NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the 43nd Annual General Meeting of the Forestville RSL Club Limited (ACN 000 970 132) will be held in the Club premises, 22 Melwood Avenue, Forestville at 7.00pm on Monday 27th April 2015. The business of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows: AGENDA A) To confirm the minutes of the 42ndAnnual General Meeting of the Club, held Monday 28th April 2014. B) To receive and consider the Reports of the Board. C) To receive and consider the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Financial Position and the Report of the Auditors for the year ended 31 December 2014. D) To elect Patrons for the ensuing year. E) To appoint Auditors for the ensuing year. F) To consider and if thought fit pass the four Ordinary Resolutions. G) To consider and if thought fit pass a Special Resolution to amend the Club’s Constitution. H) To deal with any other business of which due notice has been given. I) General Business. FIRST ORDINARY RESOLUTION "That pursuant to section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act: (a) (b) The members hereby approve expenditure by the Club over the following twelve months for the following expenses subject to approval by the Board of Directors. (i) Expenses involved in sponsorship of Intra-Clubs Annual President’s Appreciation Dinner and the presentation to members or other persons, acknowledging service deemed by the Directors as being of benefit to the Club and/or the Community. (ii) Reasonable expenses incurred by Directors in travelling in either private or public transport to and from Directors’ and other duly constituted Committee meetings, either within the Club or elsewhere – as approved by the Board, on production of documentary evidence of such expenditure. (iii) The reasonable cost of meal and beverage for each Director at a reasonable time before or after the Board or Committee meeting, on the day of that meeting. (iv) Reasonable expenses incurred by Directors either within the Club or elsewhere in relation to other such duties including entertainment or special guests of the Club or other promotional activities approved by the Board, on production of documentary evidence of such expenditure. The members acknowledge that the benefits in paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally, but only for those members who are Directors of the Club and those members directly involved in the above activities." SECOND ORDINARY RESOLUTION "That pursuant to section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act: (a) The members hereby approve expenditure by the Club for the professional development and education of Directors for the following twelve months, including: (i) The reasonable cost of Directors attending the Annual General Meeting. (ii) The reasonable cost of Directors attending meetings or other Associations of which the Club is a member. (b) (iii) The reasonable cost of Directors attending Seminars, Lectures, Trade Displays, Organised Study Tours, Fact Finding Tours and other similar events as may be determined by the Board from time to time. (iv) The reasonable cost of Directors attending other Clubs for the purpose of observing their facilities and methods of operation. (v) The reasonable cost of attendance at functions with spouses where appropriate. The members acknowledge that the benefits in paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally, but only for those members who are Directors of the Club and those members directly involved in the above activities." THIRD ORDINARY RESOLUTION "That pursuant to section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act: (a) The members hereby approve the allocation of reserved car spaces for the exclusive use of the Directors of the Club. (b) The members acknowledge that the benefits in paragraph (a) above are not available to members generally, but only for those members who are Directors of the Club." FOUTH ORDINARY RESOLUTION “That in accordance with Rule 23 of the Constitution of Forestville RSL Club Limited, Life Membership of Forestville RSL Club Limited be bestowed on Robert Green in recognition of his outstanding service to the Club.” Endorsed by the Board Moved D Ford Seconded B Chisnall Explanatory Message to Members regarding the Ordinary Resolutions First Ordinary Resolution Section 10(1)(i) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 prohibits the Club from offering a benefit to any member unless it is offered equally to all members of the Club. Section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 allows a member to receive a benefit if the benefit is approved by an ordinary resolution passed by a general meeting of the members of the Club prior to the benefit being provided. The First Ordinary Resolution seeks the approval of the members of expenditure by the Club to cover Board members in the execution of their duties as Directors of the Club. Second Ordinary Resolution Section 10(1)(i) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 prohibits the Club from offering a benefit to any member unless it is offered equally to all members of the Club. Section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 allows a member to receive a benefit if the benefit is approved by an ordinary resolution passed by a general meeting of the members of the Club prior to the benefit being provided. The Second Ordinary Resolution seeks the approval of the member of expenditure by the Club for the professional development and education of Directors. Third Ordinary Resolution Section 10(1)(i) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 prohibits the Club from offering a benefit to any member unless it is offered equally to all members of the Club. Section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 allows a member to receive a benefit if the benefit is approved by an ordinary resolution passed by a general meeting of the members of the Club prior to the benefit being provided. The Third Ordinary Resolution seeks the approval of the members of the allocation of reserved car spaces for Directors. Fourth Ordinary Resolution In accordance with Rule 23 of the Constitution of Forestville RSL Club Limited the Board considers it appropriate to bestow Life Membership of the Club on Robert Green in recognition of his outstanding service to the Club. The resolution is moved by the Club’s Vice President Mr Don Ford and seconded the Club’s President Mr Bruce Chisnall. The Board recommends that all members vote in favour of this ordinary resolution. SPECIAL RESOLUTION “That the Constitution of Forestville RSL Club Limited be amended by: Amending Rule 17 by inserting the following words after the word “Club”: member.” Inserting a new paragraph (c) in Rule 20 as follows: (c) Junior Bowling members Inserting a new paragraph (c) in Rule 22 as follows: (c) “other than as a Junior Bowling Junior Bowling members (i) Any person who is under the age of 18 years and has made application for membership and is elected by the Board to Junior Bowling membership of the Club. (ii) A person applying for Junior Bowling membership must satisfy the Board that he or she has an interest in taking an active part in the Bowling activities of the Club regularly, and the Board must receive from the parent or guardian of that person a written consent to that person joining the Club as a Junior Bowling member and taking part in the Bowling and other activities of the Club. (iii) Junior Bowling members shall be entitled to those privileges as the Board may determine from time to time but shall not be eligible to hold office, vote at the election of the Board, vote at meetings of the Club, nominate persons for membership or introduce guests to the Club nor shall they have any part in the management of the Club. (iv) Junior Bowling members shall use only those areas of the Club Premises in respect of which an authority has been granted pursuant to Section 22 of the Registered Clubs Act or in respect of which an approval has been granted pursuant to Section 22A of the Registered Clubs Act. (v) Junior Sporting members are not permitted to introduce guests into the Club. Deleting Rule 35 in its entirety and inserting instead a new Rule 35 as follows: (a) The Board must, on the 18th birthday of any Junior member, transfer that Junior member from Junior membership to Club Only membership. (b) The Board, at its discretion, may on the written application of a member who has the qualifications for and wishes to become a member of a different class, transfer that member from any class of Ordinary membership to another class of Ordinary membership. (c) Any member so transferred may receive a refund or reduction of any entrance fee (if any) or subscription paid or payable by the member for the then membership year, and may be required to pay the difference between the entrance fee (if any) and subscription applicable to that other class of membership and the member’s present class of membership. Deleting Rule 47(a) in its entirety and inserting instead a new Rule 47(a) as follows: (a) All members other than Junior Bowling member and Temporary members have the privilege of introducing guests to the Club. Explanatory Note regarding the Special Resolution The Board of the Club has recently held discussions with the Club’s Bowling sub-club regarding the declining status of bowling within the Club. The Bowling sub-club suggested to the Board that the declining nature of bowls is, in its opinion, due in part to the inability of the Bowling sub-club to attract or recruit junior bowlers. The Bowling sub-club indicated to the Board that the growth of bowls will be greatly assisted if the Club permitted junior members to join. In response to that position, the Board has agreed to introduce an additional Ordinary class of membership to be known as Junior Bowling members. The rights of junior members within a club are restricted by the Registered Clubs Act. Accordingly, the proposed amendments reflect the legislative requirements. Junior members will not be eligible to hold office, vote at the election of the Board, vote at meetings of the Club, nominate persons for membership or introduce guests to the Club nor shall they have any part in the management of the Club. In addition, Junior Bowling members will use only those areas of the Club’s premises in respect of which a non-restricted area authority has been granted pursuant to Section 22 of the Registered Clubs Act or in respect of which an junior members authorization has been granted pursuant to Section 22A of the Registered Clubs Act. The Board supports the proposed amendments. Notes to Members 1. All Life members, financial R.S.L. and Club Only members (except employees of the Club) are entitled to vote for the election of the Board. 2. All Life members, financial R.S.L. and Club Only members (except employees of the Club) are entitled to vote on the three (3) Ordinary Resolutions. 3. Only Life members and financial R.S.L. members are entitled to vote on the Special Resolution in accordance with Rule 103 of the Club’s Constitution. 4. To be passed, each of the Ordinary Resolutions must receive votes in its favour from not less than a majority (50%+1) of those members who being eligible to do so, vote in person at the meeting. 5. To be passed, the Special Resolution must receive votes in its favour from not less than three-quarters (75%) of those members who being eligible to do so, vote in person at the meeting. 6. As a result of the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001, the Ordinary Resolution and the Special Resolution must each be considered as a whole and cannot be altered by motions from the floor of the meeting. 7. Members should read the Explanatory Message to Members following each resolution which explains the nature and effects of each of the resolutions. 8. Forestville RSL Club meeting procedures will apply. Each Mover of a motion will have five (5) minutes to address the meeting. The Seconder and all subsequent speakers will have three (3) minutes to speak. After two speakers in a row have spoken for the motion, the next speaker must be against. The same applies if two speakers in a row are against the motion. If there is a speaker in opposition to the motion, the Mover shall be entitled to three (3) minutes to reply to close the debate. Once the Mover has exercised the right of reply, the debate is closed and the motion shall be put to the vote. 9. Members of the Club, who are employees of the Club, cannot vote at the Meeting, nor during the Ballot. 10. Proxy Votes are not allowed under the Registered Clubs Act 1972. 11. Minutes of the previous AGM held 28th April 2014 may be viewed on request, during office hours. 12. A copy of the current Constitution, which shows the provisions proposed to be amended by the Special Resolution, is available on request at the Club’s office. By order of the Board Denis Sullivan Chief Executive Officer Dated: 3 March 2015 The Annual Report can be viewed online at
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