The First Presbyterian Church Issue N um ber 182, May and June 2015 of Fort Wayne, Indiana Transforming Lives Through The Love Of Jesus Christ Weekly Services 9:00am Chapel Service 10:00am Classes for All Ages 11:00am Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 11:00am Korean Language Dear Faith Family, Service (Chapel) 11:15am Sunday School Age 3 to Grade 5 Contents Announcements, Scheduled Events & Faith First Campaign pages 2-5 Faith First Campaign Update page 5 2016 Scotland Tour page 5 Rev. An’s Comments in Korean page 6 Rev. An’s Sermon Translation & Day School Ministry News page 7 Theater Information page 8 & 9 Gallery and Music Series Information page 9 Mission Update page 10 Spring Events & Updates page 11 Mentor and Earth Care Program page 12 Fall Marriage Course & Highlights in Pictures page 13 Book Review page 14 Statistical & Financial Information page 15 Calendar page 16 300 West Wayne Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 260-426-7421 Rev. Arianne Lehn This is a poignant time. My heart is full as I reflect on my three-and-a-half years of ministry here. The relationships formed. Worship shared. Dreams birthed. Broken hearts held through trials. I’ve experienced the Risen Christ in new ways because of you. Thank you. On May 3, when I offer my final sermon, we will look at Jeremiah’s story in the Potter’s house. “So I went to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to him…Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 18:3-6) I’ve found myself drawn again and again in these recent months to this repeated metaphor threaded through Scripture of the Potter and the Clay. Some immensely gifted potters within our congregation have helped me understand the currents connecting this metaphor with our faith – with my own life. Forming a piece of pottery is not only a creative act, it is a transformational one – long, slow, and arduous. There is an intimate, messy time at the wheel when the Potter works with patience, hands covered with clay, holding the formless lump with guidance and care. There is time for trimming extra pieces and smoothing rough places. There is the refining, firing, glazing, and re-firing in the kiln where the pot becomes a piece that will last. And at each stage, the pot rests in the process of becoming. Of being transformed. said to Jeff the other day. The contours of my life have all shifted, leaving me to feel rather formless. In the last eight months, my beloved father died, my precious daughter arrived, and we discerned God’s call for the close of my pastoral chapter at First Presbyterian Church. While the raw material of me is the same, my life is not the shape it was before. There are some days I don’t feel as though I’m a “shape” at all, but rather on the cusp of God’s creating me into something different. I am on the wheel. And isn’t the same true for First Presbyterian? We are sitting on the wheel, and we don’t necessarily want to be there. We would rather be a glossy, finished product that’s already done with the kiln and the fire. But God has bigger, gorgeous, more challenging visions. The wheel is an absolutely beautiful and powerfully painful place to be. It’s where God asks us if we’re willing to lose the resemblance of what we once were in order to become the vessels God now wants us to be. It’s where we are called to trust Holy Hands. The Potter knows the clay well and sees new possibilities. The Potter never loses hope. Even when things take a different turn than expected at the wheel, the Potter does not despair. She is not finished. Sometimes, the most formless state is the most exciting, because the potential feels limitless. I read this story from Jeremiah, I consider my life, I look at our church, and I remember that transformation is hard, holy work. It is also our mission. As a congregation, we believe “transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ” is what life’s all about. I will continue to offer my prayers to the Potter, asking God to transform your lives and this church into just the vessel the world needs. With love, gratitude, and hope in our Potter, –Arianne Perhaps this resonates with your life. I know it does with mine. “I just feel like a lump of clay right now,” I Highlights from the March & April Session Meetings All Session meetings begin with a light supper, sharing of joys and concerns and devotions led by the Elders of the Month. Elders of the Month The designated Elders of the Month are on call to hear the concerns of congregation members, to assist with Baptisms and to help with other worship related events as necessary. March 10, 2015 Rev. Jeff Lehn led a discussion of a proposed MIF (job description) for an Interim Associate Pastor. It was agreed to. The MIF will be presented to the COM for their approval at their meeting March 25th. David Scott, co-chair of the Personnel Committee, announced that Rev. Arianne Lehn has withdrawn her proposal to serve as Parish Associate. Her call was extended to May 3, 2015. A Congregational Meeting will take place May 3, 2015, to dissolve the call of Rev. Arianne Lehn as Associate Pastor. The meeting will follow the regular 11:00am worship services of the KLM and ELS. Rev. Arianne Lehn will preach at the ELS service, followed by the Congregational Meeting and reception in her honor. The Finance Committee will develop a plan to grow contributions, rather than continuing to cut budget items. The Children’s Committee rescheduled their bake sale to March 29th. On May 6th, First Presbyterian Church will host the Whitewater Valley Presbytery meeting. Elders were encouraged to attend. Contributions continue to lag behind pledges. Current income is $300,122 and expenditures $252, 296. A discussion followed regarding how important weekly contributions are. Rev. Dr. An announced a joint worship service on Easter Sunday morning at 6:00am for three Korean congregations in Ft. Wayne at our church. The worship service will be followed by breakfast and fellowship in Fellowship Hall at 7:00am. The response for the Faith First campaign has been good so far. Despite adverse weather conditions the visit by the Parkers, missionaries from Lebanon, and the Celebration of Arts were successful events. Forums on the issue of Gay Marriage will be offered on March 22nd at 12:15pm and April 12th at 10:00am. Rev. Jeff has joined the “Barnabas Group”, a Presbytery sponsored leadership development course. He has met with a representative of the residential developer of the Ash Brokerage construction project concerning an exemption for a restaurant liquor license. April 14, 2015 Rev. Lehn presented an update on the Pastoral transition. He stated that our hope is to have an interim in place in June/July. The Personnel Committee along with Session will be a part of this process. The Session voted overwhelmingly to support same-gender marriage at First Pres (see motion in inset). The Session and Congregation were both appreciative of the forums held to discuss this issue. The Children’s Committee bake sale that was moved to Palm Sunday was a success. In the fall, there will be a marriage enrichment program as part of Adult Education. The Korean Congregation will hold an annual golf outing on June 7th to raise funds for Korean Refugees. First Friends, the welcoming arm of First Pres, is excited to welcome new members, and will include them in zip code dinners as well as assign a First Friend for a year. The Elders of the Month for May are David McCants, 260-625-5925, and David Scott 260-432-8810 The Elders of the Month for June will be listed in the weekly bulletin. Hospital Visitation and Clergy On Call Schedule: Our three Clergy regularly visit rehab patients as well as those in hospitals. The on call schedule for May and June is as follows: Week of May 3 Week of May 10 Week of May 17 Week of May 24 Week of May 31 Week of June 7 Week of June 14 Week of June 21 Week of June 28 Rev. Jeff Lehn Rev. Youngsoo An Rev. Jeff Lehn Rev. Youngsoo An Rev. Youngsoo An Rev. Jeff Lehn Rev. Jeff Lehn Rev. Jeff Lehn Rev. Youngsoo An How We Know If You’re in the Hospital: Every weekday morning, a member of our staff calls each area hospital, gives our special code number, and receives a list of those admitted in the last 24 hours who have listed First Presbyterian as their church. These names are passed on to the Pastor on call and to the Deacons, and the patients are visited as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if a person is admitted in an emergency situation, we do not receive this information, even when we call the hospital. So, if your family member or friend has been hospitalized and you’re not sure if we know about it, please call the Church Office, 426-7421 x100, and give us the name. We would much rather have it twice than not at all. Also, please remember to notify us when someone is moved from a hospital to long term care or a rehab facility. Thank you. Same-Gender Marriage Motion - See April Session Minutes We, the session of the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne, Indiana, after months of study of books and articles both for and against same-gender marriage, two forums with our congregation, and much prayer and thought, move to authorize our teaching elders to officiate weddings on our premises for samegender couples seeking God’s blessing on their marriage. We also authorize our teaching elders to perform a service of worship on our premises recognizing a civil marriage of a same-gender couple with the same requirements and standards we maintain for a heterosexual couple. This motion does not compel any teaching elder at our church to perform same-gender weddings or ceremonies if it is contrary to their discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God. It also does not compel Session to approve any wedding -heterosexual or same-gender- that is not grounded in the covenant love of God found in Jesus Christ. PAGE 2 Angels Among Us Many of us have been touched by angels: those living among us, reaching out to us, lending a hand. This column is an opportunity for individuals to recognize and show appreciation for their angel(s) in a detailed or anonymous way. FPC welcomes your submissions to the ‘Angels Among Us’ column. Please e-mail submissions to [email protected] or leave a note at the Church Office for Cindi Odle. Thank you friends of First Presbyterian Church, for your kindness to Annelie and I during the ups and downs with my health during the last six months. We’re deeply impressed by all the caring. –Bob & Annelie Collie THANK YOU to all who helped make the Annual Garage Sale a success from donations to volunteering. It takes a team to make it happen, and because of you it was successful! –The Garage Sale Committee Thank you for your prayers for our City-Wide Korean Easter Worship Service. It was like ‘Coming Home.” We had around 90 people at 6:00am from all over the area celebrating the Good News! –Rev. Youngsoo An Thank you to everyone who attended the same-gender marriage forums. There was wonderful turn-out and thoughtful discussion. We appreciate you taking time to provide your input. –The Session of First Pres If you have e-mail, please read First Pres Weekly News which is e-mailed to you every Friday at Noon. This short e-newsletter will give you up-to-date information for the coming week, and includes a prayer naming those who are hospitalized or have other needs. Prayer Chain Requests: If you have a prayer request, please call Joan Jackson, 486-4828. SCRIPTURES AND ANTHEMS May & June, 2015 May 3: 5th Sunday of Easter Jeremiah 18:1-6 Rise, O Church, like Christ Arisen by John Ferguson May 10: 6th Sunday of Easter John 15:9-17 The Gift of Love by Hal Hopson May 17: 7th Sunday of Easter Psalm 1 - Joint service for ordination/installation, only one service at 11am Give Me Jesus by Moses Hogan May 24: Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-13 (Pentecost) Down By the Riverside by John Rutter May 31: Trinity Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8 June 7: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Mark 3:20-35 June 14: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost Mark 4:26-34 June 21: 4th Sunday after Pentecost 1 Samuel 17 June 28: 5th Sunday after Pentecost 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Printed Copies of most Sermons are available upon request (usually by Tuesday), copies of past sermons are also available. You may request that a copy of a recent sermon be mailed to you by calling the Church Office, 426-7421 x100. If you wish, we will put your name on our list to automatically receive the sermon by mail each week. We have a dedicated Prayer Room! Audio Copies of Recent Sermons are available on our website, Go to Media & Resources / Latest Sermons. Our clergy are off on Mondays, with the pastor on call being available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office, 426-7421. See the weekly bulletin for the most up-to-date on call information. Hearing Assistance: Our Chapel, Sanctuary, McKay Hall and Theater are equipped with the “Hearing Loop” system. Set your hearing aid to the “T-coil” or “telephone” setting to access the system or ask an usher for a loop headset. PAGE 3 Room 300 is a quiet space for YOU. The Prayer Room is open during regular church office hours for anyone to come in, to pray to, or listen for God. Please use this wonderful room, and more importantly, enjoy some time alone with our God! Welcome Baby Ministry: We at First Pres are excited to welcome new babies into this wonderful world and our Church Family. If you are pregnant or adopting, please contact Jennifer Shaw, 426-7421 x127 or [email protected]. We look forward to providing the families of new babies with home-cooked meals, support from other moms and small gifts from the church. The Third Sunday of Each Month is a day of glorious generosity at First Pres. People donate to the monthly food drive, bring the food they’ve prepared for the Rescue Mission meal and drop their coins in the children’s Bucket Collection. Please take a minute today to mark all of the “third Sundays” on your calendar, so you can come prepared to share. Thank you. Rescue Mission Meal: The May Mission Meal will be prepared and served on May 17. The June Mission Meal will be prepared and served on June 21. Watch for menu announcements in weekly bulletins. Cooks and servers are always needed. Please sign up in the Church Office if you are able to participate, or call 426-7421 x100. Your faithfulness to this ministry is always appreciated. May & June Presby Day Plans: Smock Senior Ministries Presents: “PRESBY-DAY” on the third Thursday of each month,10:00am to 2:00pm at First Presbyterian Church. May 21 will feature Life in the Minor Leagues by Mike Nutter, a history of Ft. Wayne Baseball. June Presby-Day is cancelled due to a conflict with VBS. Call 260-426-7421 x132 with your reservations for May. All Presbyterians over 50 and their friends are invited. Let Us Rejoice with You: If you would like to allow our church family to rejoice with you about a landmark anniversary or birthday, please send the information to Cindi Odle, 426-7421 x112 or [email protected] at least two weeks before the date of the event. Thank you. The First Presbyterian Church Suicide Grief Support Group, First Hope Hope There’s If you’ve lost a family member, friend, or acquaintance to suicide, this group is a place where you can here. find comfort and support; a safe FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH place to share your experiences with SUICIDE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP others who understand. Please feel free to join us on the second Sunday of each month, 1:00pm, third floor prayer room. Family and friends are always invited. Led by Lea Ann Powers, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Facilitator, and cofacilitated by FPC members. Please call Lea Ann Powers with comments, questions, or concerns. 260-484-0141, or visualea@ Faith Friend Meetings Faith Friends of Buckingham and Georgetown 46815 will meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at Hall’s Triangle Park at 6:00pm. The dates for the next two meetings are Monday, May 25 and Monday, June 22. Faith Friends – 46825, 46845 and 46818– meet for Sunday lunch and fellowship, after the 11:00am Worship Service, at Halls Gas House, on the second Sunday of each month, September through May. Their next meeting is on June14. (May 10 we will not be meeting due to Mother’s Day.) Faith Friends - 46804 and 46814 - meet on the second Sunday of each month at Hall’s Tavern at Coventry at 5:30pm. Their next two meeting dates are May 3 (to avoid mother’s day) and June 14. Coming in May: Indiana Center for Middle East Peace presents Daoud Nassar, Tent of Nations May 3 at 6:30pm– 8:30pm Daoud is a Palestinian Christian farmer whose family has worked its 100acre farm south of Bethlehem since 1916, one of the last Christian families in this fertile region. Israel’s ‘Separation Wall,’ illegal settlements, and checkpoints threaten that the farm will be totally cut off. Tent of Nations’ mission is to build bridges between people and the land, between people of various cultures. Its theme is: We Refuse to Be Enemies. Join us Sunday, May 3, at 6:30pm at Plymouth Congregational Church as we host Daoud. Coming in June: Arab Fest! June 6 - June 7. Free Arab Fest is a family-friendly celebration of Arab culture & hospitality – the souq (market), music & dance, food, henna, children’s activities, storytelling. Open to the entire community. Free admission. Headwaters Park, Rothschild Pavilion Film-To Be Announced: Join us on Saturday evening “under the stars” as we watch a film about Arab life and culture. The film will begin at sunset. The film will begin at 9:15pm on Saturday. Graduating this Year? 2015 Everyone a Neighbor Day provides food, comfort, and hospitality to people living (some on the streets) in our downtown neighborhood. We serve a nutritious noon meal, distribute donated clothing, and provide a place of shelter and relaxation on the fourth Thursday of each month. May 28 and June 25 are the next dates for END. To find out how you can help, please call Sharon Hedeen, 483-9666. Monetary and clothing donations may be brought to the Church Office. We have a listing of the high school graduates, but if you or someone in your family is graduating from college or other education program, please call the Church Office to let us know. We will honor all graduates at the June 7 ELS Worship Service. PAGE 4 Faith First Campaign Update: Your Gift Will Transform Lives For Years To Come As we planned the Faith First Campaign we spent many months discussing the heritage of First Presbyterian Church and of the Foundation. We discussed highlights and accomplishments of the Church in years past and today; and our goals. Many of these goals are summarized in our Church Mission Statement: Transforming Lives through the Love of Jesus Christ. With that thought, we subtitled our Campaign: Transforming Lives for Years to Come. The Foundation was founded in 1925 to provide long term support and funding for the goals of the Church. It has been successful in doing that, and we seek to assure that it can continue to support the church in this manner. What will this campaign do? This campaign will provide support in four key areas: • Children, Youth and Families • Mission work both locally and internationally • Maintenance of our wonderful church facility • A Pastoral Intern Program Why should I contribute to this campaign? At our launch, I noted that this Campaign celebrates the 90th year of the Foundation. For 90 years the Foundation has supported First Presbyterian Church thanks to those generous individuals that had the foresight to initiate the Foundation in 1925, and thanks to the numerous other individuals who have contributed and added to its variety of Funds over these years. This Campaign is your opportunity to join these generous individuals in strengthening the available funding for our Church mission in this community forever, not just for a day, a week or a month, but forever! It is a true opportunity for you to leave a lasting imprint at FPC. What is the commitment? Our goal, to fully fund the four areas mentioned above, is to raise $3.5 million. We are halfway there. Since our launch in February, we have received commitments from a number of you. Thank you! For those of you that have not yet had a chance to respond here are the details. Three Year Campaign – which means you can give quarterly, semiannually, or annually over the course of the next few years or really whatever best fits your schedule. If you can’t commit this year, but feel you could next year, go ahead and make that pledge. You can also just give a one-time gift if that is easier. It is Your Personal Commitment – what can you do to make a longlasting difference at First Pres? We are a vital downtown church, and as downtown and Ft. Wayne continue to grow, we want to be able to respond to the needs of those around us. So for you that might be $50 more per year over three years, for some it might be a one-time gift of $250 or $500 and for others $500 over five years, etc. We want everyone to be a part of this Foundation, so this is your gift, you commitment – whatever you and your family can do WILL make a difference in this campaign. Make the Pledge - Once you have determined your commitment, please pick up a pledge form at the church office, financial office or email Lisa Yarian at [email protected] to mail you one. Our goal is to get all commitment cards collected by May 24. While we have much to celebrate in the commitments already received and in the contributions already made, we need participation from each of you to have the most successful Campaign. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you Steve Weissner, Chair Adult Education Program: Summer Book Study with Rev. J. Lehn Rev. Lehn will be hosting a summer book study on the last book Marcus Borg published before he died: “Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most.” The study will meet in the Session Room at 10:00am over six Sundays to discuss it together: June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 12 and 19 (skipping July 5). Copies are available for purchase in the First Pres Book and Gift Shop! Join us when you’re in town for this thoughtful and lively conversation. SAVE THE DATE–Presbyterian Heritage Tour to Scotland, 2016! Finally, we’re planning a Presbyterian heritage tour to Scotland in the summer of 2016! The dates are July 14-21 and we will see all the major highlights: Iona Abbey, St. Andrews, St. Giles’ Cathedral, St. John’s Kirk of Perth, Loch Ness, Edinburgh Castle, Scottish Parliament, Braveheart Territory, Kelvingrove Art Museum, Glasgow Cathedral, Loch Lomond and more. Our trip will be led by Rev. Jim Wallace, Church of Scotland Minister, who is an expert tour guide and has recently “retired” to lead U.S. church trips to Scotland full-time. Smock Senior Ministries will be partnering with us to make the cost more affordable for all of us. More details to come soon including an information session in June. Hope you can join us for this special trip! PAGE 5 Korean Language Ministry (KLM) 끝이라고 말하기 전에 그래서였던지 그동안 흩어져서 예배 하였던 포트웨인의 한인들이 함께 모여서 하나의 예배를 드렸다는 것은 부활하신 예수님께 드리는 가장 큰 지난 성금요일 교회 사무실에서 열심히 설교와 주일 준비를 하던 중이었습니다. 주변이 너무 조용하다 생각해서 문을 열고 바깥을 나가보니, 모든 사무실이 선물이 되었습니다. 앞으로도 이렇게 하나가 되어 드리는 예배가 많아지기를 소망합니다. 문을 닫고 이미 퇴근을 해 버린 것을 발견했습니다. 성금요일이라서 오전까지만 교회 사무실이 오픈되어 있었던 것이지요. 2. 끝이라고 말하지 않게 하시는 은혜 덕택에 아무도 없는 교회 건물을 혼자서 7 시까지 무엇보다도 이번 연합 예배를 통해서 받게 된 은혜는 하나님은 우리가 끝이라고 말하는 것을 원하지 지키는 은혜를 경험했습니다. 7 시에 성금요일 예배가 않으신다는 사실입니다. 때때로 우리는 살아가면서 있었기 때문입니다. 아무도 없는 교회를 혼자 지키는 은혜를 경험하면서 예배실에서 실컷 기도하였습니다. “모든게 끝났어”라고 말하지만, 하나님은 우리가 “끝났다”라고 말하는 지점에 새로운 길을 내시는 우리의 교회와 성도들을 위해서 말입니다. 오늘은 분입니다. 광야에 물을 내시고 사막에 길을 내시는 그날 기도하면서 받은 2 가지 은혜를 나누고 싶습니다. 하나님은 우리가 넘어져서 끝났다고 말하는 그 지점에서 일을 하시는 분입니다. 우리는 어디로 가야 할 줄을 몰라 울고 있어도, 이미 하나님은 그 1. 하나되게 하시는 은혜 첫번째로 주신 은혜는 하나됨의 중요성에 관한 은혜 였습니다. 저는 그날 부활절 아침에 있었던 한인 지점에서 새로운 길을 내시기 위해서 일을 하시는 중이라는 것입니다. 그러므로 우리는 “끝났다”라고 말하기 이전에 하나님이 내가 모르는 신비한 계획을 교회 연합 예배를 위하여 기도하였습니다. 기도하면서 가지고 있음을 인정해야 할 것입니다. 하나님이 우리에게 요구하시는 것은 “끝났다”라고 말하는 연합 예배가 얼마나 하나님이 기다리시고 영광받으실 예배인가 하는 점을 다시 한번 더 느끼게 되었습니다. 절망이 아니라, “하나님은 일하고 계신다”라고 믿는 소망입니다. 왜냐하면 이 예배는 그동안 흩어져서 예배하고 있던 우리 한인들이 함께 하나가 되어 드리는 예배이기 그런 소망의 눈으로 때문입니다. 하나님은 우리가 하나 되기를 원하십니다. 예수님께서 새로운 일을 하시는 하나님을 바라보니 얼마나 감사한지요. 앞으로도 포트웨인에 있는 한인교회들을 통하여 하나님이 새로운 길을 내시고, 새로운 문을 열어 주실 줄을 믿습니다. 이 땅에 오신 이유도, 십자가에 달려 죽으신 이유도, 부활하신 이유도 거기에 있습니다. 요한복음 17 장에는 예수님께서 잡히시기 전에 처절하게 기도하셨던 예수님의 기도문이 나옵니다. “아버지, 아버지께서 내 안에 계시고, 내가 아버지 안에 있는 것과 같이, 그들도 하나가 되어서 우리 안에 있게 하여 주십시오. 그래서 아버지께서 나를 보내셨다는 것을, 세상이 믿게 하여 주십시오” (21 절.새번역 성경) 사랑하는 성도 여러분, 이 화려한 봄에 “Never place a period where God has placed a comma. 하나님이 쉼표를 찍어 두신 곳에 마침표를 찍지 마십시오-Gracie Allen”라는 유명한 이야기를 마음에 새겨 보시면 어떨까요. 그래서 지금도 우리가 넘어지는 곳에서 새로운 일을 시작하는 하나님을 만나는 향기나는 봄날이 되시기를 기도합니다. 십자가의 고난을 눈 앞에 두고도 예수님께서 간절하게 기도하셨던 주제, 그것은 바로 “하나되게 하소서”라는 것이었습니다. 행복한 목사 안영수 드림 PAGE 6 Rev. An’s Letter–Translated Before You Say it is Finished Translation by Antoinette Lee Immersed in preparing the sermon as usual, I was in my office on Good Friday. At one point, I felt such quietness all around me, I stepped outside of my office and found that the building had closed and that everyone had left. The church was open only until noon because of Good Friday. It was quite an experience to be all by myself in that huge building until 7 that evening. KLM had Good Friday service at seven o’clock. Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An I was all alone in His house without the usual sound of footsteps, laughter, talk, and the clanking noise of someone moving something. In the stupendous (awesome?) quietness, feeling almost detached from myself, alone with God, I prayed for a very long time –or our church and for you. And I would like to share two inspirations I received while I prayed. 1. We Become One We must realize how important it is that God wants us to become one. We were hosting a joint service for 3 Korean Churches in Ft. Wayne on Easter Sunday and as the responsibility weighed on us, KLM, I did seek His wisdom and guidance. I so desperately wanted it to be the service for Him, for Him alone and that we may glorify His name. God wants us to be one and it will be the worship service we would have as one. The reason that Jesus came to this world, the reason that He died on the cross and the reason that He was resurrected is so that we may all become one. In John, chapter 17, we can read Jesus’s desperate prayer before He was captured. “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 7:21) He knew He was facing the tremendous suffering on the cross, He still pleaded and prayed for all of us to “become one.” It would be the best gift we can give to Jesus who resurrected from Day School News, May/June 2015 by Marj Sapp, Director Spring has sprung at the Day School. This year the children will be adding additional planters to the playground thanks to Beth Marks and the Hunger Relief committee of the Mission Team. The children will be growing extra produce this spring and summer to donate to Huger Relief. We are so happy to be part of the wonderful mission. Huge Kudos to Mr. Bill (Patterson) for painting the second floor east hallway and installing our new cubbies on the first and second floor. The fresh paint and new cubbies have helped to give the hallways a fresh clean look. Thanks Mr. Bill for all you do for the Day School! Also big Kudos to Michele Kemberly who works with Shannon Timmons in the Housekeeping Department for all they do to keep our rooms clean and well stocked. It is so important that prospective and current parents see that we are committed to a safe and clean environment for their children. Michele keeps us looking good all the time! Thanks Michele and Shannon for all you do for the Day School! The children will hold their yearly Trike-a-Thon for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital on Friday May 22. The children spend the week learning about bike safety and practice what they have learned by riding their bikes on a course set up on the playground. The parents find sponsors for their children’s efforts and all proceeds are sent to St. Jude’s PAGE 7 the dead when Koreans worship in one place as one rather than worshipping in many different places scattered around Ft. Wayne. I hope we can continue to have many more worship services as one. 2. We Will Not Say it is Finished I feel the ultimate blessing we receive through the joint service is that God doesn’t want us to say it is finished. Sometimes it is easy to say, “It is over.” However, God provides a new road for us to continue even when we think we have reached the end. The God who gave us water in the desert, who showed us the way at night, who works for us when we think we can’t go any more. Even when we cry in desperation with all the means cut and dry, God will work to develop a new road for us to walk. That is why we must believe His mysterious ways of plans for us before we give up and say it is “finished.” The one request He has for us is not “It is finished” type of despair, but “God is working for us always” kind of hope. I felt like I received a new set of eyes of hope and through them I could see God working on new projects for us always and I was so thankful. I believe God will always make new roads and open new doors for us through our endeavor of becoming one. My dear fellow Christians, in this magnificent spring day, I want to remind you of a famous quote by Gracie Allen, “Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” I want it to be a beautiful spring day for all of us when we will get up again and again from where we fall and meet our creator who creates a new season and a new world for us without ceasing. –Your Happy Minister, Young Soo An Children Hospital. If you would like to make a donation on behalf of the children’s efforts, please contact Marj at 426-7421 x108. The Day School Aannual Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the Small Dining Room May 29 - June 5. Be sure to browse the selection of great summer reading for the children in your life. There will be books for adults too! If you are in need of child care ages 18 months to 10 years consider what First Presbyterian Day School has to offer. Brochures for the Day School (ages 18 months – 5 years) are available on the wall outside of the main church office. Summer Camps Available for Children The Day School will be offering eight weekly ‘camps’ for school-agers beginning June 8. A brochure detailing the camp themes and costs is also available on the wall outside of the main church office. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call or email Marj Sapp, [email protected]. Theater First Presbyterian Theater Presents: Now Playing NUNSENSE music, lyrics, and book by Dan Goggin, director BA April 23**, 24, 25, 26*, May 1, 2, 3*, 8, 9, 10*, 2015. Nunsense is a wildly entertaining, hilarious musical spoof about the misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a talent show. Sadly, the rest of the sisterhood died from botulism after eating vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia. Thus, the remaining nuns – ballet-loving Sister Leo, street-wise Sister Robert Anne, befuddled Sister Mary Amnesia, Mother Superior Sister Regina, and mistress of the novices Sister Mary Hubert – stage a show to raise money to bury their dearly departed Sisters. THEATER HOURS All evening performances at 7:30pm Sunday matinees at 2:00pm (Check each play for dates) Box Office Hours: Noon to 5:00pm, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and one hour prior to performance at the theater. Festival seating (first come, first served) House opens 30 minutes before curtain*Sunday Matinee curtain at 2:00pm ** Preview performance ***Special late night 10:00pm show TICKET PRICES General Admission-$20 Seniors (over 65)-$18 Full-time Students-free (with reservations) Thursday previews-$10 Group rates-20 or more $15 Tickets are available online at: FREE TICKETS FOR STUDENTS Tomorrow’s Audiences Today is a program to encourage students to see theater. Thirty free tickets for every performance are available to full-time students (grade school, high school, and university). Free tickets must be reserved through the box office, or our website The 2015–16 FPT Season! Announcing The 2015-2016 First Presbyterian Theater Season! Escanaba in da Moonlight by Jeff Daniels September 10**, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20*, 25, 26, 2015 Reuben Soady’s vow to bag his first buck and end his decades of shame provides the context for this hilarious yet strangely moving tale. Jeff Daniels spins a mythic yarn that gives us plenty to laugh at (and a little something to think about) in this Super-Yooper Comedy inspired by life in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Christopher J. Murphy, following up on last season’s comic smash The Foreigner, directs. His Eye is on the Sparrow by Larry Parr October 15**, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25*, 30, 31, 2015 Mikki White, who Unity Performing Arts Foundation’s Marshall White calls “one of Fort Wayne’s vocal powerhouses,” stars as the legendary performer Ethel Waters in this one-woman tour de force. In Ms. Waters’ rags-to-riches life we see her pain and ultimate redemption as she triumphs over great adversity to become one of the greatest jazz, blues and gospel artists of all time. The Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris, adapted by Joe Mantello December 3**, 4, 5, 6*, 11***, 12, 18***, 19, 2015 This is one man’s account of working as an elf at Macy’s Santaland in NYC during the holiday crunch. From one of our funniest American humorists, with a satirical style reminiscent of Mark Twain, comes this merrily subversive tale—just the antidote if the holidays have overwhelmed you. Kevin Torwelle plays Krumpet, the elf. Note that the final two Friday performances are at 10:00 pm. TWO PLAYS ON A BENCH: The Zoo Story by Edward Albee & The Duck Variations by David Mamet January 14**, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24*, 29, 30, 2016 Early in their careers, two of America’s greatest playwrights each started with the idea of putting a pair of men on a park bench. And in both cases theatrical brilliance was created. Come witness these remarkable plays. The Duck Variations features Thom Hofrichter. WIT by Margaret Edson March 3**, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13*, 18, 19, 2016 Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, NY Magazine called it “a dazzling and humane play that you will remember till your dying day.” A renowned English professor (played by Nancy Kartholl) has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. During experimental chemotherapy at a major teaching hospital she reassesses her life and her work with a profundity and humor that are transformative, for her and for us. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Dale Wasserman based on the novel by Ken Kesey April 21**, 22, 23, 29, 30, May 1*, 6, 7, 2016 A brilliant novel, then a brilliant play, then a brilliant movie, is coming to FPT. The plot pits McMurphy—equal parts slacker and rebel—against Nurse Ratchet, the tyrannical dictator of an institution that is a perversion of its intended purpose. This story is still as powerful and moving as when it premiered in 1963. 2015 Benefit Reverend Youngsoo An: Live Onstage!!!—one night only Sunday, October 11, 2015 5:00pm-6:30pm—arrival/dinner 6:30pm—Rev. An performance 7:30pm—dessert PAGE 8 Gallery APRIL 17 - JUNE 7, 2015 Parish Art Show #43 The Parish Art Show is your best chance to truly appreciate the amazing variety of visual talents contained within this congregation. We have had many wonderful pieces of Art submitted for this year’s show. We opened it up to children of the congregation this year and are happy to say that we have representation from 5 to 95 years old! The show will also include examples of the “old Ties to New Stoles” project, as well as three new pieces of art from Mabel Mullett, 95, long-time member of First Pres. Music Summer Choir Invitation FPC’s Korean Language Congregation minister has a tenor voice that will melt your heart. And don’t be surprised if a special guest star joins him for this fundraiser to replace our aging sound system. Cost is $50 for 1 ticket—$90 for 2 tickets, which includes: buffet dinner by Booker’s Catering, dessert by our “church ladies (and men)”, and silent auction. Come and join the Summer Choir! If you enjoy singing but do not want to commit to the Chancel Choir during the program year, this is the opportunity for you! The Summer Choir will be singing June 7, June 14 and July 12. We will be meeting in the music room (located on the second floor, accessible by elevator) at 10:00am on those Sundays. You are invited to join us for any or all of the Sundays. Come and use your voice to make a joyful noise to the Lord! Rentals Youtheatre—Christmas Revue December 11*, 12**, 13**, 18*, 19**, 20**, 2015 *Friday shows are at 7 pm, **Saturday and Sunday shows are at 2:00pm Tickets only available through Youtheatre. Sing along and laugh as this musical revue journeys through the fun and frustration of the season, also known as, the Ho-Ho-Holidays! BALLET 5:8, Chicago’s professional Christian Ballet—the weekend of May 14, 2016—shows, dates and times to be announced Under the creative direction of Julianna Slager, Ballet 5:8 performs new works, engaging artists and audiences in the context of breathtaking dance performance with Christian themes. The 2016 tour will stop in Fort Wayne at FPT. Audition Opportunity Escanaba in da Moonlight by Jeff Daniels directed by Christopher J. Murphy Sunday, June 21 at 7:00pm audition consists of: readings from the script Rehearsals start—runs: July—September 10-26 NEED: 5 men (late 20s to 60s) 1 woman (30 ish) Email: thofrichter@firstpres for a copy of the audition material PAGE 9 Summer Musicians Wanted If you sing or play an instrument and want to share your gifts with the congregation this summer, there are several Sundays open for Special Music. If you are interested contact Chelsea at 260-426-7421 ext. 137 or [email protected] and we will find you a date on the calendar for you to share your talents with the congregation! Pentecost The Farmland Jazz Band, from Fort Wayne, will be our guest Dixieland Band for our 11:00am Pentecost Service on May 24. They will be playing a special prelude and accompanying the choir. Mark your calendars to be sure to attend our special Pentecost service on May 24! FPC Mission Update Food Pantry Change By Allen Boyd As you know, one of our key missions targets is addressing hunger both locally and beyond. Many of you contribute food to our monthly food bank project, and please know all of that makes a difference to people struggling in our community, however we are now in need of additional help. Funding of the Food for the Food Pantries In addition to those donations that you make on the third Sunday of the month, our Missions Team purchases more food from its annual budget, roughly $25,000-$30,000 per year in order to meet the needs. What you probably don’t know, is that for several years an anonymous donor family, not even members of our church, contributed significantly to this. Altogether we (the missions team and the donor) have been providing about $60,000 worth of food per year to community needs, and that’s in addition to the food we individually bring in each month. That’s a remarkable amount of giving and a remarkable amount of food. It takes multiple trucks to deliver it, and it would fill up the front of the sanctuary if we hauled it in here. And it’s made a remarkable difference to a lot of hungry people here in Fort Wayne. Current Situation At the end of last year those anonymous donors had to stop their giving, which could cut our funded food donations by half. The Missions Team used what was left of its reserves to keep it going into January, and we’ve budgeted more than usual to sustain this as long as possible. However, we’ve got some hard decisions to make now with respect to whether we allocate more to restore that level of giving or contribute less. If we maintain that level, we’ll do that at the expense of other missions that have been and still are just as important. What can you do? So we want to try something. First, we want to make everyone aware of the situation and the gap. Second, we want to share and ask all of us to be part of a commitment to close that gap and continue a high level of support. We want to encourage our individual monthly food giving to grow. If you can bring in more food or contribute money in lieu of food, we’ll work on that gap. There’s a little ceramic bread loaf out in the narthex if you’d like to do that. If you can contribute the cost of what you’d spend to take your family out to eat one night, it would make a difference. Anything more you can do will make a difference, and that’s all we’re asking. None of us individually can turn 5 loaves into more, but each one of us pitching in one more loaf can make a difference. Please think about that and help us rally that level of food giving back to where it’s been! FPC Hunger Relief Mission to Provide Fresh Vegetables to Food Pantries - Needs Volunteers & Sponsors The HRM is trying something new this year. In addition to the canned and boxed foods it already supplies to our local food pantries, they plan to provide some fresh vegetables from a garden here at FPC. After learning about the successful mission of growing food from Presbyterian Churches in Ohio, they wanted to try something similar here. The Day School has graciously agreed to help care for the garden. We are going to use GROW BOXES ($29.95each) for this project and are asking members of the Sample Grow Box congregation to sponsor and/or care for additional boxes, beyond what we are currently planning. If you would like to get involved or have questions, please contact Beth Marks at (260) 312 7555 or [email protected]. More information about Grow Boxes can be found at Sample Grow Box PAGE 10 Spring Ahead 2015 May 3 - May 31 Write-a-Will Day, Monday, May 4, 3:30 - 7:30pm Spring Ahead As you may recall last year’s LOVING GOD Spring Ahead initiative included Heart, Soul, Mind walking around the world as and a congregation. We did this to not only improve our physical health, but to prepare our bodies and minds to be more in line with receiving the word of Jesus Christ. We are excited to announce that we will launch Spring Ahead 2015, Sunday May 3. This year will be a one month focus that will not only include exercise, but will include nutritious meal planning options. More details forthcoming. with BODY Kathy Miller, a member who participated in the 2014 program said: Spring Ahead was a great motivator for me in 2014 - so much so that I continued to strive for at least 10,000 steps a day after the program ended. I probably fell short of that less than 10 days in the months since Spring Ahead ended. And though I experienced little weight loss while the program was going on, since Thought about writing a will but not sure where to start? Who to call? How much it will cost? If so, we have a great opportunity for you. Please join Church member Stephen Adair, an attorney with Beers Maller Backs & Salin, who will be assisting FPC members in making a simple will or codicil to an existing will on Monday, May 4. He is volunteering his services without charge providing it is a simple will or document containing a bequest (gift in any amount) to First Presbyterian Church or any other charity. The private consultations will be held at the church and scheduled between 3:30 7:00pm. Please call the church Financial Office, 426-7421 Ext 116 or 111, in advance to secure a 30-minute appointment. The event is part of the First Presbyterian Church Foundation’s effort to encourage and facilitate legacy giving. Making a bequest is a way to live forward and give forward, blessing those who come after us through the choices we make today. Those who make known their planned giving to the church become part of the John Meister Society formed in 2013. then I have lost about 12 pounds. Another great motivator! New Jubilee Members–50+ Years at FPC Congratulations to this year’s Jubilee Members - those who have been active members of First Presbyterian Church for 50 years or more. New Jubilee members were recognized during the April 26 service. Please remember to congratulate them and thank them for their service to this Church! Arthur R. (Chuck) Chapman Norma L. Christon Bonnie L. Hefner Arnold E. Huge Rem A. Johnston III Marilyn E. Lindenberg Thomas A. Lindenberg Stanley A. (Stan) Volz William S. (Bill) Weber Dorothy M. Wiggs 3rd Annual Golf Fundraiser to Support North Korean Refugees, Sunday June 7, 2:00pm The Korean congregation is excited to invite all First Pres members to join them in supporting North Korean Refugees by participating in the annual golf outing at Riverbend Golf Course. The cost is $75 per player which includes golf, cart, lunch and fellowship. It will be a scramble format, individuals or teams are welcome. Contact Ken Lee at (310) 560-4505 or Mike Shim at (260) 739-2679, if you would like to play. They are also in need of volunteers for that day. Please contact Ken or Mike if you are available to volunteer. Deadline to register is May 20th! PAGE 11 Q & A With the FPC Mentor Program by Cindi Odle First Pres has a mentor program and it’s been in place for almost a year. One of the mentor pairs is Luci Foltz and Nicolin Byers. I sat down with them to discuss what this program is about and what it means to them. C: Why where you interested in this program? L: I thought it sounded interesting and I really enjoying being around young people. N: I thought it would be fun to learn about someone new, and have someone to talk to. C: How often do you get together? L: It’s really up to each pair. We have gotten together several times including riding together to Session meetings (Nicolin is a junior elder at our church). C: What types of things do you do? L: We did some Christmas shopping, went to the Fame Festival, where Nicolin has some art displayed, to dinner, etc. C: Would you recommed this to other kids/adults? N: Yes, it’s been really fun to get to know someone new and even if the program doesn’t go beyond a year, I think we will still hang-out. L: Definitely! It’s been a lot of fun getting to know Nicolin and interesting to learn about people that are different ages than you with different backgrounds. Also, I want people to know that it doesn’t have to be a huge New Earth Care Ministry Mission: To respond to the PCUSA General Assembly’s “Call to Restore Creation,” by becoming a certified Earth Care Congregation, inspiring our members and colleagues to become careful stewards working to restore balance and sustainability to the Earth for the preservation of all life forms and forfeiture generations. A Green Team is working to direct the activities of the Ministry. Current members are: Nancy Bradtmiller, Joan Coslow, Patty Griest, Sarah Nichter, Taff Silliman and Sherrie Steiner. The Team is open to any member who is committed to the purpose of the Ministry. We Enthusiastically Invite You To Join Us In This Critical Mission. RECYCLE THESE ITEMS AT FPC: Clean aluminum cans, gently used clothing, paperback books, household batteries, florescent light bulbs, household small electronics time committment. You and your mentee can craft it how you want. I really think it’s been an enjoyable relationship for us both! If you would like information about the Mentor program, please contact Jennifer Shaw at ext.127 or [email protected]. GOALS of the Earth Care Ministry -Carrying on the long Presbyterian tradition of Earth care and reawakening the creation-centered spirituality tradition of our Celtic ancestors, recognizing the Earth as sacred, drawing on the wisdom of other faith traditions, and recognizing ourselves as interconnected with all Creation; -Providing educational opportunities, relying on scientific research to understand the damage and threats to the Earth and providing resources and avenues for reimagining active participation in the healing process; -Working toward making our church facilities and our homes and our communities environmentally sound and energy efficient; -Advocating for change through public policy and programs and coordinating with established organizations protecting the environment and with those promoting peace and eco-justice for all people; -Exploring and cherishing the world around us with wonder and gratitude. PAGE 12 Ordination Sunday, May 17: New Elders and Deacons to be Installed THE MARRIAGE COURSE Congratuations to he new elders and deacons who will be installed in our joint ordination service on Sunday, May 17. Please note there will be one service at 11:00am for both Korean and English Speaking Congregations. It may seem early, but the adult ed committee is excited to announce this unique opportunity. Over the course of 7 weeks in the Fall, Sept 10-Oct. 22, they will be offering The Marriage Course, lead by Aaron and Tara Lehmann. This is a unique opportunity for anyone who is married. This program is for any married couple whether you’ve been together for one or sixty-one years, and whether you feel you have a strong relationship or are struggling. While The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles, it is for everyone. Whatever your situation, the practical tools you learn will help improve and strengthen your relationship. For more information see the brochure near the office, contact Aaron or Tara or visit their website This program will offer free childcare if you have children. The cost is $100 and includes the workbook, 7 date nights with your spouse, dinner and babysitting! You can’t beat that! It is truly a night-out to focus on you and your spouse, and who couldn’t use that? We only have space for 15 couples for this first session, and will open to the public in August (if we don’t have enough from First Pres). Payment due in the fall. So don’t delay, contact Tara at [email protected] or 540-737-8272 or sign up in the Church Office. Elders Steve Adair * Rollyn Coverdale Jim Ehlich * Sarah Savage Marcie Weissner * Kwanghuei Williams * Deacons Yoonjin Cho * Wendell Cree * Marcia McKibben * Ed Pierce Patricia Pierce James Pulley Shirley Sona Jill Therrien * Anita Wolfe * Frank Wright * * serving second term Spring Happenings at FPC! PAGE 13 Adult Education announces Marriage Course for the Fall, Sign up NOW! Book Review by William Kern The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Mills, The Penquin Press, (2014) 278 pages, $27.95 In the summer of 1960, a young lady, Harper Lee, finished editing a novel about a small town where she grew up in the southeastern corner of Alabama. This novel--To Kill a Mockingbird-- was about a town, Monroeville, which was so small and isolated that virtually no highway led to or from it. In the era in which this story began, 1935, virtually the only way to travel to or from there was by trains stopping at nearby towns. About the only reason Monroeville existed was that it was located in the exact center of its county, which of course would be the site of its courthouse. It happened that her father was the only lawyer in general practice for many years, until Ms. Lee’s older sister would become a de facto office lawyer. This “legal” connection would also figure greatly in the publicity focused upon Monroeville when a young male Negro was charged with having raped an attractive white girl of low class. Harper’s father was named as the defense lawyer for the accused black man. What with one thing and another, the foregoing factors did generate interest nationwide. Rather astonishingly, the book has sold some 18-million copies. It continues to sell several thousand copies a year and has never been out of print in hardback or paperback. Also, in that approximate period, it was translated into some forty languages and before the year was over, Miss Lee was awarded a Pulitzer prize. In the following year, the book was selected for a movie mainly featuring the trial and, of course, the conviction of the young black accused of rape, staring Gregory Peck. The movie was immediately awarded an Academy Award And then an oddity arose. Ms. Lee, as she would now be called, had been refusing dozens of pleas for an interview for more than thirty years. But Marja Mills wrote her a letter in which she described a Chicago-wide campaign by the Chicago School Board to get every child of a certain age to read To Kill a Mockingbird. This must have made a considerable impression on Miss Lee as the next time she heard from Ms. Mills (who, by now, was in town) she invited her to come on over. That friendship matured over a period of years and when the house next door to the Lees came open for sale or rental, the two of them agreed that living next door would be a great way for Marja to get a good feel of the town. Marja stayed on for an extra 15 months! The three of them--this included Harper’s older sister, who was an office only attorney--seemed to spend nearly every day for the next couple years having lunch at the country club, dinner somewhere else or meeting someone of some importance not previously known to Marja. There was a great deal of discussion around town about the trial and much of that discussion was not nice. Many, perhaps the great majority of townspeople thought the trial of a Negro accused of raping a pretty white girl should be short and sweet. And bad as most of the conversation was, none of it seemed to me to exceed that of the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church. And this talk seemed to have an effect. When the jury’s verdict came in, eleven of the jurors had voted for conviction. One for acquittal. The defendant was immediately taken to the county jail. He escaped from jail that night. His cell must have been left unlocked. In all events a crowd was awaiting him. On examination, 19 bullets were found in his body. And on the night following the trial, a mob gathered outside the Lee’s home with an evident intention of lynching him. He was saved by the Sheriff who faced the mob down, at the risk of his own life. Lee felt terrible about the murder of the defendant. He knew that the local jury would have voted for conviction regardless of the evidence. He felt fairly confident that the state’s Supreme Court would reverse the judgment but it never got that opportunity. For one thing, he (Lee) would have argued on appeal that the state had presented no credible evidence that any rape had happened. The state’s witnesses were only her father and an older brother. And if she had been medically examined, it might well have been that her witnesses would themselves have been implicated in this crime. Moreover, previous convictions on other crimes would have diminished their credibility to a very low level. Further, the state’s witnesses both swore that they had witnessed the event and had seen the defendant holding the victim down with an arm which had been deformed and made useless in an accident happening many years earlier. Insofar as one can tell, Miss Lee continues to live--into her upper eighties-- in Monroeville. She no longer maintains an apartment in New York City but continues to be a frequent visitor there. She says that she often thought about writing another novel but never quite got around to it. A reason for not getting around to it was her concern that a second novel might not he as well received as her first. One reason she granted biographical access to Miss Mills of Chicago was her sense that time was running out. There were no children as neither Harper Lee nor her older sister ever showed much if any interest in marriage. It is somewhat amazing that two such talented writers as Harper Lee and Truman Capote would spend their earliest childhood summers living next door to each other in a town like Monroeville, Alabama. But it so happened notwithstanding that there was no family relationship between them. Speaking of relationships it might be added that the Lees were remotely related to the famous Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Decades later, Harper did agree to be a co-author of In Cold Blood and spent considerable time in New York City and Kansas doing so. She was surprised and disappointed that Capote reneged on his co-authorship agreement. She speculated that Capote did so because of his jealousy over the fact that she had gotten a Pulitzer Prize and he had not. Some were surprised that she had not followed her father into the practice of law. In fact, she did spend about a year studying law at the University of Alabama but dropped out when she decided that that was not her calling. PAGE 14 Statistics 2015 Income and Expense through March Stories & Photos for the July/August 2015 issue of First News are due June 8 by 5:00pm. Please e-mail contributions to Cindi Odle at [email protected] or mail or deliver them to the Church Office. If you have comments, suggestions, would like to recognize an “angel among us” or submit an article I’d like to hear from you. First News is published six times a year. If you’d like a weekly update of current and upcoming events, please subscribe to the weekly electronic newsletter, First Pres Weekly News by providing your email address to Lisa Yarian at [email protected], or phone her at: 426-7421 x116. First News Publication Schedule: Issue Deadline July/August June 8 September/October August 10 November/ December October 12 February & March Worship Attendance Feb 1DNM* March 1 Feb 8270 March 8 Feb 15291 March 15 Feb 22294 March 22 March 29 Mail date June 26 August 28 October 28 Transfers from Foundation 119,888 100,346 User Fees 110,276 97,669 Other Income 4,406 5,750 Special Offerings 3,625 7,500 Capital Exp. Gift-Com Fdn FW 26,613 6,500 444,226 426,015 392,664 442,119 $51,581 $ (16,183) Total Income Total Expense & Trfr to/(wdrl from) General Fund FPC Website Viewing Activity and Comparison 184 265 271 298 309 February & March New Members Received: Don & Isabelle Bosse Roy & Susan Robertson Jantina M. Stephenson February & March Deaths Feb 4Raymond Borne Feb 4 Carol L. DeVore (DeVerna) March 16Thomas Gordon Adams February & March Baptisms Feb 22 Riley Otto Rodenbeck, son of Corey and Lauren (Rebman) Rodenbeck March 29 Emma Darlene Tielker daughter of Samuel and Kimberly (Rhinehart) Tielker Summary of Membership April 1 Active Membership836 PAGE 15 ActualAnnual Budget Contributions$179,418$208,250 Capital Expenditures *Did not meet due to inclement weather Our Exciting Easter Egg Hunt! Feb-Mar ‘14 Feb-Mar ‘15 Users2,7752,497 Sessions3,8993,730 Average duration per visit 1 min 58 sec 2 min 10 sec Total page views 10,538 10,107 Of the 3,730 sessions - 1,683 were from Fort Wayne and Allen County, followed by Indianapolis (228), Auburn (40), Warsaw (38), and Angola (36). Other session originations included Michigan (217), New Jersey (143), Illinois (136), Ohio (97), and Florida (70). Keep up with FPC news and listen to sermons when you travel! FPC Facebook Activity Total Page Likes: 229 Total Page Likes, April 2015 Visit Facebook and join our conversation: NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE First Presbyterian Church PAID 300 West Wayne Street PERMIT NO. 217 FORT WAYNE, IN Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 Address Service Requested Summer Church Hours will not be changing! The Schedule will remain the same. 9:00 am– Chapel Service 10:00am– Adult Education (check summer schedule) 11:00am– Traditional and KLM Service Calendar May 1 7:30pm Nunsense performance* 2 7:30pm Nunsense performance* 3 9:00am Worship / Communion, Chapel 9:45am-12:30pm Nursery open 10:00am Sunday School, all ages Chancel Choir warm up KLM Choir practice 10:30-11:00am Book & Gift Shop open 11:00am Worship / Communion, Sanctuary KLM Worship / Communion, Chapel KLM Sunday School 11:15am Children’s Sunday School 12:00-12:30pm Book & Gift Shop open 12:00pm Reception for Arianne 12:00pm KLM Fellowship 1:00pm KLM Choir practice 4 1:30pm 3B Exercise Class (M,W,F, weekly) 3:30 - 7:00pm Write a Will Day 6 9:00am Presbytery Meeting 10:00am Table Talk I (W weekly) 11:00am - 1:30pm Book & Gift Shop open (W, Th weekly) 2:30pm Table Talk II (W weekly) 7:30pm KLM Wednesday Worship Service (weekly) 7 9:30am KLM Thursday Bible Study (weekily) 9:30am Women’s Bible Study (Th weekly) 9:30am MOPS Meeting (1st and 3rd Thursdays) 11:00am KLM Thursday Prayer Meeting (weekly) 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Th weekly) 87:30pmNunsense performance* 97:30pmNunsense performance* 10 Mother’s Day Regular Sunday Worship Schedule, (see May 3) 1:00pm First Hope- Sucide Grief Support (2nd Sundays) 12 6:00pm Session Dinner and Meeting 13 16 17 21 24 25 28 29 31 June 7 14 15 - 19 21 25 28 5:30pm Family @ First Talent Show All Day Deacon’s Retreat Ordination & Installation Sunday (see May 3) 11:00am Joint Worship Service with KLM 12:15pm Earth Care Reception 10:00am Presby Day Pentecost Sunday Regular Worship Schedule, see May 3 All Day Memorial Day - Building Closed 10:30am Everyone a Neighbor Day 6:00pm Chancel Choir Party All Day Day School Book Fair Begins thru June 7 Regular Sunday Worship Schedule, see May 3 We Do Not Change Service Times This Year 9:00am Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Brunch Graduate Sunday Regular Sunday Worship Schedule/Communion, (see May 3) 9:00am-12:30pm Scholastic Book Fair 10:00am Summer Book Study Begins Regular Sunday Worship Schedule/Communion, (see May 3) 9:30am–1:00pm Vacation Bible School Father’s Day Regular Worship Schedule, see May 3 12:15pm–1:15pm Tour Your Church 10:30am Everyone a Neighbor Day Regular Sunday Worship Schedule, (see May 3) *See pages 8 & 9 for detailed Music, Gallery & Theater information. Please consult your weekly bulletins or check on line at for a more detailed list of calendar events and committee meetings. Newsletter of the Children and Youth Ministries of First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne May/June 2015 First Kids Thank You… For all who attended our KLM Easter breakfast fundraiser. We raised enough to cover a few J-GEN registrations! Thank you for your continued support. Snacks Needed Our snack supply is running low. If you can donate a snack or a bottle of juice for snack time during Children’s Sunday School our children would appreciate it! It’s VBS time! June 15-19,9:30-12:30 This years curriculum is sure to be a favorite. Phil Vischer’s ‘What’s in the Bible?’ Sunday School curriculum was a big hit with our kids last summer. This VBS the kids will walk away from the week knowing the BIG story of the Bible – God’s Great Rescue Plan! – and what it means to live as a Christian. The cost is $15 per child which includes a t-shirt and lunch each day. Scholarships are available. VBS is for children ages 3—Grade 5. We are still in need of volunteers! You don’t have to prepare anything, just come ready to have some fun with our amazing children! Let Jennifer Shaw know if you are available. (Volunteers kids/grandkids attend for free! ) Register by June 1st. Forms are available in the information area in front of the church office or on our Facebook page. Talent Show! Our final Family @ First of the pro- Happy Birthday! May 1—Suzi Heller May 4—Nora Foltz May 10—Sang Jun Park May 19—Henry Shaw May 19—Katie Ducker May 22—Nickolin Byer May 22—Henry Noble May 24—Henry Burk May 29—Nick Monaghan June 1—Hannah Larrabee-Walcutt June 8—Celeste Foltz June 15—Joshua Robison June 19—Kevin Austin June 24—Simon Burk gram year will be on May 13th. You Nelson’s Fundraiser The Youth will be selling tickets for yummy Nelson’s chicken/potato meals for pick up between 10-2 on June 6th. This fundraiser will help cover expenses incurred to update the Youth Lounge with new paint and furniture. Look for their table May 10, 17, and 24th in the church lobby! all impressed us with your talents so much last year we decided to make this an annual event! Let Jennifer Shaw know by May 3rd if you would like 3-5 minutes on stage. Anything goes! Poetry, comedy, singing, no gift will go uncelebrated! All ages! Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15 before the show. RSVP in the church office by May 10 for dinner. Heifer International Global Getaway Ten of our youth and grade 4/5 girls attended an overnight retreat to MI to the Hiefer International Global Village. The Global Village aims to educate students about the causes and effects of hunger and poverty, and to empower them to make a difference in the lives of those in their own communities and around the world. We will be sharing our experience and our action plan during the Minute for Mission on May 17th. Coming Up… May 3 5-7 Youth Group (Bring $ for dinner.) May 10 11:00 Children’s Liturgical dance performing for Mother’s Day NO Youth Group (Spend the evening with your moms!) May 13 5:30-8:00 Family @ First Celebration of Talents May 17 9:45-10:45 Youth mentor program year end brunch 5-7 Youth Group May 31 9:45-10:45 Sunday School Volunteer Appreciation Brunch June 6 10-2 Youth Nelson’s Fundraiser (offsite) June 15-19 9:30-12:30 VBS!!!!!!!! June 21 VBS kids singing during 11:00 service June 28 11:00—1:30 Youth sitting in 11:00 service together, out to lunch after Page 2
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