MINISTRY OF ECOLOGY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENERGY General Commissariat for Sustainable Development Orléans, the 23rd of April 2015 Observation and Statistics Department Note to the attention of : Sub-Directorate of Environmental Information Our ref. : Eva Goossens Head of group Industrial Pollution, European Environment Agency Dossier followed by : Marthe GRANGER E-mail : [email protected] Phone : (+33)2 38 79 78 49 – Fax : (+33)2 38 79 79 78 Subject : National industrial pollution indicators In France, many data on industrial pollution are collected for the needs of regulatory or voluntary reportings to international bodies : • European Commission: DGENV, DGCLIMA, EUROSTAT • European Environment Agency • OCDE • UN : UNECE, CCNUCC Industrial emissions data (into the air, water and soil) and industrial waste data are collected from our national registry based on self-reporting of the operators (as defined by the authorization regulating them to exercise). Accidental emissions can be identified for both emissions in the air and in water. Reporting thresholds in French procedures are sometimes more restrictive than those required by EU regulations and there may be additional substances. The reporting is under control of environmental inspectors of the French administration. Our reporting tool includes outliers alert system. For air emissions data, below the reporting threshold, calculation based on energy consumption is made. Presently, we don’t have under-threshold data for industrial emission into water or soil. As mentioned by the Slovak Republic, the relationships between Environment and Industry are assessed through the global strategy for Environmental Protection. We consider Industry activities as NACE 5-39 (including energy). We don’t have specifics indicators for industrial pollution but we rely on key figures for industrial pressure on the environment (built on DPSIR model). The French publication on relationship between industry and environment is available here (in french only) : Focusing industrial pollution, the key figures are described below. 5 route d’Olivet – CS 16105 – 45061 ORLEANS CEDEX 2 – Téléphone : 02 38 79 78 78 – Télécopie : 02 38 79 78 70 FRANCE_Industrial pollution indicators_AEE# AIR 1. Pollutant emissions including greenhouse gases Many data are available through many reports about assessment of pollutant release into the air (focusing on industrial source: E-PRTR, LCP, Air Emission Accounts, UNECE and CCNUCC reports, NEC Directive report…). As our Swedish colleagues, we think that the Environmental Accounts (satellite system of the National Accounts) may provide a systemic description of the industry relationships with environment, connecting it to an economic value. French « National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts » (NAMEA) describes emissions in the air for each NACE economic activity. [] Key figures are for us : PM10, CO, VOC, NOx, SO2, acidifying/eutrophying/photochemical gas, metals (Pb, Ni, Hg, Cd, As, Se), dioxins and furans, greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, HFC, PFC, N2O, SF6). 2. Consumption of energy products in the industry Used to estimate GHG emission and under-threshold values. Key figures are for us : consumption of energy products by branch of industry for solid mineral fuels, gas, petroleum products, renewable energy, electricity. WATER 1. Pollutant emissions Data for industrial pollution in water are collected in our national registry as for the air. Some data are reported in E-PRTR and in the OCDE-Eurostat joint questionnaire “Inland Waters”. In collaboration with Eurostat, we are working on elaborating Physical Water Flow Accounts including emissions (as for the air). Key figures are for us : N-tot, P-tot, VOC, AOX, BOD, COD, suspended solids, metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, 6Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Ti, Zn), Cl-tot, Sulfates, fluoride, hydrocarbons, phenols. SOIL 1. Pollutant emissions Data for industrial pollution in soil are collected in our national registry as for the air and water (operators report): alkylphénols, N-tot, PCB, P-tot, metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pb, Ti, Zn). Key figures are for us: quantity of soil pollutants coming from industrial activities, number of contaminated land which the industry is the source (breakdown by industrial activity), place of industrial activities in accidental pollution of soils WASTE Data on waste released by industry are collected in our national registry as for air, water and soil (operators report). Thresholds are 2T-a-year for hazardous waste and 2000T-a-year for nonhazardous waste. For non-hazardous waste, an inquiry enables to get the data under the threshold. We use these data for E-PRTR report and also for European Commission reports (DGENV, EUROSTAT) Page 2 sur 3 FRANCE_Industrial pollution indicators_AEE# Waste release and transfer are quantified depending on the type of waste (hazardous or not), and its treatments (incineration with or without energy recovery, recycling, deposit, land treatment) but not specifically for the industry. Key figures are for us: assessment of the quantity of hazardous and non-hazardous waste for each industrial activity, used to reach a higher recycling rate in national waste plans. MORE and UPCOMING More key figures are used to assess the pressure that the industry exerts on the environment, directly or indirectly: water withdrawals, environmental consequences of industrial accidents… And key figures relating to the responses: implementation of environmental management systems, corporate social responsibility, investment in environmental protection, eco-industrial, eco-labeled products... Accidental aspect is also an important assessment for us, while it gives a representative figure of the industrial risk control. We aim to relate our data to an economic indicator (for example: GDP or value added when data are broken down by industry, number of jobs, number of inhabitants), which seems to us more representative of the efforts and progress made in the field of industrial pollution. Moreover, these indicators connected to an economic value would be more relevant to compare several countries. Page 3 sur 3
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