CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton, ON December 28, 2014 – 10:30 a.m. * * * OUR APPROACH TO GOD Noël sur les Flûtes SERMON – ‘SHATTERED EXPECTATIONS’ Mr. Matthew Lingard OUR RESPONSE TO GOD Louis-Claude Daquin THE OFFERING ANTHEM – What is this lovely fragrance? A MOMENT OF SILENCE THE CALL TO WORSHIP * HYMN – See amid the winter’s snow 128 PRAYERS OF ADORATION, CONFESSION & PARDON WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS * HYMN – Good Christian men, rejoice 124 TIME WITH THE CHILDREN (Children leave for Faith Finders) Healey Willan What is this lovely fragrance wafting like to the scents of flow’rs in Spring! Shepherds, O tell us, whence such beauty, hear you not heav’nly caroling? What is this light so fair, so tender breaking upon our wond’ring eyes? Never the Morning Star so radiant followed his course o’er eastern skies. Shepherds, O haste with eager footsteps, seek the Saviour, born today. Low at His feet we lay our treasures, Hearts adoration love for aye. * THE DOXOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below: Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. PRAYER OF DEDICATION, THANKSGIVING & SUPPLICATION GOD SPEAKS TO US THE LORD’S PRAYER [trespasses] PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT READING (p. 692) ANTHEM – Here are we in Bethlehem * Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Luke 2:22-40 Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. * HYMN – The Maker of the Sun and Moon 121 * THE BENEDICTION (You are invited to join with the choir in the Amen) Healey Willan Here are we in Bethlehem; There the stable door! Let us go and enter in; Mary=s babe adore. See the Kings who come from far, bearing myrrh and gold, frankincense to offer Him, treasure manifold. Take we gifts as well as these, at His feet to lay: Clothes to shield Him from the cold, toys that He may play. For a baby still is He, Mary still is poor. Here are we in Bethlehem, There the stable door. Mary still is poor. NEW TESTAMENT (p. 59) HYMN – In the bleak mid-winter See Insert Noël, grand jeu et duo Louis-Claude Daquin * Indicates standing. Please feel free to remain seated. * * * A warm welcome to Matthew Lingard, Director of Family Ministries here at Central, who leads us in worship this morning. FAITH FINDERS: A Family Prayer Dear Lord, As our Christmas celebration comes to an end, we want to thank you for the blessings you have brought in to our lives. Infant care is available during the service. Please feel free to keep your little ones with you in church. For the nursery, go through the door at the front of the sanctuary (right side). Once through, walk to the end of the corridor where you will see the nursery. Washrooms are available in the same corridor. Children are invited to attend Faith Finders during the worship service. Our congregation follows the Presbyterian Church in Canada Leading with Care policy, which seeks to ensure a “Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults”. We are grateful for the hope, joy, peace and love you’ve placed in our hearts, but even more than this we thank you for the greatest gift of all - your Son, Jesus Christ. ~ THE FLOWERS ARE PLACED IN THE CHANCEL TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOVED ONES AND WITH GRATEFUL HEARTS FOR THE BLESSINGS OF THE PAST YEAR BY MAY & JIM MORGAN ~ Help us realize that, although we now wait in a Second Advent for his Return, he is still closely with us every second of every day through the power of your Holy Spirit! Amen. TODAY CHARLTON CLUB: We will be on a short break until February 4 , 2015. Thanks again to all of the volunteers who have dedicated their precious time and gifts to this very important family ministry. Thank you, also, to all the children and youth who came out each week to make Charlton Club the coolest place to be. We’ll see you in February! th Charlton Club is an intergenerational midweek program bringing young people from Grades 4-12 and adults together through play, Bible teaching, dinner and worship. Visitors are always welcome! WELCOME to all joining us in worship this morning. Your presence and participation honours God and increases our joy. Notes for First-Time Worshippers at Central We invite you to take home the bookmark from the Welcome Card, as a reminder of your visit. If you would like to know more about us, fill in the information insert in the card, detach it and place it on the offering plate. Before you leave, please sign the guest book in the vestibule. • • • • • • • • • Welcome & Announcements: Mary Edwards Offering Prayers: Philip Gardner Lector: Phoebe Ross Duty Manager: William Guise Greeters: Stephen and Emily Patton and their children, Darragh, Harrison and William Head Usher: Bill Martin Nursery This Week: Brigitte Ziemann and Emily Patton Nursery Next Week: Shirley Forsyth and Beth Mackay Reilly Sunday Custodian: Bill Everson ~ 11:40 am – Refreshments in the Church Hall ~ THIS WEEK IN THE CONGREGATION TUESDAY 10:00 am – No ‘Knit & Knatter’. We will resume again on January 6th, 2015. New knitters always welcome! THURSDAY HAPPY NEW YEAR! SUNDAY 10:00 am – Prayer Circle in the Guild Room. 10:15 am – Prayers in the Vestry. 10:30 am – Worship – Memorial Service. PRAYER CIRCLE – During the vacancy, you are invited to join us in a time of prayer each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the Guild Room. Prayers will be led by Barbara McWilliams. Everyone welcome. THE PRAYER TEAM confidentially prays for your concerns. Please contact Team Leader, Barbara McWilliams. NEWS FROM THE PEWS – Please continue to keep Sue Wilson, Eileen Reynolds, Kay Lumsden, Doris Middleton, Jean Walker, Gordon Brownhill, Glenn Gibson, Richard Phillips and Chuck Scott in your prayers. 2015 GIVINGS ENVELOPES are available at the main entrance. Please pick up your envelopes today. If you have not previously had regular weekly envelopes from Central and would like them, contact the church office at 905522-9098, ext. 21. INCOME TAX RECEIPTS – To have your offering included for 2014 income tax purposes, it must be received at the Church no later than Wednesday, December 31st. For information regarding an update of your 2014 donation, please call Michelle Frebold at 905.522.9098, Ext. 27. COPIES OF CENTRAL’S November/December issue of ‘CONTACT’ are available on the tables at the main entrance for our visitors, or for those who need an extra copy. THE HAMILTON OUT OF THE COLD PROGRAM will be on a 2 week break resuming again on Thursday, January 8th, 2015. HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS: The office will be open during the Holiday Season as follows: Monday, December 22nd – Closed Tuesday, December 23rd – Open from 10am – 2pm Wednesday, December 24th – Open from 10am – 2pm Thursday, December 25th – Christmas Day, Closed Friday, December 26th – Boxing Day, Closed Monday, December 29th – Closed Tuesday, December 30th – Open from 10am – 2pm Wednesday, December 31 st – Open from 10am – 2pm Thursday, January 1st – New Year’s Day, Closed Friday, January 2nd – Open from 10am – 2pm Regular office hours resume the week of January 5th, 2015. In the case of a pastoral emergency, please contact Rev. Harry McWilliams. FOOD DRIVE – We are continuing to collect donations of non-perishable food items which will be given through Hamilton Food Share to less fortunate Hamilton families. Please place any items that you bring in the blue boxes located at the front entrance in the narthex. A list of “Most Needed Items” has been posted for your consideration. Thank you in advance for your donations. COPIES of the Daily Devotional Booklet ‘Today’ for Jan/Feb 2015 are available on the small tables throughout the Church. You are encouraged to “Take Ten”, that is to take ten minutes each day to read and then reflect on the Bible text and commentary printed in the booklet. It will help you grow as a more disciplined disciple of Jesus. ANNUAL REPORTS – All Committee Chairs are asked to have their Annual Reports emailed to the office no later than Monday, January 12th, 2015. Please send your reports to [email protected] in Word format. IN MEMORIAM SERVICE - Sunday, January 4th at 10:30 a.m. This annual service is a way for us to remember, with thanksgiving, all those whom we loved and lost during 2014. - UPDATE Do you want to continue receiving the Presbyterian Record? As part of a cost saving measure, effective for 2015 Central Church will no longer subscribe to the “every home” plan of the Presbyterian Record which is funded by our church. Individuals may continue to receive the Record in one of the following ways: 1) Current and past issues of the Presbyterian Record may be found free of charge on www.presbyterianrecord.ca. 2) You may start, renew or order a gift subscription on the above website. A yearly subscription for 2015 is $38.36 (taxes included). 3) Contact the Presbyterian Record at 1-800-619-7301 or by email [email protected] We regret that Central is no longer able to fund this valuable resource but sincerely hope that members of the congregation will continue to do so on their own.
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