When: Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 * Where: GSO to 5NC3

Enjoy a great Sunday Spring afternoon and some of the famous
Pik-N-Pig BBQ.
The Piedmont Aero Club is looking for members with aircraft
and members to participate to share expenses and fly to the
Gilliam-McConnell Airfield for a Pik-n-Pig Fly-In.
When: Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 *
Where: GSO to 5NC3 - Meet at
Landmark Aviation FBO
10:00am – 2pm (Restaurant opens
at 11am)
Split Operational Costs
Food/drinks at the Pik-n-Pig
Ashley Smith: [email protected]
(Indicate if have aircraft and willing to fly RSVP space will be limited)
*Inclement weather date is currently not yet set