PASTOR’S LETTER He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! The season after Easter is such a wonderful time of year. The season brings with it a freshness, new beginnings, and new life. You can sense people’s excitement as the days get longer and warmer; we sense the coming of summer, and the earth begins to bear more and more beautiful colors as flowers begin to grow and bloom. Following Easter Sunday our High Tide group (youth group for elementary aged children) planted new plants and flowers around the sanctuary building. I thought how fresh and welcoming they made this house of God appear. I was amazed how new plants and flowers made such a difference in the way I felt about entering our worship space. Our Easter faith needs to be like these plants and flowers. These flowers are like Evangelism 101. A flower’s beautiful colors draw people, and animals, to them to enjoy the color and nectar they provide. We may then go and tell others about how beautiful these flowers are, and they will come and see. Those people may come and bring others, and awed by their beauty they may wish to plant some of their own. Do you see how this can be seen as basic Christian evangelism? Maybe Evangelism is too uncomfortable of a word for some, how about Welcome and Outreach? To be true Easter people, and not let the Good News of Easter pass away with the season, you and I need to be like the beautiful flower. We need to bloom and join the Connections (Welcome and Outreach) Ministry and figure out ways to draw people to God’s church and God’s Word. A church that is celebrating 50 years of blooming and drawing people to God by offering excellent educational opportunities, worship, mission and fellowship. By continuing to bloom others will see the beauty of God’s Word and Kingdom. They will share that Good News with others and create the most beautiful garden ever seen. Come and Grow! Pastor ........................................ Andy Gans Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts Executive Assistant................... Pat Brown Nursery Attendant.................... Tammy Keeslar Proofreaders.............................. Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling .................................Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt, Eleanor Hayesmore, Donna Johnson, Pat Merrill, Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Aileen Zimmerman Bulk Mail Handling...................John Stewart Worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m. Office: (352) 694694-4121 FAX: (352) 694-5226 13 NE 36TH AVENUE OCALA, FLORIDA 34470 [email protected] ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 1st Quarter 2015 Financial Results Total Offering Income: Budget = $70,281.47 Actual = $72,091.32 Variance = $ 1,809.85 Total Expenses: Budget = $70,355.31 Actual = $61,951.07 Variance = - $ 8,404.24 Income ($72,091.32) - Expenses ($61,951.07) = + $10,140.25 As of March 2015, our income has exceeded the budget by $1,809.25. Our expenses are well below budget but, as is the case every year, the costs will catch up to the budgets by year end. We are in good shape financially as of the 1st quarter of 2015. Praise the Lord! Steve Layendecker Chairperson CONGREGATIONAL CARE 2 CONNECTIONS Silver Springs Allliance Highlights Springs/Ocklawaha Connection The connections between Silver Springs and the Silver and Ocklawaha rivers will be highlighted at the Silver Springs Alliance’s annual public forum, “Silver Springs Restoration Includes a Free Ocklawaha River,” 6 - 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, 2015, in the Fort King Presbyterian Church, 13 NE 36 Avenue, Ocala, Florida, 34470. Admission is free and everyone is invited to attend. “The primary goal of the Silver Springs Alliance is to protect and restore Silver Springs and the Silver River,” said Dr. Robert (Bob) Knight, president of the Alliance. “True restoration is not possible without reconnecting the Silver River to the St. Johns River by removing or breaching of the Rodman Dam. A recent Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Johns Riverkeeper and the City of Jacksonville offers real hope that this Ocklawaha and Silver River restoration can finally move forward after 47 years of harm.” The evening’s speakers include: • Buddy MacKay, Esq. Esq., former Florida and U.S. legislator, Lieutenant Governor, and Governor of Florida, will open the program with “Earth Stewardship—Starting at Silver Springs,” remarks about the civic responsibility to protect the public’s “commons,” the Floridian Aquifer and Silver Springs. ( • Lisa Rinaman, Rinaman St. Johns Riverkeeper, will speak about how “Water Connects Everything” and provide details on the importance of the recent Memorandum of Understanding between the Riverkeeper and the City of Jacksonville and plans for Ocklawaha restoration. (‐work/team/) DISCIPLESHIP • Matt Keene, Keene videographer and adventurer, will present his film, “River Be Dammed,” that provides an in‐depth history of the ill‐fated Cross Florida Barge Canal and its effects on the Ocklawaha River. (‐keene/) • Whitey Markle of the Suwannee‐St. Johns Chapter of the Sierra Club will share his long history with the wilder parts of the Ocklawaha River and his song, “The Poor Old Ocklawaha.” ( “Marion County is directly affected by the impacts of the Rodman Dam on the Silver and Ocklawaha Rivers,” said Heather Culp, secretary of the Silver Springs Alliance and associate director of the Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute (FSI). “The degradation of these rivers and springs has a significant impact on Ocala’s environmental and economic well‐being. His forum will serve as an opportunity for the community to come together and learn about what restoration of our rivers and springs means for our state and for our future.” Knight, an independent springs scientist who is the director of the FSI, has conducted research that shows how Silver Springs and the Silver River are seriously impaired because of declining flow, increasing nutrient pollution, and the ongoing presence of the Rodman Dam on the Ocklawaha River. Removal of the dam is needed to reestablish the historic populations of migrating fish at Silver Springs, because healthy populations of those fish are essential for a healthy springs ecosystem. For more information, call Heather Culp at 727-859-2736 or Lucinda Merritt at 386-454-0415. 3 DISCIPLESHIP Sunday Adult Study ‘Reading 1st Century Letters with 21st Century Eyes’ Through May 10th Class 9:15 A.M. Session Room Continue studying with Tom McNeil and Ray Ruark as they help us read Paul’s almost 2,000 year old personal letters, especially his letter from prison to the church in Philippi, for insights on the issues we face in our world, our country, and our church here in Ocala. You are invited to join with Paul, Epaphroditus, Euodia, Syntyche, and all the old and current “saints” as we seek God’s wisdom together. Come join us at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and fellowship with class beginning at 9:15 a.m. Library Corner Have you read Lena Lewin's latest story-poem “The Mississippi River: Meandering and Magnificent"? Our own poet laureate has given a copy of this delightful 20-page booklet to the church library for all to enjoy. Each page is beautifully illustrated with a picture which portrays the verses on that page. Every member of our FKPC family will enjoy reading this creative and educational poem (or having it read to them). You might be so inspired that you will want to join the new Poetry Connections Ministry which meets monthly here at the church! The church library subscribes to "Christian History" magazine which is published about four times a year. The current issue (Issue 113) is devoted to seven literary sages whose lives and writings have influenced Christian thinking for generations. These people are: George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, Charles Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, C.S. Lewis, and Owen Barfield. This issue's 51 pages are packed with fascinating information, including lists of books by and about these individuals should you want to read even more. Magazines may be checked out for two weeks at a time, just like books. The library is open on Sunday mornings; other times by request. 4 DISCIPLESHIP Teacher Appreciation Breakfast We will be recognizing all of our Sunday School teachers, High Tide leaders, youth leaders, and nursery helpers at a covered dish breakfast on May 17th from 9:15 -10:15 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall. We are so blessed to have these Christian Servants who gave so much of their time during this past Sunday School year to help our children and adults. Please plan to show your support for them by attending and bringing your favorite breakfast dish to this event. As we enjoy our breakfast, please keep in mind that many of our poverty- stricken children in our community go without breakfast. You can help by bringing non-perishable food items to our Sunday School mission project, Food4Kids. JUNE 28 - JULY 2 2015 More details coming soon! 5 GROUP ACTIVITIES Crafty Ladies Crafty Ladies meet every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a visit and see what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new talents! Men’s Night Out Men’s Night Out will be a “Dutch Treat” event at Gator Joe’s on Monday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. Gator Joe’s is located at 12431 SE 135 Ave in Ocklawaha, FL. This is the last Men’s Night Out event until September so please plan to attend. For further information, please call Jim Johnson at 694-6449. Poetry Connection The Poetry Connection meetings are temporarily postponed until further notice. Sassy Seniors All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, May 13th at 1:00 p.m. May’s luncheon will be at Eaton’s Beach. For directions please call Fran York at 624-1824. Come join the fun! Tai Chi Classes Tai Chi classes meet on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope that you can join us! ~Donna Lavery and Mary Beth Neely 6 GROUP ACTIVITIES Presbyterian Women All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian Women. Circle Meetings for May: Esther Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. on May 11, 2015, at the home of Jo Ann Parramore. Deborah Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. on May 19, 2015, in the Session Room of the church. The Coordinating Team will meet on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in the Session Room. Church-Wide Picnic Mark your calendars now for the annual church-wide picnic sponsored by Presbyterian Women immediately following worship on May 3rd, at Coehadjoe Park. Presbyterian Women will provide fried chicken and beverages and congregation members are asked to bring a side dish such as salads, baked beans, desserts, etc. Casual attire. A fun time is being planned for all. Directions from Fort King to Coehadjoe Park: Head North on NE 36th Ave toward Silver Springs Blvd. Go approximately 2.5 miles and turn right onto NE 35th Street. Go about 0.6 mile and the Park will be on the left. Dinners for Eight Dinners for Eight participants are all invited to the end of the year function on Saturday, May 30th at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Anne and Buddy MacKay. We will grill hamburgers and ask everyone to bring a side dish. The cost is $3.00 per person to cover the burgers, buns and sodas. Just give it to Bob or Bernice Henry and let them know what you are bringing. This will be the celebration for a great season of dinners and an opportunity to gather with everyone that participated. 7 MISSION MINISTRY 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:35-40 (NIV) Interfaith Meals Thank you to the Faith Leaders Group who served the Interfaith Meals during in February, the Youth Group who served the March meals and the Presbyterian Women who served the April meal. The Choir is scheduled to serve the Interfaith Meal in May. Interfaith Emergency Services The Letter Carrier’s Food Drive will take place on Saturday, May 9th. Please leave your nonperishable food donation by your mailbox on May 9th and your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to Interfaith Emergency Services for distribution throughout the county. Help us help your community. Blood Drive Save the Date: On May 17th, the Big Red Bus will be parked in our driveway. Bill Reed will have the sign-up sheet available on May 10th. As always, walk-ins are accepted. Pentecost Offering This PC(USA)-wide collection enables the church to support a diverse range of youth programs: helping children at risk, providing opportunities for Young Adult Volunteers to serve around the world, sharing the gospel and making connections through youth ministry, and creating bright futures through advocacy for and education of children. The Pentecost Offering is your chance to give the positive influence of our faith to a young person who needs it today. Look for envelopes in the May 24th bulletin to share in this Special Offering for Pentecost. Mission Sunday The Mission Ministry would like to expand on “Mission Sunday” when as a church we support 2 Cents a Meal and Food 4 Kids by offering items from Fair Trade. Additional items are now available. Please support artisans around the world as they seek to improve their living conditions. Guatemalan Honey Organic Hot Cocoa Organic Tea Chocolate Bars Organic Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Organic Bittersweet Chocolate Chips 8 $6.00 each $7.50 each $3.00 /box $4.00 each $4.50 /bag $4.50 /bag Extra-Virgin Olive Oil $11.00 each Organic Hot Spicy Cocoa $7.50 each Organic Regular Coffee $7.00 /bag Organic Decaf Coffee $8.00 /bag Dark Chocolate Winter Minis $6.00 /bag Organic Chocolate Winter Minis $6.00 /bag PROPERTY MINISTRY Church Spring Clean-Up May 16th 8:00 a.m. to Noon Come and help clean up the church - inside and out. Put on your “grubbies” (i.e. old clothes) and join the fun. There will be a sign up sheet in the Narthex. SESSION At its April 21, 2015 meeting, the Session approved /heard from: • • • • • • • • Elder Marshall was elected as Commissioner to the May 5th Presbytery meeting at Montgomery Conference Center with Elder Schlegel as alternate. The Belhar Confession, under vote by the Presbyteries across the USA and to be voted on at our May 5th Presbytery meeting was discussed. The consensus was that the PCUSA should adopt it. Voted to hold a special congregational meeting on May 17th at 10:30 a.m., immediately before the start of the worship service solely to receive the report of the 2015 Nominating Committee and to elect one elder to fill the unexpired term of Jim Copeland. May 7th will be celebrated as Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day. Day The adult VBS will be related to Martin Luther King Jr’s: Letter from a Birmingham Jail. A motion was made and approved to establish a capital campaign committee to plan for a campaign, including items, priorities, specific goals, etc.- all in conjunction with the church’s 50th Anniversary. The conduct of the May 17th worship service by Ray Ruark and the adult discipleship class was approved. It was also noted with thanks and appreciation that Troop 196 earned a Gold Award under the BSA’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) program, the highest level. WORSHIP Sunday Worship Time Changes for the Summer The Session voted to change Sunday Worship to 10:00 a.m. for the summer months. This change begins June 7th and continues through August 26st. The hope is that the earlier worship time will encourage you to linger a while after worship to visit with members of your Church family. There will be no Adult Bible Classes during this time. 9 WORSHIP (continued) HUH? I think May is one of the best months of the year. I look forward to the coming of May because it is the month when flowers begin to bloom and fill our yards and lives with beauty at the creation that was made by the Lord God Himself. Remember the words from that song “though April showers may come our way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May?” And then there is Memorial Day. I am a fervent patriot. I love my country. And I appreciate all that our service men and women have done and will do so that I, and you, can enjoy to the fullest the freedom they have provided for us. I pray for them and our country often and ask for God’s Almighty hand to protect them. Ah, but Mother’s Day is special, very special. Even though my Mom went to her heavenly home nearly 3 years ago, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her. I recall all the things she did for me. I laugh at some of the conversations we had or things we did. I cry when I recall how she tenderly cared for me when I was ill. I honor her for my education in regards to how I should treat those around me. I give joyful praise for her telling me about Jesus all my life. I believe she was the epitome of the scripture we find in Proverbs 31:2125: Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” I look around the congregation on Sunday mornings from my vantage point and see many mothers who also mirror this scripture. I see the joy of the faces of moms and grandmothers beam when Andy shows pictures on the screen of the newborns who have come into our church family. I watch their facial expressions and laughter when a child says something funny during Andy’s time with the children. And you can’t fool me. I see your hearts swell with pride at the accomplishments of the children and young people when they return from a mission trip, or play a character in the Christmas pageant or the activities of Vacation Bible School. But there is one thing that gives me a reason to say “HUH?” Always thinking about music in the coming Sunday’s ahead, I looked for a hymn that would be appropriate to suggest to Andy that we might sing on Mother’s Day. I looked for a hymn that would allow us to express thru song the joy of Mom. I searched everywhere. I could not find anything in the Presbyterian Hymnal. I found nothing in our new Hymnal “Glory to God.” I even researched other hymnals to see what I could find. Nothing there either. How can this be? Why, not even the Baptist hymnal had a hymn about mothers. Then, thru the miracle of the internet, I found words that might be fitting. I think they exemplify the character of mothers and their relationship with our great God and their relationship with their family. It was written by Mary Ryman in 2004. It is set to the music of John Zundel called “Beecher.” More familiar to us as the music to the hymn “Love Divine, All Love’s Excelling.” Quite a fitting tune. Hum that tune to yourself as you read the words. 10 WORSHIP (continued) Come, sing praises to our Mothers who have tuned our hearts to You. You share praises with no others but these ones whose love is true. They must hear our truest feelings if they would know how we're blessed by unwearied, careful teachings given without thought of rest. We raise up our grateful voices for the patient love of Moms, who have listened to the noises of their screaming, childish throngs. Hear us now cry thanks to God for giving us the homes we need. We will never leave your shelter 'til we all find Home indeed. There we hope to find you, Mother, at the right hand of our Lord. How could there be any other nurturing the Living Word? Then forever we will worship as you taught us when so young; for the Lord alone is worthy of these praises we have sung. Well, what do you think? I am going to suggest to Andy that we sing this on Mother’s Day. In closing, another scripture comes to mind that I feel is appropriate that Moms all over the world must have read. It is found in the “Love” chapter of Corinthians, chapter 13, versus 14 thru 17: Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I wish all of you moms a Happy Mother’s Day and thank God for my mom and for all of you. With a song in my heart, Rick 11 WORSHIP (continued) “STOP STOP BEING SCHEMATIZED TO THIS AGE, BUT CONSTANTLY BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF THE MIND” Romans 12:2 (My translation of the Greek text) This is an incredible statement by the Apostle Paul +/- 57 CE/AD, one that is worth the effort to understand in terms of his historical time and then in terms of ours. Indeed! Read on, please. Nero was Emperor of Rome from 54 to 68 CE/AD, i.e. Paul wrote some of his “epistles”/letters to different congregations during the reign of and was beheaded by Nero in 64 CE in Rome – the year Rome burned! Tacitus, a Annals I, 2), Roman historian, wrote: “slavish obedience was the way to succeed” (Annals 2 especially if one wanted to benefit from life in/under the empire. In order to get “cooperation” from the common peoples other than by the military power of the legions, propaganda was employed by: * Roman coinage, coinage with the image of the Caesar thereon. By imitating the image on the coin, “I” am reinforcing, consciously or unconsciously, the power of imperial Rome in my own life as also in my community. The “image” image” of the Emperor becomes the focal point of my consciousness, my “mind”. To wit: “I” am, in the process, losing my own self-identity as a person because I am fitting in with Caesar’s view of life, into his scheme of things. * Roman myths portrayed what the elite class of that society thought should be “permanent values” for society and for life. They served one primary purpose: “to have models” to select from and to emulate (M. Grant 1971 Roman Myths 224). The point is this: “to be conformed” means to fit into the schematizations of life as set forth by the coins and the myths, to imitate the Emperor, to pattern one’s life after that of another person, one in supreme politico-military and religious power. For Roman society, there was “no place for personal religion” or “purely private concerns” (Grant op cit. 228), only a view of life that would benefit the Empire and those in power! The coup de grâce is this: the “process” of Roman myth-making “was not unconscious but fully conscious” (Grant op cit. 227), with the specific intention that the propaganda and myths would serve as “aa charter for social action” action (Grant op cit. 228), again, to benefit the empire and those in power! Thus, Paul’s challenge to the Romans: ‘Stop being schematized by/to the epoch/eon’ in which we’ve been socially conditioned, to conform to the attitudes and behavior patterns that are current in society. NO! “Be metamorphized by the renewing of the mind”! mind - Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis The same verb-form was used in the so-called “transfiguration” story of Jesus (See Mark 9:2-8//Matthew 17:1-8; Note that Luke’s version omits the verb: Luke 9:28-36). Paul knew exactly what he was saying and what he meant. How do I “transfigure,” “transform, “metamorphize” myself? Paul’s response: - By “renewing”/”restoring”/”rebirthing,” “the mind” by which he meant, to rebirth your attitude toward life, your way of thinking about life, the way you live, the sum total of your mental and moral consciousness and awareness of being a person! This says unequivocally that “I” have the power – if I so choose – to live by an entirely different perspective on life, on my life, on our life, than the one in which I’ve/ we’ve been socially conditioned to fit into, i.e. “the way I was brought up.” This is something I do fully consciously, consciously not by more brain-washing! Paul had set before the “Romans” to whom he is writing an alternative they had not thought of before: to choose who I shall be and how I shall live. 12 WORSHIP (continued) Three observations are appropriate: A. It is only when I choose my mental attitudes and behaviors that I can create a new future for myself! This insight comes from B. Rosenblum and F. Kuttner 2006 Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness 123! They are physicists at the University of California in Santa Cruz who teach and research quantum mechanics! Their comment: “Somewhere something incredible is waiting to happen!” (p. 124); and, as soon as “I change my mind” (the meaning of metanoia, which has been translated “repentance”), a new history is born! B. “Only human beings are fully intentional creatures…” “Only persons can deliberate and can determine their conduct by practical reason.” So said Stephen J. Morse, J.D. and Ph.D. who teaches both law and psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Law and Medicine (his article: “New Neuroscience, Old Problems” in Walter Glannon 2007 Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science 196). C. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D., a research professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, discovered that OCD-patients (O Obsessive-C Compulsive-D Disorder), by focusing their mind on new behavior and thought patterns, can change the brain’s habitual neural pathways, i.e., to rewire brain habits. As he put it: “The brain may determine the content of our experience, but mind chooses which aspect of that experience receives attention” (J.M. Schwartz and Sharon Begley 2003 The Mind and the Brain 370). “Our physical brain does not shape our destiny” (op cit. 373), an insight that William James stated over one hundred years ago! Awesome! Jesus of Nazareth intended precisely what the Apostle Paul said: “Go, sell what you have and give it to the poor” (Mark 10:21//Matt. 19:21//Luke 18:22). Make a choice to change your view of life and the meaning of life. For neither Jesus nor Paul was “fence-sitting” an option. Paul’s challenge: challenge Go beyond the religious and sociopolitical “togetherness” that has been designed to channel our life-energies for the benefit of the social designers and managers. As Arnold Toynbee said: be a “creative minority” in a controlled society---an awesome responsibility! “Constantly be transfigured by the renewing of the mind.” And the reason/purpose for doing this? “In order to demonstrate what is the will of God!” God Uh huh! That’s what Paul said!!! Plenty to think about. Shalom, Tom 13 WORSHIP (continued) Flower Calendar Thank you to these people as they share in donating flowers for the following worship services: May 3, 2015 From Nancy Stephenson in loving memory of her parents, Ted and Violet Wikary. May 10, 2015 From Sherry Pritchett in loving memory of my mother, Edna Hanson. May 17, 2015 From John and Jean Stewart in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary. May 24, 2015 In loving memory of Andy from the Harshman family. May 31, 2015 In celebration of our 60th anniversary from Pat and Jerry Merrill. June 7, 2015 In memory of our parents, Aleta, Max, and Robert, from the Repp family. June 14, 2015 From Bernice and Bob Henry in celebration of their 55th wedding anniversary. June 21, 2015 In celebration for three June anniversaries and four June birthdays in our family, and in celebration of the life of my father, Gwynn Skelton, from Grynn and Cash Pealer. June 28, 2015 In honor of our 53rd wedding anniversary from Charles and Mary Ellen Vowinkel. July 5, 2015 ‘God Bless America’ and a special Thank You to all those men and women who serve or have served our country in any capacity! from Pat Brown July 12, 2015 OPEN July 19, 2015 OPEN July 26, 2015 Praise the Lord for 50 years of marriage from Rhea and Keay Forman. August 2, 2015 OPEN August 9, 2015 From Jim and Donna Johnson August 16, 2015 With love to my two daughters, Judith Bullen and Pam Lewin, from Lena Lewin. August 23, 2015 From Marianne Fullarton, in loving memory of Dave on the anniversary of their wedding. August 30, 2015 OPEN Please Note: If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your chosen date. Please don’t hesitate to call me if there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with the church some type of flowers or plant of your choice. The flowers or plant could be from your yard, a supermarket, a florist, or etc. Thank you. Nancy Hall 694-3221 14 MAY 2015 Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 Church 4:00-5:30 Women United Presbyterian (First Pres Ocala) Pilgrimage 3 4 5 6 9:00-11:45 Library 7:30 Men’s Bible 10:00 Prayer Shawl 10:00 PW 9:15 Adult Ed & Youth Study Ministry Coordinating 10:00 Choir Practice 5:00 Property Team 10:30 Worship Ministry 11:30 Church Picnic at 5:30 Connections 5:00 TOPS (FH) Coehadjoe Park Ministry 5:30 Mission Ministry 6:00-9:00 Silver 4:00 Small Group Springs Study (off-site) 6:00-8:00 Marions Alliance 7:00 Boy Scouts 5:00 PYC United (CE) 10 Mother’s Day 9:00-11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 17 9:00-1:00 Blood Drive 9:00-11:45 Library 9:15 Teacher Appreciation Breakfast 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Congregational Meeting/ Worship 1:30-5:30 ‘Faith Leader’ Reunion 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 5:00 PYC 24 Pentecost 2 Cents-A-Meal Food 4Kids Equal Exchange 9:00-11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 31 9:00-11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 5:00 PYC 11 7:30 Men’s Bible Study 12 5:00 TOPS (FH) 6:00-8:00 Marions United (CE) 6:30 Discipleship 6:00 Finance Children's Ministry Ministry 6:30 Men’s Night Out (off-site) 7:00 Esther Circle 7:00 Boy Scouts (off-site) 18 19 7:30 Men’s Bible Study 13 1:00 Sassy Seniors (off-site) National 8 Day of Prayer 7:30-9:00 BNI (FH) 7 9 11:00 Discipleship Adult Ministry 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (FH) 14 7:30-9:00 BNI (FH) 15 16 Armed Forces Day 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 8:00-12:00 FKPC Spring Clean-Up 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (FH) 20 21 22 23 29 30 7:30-9:00 BNI (FH) 10:00 Deborah Circle 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 6:00 Session 5:00 TOPS (FH) 6:00-8:00 Marions United (CE) 25 Memorial Day 7:00 Choir Practice 26 27 28 7:30-9:00 BNI (FH) OFFICE CLOSED 5:00 TOPS (FH) 6:00-8:00 Marions United (CE) 7:00 AA (FH) 7:00 Boy Scouts 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:00 AA (FH) 15 FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 NE 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Ocala, FL 34478 Permit #100 RETURNED SERVICE REQUESTED Label Boy Scout Fundraiser Ft. King’s Boy Scout Troop #196 is selling meat sticks as a fundraiser for their various scouting activities. The meat sticks are made at Ocala based Country Meats, an FDA certified facility. The sticks sell for $1.00 each. If interested, contact Bob Barton 425-8500. See a sample on the church bulletin board.
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