MAY—JUNE 2015 Methodist Mirror “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with a promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6: 1-3) WORSHIP SERVICES: Sundays -8:30 AM in Chapel 9:30 Sunday School for All 10:45 AM in Sanctuary Wednesday- 6am– Men’s Bible Study Wednesday - 9am– Women’s Bible Study Wed. Kids - 5:45– Doors Open/-5:50 Pizza, 6-Lesson Volume 79 Issue 5-6 The Mission of the United Methodist Church is to make Disciples for the Transformation of the World. Dear Congregation, The Psalmist declares he “Loves the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplication” (Psalm 116:1). Take a few minutes and fill in the blank with your own words, “I love the LORD because …” Of the many answers that I can give my first reaction is that I love the LORD because He has given us his Word, our Bible, so that we might know His mind and heart. I love the Bible for not only what It says but how It is organized. The Bible opens with the Pentateuch, or the five books of God’s law. These books contain the Ten Commandments, the priestly & Levitical laws as well as civil and moral laws that provided the perimeters for Jewish life. These books contain, by some estimates, over 600 absolute do’s & don’t’s of God. The love of god is revealed in both the content and the organization of these books. The Pentateuch opens with Genesis and closes with Deuteronomy. More specifically it opens with God placing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and closes with the burial of Moses. It is in the Garden when we are first introduced to what the Hebrews called God’s CheSeD or what we call His kindness. God’s first act of CheSeD, or kindness, was His providing clothes for Adam and Eve. The Old Testament Jews believed providing clothing was an act of greater kindness than providing food. They believed providing food was important but it only alleviated a physical suffering while providing clothing alleviated physical suffering and protected human dignity. So the Books of Law open with an act of God’s kindness. The last act of God in the Pentateuch was His burial of Moses. Burying someone is an act of kindness because of the recipient is unable to repay us for this act. I have officiated at over 600 funerals and I conclude almost every burial with the words, “The last kind thing I can do for your loved on is to say a few words here today”. So we see that God opens and closes His law with acts of kindness. He deliberately bookends His unchangeable law with acts of kindness. This reinforces the truth the He gives us His commandments out of His love for us. You have heard this illustration before but it fits well in this article. When our three children were you our front yard was State Route 305 in Hartford Township. It is a busy highway. We had on outdoor rule with our three, “Thou shall not go close to that highway”. That meant they could go anywhere else. They had a baseball field on one side, two basketball courts of the other side, a full playground, batting cages and a large woods were behind the house. The world, excluding State Route 305, was their oyster. They had a safe and wonderful childhood living within the perimeters of love that we provided. I love the LORD because He has given us His directions within His perimeters of His love. Therein is found life for eternity. Blessings. Greetings from the Christian Education Committee, If you missed the Easter Egg Hunt you missed a fun time. Pat Clark did a great job planning and preparing for this event. I know she had much help, Thank You! Many new and unfamiliar faces were seen through out the event. Barb Irwin finally solved mystery of how bunnies made the colorful eggs, and Wayne Clark told how each of the eggs in his Easter Basket had special meaning to him. Hot chocolate and cookies helped fill in the waiting moments. The hunt took almost five minutes. The socializing after the hunt lasted a little longer. Thanks again to all who donated, or set up or just attended.! The May fellowship meal will be sponsored by our committee. We want everyone to remember their Church Camp days by enjoying a camp type meal. Hot Dogs, Beans, Macaroni and Cheese and Sloppy Joe's will be waiting for you. If you can please provide a Desert or Salad and join us as we serve you. Finally it is Vacation Bible School time. This year we will continue to growing our Church Community by joining Emmanuel Lutheran, Holy Trinity Lutheran, and Saint Paul Catholic churches in this experience. Those three churches have united for past VBS events, and are welcoming us to join them. We still need volunteers! The past few years the average attendance has been close to 100 children. We will serve a meal as well as provide crafts, an adult bible class needs leadership. While most of the activities will take place across the street from us we will be using our church also. Please consider volunteering in this years VBS. Sign up sheet will be appearing and phone calls will be going out soon. This event will be another step in opening our Church doors to our neighborhood. VBS will start Sunday June 14 and run through Thursday June 18. Opening MISSIONS Our next Missions meal to support the summer Youth Mission Trip and church camp scholarships will be Sunday, April 19th after second service. We are having a soup and bread (bread, rolls, muffin, biscuits) theme this time with prizes for the winners in each category. If you’d rather bring a dessert to round out the meal that would be great. Dig out those favorite recipes and join us in the fun to support our kids. We will not be having a Fellowship Meal in April since Easter falls on the first Sunday. The Christian Education Committee is signed up for May’s Fellowship Meal and we are looking for other groups to head it up in June and July. Please talk amongst your Sunday School class, circle, group, the folks who sit in your pew and consider leading a meal. It only takes organizing it. All expenses are covered out of the offering, and the fellowship we have each month is valuable. Mother’s Day Third Service & Brunch Invite your unchurched friends to our nontraditional Mother’s Day Service 9-9:30 a.m. In the Fellowship Hall followed by brunch. Our Praise team will lead the music and John Omslear is our speaker. A great opportunity for the kids to provide a nice brunch for Mom on her day. Special Mother’s Day Brunch The Men of the Church invite everyone to a special Coffee Hour on Mother’s Day. A great bunch of smoked chicken, pork and beef, spiced beans and Danish will be provided. Since this menu includes sauces, coleslaw & other such things we have learned it is best to move Coffee Hour to the Small Dinning Room (next to the Fellowship Hall) in the basement for this event. Easiest access is to park in the South Lot and avoid the steep basement stairway on the north side of the building. Bring Mom & your appetite!!!! Prayer Chain = NOTE FROM THE OFFICE: If you have someone you wish put on the prayer chain, please call the office and Cristina will contact Stella Pridon. If you would like to join the prayer chain, tell the office or Stella as they can always use another person forcalling. Thanks! Stella Pridon PLEASE REMEMBER, THE DEADLINE FOR THE MIRROR IS ALWAYS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH FOR FOLLOWING MO. THANK YOU! Cristina “SACRED SPACE” by Dr. Bill Harvey Sunday, May 24, we celebrate PENTECOST, which comes fifty days after Easter. Pentecost celebrates the apostles’ first experience of Holy Spirit power. Before Jesus ascended to heaven he promised the apostles, “You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8). Ten days later this happened. Read about it in Acts 2:1-42. Why is Pentecost important for us? It is the difference between Christ being on the OUTSIDE of us (knowing about Him), and Christ on the INSIDE (experiencing His presence and power). St. Paul speaks of “Christ IN you, the hope of glory! Is Christ in you? Every morning welcome His Holy Spirit into your heart! Experience for yourself His power and peace! PRAYER SHAWL COMMITTEE The Prayer Shawl Committee needs a little help. If you enjoy knitting and crocheting……..please consider creating prayer shawls for the members of our church family who need the love and support a prayer shawl can provide. There is yarn available and/or money to buy yarn so you don’t have to buy your supplies. Thank you very much to everyone who contributes to this very important ministry in any way. It is greatly appreciated by the people who receive them. Thanks again, Judy McKee Do you love Music? Play an instrument? Sing? We need you in our Praise Band and we need you in the Choir. We love beautiful voices! We meet every Thursday (Praise Team) At 6PM—please come and join us. Choir meets same night at 7pm. Do come! WE NEED YOU! HAVING TROUBLE HEARING THE SERVICE? We now have personal listening devices available at the Welcome Center. These were made possible by memorial money in memory of Virginia Kiliman. We have 6 units and they work very well. If you are interested, come to the Welcome Center before the service and sign one out! As you know, we weren’t able to provide this service while we were downstairs in Fellowship Hall, but we can now, and we want you to hear everything that goes on! Just ask! From Jeff Barton: May/June 2015 Hey Everyone! We've got summer coming just around the corner, and with that are a bunch of exciting plans. Here's what to expect these next couple of months: May 5/3 - Bonfire in Alliance with Wellspring Church. 6-9 P.M. Meet at church at 5:15 5/17 - DYC Canoe Trip at Camp High (Hiram, Ohio). Starts at 1:30 P.M. Meet at church directly following 2nd Service. 5/24 Youth Group 5-7 5/31 Youth Group 5-7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate June 6/13 YAC (Youth Annual Conference) at Lakeside, Ohio. Meet at 6:30 A.M. 6/28 Youth Group 5-7 Keep your eyes peeled. Our Summer Mission Trip is almost in place More information to come! Price is Still the Same! 4 to 5:30 Hi There! I’m your friendly Chicken….I’ve been looking for all of you wonderful Methodists at the Portico to pick up a chicken dinner. You won’t be disappointed! The Menu is Stuffed Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and a homemade Brownie for dessert……. You can’t beat that for $7.00 yum, yum………. Mark your calendar! Last dinner will be May 7, 2015 HOW DOES YOUR FLAG LOOK? TROOP 2, METHODIST CHURCH IS SELLING AMERICAN FLAGS, “MADE IN AMERICA”…...PRICES VARY, DEPENDING ON THE SIZE YOU CHOOSE. THEY ALSO HAVE POLYESTER THAT ARE MORE WEATHER RESISTANT. PLEASE HONOR OUR SCOUTS AS WELL AS AMERICA BY BUYING A FLAG….(Have you looked at yours lately? Is it getting a little worn?) THE SCOUTS CAN HELP YOU!! Order blanks on Welcome Center. STAND UP FOR AMERICA! Buy Local —Buy from our own Scouts! Our Nation—Our Church Our Troops– Our town Joyce Blankenship Eileen Groves Amy & Madison Homich Luke Hull Tracy Greenamyer Larry Frost Pat Charlton Pastor’s Mother & the George family June Bauman Alice Williams Ginny Althouse Evelyn Babb Bob Sanderson Ruth Burton Raymond Kirkpatrick Kilmer family Mae Walter Ted Park Bernie Ogara Fran Baughman Barb Adams Warren & Martha Wilson Marvin & Moira Lutsch David McLaughlin Betty Harp Tim Bergman Don Beeler Mary Lou Cook Kim Briggs Stan Miller Tom Foreman Jacob Kirkwood (17) Lee Huffman And All Caregivers WIDOW INFORMATION The widows group will be meeting the last Monday of each month for lunch and conversation. We will meet at 12 noon in the 3M room downstairs. Please sign up so we have an idea how many will be in attendance. The next meeting will be May 25th. Thank you, Pat Mosley If you know of any shut-in, nursing Home resident or any other p person interested in receiving the Cassette tapes of our 10:45 Worship service, please let the office know. If anyone wishes a copy of a previous worship service let me know. Also, we have 3 available cassette players to loan out if you know of anyone that would like to use one. Thank you, Patty DiAntonio March Income $ 27,127.89 Expense $ 27,316.25 - $ - 188.36 ROC Pantry Trustees Year to Date $67,210.77 $72,195.66 -4,984.99 $ 65.00 $ 103.55 $1,450.73 Salem 1st United Methodist Church Ph. 330-337-9531 244 S.Broadway Ave., P.O. Box 463 Salem, Ohio 44460 [email protected] Rev. P. Douglas George, Senior Pastor [email protected] Jeff Barton, Youth Director [email protected] Cristina Huffman, Office Manager Linda Peterson, Organist Yvonne Bennett, Church Treasurer Chris Brown, Director of Music Lori Brooks, Housekeeper Rick Menough, Maintenance Dear Salem FUMC’ers, Please consider receiving the Mirror electronically. It will save the Church the expense of the paper, printing and postage. You can see the current and past Mirrors on our website at You may notify the office if you choose to do this, and give us your email address by emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you! May—June BIRTHDAYS Randy Weikart Angela Young Karen Floor Norman Oyster Karen Turnbull Scott Brooks Rachel Lutz Mae Walter Evelyn Bichsel Dana Ackerman Andy Miller Linda Oesch Christian Chappell Barbara Irwin Kevin Madison Warren Wilson Philip Bush Helen Guiler Rexford Underwood Fred Bennett Larry Cecil Paul Smith Mary Bowser Evelyn Moracco Diana Ackerman Winnie Alek Jeanne Rumburg June Bauman Chloe Chappell Janice Lesher Colin Riesen Kelly Darney Bryceton Adams Mary Lou Shively Gerald Tausch Rudy Hrovatic Barbara Adams Judy Davis Cecelia Hrovatic Patty McGee Diane Foreman Virginia Althouse Sally Chappell Ruth Williams Rick Menough Bill Miller Aaron Berger Summer Smith Edward Kane Thomas Wright Kaleb Caldwell Grant Underwood Karen Plegge Janet Smith Edward Votaw Alice Williams Rylie Zeigler George Bergman Beth Thompson Mildred Wolf Zander Abrams Marsha Berger Patricia Ward Sandra Sheen 05/01 05/03 05/04 05/05 05/07 05/08 05/08 05/09 05/12 05/14 05/14 05/15 05/16 05/17 05/17 05/18 05/20 05/20 05/22 05/26 05/29 05/29 05/30 05/30 05/31 05/31 05/31 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/02 06/05 06/07 06/07 06/08 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/10 06/12 06/12 06/12 06/15 06/15 06/16 06/16 06/17 06/17 06/19 06/19 06/20 06/22 06/23 06/24 06/24 06/26 06/26 06/28 06/29 06/29 06/29 06/30 MAY GREETERS FOR MAY 05/03 Ned & Carolyn Jones 05/10 Wayne & Pat Clark 05/17 Jim & Donna Forney 05/24 Joe & Christine Toporcer 05/31 Larry & Linda Oesch ALTAR CHAIR FOR MAY Pat Ward ALTAR FLOWERS FOR MAY 05/03 Patty Edling 05/10 Lisa Toy 05/17 Marty Ogara 05/24 Open 05/31 Open COFFEE HOUR HOSTS—9:15– MAY 05/03 3M 05/10 Men’s Group 05/17 Open 05/24 Open 05/31 Open ATTENDANCE FOR APRIL Sunday, April 5 , 2015 (Easter) 8:30 – 86 SS – 10:45 - 190 Sunday, April 12, 2015 8:30 – 42 SS – 77 10:45 –105 Sunday, April 19, 2015 8:30 – 41 SS – 75 10:45– 125 Sunday, April 26, 2015 8:30 SS – 10:45– READERS FOR MAY 8:30 - Keith & Corrine Martig 10:45 - Terri Sims 05/03 05/10 05/17 05/24 05/31 USHERS FOR MAY Team #2—Hiner Team #3—Shively Team #4—Guiler Team #1—Schmidt Team #2—Hiner ACOLYTES FOR MAY SECOND HOUR HELPERS 05/03 Volunteers 05/10 Janet Borders & Missy Iler 05/17 Christine Topercer & Lora Herbert 05/24 Lynn & Joe Popa 05/31 Volunteers 05/03 05/10 05/17 05/24 05/31 NURSERY - MAY Lisa Toy & Kathy Bennett Karen Zeigler, Linda Oesch, Cecelia Hrovatic Megan Smith & Susan Smith Pat Clark & Lisa Toy Jeanne Rumburg & Lisa Toy Subs: Tammy Peppel Elaine Omslaer Ginny Huffman 05/03 05/10 05/17 05/24 05/31 Lexi Tsibulsky & Kendall McClish John Kidd & Ellie Kidd Morgan Brown & Lexi Tsibulsky David Sigman & Mak Kidd Lexi Tsibulsky & Kendall McClish VAN DRIVERS FOR MAY Lloyd Briggs Rich Wyatt June GREETERS FOR JUNE READERS FOR JUNE 8:30 - Don Sweegan 10:45 - Stella Pridon 06/07 Jerry & Merry Beth Tausch 06/14 George & Judy McKee 06/21 06/28 Bill & Diane Madjarac ALTAR CHAIR FOR JUNE Mary Utterback ALTAR FLOWERS FOR JUNE 06/07 Open 06/14 Patty DiAntonio 06/21 Open 06/28 Open COFFEE HOUR HOSTS—9:15– JUNE 06/07 3M 06/14 Men’s Group 06/21 Faithful Hearts 06/28 Open SECOND HOUR HELPERS 06/07 Volunteers 06/14 Janet Borders & Missy Iler 06/21 Christine Topercer & Lora Herbert 06/28 Lynn & Joe Popa 06/07 06/14 06/21 06/28 Subs: NURSERY - JUNE Lisa Toy & Kathy Bennett Karen Zeigler, Linda Oesch, Cecelia Hrovatic Megan Smith & Susan Smith Pat Clark & Lisa Toy Tammy Peppel Elaine Omslaer Ginny Huffman USHERS FOR JUNE 06/07 Team #3—Shively 06/14 Team #5—Peppel 06/21 Team #1—Schmidt 06/28 Team #2—Hiner ACOLYTES FOR JUNE 06/07 06/14 John Kidd & Ellie Kidd Morgan Brown & Lexi Tsibulsky 06/21 06/28 Dave Sigman & Mak Kidd Lexi Tsibulsky & Kendall McClish VAN DRIVERS FOR JUNE Please see Jim Mueller KIDS CLUB A Thank-you from Sally Gale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT: 5:45 Doors Open 5:50 PIZZA 6:00 Lesson Time 6:30 Kids Choir - Come Join & Sing 7:00 Kids Bells - Come play & learn Many thanks to all who sent cards, visited, brought food, etc., while I was sick. Your heartfelt wishes were greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to seeing you in church soon! Love, Sally Gale Happy Anniversary Jerold & Phyllis Smith George & Judith Nannah James & Donna Forney Donald & Anna Cowan Laverne & Margaret Lutz Larry & Kathryn Bennett George & Judy McKee 05/29/48 05/08/59 05/14/66 06/04/47 06/21/58 06/18/60 06/25/66 67 Years 56 Years 49 Years 68 Years 57 Years 55 Years 49 Years UMW RUMMAGE SALE Our Annual Sale is set for May 15-16. So get in your cupboards and closets. We’ll need lots of good clean “stuff” to sell and many hands to sort and sell and clean up. Need information? Call Barb at 1- 330-547-2741 We will be doing Blood Pressure checks after 1st Service 9:30 to 9:45, and prior to second service 10:15 to 10:30 in the Pastor’s study. This will be on the first Sunday of each month only, the next one will be May 3rd and June 7th. Calling all families! Starting at the end of June, periodically throughout the summer we will be using our South Lot as a venue to show outdoor movies. More information to come! FirstUnitedMethodistChurchYouthSalemOh MIRROR MAY—JUNE 2015 Quaker Community Pre School and Day Care We would like to thank the Church Women United for inviting us to sing for them at their May meeting. We also want to thank the ladies of the Emanuel Lutheran Church, Holy Trinity Church, and their friends, for inviting us to sing for them at their Mother’s Day brunch. The children did a fantastic job at both of the performances and were so fun to watch. We will be honoring our mothers in May. The children will celebrate Mother’s Day by making their mother’s a special gift. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful mothers out there!! We love you!! Well our official “school year” is coming to a close. Graduation for our preschoolers is just around the corner. The children have worked very hard this year and are to be commended for all of their achievements. We will celebrate their accomplishments by having a small ceremony. Each child will receive a certificate and graduation medal. Our celebration will be complete with an ice cream party with sprinkles, syrup and whipped cream. YUM YUM Soon the children will be outside playing. We are going to be learning about outdoor safety, bike safety, swimming pool safety and fire safety. We will be visiting the fire station for a field trip which also adds to our learning. Summer will be upon us soon. That means walks, fun on the playground, bubbles, water balloons, sidewalk chalk, popsicles and much more. We are also hoping to be taking the older school children on some fun filled field trips. Let the summer fun begin! WALK TO EMMAUS MEETING The experience of the two disciples encountering the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus [Luke 24:13-35] was retold in scripture, film and song on Sunday evening, April 19th, as a group of us from SFUMC met with a team from East Ohio Emmanuel Emmaus. The evening was filled with agape love and fellowship. We learned of the purpose of the program in connecting the dots between our knowledge and belief in God and His Son's desire that we love from our hearts in serving one another [“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together . . . but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25]. A team of nine explained the Walk and what it has meant to each of them. Their enthusiasm in conveying Christ's love in serving others in the home, at work and within their church left an impression on each of us. If you would like to experience the joy and excitement of Emmaus for yourself, please contact Sherry Clark at (361) 318-2754 or Don Clark at (361) 542-0191. CHURCH SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Application Time!! First United Methodist Church is awarding scholarships to those who meet the requirements. Scholarship grants are available to qualified recipients for four years of undergraduate study only. Annual re-application is necessary. The applications may be picked up in the Church office and MUST be returned to the office on or before 3:00 PM, May 1, 2015. We look forward to hearing from you. The Scholarship Committee * * * * * * * * * Holy Rollers The Salem United Methodist Holy Rollers are gearing up for another season of Fitness, Fellowship and Fun! Our rides will meet at the Leetonia Trailhead of the Greenway Trail. Our first ride is planned for Saturday, May 16th at 1:00 p.m. Our second ride is planned for Saturday, June 13th at 10:00 a.m. Please plan to join us! Dear Church Family, It is wonderful to belong to a church family. The love and support you gave to my family and me helped all of us to get through this very difficult time. So much work was done: prayers, cards, visits, gifts, flowers, phone calls, a prayer shawl and e-mail. Some of you brought food for Corky and Steven, and some of you brought Corky to see me. There was a period of several weeks that Jerry Tausch was transporting Corky at least once a week to appointments and to see me. We are still so grateful for Jerry and everyone who helped. I am struggling with fistulas inside my body and on my stomach. Until they heal, I must receive nourishment and medicine through a vein. I am going to Cleveland Clinic to get a second opinion. This may not change the plan for my treatment. I hope to learn more about my case. Meanwhile, I am getting stronger, I am so glad to be home. The bag of nourishment and medicine is called TPN. The power pack and battery are heavy and cumbersome. I have to use a rollator to move it all around. It makes going places difficult. It will be awhile before I will be at church. I miss being at church. My family and I want to thank all of you for your love, help and support. God Bless you! Moira Lutsch A Thank You Note: Many thanks to the woman who led worship on UMW Sunday with special thanks to Emily Bennett George for her mission message. Thank-You!!!! Barb Irwin
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