, GOVT. OF TRIPURA PROJECT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY INDO-GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION PROJECT 3rd FLOOR- ARANYABHAVAN, Pt. NEHRU COMPLEX, GURKHABASTI, AGART ALA-799006 Ph: 0381-231173/2321172 Fax: 0381-2321174 ~ NO - :\ I 4 LH~./'11-1 o c, v- 'f(c0.v.J.~ I'?;' Iv bil- t! 591 ~bOr Dated, Agartala the b/S/ ,2015 TENDER NOTICE FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT TRAININGS Sealed tender is hereby invited by the undersigned from the reputed Institute / Training Academy / Govt. Organization / NGOs etc. (herein after' Agency') to impart Skill Development training to the beneficiaries under the IGDC Project, Tripura in the following Trades / skills: 1. Beautician 11. Automobile Mechanic SCOPE OF WORK To impart training for skill formation / up gradation of the IODC Project beneficiaries to enhance their capacity to undertake self-employment as well as access better salaried employment through the trades proposed above. In order to obtain first-hand information of the assignent and the local conditions, it is desirable that a reprresentative of interested Agencys may visit the office of the Project Management Authority, Agartala to meet Mr. Siddhartha Mohanta, TFS, Joint Project Director, IGDC Project, Tripura. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL The proposal shall be submittted in two parts, viz. Technical and Financial bids. The 'Technical' & 'Financial' proposal must be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes [with respective marking in bold letters]. The envelop marked 'TECHNICAL PROPOSAL' should include the description of the Institute/ training academy / organization etc. its general experience in the field of assignment in other states vis-a-vis success ratio, the qualification and competency of the personnel proposed for the assignment and the proposed training plan methodology and approach in response to suggest terms reference. This envelop should not contain any cost information whatsoever. ~~ The sealed envelope marked 'FINANCIAL estimation for the proposed task. PROPOSAL' should contain the detailed cost , Erasing / overwriting in the submitted documents will be summarily rejected. TECHNICAL 1. 11. lll. IV. v. VI. VB. VBI. IX. x. Xl. XlI. XUI. XIV. xv. XVI. The Agency should be a reputed firm preferably having experience and expertise in imparting Skill Development training for Central/State Govt. Ministries/ Departments/ PSU/ Autonomous bodies etc. Copy of work orders/award letters showing the experience of work should be provided along with technical bid (Self attested photocopy). The agency should have minimum experience of two years to conduct such kind of skill development programmes. The Agency should have officel permanent contact address in Agartala. The Agency should have a valid PANI TAN number and details thereof should be provided. (Self attested photocopy of the certificate to be enclosed). A total of 20 - 25 villagers will be trained under each training category. The list of participants will be provided by the PMA. The training venue will not be provided from Project end. Duration of each type of training has to be mentioned in the technical bid. Training schedules are to be adjusted according to project requirement in consultation with concerned authority. The plan of action, such as date of training, venues, grouping of trainees as per the list of trainees provided by PMA and other aspects have to be finalised in consultation with the PMA. Training manuals have to be prepared (in English and Bengali) for all the training and shared with the PMA for necessary approval before commencement of training. The approved manual, kits etc. should be distributed to the participants during the training programmes. Detailslspecification of the kits to be distributed among the trainees have to be submitted along with the technical bid. List of resource persons has to be submitted along with the technical bid. A preliminary report as per prescribed format (will be provided from Project end), with few good images (Soft Copies) of each concluded training shall be submitted by the agency (both Soft & Hard copies) to the PMA within 7 (Seven) days of completion of the training. A registration and feedback form (will be provided from Project end) has to be maintained for each participant and should be submitted with the training report. The detailed training report I proceedings along with Participant details, feedback and photos of each trainee (trainee details corresponding to individual photo) in soft and 3 (three) hard copies within 30 days from the completion of each training. Any equipment I tools purchased shall have to be handed over to the Project after completion of training. All logistic, local transport etc. support shall be arranged by the agency. FINANCIAL 1. II. CRITERIA CONDITIONS The successful Agency will have to deposit a D-call certificate amount to 5% of the total value of the work order. The Mood of payment to be made in concidaretion of the work to be performed by the successful Bider(s) shall be as follows: 30% of the contract Value After issuing of work order 50% of the contract Value After successful completion and certification 20% of the contract Value After successful establishment of eterprise sl the placement assitance at list 75% of the trainee ~~ --------------------------------------- - Service taxi Income tax as applicable will be deducted at source. 111. • ---- IMPORTANT DATES The last date for receipt of tender documents (by handl post) shall be 27thMay, 2015 at 4.00 PM. The tender documents in sealed envelope super scribed with 'Tender for Skill Development Trainings' should be submitted at 0/0 Project Management Authority, Indo-German Development Cooperation Project, Aranya Bhawan (3rd floor), PT. Neheru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala-799006. Tender received after the specified date and time will NOT be accepted on any account. 1. 11. The tender will be opened by the evaluation committee in due date at 010 Project Management Authority, Indo-German Development Cooperation Project, Aranya Bhawan (3rd floor), PT. Neheru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala-799006. The Agency or authorized representative (Should carry duly signed authority letter) may remain present during opening of the tender, on that date which will be informed to them over phone I mail I post OTHER CONDITIONS 1. 11. Ill. IV. v. The Undersigned reserves the right (i) to modify, expand, restrict, scrap, refloat or cancel in whole/part, the process at any stage without assigning any reasons. (ii) to accept or reject any tender including the lowest one without assigning any reason what so ever. (iii) for accepting the whole or any part of the tender and decision in the matter shall be final and binding. The Project may change the modalities otherwise also, as and when felt necessary by the Project After award of the contract, any minor changes in the modus of implementation can be agreed to mutually in writing. The rates quoted should be valid for a period of twelve months from the date of acceptance of the rates. The submission of tender will bind the Agency to acceptance of all conditions specified herein and in addition to the conditions of the contract. Sd/- (Dr. A.K. Gupta, IFS) Chief Executive Officer & Project Director IGDC Project, Agartala Copy to :1. The DFO, Direction Division of office of the PCCF, Tripura for wide circulation. 2. The Sub-DFO, Sadar Sub-Div, Jagaharimura, Agartala with s request for circulation. 3. The In-charge, Website of Forest epartment/TBB/IGDC respective website 4. Notice Board of PMA office, IGDC Project, Agartala. 5. To the editor, Dainik Sambadl Daily Desher Katha, Aajkall for publication in yndan Patrika for circulation of day on on or before 10thMay, 2015. -' \\ -- t>~ \ ,,, (S.Moha~) Joint Project Director & DDO
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