S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST1 $40.00 Room ID sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST2 $60.00 Room ID with 1 small flush window with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). ST6 $100.00 Room ID with 5 small flush windows with raised ADA tactile white text and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). PICTURE 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here ST7 $80.00 Room ID with 1 large flush window with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 2” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). ST9 $90.00 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Room ID with 1 large flush window and 2 small flush windows with raised ADA tactile white text and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” and 2” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). 2”x 6” Insert Here 2”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here March 1. 2015 Pa g e 1 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST11 $105.00 DESCRIPTION Room ID with 3 large flush windows with raised ADA tactile white text and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 2 x 6 slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). PICTURE 2”x 6” Insert Here 2”x 6” Insert Here 2”x 6” Insert Here ST12 $46.00 Men’s Restroom with room number ID with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST13 $46.00 Women’s Restroom with room number ID with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST14 $46.00 Unisex Restroom with room number ID with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST15 $50.00 Men’s Restroom pictorial with no braille. March 1. 2015 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 2 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST15H $50.00 Men’s Restroom pictorial with handicap symbol and no braille. ST16 $50.00 Women’s Restroom pictorial with no braille. ST16H $50.00 Women’s Restroom pictorial with handicap symbol and no braille. ST17 $50.00 Unisex Restroom pictorial with no braille. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 3 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST18 $50.00 Handicap Restroom symbol with raised ADA tactile white symbol and no braille. ST20 $62.00 Fire Sprinkler Room sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST21 $42.00 Flush face Bulletin holder to hold a 5.5” x 8.5” insert. Customer prints inserts. ST22 $55.00 PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Flush face Bulletin holder to hold an 11” x 8.5” insert. Customer prints inserts. ST23 $65.00 Flush face Bulletin holder to hold a 17” x 11” insert. Customer prints inserts. March 1. 2015 Pa g e 4 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST24 $80.00 DESCRIPTION PICTURE Room ID sign with flush window to hold an 11” x 8.5” insert with raised ADA tactile white room ID and braille. Customer prints inserts. ST25 $62.00 Double sided blade sign with 6” satin bracket for wall mounting. Black with white vinyl text. ST26 $50.00 Handicap Accessible sign. Blue with raised ADA tactile white symbol and no braille. ST28 $270.00 Wayfinding directional sign with Building Name and multiple windows for inserts. Backer colors include: Red, Black, Grey, Tan, & White. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Uses UniPrint standard inserts. Sm: 1.75” x 21.25” inserts with 1” text. (Inserts sold separately $7.00). March 1. 2015 Pa g e 5 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST29 $315.00 DESCRIPTION Wayfinding directional sign with Floor Number and Building Name and multiple large windows for inserts. Backer colors include: Red, Black, Grey, Tan, & White. Uses UniPrint standard inserts. Lg: 3” x 21.25” inserts with 1” text. (Inserts sold separately $7.00). ST30 $50.00 Exterior side Stairway sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and symbol and braille. ST31 $143.00 Interior side Stairwell Egress Level Indicator sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST32 $40.00 Elevator door jam platewith raised ADA tactile white number and braille. ST33 $47.00 Direct application vinyl 1.25” high black or white text. March 1. 2015 PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 6 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST34 $60.00 DESCRIPTION Oxygen In Use pictorial with no braille. . ST35 $60.00 Radioactive Materials pictorial with no braille. ST36 $86.00 Warning Strong Magnetic Field pictorial with no braille. ST37 $90.00 Warning Restricted Area pictorial with no braille. March 1. 2015 PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 7 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST38 $56.00 Authorized Personnel Only sign. Black with white vinyl text. ST46 $52.00 Nearest Accessible Directional Restroom sign. ST49 $45.00 2 1/4” x 8 1/4” Wall mounted Name Plate. PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Installed with double sided tape. ST51 $45.00 Floor Level sign. ST53 $52.00 Directional Sign with or without arrows. March 1. 2015 Pa g e 8 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST54 $60.00 Eye Wash Station pictorial with no braille. ST55 $48.00 Please Use Other Door vinyl in black or white text. ST56 $62.00 Lactation Room with Room ID Number with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST57 $55.00 Department Name sign. ST58 $57.00 Standpipe Connection sign. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 9 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST59 $67.00 Fire Extinguisher Flag Sign. ST60 $48.00 Flammable Keep Fire and Flame Away sign. ST66 $61.00 Department Labels. ST67 $73.00 Caution Magnetic Field decal. ST69 $51.00 For labeling departments. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 0 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST76 $54.00 Department Labels. ST78 $133.00 Room ID with 1 large and 5 small flush windows with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” and 2” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). PICTURE 2”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here ST81 $90.00 Handicap entrances sign with ADA tactile white lettering and no braille. ST87 $146.00 LEED Insert holders. ST90 $47.00 Directional Arrow. March 1. 2015 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 1 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST92 $62.00 Fire Extinguisher Flag Sign with wall bracket. ST92V $35.00 Fire Extinguisher Tent sign. ST93 $62.00 Standpipe locations Flag Sign with wall bracket. ST94 $50.00 Fire Door “Do Not Block” door decal. ST95_2 $50.00 Fire Door “Keep Closed” door decal. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 2 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST97 $62.00 Room ID Fire Panel with braille. ST98 $56.00 Danger High Voltage 13.2 KV sign. ST99 $61.00 Danger Diesel Fuel sign for diesel fuel tanks. ST100 $75.00 Danger Diesel Fuel sign for labeling diesel fuel tanks. ST101 $58.00 Fire Department Test Connection decal for labeling the Fire Department Test Connection locations. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 3 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST103 $50.00 In Case of Fire Elevator sign. ST105 $62.00 Room ID Fire Pump Room sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST106 $62.00 Room ID Electrical Room sign with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST108 $86.00 Fire Department Connection sign. Aluminum Panel with White Graphics, with or without Arrows. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 4 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST109 $84.00 DESCRIPTION PICTURE Room ID sign with flush window to hold an 8.5” x 11” insert with raised ADA tactile white number. Customer prints inserts. ST110 $75.00 Room ID sign with flush window to hold an 5.5” x 8.5” insert with raised ADA tactile white number. Customer prints inserts. ST111 $28.00 Cubicle nameplate holder. Black acrylic with flush face. Mounting options include: Double Sided Tape, Velcro, or Magnetic. Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). ST112 $15.00 1”x 6” Insert Here THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE 1”x 6” Insert Here Satin Silver desktop nameplate holder. Holds ST-88 Nameplate. ST88 black engraved insert sold separately. ST113 March 1. 2015 $62.00 Room ID Generator Room sign with raised ADA tactile white text. Pa g e 1 5 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST114 $62.00 Room ID Fire Alarm Panel with raised ADA tactile white text. Includes room number. ST115 $62.00 Room ID Fire Command Center sign with raised ADA tactile white text. ST116 $18.00 Cubicle name holder. Clear with pins on the back for inserting printed nameplates and mounting to cloth cubicle walls. PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Use standard ST116INST insert. (Insert sold separately $12.00). ST118 $47.00 Stair plate for labeling stairs. ST126 $170.00 Room ID with 6 small flush windows with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here Uses UniPrint standard insert 1” x 6” slot. (Inserts sold separately $5.00). 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here 1”x 6” Insert Here March 1. 2015 Pa g e 1 6 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G INTERIOR BUDGET PRICE ST127 $60.00 Gender Neutral Restroom ID with Room Number ID with raised ADA tactile white lettering and braille. ST128 $85.00 Gender Neutral Restroom pictorial with no braille. ST128H $85.00 Gender Neutral Handicap Restroom pictorial with handicap symbol and no braille. March 1. 2015 DESCRIPTION PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Pa g e 1 7 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G EXTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST45 $1,075.00 Trash Can Barrel Plate to be placed on trash cans. (Quantity of 25). ST50 $180.00 Memorial Botanical Plaque. 8 Lines Maximum. 26 characters per line for first 2 lines. 31 characters per line for last 6 lines. ST52 $142.00 Trash Can Recycle Drum Topper for labeling recycle cans. (Quantity of 5). ST68 $195.00 Bronze Building Plaque. PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE 2 Lines Maximum. 25 characters per line. March 1. 2015 Pa g e 1 8 S I G N AG E T Y P E S & B U D G E T I N G EXTERIOR BUDGET PRICE DESCRIPTION ST70 $4,550.00 Standard Building Identification sign. ST84 $168.00 Project Construction Boards 4’ x 6’ standard, custom sizes upon request. 4’ x 6’ signs produced by UniPrint. ST89 $298.00 PICTURE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | SIGNAGE TYPES SIGN TYPE Donor Plaque. Aluminum plaque with engraved black text. Customer shall provide final text for review and approval. ST107 $360.00 Artist plaque. Aluminum plaque with etched black text. Customer shall provide final text for review and approval. March 1. 2015 Pa g e 1 9
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