FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL FIRST THINGS FIRST Our Mission: We are deeply committed to our Savior Jesus Christ—desiring to lengthen and strengthen His Kingdom through worship and caring groups. Our Core Values: Word, Outreach, Service, Excellence Worship Services Saturday at 6:30pm Sunday at 9:30am Christ’s Kids Sunday School 8:30am Clearwater, FL 33756 Contact Info: 1644 Nursery Road First Lutheran Church & School Adult Bible Class 10:45am 1644 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 462-8000 Email: [email protected] Web: FIRST THINGS FIRST—July 2015 Vol 6 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL STAFF CONT. BIBLE CLASS OFFERINGS Pre-School and Daycare Staff: VPK: Laurraine Marshall PK3 & VPK: Stephanie Davidson Sunday Morning Select Chapters of the Bible led by Carl Schleede On Summer Break Bible Study 10:45am in the Fellowship Hall Youth & Young Adult Bible Study led by Andrew Apple 10:45am in the Gathering Place Monday Women’s Beth Moore Study On Summer Break Tuesday Men’s Breakfast Study Islam On Summer Break Wednesday Morning Toxic Beliefs led by Rev. Pat O’Brien 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall CHURCH STAFF Rev. Arnold E Piering, Pastor Emeritus Mrs. Ann Hinz, Minister of Music Mrs. Elaine Popp, Principal Mr. Andrew Apple, Youth & Family Ministry Rev. Pat F. A. O’Brien, Pastor Emeritus CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Summer Schedule Wednesday-Friday 8:00am — 3:00pm School Faculty & Staff: Principal & 4th/5th Grade: Kindergarten: First Grade: 2nd Grade: 3rd Grade: 6th & 7th Grade: Eight Grade: Music: Art: Admissions: Aftercare/PM Kindergarten: Reading/Spanish: Custodian: Elaine Popp Jennifer Bier Michelle Pasierb Anna Stapleton Natalee Hallsted Peter Kiehl Dr. Keith Hutchison Ann Hinz Micki Barrow Andrew Apple Althea Elliott Meagan King Susan Hendess x 201 x 210 x 211 x 213 x 214 x 217 x 218 x 104 x 222 x 232 Church Staff: Pastor Emeritus: Minister of Music: Pastor Emeritus: Youth & Family Ministry: Administrative Assistant: Maintenance: Rev. Arnold E. Piering Ann Hinz Rev. Pat F.A. O’Brien Andrew Apple Daniela Christopherson Bill Spoolstra x 105 x 104 Church Officers: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Rick Howard Melvin Maciolek Renaann Apple Marge Murray Council Members: Submissions to the Newsletter are due by the 20th of each month, please. x 204 x 203 Sandy Brown Marj Crosmer Wendy Eschler Aide: Aide: Althea Elliott Keri Trommer Aide: Aide: Jill Hordern Sara Klingensmith x 232 x 100 x 107 Lisa Maciolek Lisa Vaughan Arnie Piering OFFICIAL CHURCH ACTS Baptisms— Ayva Marie Donnelly Births— None Funerals/Memorials— None Weddings— None Transfers— None First Lutheran continues to move towards the future. Here is a little of what’s happening. LAY LEADERSHIP COUNCIL REPORT The Lay Leadership Council is currently working on next years budget. A Voter’s Meeting is scheduled for August 9th to approve the budget, elect officers, and hopefully select a new pastor. ELDERS ASSIGNMENTS Congregation Families Elder Phone Email A through B Dennis Miller 727-726-1332 [email protected] C though D Joe DeCresie 727-743-7938 [email protected] E through J Ed Makin 727-543-6692 [email protected] K through L Art Hahm 727-458-4196 [email protected] M Doug Carr 727-251-2993 [email protected] N through P Kurt Popp 727-524-4502 [email protected] R through S Carl Schleede 727-538-5621 [email protected] T through Z Chris Lindau 727-244-4669 [email protected] Jon Harner 269-921-1671 [email protected] Winter Residents FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL STAFF Finance Officers: Caroline Nunamaker Ronda Farris Eleanor Homer x 180 x 102 A NOTE FROM OUR CONGREGATION’S PRESIDENT Board of School Ministry: Pam Smoot Dortie Ford Joy Bremer Our Leadership Board has decided to postpone securing an Intentional Interim Pastor until August. Our Call committee has resumed working. We have received 7 names from our district office for potential pastors here at First Lutheran. God may have one of them in mind to be our next Shepherd! The Call committee is reviewing the list and setting up interviews and visits. We may have a chance to Call by August. Therefore, we have put the Intentional Interim Pastor position on hold. The LLC will revisit that decision in August. During the summer months, we will be served by visiting pastors. Pastor John Zeile and Pastor Jim Guelzow are leading worship in July and August. We also were pleased to have our own Pastor O’Brien here in June. Melvin and Zach Maciolek moved our new teacher, Ms. Anna Stapleton, from Illinois. This added a personal touch in welcoming her to our church family here. Be sure to greet her when you see her and also thank Melvin and Zach for their time and labor. The church and CLC main air conditioner has had a major failure. We are trying both to fix the current problem and make corrections so that these failures will not happen in the future. Our air conditioning system is a large commercial unit and not everyone in the air conditioning business is qualified to service it. We thank Roy Stevens for his expertise in trying to solve the issues as we work through this difficulty. Thank you for your patience. We hope to have a better working system in the near future. Mr. Bill is back to work and almost fully recovered from the fall he had last year. Please welcome him back. Andrew Apple has done a great job resurrecting our youth group and added a Bible class for the high school and young adults. He’s also busy promoting our school with tours of the campus and church. Be sure to talk to him about the Generations Ministry he’s starting and sign up if you haven’t already. Renaann Apple was our delegate to the district convention and represented us well. She enjoyed the experience, so please ask her about it and thank her for her service. It is always good to see what our sister congregations are doing and be part of the body of Christ in the church at large as we walk together as the children of the resurrection! I ask you to keep praying for God’s guidance and presence in all we do together in this place, His place, called First Lutheran Church. In His service, Rick Howard President, First Lutheran Church, Clearwater, Fl First Lutheran Ministries MUSIC & WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM CARE GIVING MINISTRY Prayer Chain Ministry—If you are interested in participating in our Prayer Chain Ministry, please call the church office and give the secretary your name, phone number, and email address. Stephen Ministry— Our Stephen Ministers meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, September through May. If you are interested in becoming a part of our Stephen Ministry, please speak to Arnie or Kathy Piering. Prayer Shawl Ministry— Knit or crochet; we are making shawls for anyone that may need our prayers and love. Come join us as we meet and stitch on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30pm in the church office. If you are unable to join us, just knit or crotchet at home. Recipients of these special gifts find comfort , peace and love as they snuggle in the shawls for warmth. PARISH NURSE NOTES—SUE HELLER Free blood pressure screening is available the second Sunday of every month after 9:30am service in room 10—the first room on the right in the Fellowship Hall inside the door from the breezeway. Keep track of your health in between doctor’s visits and stay healthy. - Sue Heller, RN, FCN (Faith Community Nurse), BSN Guest Pastors We are pleased to welcome Pastor John Zeile, Pastor Jim Guelzow and Pastor Pat O’Brien. They will be leading our worship services for the summer. By clicking the following link: month.calendar/2015/07/25/43 or checking the church web page calendar, you can see the name of the pastor scheduled for each weekend through August 16. We are grateful to these men for their service to us in the summer. July 4-5 The Saturday night worship service is cancelled Saturday, July 4. On Sunday, July 5, we will once again have a special Patriotic Worship Celebration during our 9:30 a.m. service. You won’t want to miss this annual worship celebration. Sunday Worship Summer choir will be on hiatus for the month of July. Soloists and instrumentalists are encouraged to participate in our summer worship services. Please contact Ann Hinz if you are interested. Saturday Worship - Unplugged Our Praise Team, Uplifted, is continuing to be unplugged for the summer. We are leading worship acoustically (without any microphones or amplification). For the summer, we are meeting in the Chapel area for a more intimate worship experience. We are pleased to welcome Andrew Apple on guitar. Choirs The Blood Mobile is scheduled to be at First Lutheran Church on July 19, 2015 from 10:45am to 12:00pm. Share your power to save lives – Donate Blood! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRY Bible Classes—Participation in Bible Class is an important part of a believer’s growth and maturity in the faith. We invite you to look over the listing of our Bible Class offerings and become actively involved in one or more classes. Sunday School—Classes for all ages are held every Sunday morning from 8:30—9:15 am in Room 10 & the church library. We encourage you to attend one of the classes. During the summer, only Christ’s Kids will meet. Adult classes are on hiatus for the summer. The adult choir and handbell choir music is being selected and scheduled this summer. We will be learning some great new pieces. Adult Handbell practice resumes in September on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the church balcony. Adult Choir practice resumes in September on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the church balcony. Praise Team: practice continues on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. Call Ann Hinz, Minister of Music, to join one of these musical groups: 727-462-8000 ext 104. May our music be a blessing to you and enhance your worship. His peace, Ann Hinz OUTREACH MINISTRY Our Walking Club meets every Saturday morning at 8:00am. We are currently on Summer Break, but will resume in the fall. Adult Open Gym is on hiatus during the summer. Starting in the fall, it will be scheduled every Thursday evening from 6:30pm—8:00pm in our gym. We are accepting vendor reservations for this year’s Holiday Bazaar. For more information, or to obtain a vendor reservation form, contact the church office at 727-462-8000 x 1. We as a congregation continue to collect food items for donations to the RCS Food Bank. Donations may be dropped of in the Narthex and will be taken to RCS on a monthly basis. A big thank you to Ed & Joni Bruce for their time and effort with this ministry. STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY Our June Offerings: June 7th: $ 7,850.00 June 14: $ 6,491.00 June 21st: $ 3,842.00 June 28th: $ 5,787.00 Total: $23,970.00 Budget needed through week #48: Offerings received through week #48: Needed each week: $6,512.00 FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL NEWS—MRS. ELAINE POPP, PRINCIPAL Summer camp is in full swing and the students are having a great time. Each week they have been enjoying fun field trips. For example they have been going to the swimming pool for lessons, bowling, attending a Threshers baseball game, and going to the movies and lunch out. When they are on campus they have been having fun activities like face painting and having dance contests. Our summer camp counselors are working really hard to make camp a fun experience for our campers. The school office has also been very busy. We are already gearing up for the next school year. One of the biggest projects is ordering books. It is exciting that we are replacing our science curriculum this year. When teachers return in August we will have an in service meeting with the publishers to learn how best to use it. Summer is also a great time to get re organized after a hectic school year. We are also very excited to be getting new desks for students in grade 2-5. They are being purchased by our PTO from their fundraisers during the school year. These desks will allow students to keep more books in their desk. Now we can get rid of our lockers in the hallway and make more room and also save time from students going out in to the hallway to retrieve forgotten books. (They may miss that chance to get out of the classroom but the teachers won’t!) Continue to keep our enrollment for next year in your prayers. It is exciting that our 4th and 5th grade class is full but we still have openings available in our other classrooms. I sure wouldn’t mind having to order more books! Average per week: $6,573.00 $312,576.00 $315,789.00 Thank you for your faithful and cheerful first-fruits giving to the Lord. If you have not already done so, please consider increasing your level of giving. We will need to maintain a high level of sustained giving for this fiscal year. Let us together “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY Inviting Atmosphere: Our Altar Guild prepares the chancel area for weekend worship and Holy Communion, as well as other services as needed. Greeters are present in the Narthex before and after services to greet members and visitors and to answer any questions. If you are interested in becoming a greeter, please call the church office. FAMILY MINISTRY Children’s Ministry—Children's Church is usually held every other Sunday during the 9:30am worship service. We are taking a break during the summer, but starting in the fall, Children ages 3 through 6th grade are invited and encouraged to attend. Youth Ministry—Our Youth Group meets regularly on a monthly basis for social, spiritual and service events. Check the “Happenings in Youth & Family page for more information. Youth and Young Adult Bible Study dealing with “Issues” is starting on 7/12. Please contact Andrew or Renaann Apple to become involved and participate. Men’s Ministry—A men’s breakfast and Bible Study group meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall. We serve a hot breakfast and spend time in Bible Study. Currently, we’re studying Islam. All are invited to attend. The group is on hiatus until Tuesday, August 25th. Women’s Ministry— A Beth Moore Bible study is on hiatus during the summer. In the fall it will be held every Monday evening at 6:30 pm in the Elementary School building (Room 5). LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission praise the Lord for opportunities to share His message and love with people in all walks of life throughout the community and the world. The LWML focuses on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ. Older Adult Ministry—Will not meet during the summer months of June, July, and August. The “Lunch Bunch” will meet again on the third Wednesday in September. A WORD FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES Greetings in Christ, It’s already July! The year is half over already…. Incredible isn’t? One year from this month our youth will be attending the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Please keep our youth group in your prayers and they continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ. Our youth are fund raising to help defer the cost of the National Gathering, stay tuned to the church announcements and our Facebook page for more information on upcoming fundraisers. Christ Kids Sunday School is going on journey through God's awesome world. We will be exploring the natural and powerful elements God created - clouds, fire, water, earthquakes, whirlwinds, and more. Our kids will see how God uses those elements to show us who He is and to bring about His plan of salvation for all humankind. Our theme this summer is, Even the Wind and Waves Obey Him. Praying for our church, school and the work of Christ here in this place and around the world. Never forget the persecuted church and continue to walk in humility and service to our Lord. SERVICE SCHEDULE (CONT.) DATE Sat 7/4 Sun 7/5 Sat 7/11 Sun 7/12 Sat 7/18 Sun 7/19 Sat 7/25 Sun 7/26 Sat 8/1 Sun 8/2 Sat 8/8 Sun 8/9 Sat 8/15 Sun 8/16 DATE Sat 7/4 Sun 7/5 Sat 7/11 Sun 7/12 Sat 7/18 Sun 7/19 Sat 7/25 GREETER ACOLYTE No Worship Eleanor Homer AV No Worship No Worship Anna Lim Rodger Seltzer Jayda Blake Andrew Apple Anna Lim Doug Carr Alessandro Christopherson Andrew Apple Joy Hanselman Jayda Blake Marge Murray Jayda Blake Bill Spoolstra Andrew Apple Rodger Seltzer Andrew Apple Peggie McClave, Linda McClelland Jayda Blake Doug Carr Andrew Apple Sandy Brown Jayda Blake Bill Spoolstra Alessandro Christopherson Andrew Apple Mary Esther Smith, Joni & Ed Bruce Anna Lim GUEST PASTOR No Worship Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. John Zeile Rev. John Zeile Rev. John Zeile DATE Sun 7/26 Sat 8/1 Sun 8/2 Sat 8/8 Sun 8/9 Sat 8/15 Sun 8/16 Roger Seltzer GUEST PASTOR Rev. John Zeile Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. John Zeile Rev. John Zeile Rev. Jim Guelzow Rev. Jim Guelzow If you would like to get involved and serve in any of these capacities, please contact the church office at 727-462-8000 x 1. For any changes to the schedule, please contact the church office by close of business Thursday. We appreciate your service and assistance with keeping the schedule current. Thank you! HAPPENINGS IN YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY SERVICE SCHEDULE DATE Sat 7/4 Sun 7/5 Sat 7/11 Sun 7/12 Sat 7/18 Sun 7/19 Sat 7/25 Sun 7/26 Sat 8/1 Sun 8/2 Sat 8/8 Sun 8/9 Sat 8/15 Sun 8/16 DATE Sat 7/4 Sun 7/5 Sat 7/11 Sun 7/12 Sat 7/18 Sun 7/19 Sat 7/25 Sun 7/26 Sat 8/1 Sun 8/2 Sat 8/8 Sun 8/9 Sat 8/15 Sun 8/16 ELDER SERVER No Worship No Worship Doug Carr Chris Lindau Dennis Miller Chris Lindau Joe DeCresie Chris Lindau Carl Schleede Dennis Miller Joe DeCresie Ed Makin Kurt Popp Carl Schleede Carl Schleede, Kurt Popp NO COMMUNION NO COMMUNION Doug Carr Carl Schleede, Peter Kiehl NO COMMUNION NO COMMUNION Brian Popp Kurt Popp, Walt Crosmer NO COMMUNION NO COMMUNION Brian Popp Doug Carr Dennis Miller, Kurt Popp USHER No Worship Carl Schleede, Melvin Maciolek, Michael Beebe LECTOR Toni Sawyer Joe DeCresie Doug Carr, Walt Crosmer Rick Howard Richard Seltzer, Dennis Miller, Andrew Apple Renaann Apple Carl Schleede, Melvin Maciolek, Michael Beebe Joe DeCresie Andrew Apple Bob Binney, Mike Brown, Bob Hicks Amy Boyle Carl Schleede, Melvin Maciolek, Michael Beebe John Boyle Richard Seltzer, Dennis Miller, Andrew Apple Stacey Piszczynski Our new bible study, Issues, continues to meet right after service in the gathering place. All high school, college and young adults are welcome to attend. We will be looking at some of the social issues we as Lutherans currently face and what we are called to in Christ. Finally, our Youth Group is going to Night of Joy this year. Tickets are $65.00 each. We will be attending Saturday, September 12. The deadline to sign up is July 7th. Money is due by August 1st. Contact Andrew @ x232 or email at [email protected] for more information or to reserve your spot. Please keep praying for our church, school and the work of Christ here in this place and around the world. Never forget the persecuted church and continue to walk in humility and service to our Lord. Youth Work Day – July 6th 10AM-5pm Come ready to work/paint classrooms in bldg. C… Beach Day – July 8th 9AM- 5pm We will be going to Fort Desoto Beach in Saint Petersburg. Meet at the church at 9AM. Bring Lunch, appropriate swim attire and sunscreen. We will be back at the church at 5pm. Youth Group Meeting: July 12th 11am-1pm Blessings on your Summer! BIRTHDAYS 7/3 Glenda Conant 7/3 Brenda Mullis 7/3 Dennis Rice 7/5 Roberta Sheperis 7/8 Lucy Bier 7/8 Karen Wagenknecht 7/9 Edith O’Brien 7/13 Marjorie Foster 7/18 Cynthia Chilton 7/20 Anna Foster 7/20 Laurraine Marshall 7/21 Armand Bier 7/22 Lisa Maciolek 7/22 Barabra Magowen 7/24 Frederick Howard 7/26 Amy Boyle 7/27 Dorothea Ford 7/28 Nelson Bier 7/29 June Eaton 7/29 David Gangelhoff 7/29 Mary Holmes 7/31 Adele Sargent ANNIVERSARIES 7/1 Richard & Carl Hayes 7/9 Arnold & Kathy Piering 7/15 James &Natalee Hallsted 7/27 Pat & Edith O’Brien
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