Simulated Efficiency of Range Beef Production. II. Fertility Traits R. M. Bourdon and J. S. Brinks J ANIM SCI 1987, 65:956-962. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 SIMULATED EFFICIENCY OF RANGE BEEF PRODUCTION. I1. F E R T I L I T Y T R A I T S 1 R. M. B o u r d o n and J. S. Brinks 2 Colorado State University, F o r t Collins 80523 ABSTRACT A modified version of the Texas A&M University Beef Cattle Production Model was used to simulate the effects of changes in potential for age at puberty (AAP), potential for probability of conception (PCA) and winter feed levels on biological and economic efficiency of beed production in a northern plains, range environment. Two management systems were simulated: a weanling system in which all calves except replacement heifers were custom fed in a feedlot immediately post-weaning; and a yearling system in which calves were kept on the ranch through their second summer, then custom-fed. Biological efficiency was defined as the ratio of TDN input to product output, and economic efficiency was defined as the ratio of total dollar cost to 100 kg product output. A simulated increase in AAP from 365 to 425 d resulted in slightly decreased economic efficiency under a yearling system of management. An increase in PCA from .75 to .85 caused decreased biological efficiency under both weanling and yearling management systems, suggesting biological inefficiencies associated with maintaining mature cows. Simulation results indicate that optimal supplementation levels and corresponding levels of observed fertility depend on the value of product derived from cull cows relative to the value of product derived from fed animals and on the costs of developing replacement heifers relative to the costs of maintaining mature cows. Decreased fertility causes change in the sources of products, not product loss per se. For this reason, survivability may be a more important aspect of reproduction than fertility. (Key Words: Beef Cattle, Simulation, Fertility, Reproduction.) I ntroduction otherwise constant g e n o t y p e and d e m o n s t r a t e d decreased e c o n o m i c efficiency with decreased fertility. When adjustments were m a d e for cow slaughter, biological efficiency did not change, however. Earlier age at p u b e r t y resulted in only m i n o r i m p r o v e m e n t s in efficiency. A possible explanation may have been the relatively y o u n g age at puberty simulated. The objectives o f this study were to use c o m p u t e r simulation to: 1) compare the life-cycle, herd-wide, biological and e c o n o m i c efficiencies of g e n o t y p e s varying in inherent fertility, specifically in age at puberty (AAP) and m a x i m u m probability o f c o n c e p t i o n (PCA); 2) determine the relative i m p o r t a n c e of fertility to p r o d u c t i o n efficiency and 3) study the effects of m a n a g e m e n t and e c o n o m i c s and their interaction on b o t h herd fertility and p r o d u c t i o n efficiency. Researchers have generally agreed that improved reproductive performance, n a m e l y b e t t e r fertility and increased survivability, improves overall p r o d u c t i o n efficiency in beef cattle. Dickerson (1974), using data on calving difficulty f r o m Laster et al. (1973), suggested the i m p o r t a n c e o f weaning rate to p r o d u c t i o n efficiency when he defined net merit to include n o t only growth rate, but also birth weight, an indicator of calving difficulty and, therefore, survivability. Using a linear p r o g r a m m i n g model, Wilton and Morris (1976) r e p o r t e d increased efficiency with increased weaning rates, although trade-offs were evident b e t w e e n weaning rate and cow size. A l t h o u g h the value o f increased weaning rate is fairly well established, less is k n o w n a b o u t the i m p o r t a n c e of fertility. N o t t e r (1977) simulated different levels o f fertility in an Materials and Methods The Original Model. The biological m o d e l t Funding was provided by Colorado Agric. Exp. Sta. Project No. 1-5607 and the Institute for Computational Studies at Colorado State Univ. aAssistant Professor and Professor, respectively, Dept. of Anim. Sci. Received November 14, 1986. Accepted April 29, 1987. used was a version of the Texas A&M Beef Cattle P r o d u c t i o n Model (Sanders, 1977; Sanders and Cartwright, 1979). Fertility was simulated as a f u n c t i o n of t w o factors: the probability that a female will c o m e into estrus in a 30-d period and the probability that she will conceive in a 30-d period given estrus. 956 J. Anim. Sci. 1987. 65:956-962 Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 FERTILITY TRAITS Probability of estrus was determined by body condition, weight change, time since calving in cows, maturity in heifers and a fixed potential for cycling defined as PEA or maximum probability of estrus. Probability of conception was determined by b o d y condition, weight change, time since calving (in cows) and a fixed potential for conception known as PCA or maximum probability of conception given estrus. Both the original Texas model and our version of it operated on classes of cattle as opposed to individual animals. Probabilities of estrus and conception determined, therefore, the fractions of groups cycling and conceiving in a given period. Changes in the Model. Model inputs were altered to reflect a northern plains, range environment. We changed the fertility-related aspects of the original model by making the potentials for fertility, PEA and PCA, variable, and by adding a parameter for potential age at puberty (AAP). Decreases in AAP were interpreted in the model as increases in degree o f maturity and consequently increased the probability that an animal would come into estrus. Changes in other aspects of the biological model were outlined in a companion paper (Bourdon and Brinks, 1987a) and in the dissertation by Bourdon (1983). Economic Analysis. The economic program was identical to that described by Bourdon and Brinks (1987a). Of the seven economic scenarios simulated, three were of particular interest in this study: the base economic scenario and scenarios in which the ratios of prices paid for cull cows and fed animals were varied upward or downward by 25%. Differences in pregnancy rates change the proportions of product derived from cows and fed animals. We expected, therefore, that price relationships and fertility levels would interact in their effect on overall production efficiency. Base price ratios (cull cow/slaughter steer) used were .635 for live weight at weaning (LWW), .839 for e m p t y b o d y weight at slaughter (EBW) and .675 for fat-free weight at slaughter (FFW). Biological efficiency was defined as the ratio of TDN input to product output, and economic efficiency was defined as the ratio of dollar cost to 100 kg product output. Herd Management. Two spring-calving management systems were simulated. In the weanling system, all steers and heifers not needed for replacements were placed in a custom feedlot at weaning. In the yearling system, these animals 957 were wintered on the ranch, pastured the next summer and placed in a custom feedlot the following fall. Ownership of cattle through slaughter was retained in both systems. To compare fairly genotypes with varying requirements for winter supplement, winter feed levels were adjusted so as to maximize economic efficiency o f fat-free weight (FFW) production in the base economic scenario. The breeding season for yearling heifers began 1 mo before that for cows. All nonpregnant cows were culled at weaning and an agedependent proportion of pregnant cows was culled for unsoundness. Culling of pregnant cows for other reasons was not incorporated in the model. Enough replacements were kept so that approximately 20% more pregnant replacements were available than were actually required. Other assumptions of the model that are of less specific interest in this study were described by Bourdon and Brinks (1987a). Results and Discussion Simulated performance, production and efficiency data for three genotypes are listed in tables 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The base genotype (genotype 1 described by Bourdon and Brinks, 1987a) was characterized by a mature weight potential (WMA) of 525 kg, potential for milk production (PMA) of 12 kg/d, potential age at puberty (AAP) of 365 d and maximum probability of conception (PCA) of .75. Other genotypes simulated were a late puberty genotype (AAP = 425 d) and a more fertile genotype (PCA = .85). Results for four supplementation strategies for genotype 1 are shown in tables 1, 2 and 3 also. In the base strategy, supplementation was optimized independently for each genotype based on efficiency of FFW production from the weanling management system using standard price relationships. In other strategies, supplementation was optimized for efficiency of FFW production from: the weanling system with cow/ calf price ratios decreased 25%; the yearling system with standard price relationships; the yearling system with cow/calf ratios decreased 25%. Age at Puberty. Simuiated reproductive performance of the genotype with genetic potential for later age at puberty was predictable. Compared with genotype 1, mean age at puberty was much older, pregnancy rate for heifers much lower, pregnancy rate for cows somewhat lower, replacement rate higher, average calving date later and corresponding weaning weights Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 958 BOURDON AND BRINKS ~ ,<z .~, o E . -~~ , -~ ~u ...-, z~ Nu o E ~d ~ ~ 0 m m m m ~-N >" .... ~176 ~g gg~ ~'~~176 I-,, o ~ 2 E E ~ ---==~ n r~ ~ U II ~.) ~ g. ,.2, ,,~ - "" ~ ~ ~ slightly lower (table 1). Because they were older and larger at first calving, late-puberty heifers experienced somewhat less dystocia and calving loss. Weaning rate was not appreciably affected by age at puberty because sufficient numbers of pregnant replacements were retained in each case. In the weanling system, greater numbers of yearling females were required to produce enough pregnant replacements of the latepuberty genotype. As a result, herd size was reduced (table 2) and large differences were apparent in the relative amounts of products from base and late puberty types 9 Late-puberty cattle produced many fewer heifers to be fed out after weaning, many more heifers to be carried over and slaughtered as long yearlings, and more cull cows. Differences in relative amounts of products were much smaller in the yearling system because all heifers were wintered. Production efficiency (table 3) generally increased (efficiency ratios decreased) with increased AAP in the weanling system and decreased with increased AAP in the yearling system 9 The heavier slaughter weights produced in these simulations by the yearling system of management caused this system to be favored over the weanling system (Bourdon and Brinks, 1987a). Because almost all weaned heifers of the late-puberty genotype were required as potential replacements, heifers of this genotype were managed as yearlings even when the management system simulated was ostensibly a weanling system. We conclude, therefore, that the advantage of late puberty in the weanling system reflected advantages of a management system and not of late puberty. The fact that efficiencies decreased with increased AAP in the yearling system suggests that earlier puberty is indeed beneficial, at least at the levels of AAP simulated. Differences in efficiency for different potentials for age at puberty were small, however. Probability of Conception. When maximum probability of conception was increased from .75 to .85, simulated pregnancy rates for both replacements and cows increased and replacement rate decreased (table 1). The simulated mean calving date was slightly later due to the smaller number of heifers bred to calve early in the season. Weaning rate remained essentially constant. Fewer replacements were required with increased PCA. As a result, herd size (table 2) Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 FERTILITY TRAITS 959 ~D Q ....Z z~ v cd z~ _~.=- ~.= ~EE Zz ~.~- ~ ;~Z < [ioo >., e, -'~ e~ "0 _ ~ .~ r~ua ~Z z~ gz e~ "0 z~'a UQ , N N .g .g 0 .~ ~Z ,~ ~ 0 9 g~g .~ ul .-1 II U II II II H - K~-~,K b 0 . e~ ,, ~r . II II Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 0 960 BOURDON AND BRINKS | I~,. ~: @4 N =< ~.= ~z ~.~ < ~ ' ~ 9 " " " " ,.4,4 " ~i,-; l'i " z~ ~ ,,..1 9 o~ o ~ ~O~Om o~,,,.; '~Om. $$ ~.~ 8~ ~8 -= m = II U = .~ 111~ II ~ o Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 FERTILITY TRAITS under the weanling management system was increased for the more-fertile genotype. As in the AAP comparison, changes in PCA caused differences in relative amounts of products from base and more fertile genotypes. In both management systems, the genotype with greater PCA yielded more product from slaughter heifers and less product from cull cows. Biological efficiency decreased with increased fertility (table 3). Economic efficiency generally decreased with increased fertility when the ratio of prices paid for cull cows and fed product was either "standard" or greater. Only when fed animals were especially valuable relative to cull cows did increased fertility translate into improved efficiency. While these economic results may simply be artifacts of the price ratios and production costs used in this simulation, the decrease in biological efficiency with increased fertility suggests another explanation. Because all nonpregnant cows were culled in this simulation, genetic potential for fertility directly affected replacement rates and the age structure of the herd. Increased fertility resulted in an older average cow age. We suspect that mature cows are less biologically efficient than first-calf heifers due to a greater proportion of dietary energy required for maintenance, pregnancy, lactation and regaining of weight. This contention and our results are in general agreement with results of Taylor et al. (1985), which predict biological inefficiency of maintaining mature cows. The conclusion we draw is that from the standpoint of purely biological efficiency, cow herds should be kept young. Longevity in itself may not be especially important. This subject is discussed further by Bourdon and Brinks (1987b). Management and Economics. Simulated results for animals of genotype 1 fed different levels of winter supplement are listed in tables 1, 2 and 3. When supplementation was increased to a level which optimized efficiency of FFW production in the weanling system when calves were relatively valuable (supplementation strategy II in the tables), the replacement rate decreased and the pregnancy rate for cows increased (table 1). More slaughter heifers and fewer cull cows were produced (table 2). Thus, when calves were more valuable relative to cows, it was more economically efficient to increase supplement so as to produce more slaughter calves. Optimal pregnancy rates in these simulations were only 80 and 83%, however, indi- 961 cating considerable trade-offs between pregnancy rate and feed costs. Lishman et al. (1984) reported even lower optimal pregnancy rates. When supplementation levels were similarly increased in the yearling system (supplementation strategies III and IV in the tables), results were much the same. Optimal pregnancy rates increased from 83 to 86%. The higher pregnancy rates for this management system reflect heavier slaughter weights and, therefore, a greater proportion of total income derived from fed animals. These simulation results suggest that optimal supplementation levels and corresponding levels of observed fertility depend on the relative contributions of products to total income and the costs of producing those products. Specifically, they depend on the value of product derived from cull cows relative to value of product derived from fed animals, and on the costs of developing replacements relative to the costs of maintaining mature cows. Managing for high fertility should be appropriate when product from fed animals is responsible for a relatively large proportion of total income and when replacement costs are high relative to costs of maintaining mature cows. Conclusions The question of the importance of fertility traits is complicated. Optimal pregnancy rates are not the highest pregnancy rates, but are a function of production costs and prices received for cows and young animals. In these simulations, younger age at puberty was favored, but the potentially beneficial effects of earlier puberty in heifers and increased potential for fertility in cows were countered by the apparent inefficiency of maintaining mature animals. Increases in observed fertility did not, therefore, result in substantial improvements in production efficiency. This is not to say, however, that there is little to be gained from improving genetic potential for fertility traits. Highly fertile cattle are capable of functioning on less feed and under s~ess. A more flexible model, one that simulates a dynamic, sometimes stressful environment, will be required to evaluate the importance of this ability. These simulations illustrate an important point about fertility, however, and one that is often overlooked. If females are pregnancy tested and open cows culled, weaning rates need not decline with decreasing pregnancy Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 962 BOURDON AND BRINKS rates so long as p r e g n a n c y rates are high e n o u g h t o p r o v i d e s u f f i c i e n t r e p l a c e m e n t s . ( P e r c e n t calf crop was essentially c o n s t a n t in t h e s e simulations.) D e c r e a s e d p r e g n a n c y rates i m p l y n o t a loss o f p r o d u c t , b u t a c h a n g e in t h e s o u r c e o f p r o d u c t s - f r o m s l a u g h t e r heifers t o cull cows. In this light, it can b e m i s l e a d i n g to express t r a i t s o n a p e r c o w e x p o s e d basis. S u c h p r a c t i c e a t t a c h e s u n w a r r a n t e d i m p o r t a n c e t o fertility. W e a n i n g r a t e is i m p o r t a n t to p r o d u c t i o n efficiency, a n d e f f o r t s s h o u l d b e m a d e t o increase w e a n i n g rates e c o n o m i c a l l y . T h e k e y traits t o i m p r o v e m a y n o t b e f e r t i l i t y traits, h o w e v e r , b u t survivability traits. Literature Cited Bourdon, R. M. 1983. Simulated effects of genotype and management on beef production efficiency. Ph.D. Dissertation. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Bourdon, R. M. and J. S.' Brinks. 1987a. Simulated efficiency of range beef production. I. Growth and milk production. J. Anim. Sci. 65:943. Bourdon, R M. and J. S. Brinks. 1987b. Simulated efficiency of range beef production. I11. Culling strategies, nontraditional management systems. J. Anita. Sci. 65:963. 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