way to develop a child`s critical thinking skills, =

Sponsored by the Forestdale PIA
Chess club is taught by experienced Silver Knights
Chess players and educators using a curriculum
developed by National Masters. Each weekly session
is a mix of learning and play. Playing chess is a great
way to develop a child's critical thinking skills,
sportsmanship, and patience all while having fun!
Ghess Club Details:
Allgrades and skill levels welcome.
=+ All equipment provided.
Dates: Club meets Fridays starting 4/24 and
ending 5/29.
Location: Cafeteria
Tuition: 582 for 6 weeks
Time: 3:10pm-4:10pm
Silver Knights Chess www.silverknightschess.com
Questions? Emai l: [email protected] or cal I : (7 O3l
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