He is Risen Indeed! First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, Arizona Volume 47, April 2015 A Fine Kettle of Fish Why eat fish on Good Friday? By now you probably have heard that we will be hosting our first Holy Week Fish Fry this Good Friday. If we have a good crowd, we hope to make it an annual event. Be sure to sign up to attend and/ or work as quickly as possible! Before deciding to go ahead with the fish fry, we polled members of the congregation to see if they thought it was a good idea. Most people were excited about the possibility, but one expressed concern that the event wasn’t in keeping with the somber atmosphere of Lent. Turns out we have centuries of tradition on our side. Because Christ was crucified on a Friday, people have been fasting on Fridays to commemorate that sacrifice since at least the first century AD. However, over time complete fasting evolved into abstaining from meat—the flesh of any warmblooded animal "that, in a sense, sacrificed its life for us," according to Michael Foley, an associate professor at Baylor University and author of Why Do Catholics Eat Fish On Friday? For some reason, the death of cold-blooded fish didn’t fall under this stricture, possibly because preChristian worshippers of Venus regularly ate fish on Fridays, and converts just continued the tradition. In any case, Catholics throughout the world observed “fish fasting” on Fridays until Pope Paul VI loosened fasting rules in the 1960s. Even then, the prohibition of meat on Fridays remained in force during Lent, which is why some Catholic churches continue to hold Lenten fish fries on one or more of the Fridays leading up to Easter, including Good Friday. So, although we are Presbyterian, eating fish on Good Friday should be perfectly acceptable. As long as we don’t get too rowdy. (And thanks to Debbie Thompson for proposing the idea and spearheading the arrangements!) Good Friday Fish Fry Friday, April 3, 4:00-5:30 pm in Swain Hall Adults $8, children $5 Guests are welcome The joint Good Friday worship service with Church of the Palms and Faith Presbyterian will follow in the Sanctuary at 6:00 pm. This year’s service will feature the Great Bells of Fire and a Tenebrae (“Shadows”) piece involving the voice choir and the pastors of all three churches. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A Message from Our Pastor..................................... 2 Reports and Activities ........................................... 3-8 This Month’s Calendar ............................................. 9 Spreading the Word ............................................... 10 Celebrations and Updates ..................................... 11 12225 N. 103rd Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351 Phone: 623.974.3605 Fax: 623.974.4893 Dial-A-Prayer: 623.977.9211 Email: [email protected] Blog: firstpressuncity.blogspot.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/FirstPresSunCity Website: firstpressuncity.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/First-Presbyterian-Church-of-Sun-City/103412179850579 The SPIRE A Message from Our Pastor A Gift to be Lived Isaiah 25: 6-9 It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, So that he might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation. John 20: 15-16 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). New Testament scholar and author Serene Jones writes: We do not go to church simply to remind our conscious minds that God lives and we are called to follow Christ. We need to show up so that our bodies can be reminded of him too, and the unconscious recesses of our psyches can be moved anew, our dispositions toward grace rejuvenated, our anxieties quelled as the world shifts once again into place and Easter comes, and comes, and comes again. In this yearly event we enter into the … fullness of our embodied, uniquely personal lives—this is the shared space where Jesus meets us, calling our name, receiving our touch, calming our anxious worries, and reminding us again and again that grace is not an object to be known but a gift to be lived. This prayer from the Book of Common Worship is both a summary and a challenge. Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, you shattered the power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear, bound by the ways that lead to death. We overlook the poor and the hungry, and pass by those who mourn; we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed, and indifferent to calls for peace; we despise the weak, and abuse the earth you made. Forgive us, God of mercy. Help us to trust your power to change our lives and make us new, that we may know the joy of life abundant given in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. The prayer calls us as the church to embody Good News. We are called to share grace not just as an “object to be known,” but “as a gift to be lived.” The Good News changes everything; Easter makes all things possible. May the gift of Easter once more open your whole being and rejuvenate you in body, mind and spirit! Thanks be to God! “Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there.” ~Clarence W. Hall. 2 ~Harrell Vol. 47, Month 2015 Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday* April 2, 11:00 am Faith Presbyterian Church 16000 N Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Good Friday* April 3, 6:00 pm First Presbyterian Church Easter Sunday April 5, 9:00 am First Presbyterian Church Communion will be served *Shared service with Faith Presbyterian and the Church of the Palms A.S.K. Service Reminder In December of 2013 we introduced a service designed to help members who no longer can perform small tasks around their homes, such as changing light bulbs or batteries in smoke detectors. This is not a handyman service; we do have to turn down requests for plumbing and electrical work. We are also restricted from offering transportation to and from church because of liability concerns and insurance costs. In spite of these restrictions, we welcome new helpers and requests for help so that our service can be continued. To volunteer or ask for help, call me at 623.680.3443. ~Craig McCoy April Fellowship Dinner Wednesday, April 15, 5:00 pm Burrito Bash This year our annual Earth Day program will showcase recycling, with speakers from Parks & Sons and eGreen Electronics Recycling. And, of course, you get to build your own burrito for dinner. Olé! Don’t miss our fun summer fellowship cookouts: Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day), noon—Memorial Day cookout Saturday, July 4 (Independence Day), noon—Fourth of July cookout Monday, September 7 (Labor Day), noon—Labor Day cookout Your freewill offerings support these and our other fellowship events. Call the church office at 623.974.3605 to RSVP, or sign up in Swain Hall after worship on Sunday. 3 The SPIRE Presbyterian Women Eight women from our church traveled to Desert Palms Presbyterian Church in Sun City West for the PW Spring Gathering. We had a great time of fellowship and enjoyed two motivational speakers. At the Gathering there was an installation of officers. Carole Jean Soine from Desert Palms was installed as the new PW Presbytery Moderator. Diane Nestlebush was installed as Justice and Peace Coordinator. Recognition was given to women who read five or more books from the 2014/2015 PW Reading List. Those women recognized from our church are Gail Bickel and Nancy Wilson. The books are on the cart back by the PW bulletin board in Swain Hall. There are some very good books, so have a look and check one out. If you have never attended a Spring or Fall PW Gathering, just ask one of us about it. I am sure you would enjoy the day. We have a continental breakfast and lunch. The speakers are top notch and the women friendly. We usually car pool from church. The next Gathering, The Fall Gathering, will be held October 24, 2015 (Saturday) at First Presbyterian Church in Mesa. When the date is closer we will have more information. Mark your calendar! We have some events coming up; they are as follows: Wednesday, April 1st - Coordinating Team Meeting, 9:00 am in Annex 2. All officers, coordinators, and Circle Meeting Leaders, please plan to attend. We have planning to do for our April 22 nd Gathering. Saturday, April 25th - Overview of 2015-2016 Horizons Bible Study. At Faith Presbyterian Church, Sun City. Registration at 8:30 am; overview begins at 9:00 am and ends at 11:00 am. Leaders: Chris Casanova and Beverly Phillips. The theme is Biblical stories of water: creation, baptism, thirst and longing, God’s deliverance, stormy waters of faith, justice and righteousness, mercy and forgiveness and compassion. Wednesday, April 22nd - Gathering Salad Luncheon at 11:30 am. The program is a Style Show by Drapers and Damons. Models will be our own ladies. We will also have election of officers. This event is not to be missed. Look forward to seeing you all there! Friday, May 1st - Church Women United May Friendship Day. Willowbrook United Methodist Church, 19390 N. 99th Ave., Sun City. 9:30 am Sign in and 10:00 am Program: “Journey of the Caregiver.” Let’s rejoice and be thankful for all God has done for us this past year in PW. He has given us leaders and most of all each other. Blessings to all, ~Diane Nestlebush, Moderator Shop with a Smile NEW! If you plan to buy books, music, or other items from Amazon.com, you may donate to PW (free to you!) by signing up for and shopping through Amazon Smile. Visit http:// smile.amazon.com and select Presbyterian Women as your favorite charitable organization. From then on, shop through Amazon Smile just as you would through “regular” Amazon, and a portion of the purchase price of eligible items will be donated to PW. You shop, Amazon gives, PW receives! 4 Vol. 47, Month 2015 Session Recap Meeting of January 16, 2014 The opening prayer was given by Elder Fred Stainbrook. The minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of February 19, 2015, were approved as printed; the minutes of the Annual Congregational Meeting and Corporation Meeting were distributed for review; there was no correspondence. Membership this date: Active 164 and Affiliate 25. Communion was served to 120 in the Sanctuary on March 1, 2015. Five were served communion at Sun Valley Lodge on January 28, 2015, and four on February 25, 2015, by Reverend Harrell Davis. A motion was made and approved to accept Susan Wimer by Profession of Faith into membership of First Presbyterian Church. It was stated the minutes of February 19, 2015 were correct; however, the statement in Committee Reports – Property – “$5000.00 deductible on the insurance on our A/C units” should be $1,000.00 deductible. Reverend Davis stated the Maundy Thursday Service will be held at Faith Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am on April 2nd. Good Friday Service will be held at First Presbyterian Church, April 3rd, at 6:00 pm. Administration Commission – Fred Stainbrook, Wanda Morrill, Evelyn Haas, Bill Wentling A motion was made and approved to fund up to $9000.00 for the repair of the ceiling in Swain Hall and to clean the Swain Hall carpet in June. A motion was made to have the chapel lights replaced with LED bulbs, with a cost not to exceed $1100.00. Approved. C E & Worship Commission –Donna Roth, Debbie Thompson, Carol Maxwell, Marilee Marshall A motion was made and approved to proceed with plans for a “Fish Fry” to be held on Good Friday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, prior to services at 6:00 pm. The congregations of Church of the Palms, Faith Presbyterian, and Emmanuel Baptist Church will be invited. The event will also be publicized with a banner. Many volunteers will be needed. Debbie Thompson, Deacon Representative, reported from the Deacon Minutes distributed to the elders (printed in The SPIRE). Norma Mack, Treasurer, distributed the financial reports for period ending February 28, 2015. The Capital Improvement Fund balance is $15,272.28 and the Courtyard Cross/Brick Fund has a balance of $5,944.29. Reverend Davis reported that approval by the majority of Presbyteries changed the Directory of Worship to have a new definition of marriage effective June 21, 2015. The Presbytery of Grand Canyon did not approve this change. The meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm with a thoughtful reading by Evelyn Haas. “Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.” ~Charles M. Crowe 5 The SPIRE Share Your Pet Story The July/August 2015 issue of Presbyterian Today will be all about our bond with beloved animals, and they are looking for people willing to share their stories. Here’s what they’re asking for: “Tell us about a pet or service animal that changed your life. Have you trained or benefited from a therapy animal, such as in a hospital or nursing home? Does your congregation have any special ministries, such as a blessing of the animals? Do you have a funny pet story? Do you volunteer at an animal shelter, or have you helped with foster care and rescue? Do you work with animals—maybe at a zoo or in a wildlife sanctuary or on a farm? How have you experienced grief after a pet has died? “Responses should be no more than 350 words and include a high-resolution photo. Make your stories personal. Zero in on a specific moment or anecdote rather than trying to talk about everything.” Email your story and photo to [email protected] by April 6 to be considered. “Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness.” ~Floyd W. Tomkins Library News The Library will no longer place new books on the round table. There seems to be no interest in it. All new books will be placed directly onto the shelves after in-processing. There is a new category under Fiction called "SERIALS". It is set apart just beneath the category "Human Relations". Gloria Bouckenooghe has donated an entire set of Guideposts novels (16 in all) about a hospital called Hope Haven and the lives of the personnel who are employed there. They are very light reads but quite enjoyable. Under the Christian Living category, there are several new books by Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, and Charles R. Swindoll. Some very inspiring reading. Check it out. Some of the most interesting books are in the "BIOGRAPHIES" section. That is the only section that is not alphabetized by author, but rather by the name of the person portrayed. There are historical biographies, hysterically funny biographies, love biographies, tragic biographies. I find it one of the most interesting sections of the library. You may, too! Don't forget, the library is open every other Wednesday afternoon while the bridge club is meeting in the Fireside Room. ~Carol 6 Maxwell, Librarian in Training Vol. 47, Month 2015 Board of Deacons Minutes of the March 5, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm by Reverend Davis, Facilitator, with Prayer and Devotion given by Marge Hagerman. Deacons present were: Joanne Clarke, Marge Hagerman, Walt McMartin, Judy Goss, Tina Trowbridge and Dawn Nolan. The minutes of the March 3, 2015 meeting were brought up and approved. The Treasurer’s Report indicated a balance in the Deacons’ account of the General fund of $25.56 as of February 28, 2015. Committees: Communion: The statistical report showed that 120 received communion in the Sanctuary on March 1, 2015. Joanne reported she has adequate help for Easter Sunday service and that extra cups will be needed as a large attendance is expected. Twelve lily plants will be purchased as well. Flowers: Flowers were distributed each Monday to homebound or ill members. Receptions: Judy Goss reported that Norma Denham memorial service on February 14th went well with no problems. New Business: Reverend Davis reported that present committees will soon be replaced by three commissions: Education, Administration and Outreach. He mentioned a need for a deacon representative on the nominating committee. Dawn stated she is on the nominating committee. Reverend Davis will look into this and report later. Session Rep Report: Joanne attended the February 19th session meeting. No specific details were outlined. The session meeting information is in the Spire newsletter. Next meeting – April 7th, 2015. Opening Devotion and Prayer will be given by Billie Lewis. Session Representative: Debbie Thompson Respectfully submitted, ~Dawn Nolan, Secretary HAVE YOU FED YOUR FISH? The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received on Easter Sunday during worship. 7 The SPIRE Food for Thought Spring in general and the Easter season in particular are times of renewal and growth—definitely NOT a time for “dying slowly.” Thanks to Donna Roth for sharing this! You Start Dying Slowly Martha Medeiros You start dying slowly If you do not travel, if you do not read, If you do not listen to the sounds of life, If you do not appreciate yourself. You start dying slowly When you kill your self-esteem When you do not let others help you. You start dying slowly If you become a slave of your habits, Walking everyday on the same paths… If you do not change your routine, If you do not wear different colours Or you do not speak to those you don’t know. You start dying slowly If you avoid to feel passion And their turbulent emotions; Those which make your eyes glisten And your heart beat fast. You start dying slowly If you do not change your life when you are not satisfied with your job, or with your love, If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain, If you do not go after a dream, If you do not allow yourself, At least once in your lifetime, To run away from sensible advice… In Short The meeting days for Stephen Ministers are now the second and fourth Mondays of every month, at 2:00 pm in Annex 3. If you bring citrus to the church for others to pick up, please either leave it on one of the cement (not wooden) benches, or double-bag it; leaking juice is causing damage to the wooden bench just inside the gates. Remember, we are no longer collecting cans at the church for recycling because we have no one to store, rinse, and transport them. If you are willing to take over this project, please contact Rev. Davis. Do you have an HP printer that uses HP56 ink cartridges? If so, Pat Floyd has two he no longer needs. You can pick them up at the church office. Craig McCoy is interested in setting up a sheet music exchange for pianists who are tired of playing their current inventory. Please call Craig if you would like to participate. 8 6 9:30am Prayer Shawls A3 13 9:00am Admin Comm OC 9:30am Prayer Shawls A3 Noon WVGS SH 2:00pm Stephen Min A3? 20 9:30am Prayer Shawls A3 27 SPIRE deadline 9:30am Prayer Shawls A3 2:00pm Stephen Min A3 5 EASTER 8:30am Communion 9:00am Worship, One Gr Hour of Sharing 10:00am Fellowship, Valley View Food Drive 12 9:00am Worship 10:00am Fellowship & birthdays SH 19 9:00am Worship 10:00am Fellowship SH 26 9:00am Worship 10:00am Fellowship SH 28 8:00am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship SH 9:00am Prayer Partners A3 9:00am Foundation Fund 21 8:00am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship SH 9:00am Prayer Partners A3 14 8:00am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship SH 9:00am Prayer Partners A3 9:00am CE Comm OC 2:30pm Rachel Circle A1 7 8:00am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship SH 9:00am Prayer Partners A3 2:00pm Deacons Tue 29 9:30am Mail The SPIRE OC 11:00am SVL Communion 6:30pm Choir WR 22 11:30am PW Gathering SH 6:30pm Choir WR 15 Noon Bridge FR Noon Library open 5:00pm Fellowship Dinner SH 6:30pm Choir WR 30 10:00am Handbells SY 23 NO Handbells 16 9:00am Busy Bees 11:00am Session A2 NO Handbells 9 10:00am Handbells SY 2 Maundy Thursday 9:00am Busy Bees SH 10:00am Handbells SY 10:30am MS Suppt A1 11:00am Worship at Faith Presbyterian 1 9:00am PW CT A2 Noon Bridge FR Noon Library open 6:30pm Choir WR 8 9:00am Lydia Circle A2 6:30pm Choir WR Thu Wed 24 Church office closed 17 Church office closed 10 Church office closed 3 Good Friday Church office closed 4:00pm Fish Fry 6:00pm Tenebrae service SY Fri 25 18 11 4 Sat Find us at: 12225 N. 103rd Avenue Sun City, AZ 85351-3501 http://firstpressuncity.org Phone: 623.974.3605 Fax: 623.974.4893 Dial-A-Prayer: 623.977.9211 E-mail: [email protected] A = Annex; FR = Fireside Room; OC = Office Conference Room; SH = Swain Hall; SVL = Sun Valley Lodge; SY = Sanctuary; WR = Westminster (Choir) Room Mon Sun April 2015 Vol. 47, Month 2015 9 The SPIRE Spreading the Word Spring, as they say, has sprung, and we’ve had a lot of positive energy around here as a result! The new plants on the north side of the lot are in full bloom, and now that the weather has warmed up, additional planting, pruning, and irrigation installation will begin along the 103 rd Avenue side of the church. Kris Coates, our landscape designer, is already planning where to put the most recent donations of iris and cactus. The upholstery fabric for the chairs in the Fireside Room, after being held up in the dockworkers’ strike, has finally arrived and looks good. Desert Flower Interiors is hard at work finishing up the chairs; they may all be done by the time you read this! By the way—Sinda Moore, the owner of Desert Flower, is the decorator who suggested painting the fireplace in the Fireside Room the striking blue it is now. Redecorating is ongoing in the south entrance to the Sanctuary, too. Directed donations have enabled us to paint an accent wall, slipcover the chairs, and reframe the portraits of senior pastors that hang there so they will all match. (Thanks to Lee Carlson for the great paint job!) We have also hung two new carvings by Kenneth Lipp in the south entrance; the Presbyterian logo was donated by Janie Williams, and the “Peace” carving on the wall behind the Welcome Desk was donated by Rev. Richard Zabriskie and his wife Karen. In addition, this year’s spring cleaning took place in March. The windows on the campus were professionally washed, inside and out, and the curtains and drapes washed (by Vonda Hagen) or dry-cleaned. Tina and the new Busy Bees group cleaned window tracks, dusted everything in sight, spot-cleaned the carpet in Swain Hall, and generally spruced things up. All of the Swain Hall carpet will be professionally cleaned in June. Our musical groups have also been busy during Lent. Sherrill Tyacke and the Great Bells of Fire handbell choir will perform at both the Good Friday and Easter services. In addition to getting ready for Easter, Bill Gleason and the voice choir have prepared a lovely Tenebrae service for Good Friday that will incorporate readings by the pastors from the three churches participating in the shared service. In a Tenebrae (Latin for “shadows”) service, the lights are gradually lowered until the room is in near darkness, and the congregation leaves in silence. This should be a beautiful, moving experience; be sure to get here early for a good seat—or even earlier, for the Good Friday Fish Fry (see page 1 for details). And, the votes are in—the center of the courtyard cross will be a circle of patterned granite, set in concrete. We’ve also received the remainder of the bricks needed to complete the east arm of the cross, so we will FINALLY be holding the courtyard dedication in the very near future. Last but not least—now that the cleaning and the capital improvements are well on their way, we’re going to expand our efforts to spread the word about our church. Debbie Thompson is papering the neighborhood with flyers for the fish fry, and the Worship and Education Commission has approved spending part of our publicity budget this year to purchase the addresses of new residents moving into the 10 nearest zip codes. I will mail those folks a welcome packet including the church brochure and the Fellowship Dinner schedule— and yes, the Fellowship Dinner subcommittee is already working on the 2015-2016 schedule and programs. Don’t keep all this good news to yourself; bring a guest to church to share the joy of Easter (or at least a fried fish dinner)! ~Beth Mabee 10 Vol. 47, Month 2015 Celebrations and Updates CHANGES FOR YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY Address Change: New Member: Email Change: Evelyn Thompson 4300 Lorcardo Dr NE, Unit D Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319.213.0031 [email protected] Susan (Susie) Wimer 12202 W. Flores El Mirage, AZ 85335 602.322.8879 Parish 63 Ida Borhauer [email protected] Entering the Church Triumphant: K. Don Thompson March 23, 2015 THIS MONTH’S BIRTHDAYS 7 Grace Wright 16 Dora Stewart 11 Earl Bradt 16 David Glenn Walker 12 IvaDelle Filipi 17 Ted Rotenberger 13 Wanda Morrill 21 Charlotte Pooley 13 Fred Stainbrook 23 Max Littlejohn 13 Marilee Marshall 26 Dawn Nolan 15 Mary Ann Nebesar 28 Mary Keen 15 Bill Wentling 28 Craig McCoy We are celebrating you! Please join the Birthday Celebration on Sunday, April 12, in Swain Hall following the worship service. OUR STAFF Pastor Rev. Harrell D. Davis [email protected] Associate for Congregational Life Beth Mabee [email protected] Admin. Assistant, Treasurer Norma Mack [email protected] Choir Director Dr. William (Bill) Gleason [email protected] Handbell Choir Director Sherrill Tyacke [email protected] Pianist/Organist Kelsey McKee Custodian Lyle Tollefson The SPIRE is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, AZ. Please call the church office at 623.974.3605 to be added to our mailing list, or see our website at http://firstpressuncity.org for current and back issues in PDF format. Items to be included in the next edition of The SPIRE should be submitted to Beth Mabee at the church office or by email at [email protected] by Monday, April 27. 11 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Youngtown AZ Permit No. 55 The SPIRE First Presbyterian Church 12225 N 103rd Ave Sun City AZ 85351-3501 OR CURRENT RESIDENT Sunday Schedule: 9:00 am Worship Services in the Sanctuary, Rev. Harrell D. Davis preaching 10:00 am Coffee and Fellowship in Swain Hall Sundays This Month: April 5, Easter Sunday, “Why Are You Weeping?” - Isaiah 25: 6-9; John 20: 1-18 April 12, “When Jesus Appears” - Psalm 133; John 20:19-31 April 19, “You Are Witnesses” - Psalm 8; Luke 24: 36-48 April 26, “The Good Shepherd” - Psalm 23; John 10: 11-18 Winter Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm Friday: Closed
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