THE VOICE 2014 Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church JM Mission!

Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church
JM Mission!
It has been said that the mission of the church IS mission, and we read
in scripture that that our mission is to go and make disciples. Accordingly, we are looking at several opportunities for the people of Johnson Memorial to be in mission next summer on an international mission trip!
You may be thinking already “I don’t have time to go anywhere” or “I
don’t have the skills or gifts needed to do something like that” - but the
truth is that God will equip the called, and not necessarily call the
equipped. Be in prayer about how God can use you to reach our neighbors in a distant land with the Good News of Christ. Each one of us will
have an opportunity to be involved!
More information will be coming shortly and when and where God is
Inside this issue
Chili Cook Off ................ 2
Youth Fall Workshop .... 2
Global Ministries .......... 3
Undies Sunday .............. 3
Birthdays & Anniversaries 4
Young At Heart ............. 5
Lily”s Place .................... 5
October 5 – World
Communion Sunday
with Spaghetti Luncheon following
October 12 – Laity
Sunday, Tom Craig,
October 19 – Children’s Sabbath with
Chili Luncheon following
sending us, as we pray to send harvesters into the fields!
Sunday Night Live is coming soon! Beginning the first Sunday evening of November, Johnson Memorial will be embarking on
a new ministry for the JM family, and our friends and neighbors!
SNL will be a time of fellowship, worship, teaching, and activities,
starting with a snack supper at 5:00, a short time of worship, exciting and interactive classes for adults, young adults, youth and children, and a time of activities and games for all. We will look to
wrap up each night at 7:00 p.m.
Be sure to make plans to join us on November 2 at 5:00 p.m.
as we kick off this new ministry, and watch your worship folder lead-
ing up to this time for more details on how you can be involved!
Romans 12:2 (Common English Bible)
2 Don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds
so that you can figure out what God's will is—what is good and pleasing and mature.
REMINDER: The Annual
Charge Conference of
JM Youth Fall Workshop
Every year, youth from around West Virginia gather at
Johnson Memorial will
Cedar Lakes the weekend before Thanksgiving for Fall Work-
be November 20, 2014.
shop, a weekend of worship, friendship, fun and learning.
All committee/staff re-
This opportunity is open to all youth from 6th to 12th grade,
ports are due in the
church office by the first
week of November.
and is a time that both provides spiritual growth and discernment to young people, as well as a weekend they look forward
to year after year.
This year, our on Max McGinnis will be a featured
speaker on Friday evening, and Alan Williams will be directing
the workshop chorus. We will leave Friday November 27 right
after school, and will return Sunday afternoon.
See Alan for more information, and register online at
To encourage our
youth to participate in this great opportunity, JM will pay half of
the registration fee!
October is
“Undies Sunday” month
Please bring a package (or
more) of new boxers, briefs,
panties, undershirts for
men, women and children
to Sunday services this
month. Donations will be
given to Ebenezer Community Outreach Ministries to
help stock their clothing
October Birthdays—Anniversaries
November Birthdays—Anniversaries
Common Grounds
2 Sherry Hanshaw
2 Charles Lewis
2 Stephanie Malcolm
2 Kay Lewis
4 Joe Casey
3 Joan Cartmill
5 Margaret & Stephen Williams
3 Debbie & Bernard McGinnis
love of Christ. We have been av-
5 Connie Pappas
4 Sandra Sakhai Owen
eraging over 140 individuals in
6 Sam Shideler
4 Savannah Sakhai
8 Becky McComas
10 Ruth Inghram
been especially exited to see
11 Carla & John Traxler
11 David Johnson
many young children coming. We
12 Phyllis Moore
11 Becky Sturm
have been providing the younger
13 Jonah G Leeth
13 Katie Summers
14 Doug Wallace
14 JT Wray
and their artwork is displayed on
14 Norma & Charles Carroll
15 Dorothy & Nat Turner Lacy
the bulletin boards outside of the
15 Shelly Shideler
15 Jane Wilson
17 Melanie Herr
15 Nancy & Tom Thompson
to provide a short story and craft
22 LouEtta Bowen
16 Frances McComas
time to the 10 or 15 children that
23 Thom Malcolm
17 Pam Ford
are coming. If you feel called to
23 Tom Craig
17 Amy Inghram
24 Jean Modlin
17 Dana & Bill Kosto
ministry, please contact Alan Wil-
24 Krista Thompson
18 Sarah Sturm
liams about how we can start of-
24 Cassandra S Bowen
18 Jennifer & Allen Saunders
26 Lee Oxley
20 Joan Gardner
26 Larry Bolling
22 Anne & Tom Dobbins
children are to learn and grow and
27 Marilyn Murdock
23 Erin Taylor
participate in these activities. All
28 Jean & Scott Ramsey
27 Amanda Bennett
30 Dick Sketel
27 Rick Rosenblum
30 Nathan Matthews
29 Carla Traxler
ship and meal at Johnson Memorial, Common Grounds, continues
to reach our neighbors with the
worship and fellowship for the
past several weeks, and have
folks with coloring sheets and
crayons, which they really enjoy -
Fellowship Hall.
We would love to be able
minister to
people, or
would be willing to help with this
fering something more for these
young people. It is truly a bless-
29 Stephanie & Thom Malcolm
30 Jane & Bill Wilson
The Thursday night wor-
ing to see how eager and excited
we need is YOU to help make the
most of this opportunity to minister
to them!
Item for month of October 2014
Disinfectant Wipes and Small Garbage Bags for trash cans
Please leave in the designated drop off spot in our chapel.
(check in Chapel for item of month)
Hebrews 10:25 (Common English Bible)
25 Don't stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.
Young at Heart – October
October 16, 2014
Menu Planned: Baked
Steak with Gravy,
Mashed Potatoes,
Green Beans, Beet Salad, Debbie’s Homemade Apple Pie and
Cost: $7 per person
Reservations due in
office by October 14th.
Guest Speaker:
Huntington Mayor
Steve Williams
October 2014
48 cans of Ravioli
$23.76/case of 24
Monday, October 27 - Stewardship/
Holy One,
We all carry a certain amount of responsibility. It may be from work,
home, or community but it is there. For some that responsibility is a
burden. For others that responsibility is a joy. We bring both the burden and the joy to you this day. Where there are burdens we ask for
guidance and perseverance. The guidance needed to see the path
and provide leadership. The perseverance needed to garner the
strength to move forward toward solutions and resolutions. Where
there is joy we give thanks and offer gratitude. Joy because we are
filled by our duties and gratitude for the meaningfulness of the experience. We know that life is full of these dichotomous times. Daily we
walk with fatigue and excitement, or laughter and tears, or mystery and
confusion. You have made us wondrous and complex human beings
and our lives reflect that multifaceted reality. Whatever our responsibilities are this day whether large or small, important or mundane, professional or personal, spiritual or secular, as caregiver, administrator, parent or friend we look to you for the spiritual and physical substance
needed to meet the needs of those around us and sustain us as we go
about meeting those responsibilities. Guide us toward your sustaining
resources that lie before us.
Finance, 7:00 p.m. - AB Room
Monday, October 6 - Lay Leadership,
7:00 p.m., AB Room
Tuesday, October 7 - SPRC, 7:00 p.m.,
AB Room
UM Women's group - Lydia Circle to
meet, Tuesday, October 7, at the home
of Faye Lesher. The meeting begins at
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 18 - UM Men meets
at 8:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Monday, October 20 - Ministry Leadership Council, 7:00 p.m., Fellowship Class
513 10th Street, Huntington, West Virginia 25701
P..O. Box 26, Huntington, WV 25706
304.525.8117 fax
Rev. Jack Lipphardt—Senior Pastor
G. Alan Williams —Deacon Associate
"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors."