Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization

Now You Can:
• Gain insight from
recorded calls to
help reduce costs
and improve
products, processes,
advantage, and the
overall customer
• Better understand
customer behavior
by categorizing
and analyzing
call content
automatically to tell
you why customers
call; reveal the root
cause of customer
perceptions and high
call volumes; and
identify competitive
threats and
• Better focus your
quality monitoring
program by
sending calls about
key business issues
to supervisors for
Avaya Aura® Workforce
Voice Analytics
Voice of the Customer Analytics fully integrated with
your contact center
Competitive advantage
often depends on
anticipating market needs
faster and more visibly than
your competitors. Nothing
can tell you more about your
business than the voice of
your customers. Avaya
Aura® Workforce
Optimization Voice
Analytics provides advanced functionality that can help you glean valuable
intelligence from thousands — even millions — of customer calls, so you can
take action quickly.
Avaya Contact Recording
and Quality Monitoring
With Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
Although your contact center records
for your entire enterprise.
Voice Analytics, you can turn captured
interactions into actionable intelligence
customer conversations, the sheer
number of recordings can easily exceed
• Accomplish more
with fewer resources
by sharing highvalue intelligence
across the enterprise
with automated
workflow tools.
But Avaya can help. Our Avaya Aura
Search, Analyze, and Act
on Captured Information
Workforce Optimization Voice Analytics
Right out of the box, Avaya Aura
solution can mine recorded customer
Workforce Optimization Voice Analytics
interactions to surface the intelligence
can provide automated trend analysis to
essential for building effective cost
show what’s happening in your contact
containment and customer service
center. The solution can isolate the words
strategies. Used in combination with our
and phrases used most frequently within a
• Benefit from a
lower total cost of
ownership; increased
security; greater
return on investment;
and other
advantages from
a solution
that is part of the
unified Avaya
Aura Workforce
Optimization suite.
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
given time period, as well as indicate
solution packages for quality monitoring
whether usage is trending up or down.
and recording, Avaya Aura Workforce
This information is displayed on the Avaya
Optimization Voice Analytics can help you
Aura Workforce Optimization Voice
pinpoint cost drivers, trends, and
Analytics home page, making it easy for
opportunities, identify strengths and
supervisors, analysts, and others in your
weaknesses with processes and products,
organization to spot changes in consumer
and understand how your offerings are
behavior and take action to reduce call
perceived by the marketplace.
volumes — and enhance the overall
your ability to review and analyze them.
customer experience.
avaya.com | 1
Avaya Aura Workforce
structured call and customer
Voice Analytics can automatically
data, agent name, customer
Automatically Surface
Changes in Customer
Behavior and Sentiment
surface words, phrases, and
segmentation, and desktop
Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization
categories from thousands of
application data. It returns a list of
Voice Analytics can be used as an
recorded calls, alerting you to
contacts in order of relevance, with a
operational customer-centric cost
potential opportunities for action.
high degree of accuracy. This feature
containment tool that shows you
can help you evaluate interactions,
what is happening in the contact
mine data — even drill down to
center, trends that are emerging, and
specific calls and sets of calls.
factors that are changing over a
Take Action and
Increase Customer
What’s more, Avaya Aura® Workforce
Optimization Voice Analytics uses
patented audio indexing and
categorization technologies to create
a Complete Semantic Index of your
contact center interactions. You can
search for an unlimited number of
terms by keyword, phrase, or business
categories — even zero in on
emotional calls. Guided search
capabilities resemble those used by
popular Internet search engines,
helping business users find relevant
calls quickly for determining the
underlying causes of cost and
customer satisfaction.
Unlike other speech analytics
solutions, Avaya Aura Workforce
Optimization Voice Analytics can
process, retain, and mine the entire
content of calls. It can automatically
analyze and categorize calls based on
how customers express themselves,
and can reveal critical information
that you might not otherwise know,
such as repeated references to a
competitor’s offering. This can
provide a powerful competitive
advantage — as well as the
opportunity to correct process or
service issues before they escalate.
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
Voice Analytics can search
unstructured audio data as well as
| avaya.com
information, such as computer
telephony integration (CTI)-tagged
specified time interval. This helps
Use Captured
Information for
Enterprise Decision
To facilitate searches, Avaya Aura
Workforce Optimization Voice
Analytics enables users to save their
organizations respond to changes in
customer behavior and quickly adjust
to changing conditions.
Automated Trend
Analysis – Shows You
What is Happening
unique search parameters in folders
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
that can be accessed easily on a
Voice Analytics is designed to
personalized home page. This is
proactively report on significant
particularly useful in an enterprise
contact center activity based on
deployment, since different areas of
automated trend analysis of term,
the organization can have varying
phrase and category activity over
areas of interest. The solution can
multiple time periods. If a certain
categorize the entire call content
word, phrase or category is being
accurately, including accents,
used more or less often in a
dialects, and slang, and be
statistically significant manner, it is
customized easily to accommodate
automatically flagged. You do not
specialized words, such as industry
need to know in advance what to
terminology. Its TellMeWhy
trend on; the Complete Semantic
functionality can help users quickly
Index trends hundreds of thousands
identify potential underlying root
of terms and phrase combinations
causes for specific calls. A rich set of
automatically –out-of-the-box – with
report templates, clickable charts,
no set up or keyword definitions.
and visual call mapping can present
captured data in a variety of ways.
Unified with Quality
Monitoring for Focused
Quality supervisors may issue a query
to search directly for calls related to
specific business issues that have
been categorized by Voice Analytics.
Or they may set up the Avaya Quality
Monitoring Smart Inbox™ to deliver
calls of interest for evaluation based
on voice categorization results. This
functionality eliminates the need to
manually conduct searches, by
setting a quota of calls per category
to be delivered to a supervisor or
business analyst on a regular basis.
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
Guided Searching Helps
You Find the Right Calls
In addition to traditional search
Voice Analytics categories can also
capabilities, Avaya Aura Workforce
help identify areas of development
Optimization Voice Analytics
for individual agents. Once an area is
leverages the Complete Semantic
identified, supervisors can monitor,
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
index to offer auto-complete and
evaluate, coach, leverage best
Voice Analytics allows users to
advanced context based suggestions,
practice interactions, review agent
conduct the same type of free-text
in order to assist you in quickly
desktop screen activity or schedule
search when searching through
finding what you are looking for by
reports that map categories to other
millions of audio interactions. Results
building more relevant queries.
metadata or quality results, such as
are returned within seconds, and
total quality scores per business issue
users can easily and rapidly find
from a Web-based portal.
phrases, and advanced search
Fully Unified with Avaya
Aura® Workforce
Optimization Solution
Because Avaya Aura® Workforce
relevant calls and share the
intelligence they contain with other
users across the enterprise. Users can
search by individual words, specific
Agents and supervisors may even
launch the Avaya Aura Workforce
Optimization Voice Analytics player
for additional insight and rapid
Optimization Voice Analytics works
in concert with other Workforce
solutions, it can use the content of
calls to route contacts of interest
automatically to users throughout the
enterprise. It’s a powerful way to help
drive real-time market intelligence.
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Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization Voice Analytics Part of the Avaya Customer Experience Management
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization Voice Analytics is part of the Avaya portfolio of
Customer Experience Management solutions. These solutions help organizations drive
exceptional customer experience consistently across different channels of interaction,
gather business intelligence and insight from each and every interaction, and act on it
to respond more effectively to customer and market demands.
To learn more about the Avaya Customer Experience Management portfolio and
Workforce Optimization solutions, contact your Avaya Account Manager or Avaya
Authorized Partner. Or, visit us online at avaya.com
About Avaya
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers,
networking and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
information please visit
| avaya.com
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