
Tho 0 A.M.
12:0 art
*Free Lunch Starting at 11 a.m.*
December 30, 2014
Beechy’s Dairy Cattle Auctions
N13653 Co. Rd. M • Thorp, Wisconsin
12:0 p, Wis.
Star .M.
DIRECTIONS: Thorp Exit off of Hwy. 29, go South on Co. Rd. M for 2.5 miles.
Featuring 75 Reg Heifer Dispersal for Jo-Wal Farms,Wausau, WI
Jo-Wal Farms has bred or owned some of the matriarchs of the Holstein breed, including Jo-Wal Clietus MacyET. Breedyk Blackstar Nola-Ex-91, Sunny-Valley Falcon-Red-ET-Ex94, and Jo-Wal Bolton Lacey 19 Ex-93. Th
ey have also been very successful in the show ring, having Grand Champion at their district show four out of six
years along with several Grand or Reserve Grand Champions at the Marathon County Fair.
In addition to their success in the show ring, they have also merchandised their cattle across the country and
exported embryos to several foreign countries.
They have also placed several bulls in A.I. Including Jo-Wal Festus and Jo-Wal Metro.
Heifers are sired by Sept Storm, Redlou, Shottle, Buckeye and several other breed-leading sires.
These heifers have been housed in a freestall barn the last 30 days and have adjusted to using freestalls with
no trouble.
Heifer calves, two months old all the way to springing heifers.
Fresh 90 days doing
75# in the tank.
More nice consignments
like this!
Ex-94 2E
Ex-91 GMD Dam
3-6 365d 32,870m 4.2 1376f 3.4 1117p 5-6 365d 36,410m 4.9 1788f 3.8 1394p.
A daughter by Shamrock, due in the
Several heifers sell from Nola’s
spring, sells along with several
extended family including two fabulous
granddaughters, including a
granddaughters by Sept Storm due
red Colt-P born 9-1-2013.
in the spring
36 Head from Andy Malotky-Clintonville, WI. Mostly Holstein cows in diff erent stages of lactation. Avg 55#
150SCC Cows were not pushed. Avg. Feed very little corn and protein. Bred to herd sire. Now at our Thorp
location. Going up in milk every week.
HERD 2: 40 milk cows for Vincent MuMMau, Strawberry Point, IA. Mostly Holsteins, some Red-White and
Holstein Crosses. Cow avg 62# same SCC count as last month—under 100,000. Rugged Iowa herd. Cows ate
outside daily at bunk. Easy handling cows. Will do good for their new owners.
ALSO SELLING THIS SALE 20 Real Bell-Ringers from our regular consigners. HAND-PICKED ONLY!
NOTE: There will be Cows for Every Budget!
Terms of Sale: Cash or Check with proper I.D.
Sale conducted by: Beechy’s Dairy Cattle Auctions• Lic. # 247563-AM,
LeRoy Beechy Wis. Reg. # 2813, 920-572-0443 or 920-371-3551,
Ringman-Ray Beechy 501-622-9742, Barn No. 715-754-2485,
Ringman-Ron Roskopf • Ed Mielke 715-574-2931
Jason Burmeister, Pedigrees 715-851-0260 • Richard Horst, Wis. Reg. #2533
For real estate, call Rodger at Wisconsin Farm and Land Sales Realty at 715-223-9993.
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and check out our website at beechysdairycattleauctions.com
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