but all are welcome to join us anytime.
The College of Elders
The College of Elders meets Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. If you are an
ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church, or Minister of the Word and Sacrament, you
will be invited to attend. If you have not received an invitation in the past, let the Church
Office so we can put you on the list.
Tell Me More About This Church
Join us on Sunday, April 26 at 12:10 p.m. as Rev. Dr. Fairfax F. Fair leads an open, one-hour conversation with anyone interested in knowing more about First Pres – our history, theology, practices, governance, who we are as a staff, our vision, and
more. Lunch is provided but reservations are required. Childcare is available by request. Sign up by emailing Rev. Rogers at [email protected] or by calling the Church Office at 662-4466.
New Communion Elements in Monteith Hall
New pottery communion serving pieces are now being used in Monteith Hall. These beautiful pieces
were made by Doug Worthington, a member of the Ann Arbor Potters Guild. Doug comes by his
work for First Presbyterian naturally. He grew up in Westminster Church of Detroit and, in his
words, was “the camp baby at Westminster Camp on Higgins Lake, as my dad was business manager.”
Thanks to Doug for his beautiful work which we hope to enjoy for years to come.
New Members
We welcome these new members that joined
our church family on March 22 – Brian and Jill
Baumhover, Carol Carter, Mary Evans, Ruth and
Bob Gardstrom, John and Betsy Hammond, Alice Holderby, Ralph and Laurel Kauffman,
Sacha and Jane Montas, Ellen Pogue-Greiner,
Josh and Carolyn Swenson, and Anne and Herb Upton.