d r a o b n i t e The bull March 13, 2014 Dear folks: It is with joy and humility that I accept the call to be the Priest in Charge at St. Mark’s. St. Mark’s has had a special place in my heart since I did my field education time there in 1998/1999 with Dean Taylor as my supervisor. I was a student at The University of the South Seminary, and although that was more or less a million years ago, I have never forgotten that time. In a sense, I began to learn what it means to be a priest during that year at St. Mark’s. Some time has passed, and I have now been ordained for almost fifteen years. Lots of experience, lots of adventures, joys and sorrows have accrued in my life, as I know they have in yours. After over seven years serving as Rector of St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in St. Paul, a wonderful call that I have cherished, I am beyond excited to be turning my attention to the work of moving to Georgia. My daughter, Margaret, dog Oscar and cat Sabrina are pretty excited too. Well, to be truthful, I might be making an assumption about the pets, but they will just have to go along. I am looking forward to our first year of getting to know one another, to sharing stories, listening, having a joyful time, and worshipping God. After that, we will know how to chart the next year together, knowing that we will be working on ways to engage God’s mission at St. Mark’s and in Dalton, living out the gospel good news in our relationships and actions in the world. So, friend me on Facebook, email me at [email protected], send me notes and advice on moving…..I’m looking for a house y’all! Can’t wait to meet you. In faith, and with hope in our Risen and Living Lord Christ, Beth+ EASTER FLOWERS and INSTRUMENTALISTS Honor a loved one with a donation for Easter. Please place your order in the offering plate or bring it to the church office by Thursday, April 10. A form may be found on the last page of this document and in the Sunday bulletins beginning Lent 3. Lilies - $15 each St. Mark’s Episcopal 901 W. Emery St. Dalton, GA 30720 OFFICE: 706-278-8857 WEBSITE: www.stmarksdalton.org Contact For Urgent Needs: John Hutcheson, Sr. Warden 706-280-2916 [email protected] PAGE 2 THE BULLETIN BOARD Spring is coming… Donate items from your spring cleaning that you no longer use for the St. Mark’s Rummage Sale Saturday, March 22. Items may be dropped off at the church office during office hours March 17 - 20. March 16-22 Kristina Wagner Connie Blaylock Mackenzie Creswell William Alderman Megan Hull Contact Alicia & Paul Alderman for questions or more information (706-529-3420). (Proceeds will benefit St. Mark’s Church.) Save the Date! Nick Hull, son of Deb and Andy Hull, will be ordained into the priesthood on Annual Easter Egg Hunt Plastic candy-filled eggs are needed for the children’s Easter egg hunt. There is a container for collection of the eggs in the parish hall. Please NO chocolate but do fill your eggs prior to bringing them to the church. June 21, 2014 at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Everyone is invited to attend. Nick has accepted a call to serve as the Associate Rector at Trinity Episcopal Church Columbus, GA upon his graduation from seminary in June. PAGE 3 BULLETIN BOARD Calendar of Events SUNDAY, March 16 - Lent 2 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 AM Christian Education (All ages) 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 PM EYC MONDAY, March 17 10:00 AM Quilting for Others 4:00 PM Book Study WEDNESDAY, March 19 11:00 AM Bible Study 12:15 PM Healing and Holy Eucharist 5:00 PM Handbells 6:00 PM Cherub/St. Cecilia Choirs 7:30 PM Adult Choir SATURDAY, March 22 8:00 AM Youth Rummage Sale SUNDAY, March 23 - Lent 3 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 AM Christian Education (All ages) 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 PM EYC Church Staff Choirmaster Camilla Springfield Organist Merry Lee Wilson Parish Administrator Nancy Bell Financial Administrator Angela Palmer Christian Education Consultant Meredith Andersen Preschool Director Ellen Andersen Webmaster Sue Killcreas Clergy Sunday, March 16 Rev. Jocelyn Bell Wednesday, March 19 FINANCIAL REPORT Giving for March as of 3/9/2014: Pledge: Plate: Total giving (Mar) M-T-D Budgeted: Difference: $ 12,006.00 $ 1,573.63 $ 13,579.63 $ 10,030.80 $ 3,548.83 Y-T-D Budgeted: Y-T-D Received: Difference: Line of Credit: $ 53,251.80 $ 53,079.89 $( 171.91) $ 5,000.00 Thank you for your generosity and support for the work of God here at St. Mark’s! Rev. Dr. Lee Humphreys Sunday, March 23 Rev. Bob Leopold Wednesday, March 26 Rev. Dr. Lee Humphreys Sunday, April 6 Rev. Jocelyn Bell Intercessory Prayer List – March 2014 ((Parishioners indicated by *) Turner Fordham Bailey Underwood *Geneva Albertson Evie Gadette Jimmy Walker *Walter Arms Richard Garrett Justin Watson *Ben Blackburn Betty Garman David Whittle *David & Beth Blackburn Janet Goodroe John Wild *Charlotte Bryant Charles Gowing Joanne Yeargin *Jon Burchfield Family Shirley Gribble *Pat Cole Grayson Hall *Carey Craig Bert Hatch *Melba Greene Ben Hyde *Jake Harrison Billy Jones *Cathy & John Houser Justin Jones *Yvonne Howalt Tian Justman *Josephine Jaconetti Bob Killcreas *Bill Jenkins Brooks Lansing, Jr. *Drew Michaels Jim Lord *Kim Miller Hannah Locke and family *Alice Oosterhoudt Ann Lumpkin * Rose Renfroe Jim McDowell *Norma Sanders Elton McEntire *Bernadette Smith Bud McNally *Meg Smith Mary *Pat Sportiello Debbie Melton *Virginia Weaver Esme Miller *Andrew Wood Hite Miller, Jr. Teresa Mitchell Estrella Avila Lynn Bailey Lelia Mullis Martha Painter Mary Batchelor Diane Pearson Ben and Family Susan Phinney Mae Blessing Joanne Rhem Angie Boykin Marilyn Ridley Nancy Brittain Larry Roth Margie Bruner Alice Sarrett Steven Bryant John Sewell Mark Burnette Jacob Sligh Marita Cantrell Travis Stewart Greg Clough Patsy Stone Jeri Cotnam Stephanie Susen Mindy Cox Meryl Sutton Virginia Cross Katie Thompson Fran Ellis Jack Turner Easter Flowers And Instrumentalists Honor a loved one with a donation for Lilies and/or Instrumentalists for Easter 2014. Please fill out the form below and return it with a check to St. Mark’s no later than Thursday, April 10 so your gift can be printed in the Easter bulletin. EASTER LILIES: $15.00 each Name of donor: _________________________________________________ I would like to donate (#) _______ lilies: In memory of / honor of / thanksgiving for (circle one): ______________________________________________________________ In memory of / honor of / thanksgiving for (circle one): ______________________________________________________________ I enclose $__________ to cover the cost of (#) _________ lilies. INSTRUMENTALISTS FOR EASTER SERVICE: ( Instrumentalist donations are tax-deductible.) Use other side for additional orders. Name of donor: _________________________________________________ In memory of / honor of / thanksgiving for (circle one): ______________________________________________________________
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