Говорение и аудирование : Грамматика: Чтение и письмо : Лексика: Part I 1. Conversations 1. Jack and Kelly (ex.1, p.8 SB) 2. A Mountain Trek (ex.4, p.15 SB) 3. Alex and Denise (ex.11, p.30 SB) 4. ‘Fancy seeing you again!’ (ex.1, p.26 SB) 5. Life as a Student in Edinburgh (ex.2, p.37 SB) 6. In a Clothes Shop (ex.8, p.39 SB) 7. ‘Mind how you go!’ (ex.1, p.43 SB) 8. The Falkirk Wheel (ex.4, p.50 SB) 9. Films and Stars (ex.4, p.55 SB) 10. An Advisor (ex.2, p.30 LB) 2. Texts & Topics 1. The Career Ladder 2. Glasgow Boy’s Amazing Win (p.20 SB) 3. The Man or the Woman: Who’s Better at Doing Things? Part II 1. Translation from Russian into English a-b c-d e f-g h Сначала вы идете к столу регистрации, где ваш багаж взвешивают. Обычно разрешено 20 килограмм, но если ваши сумки весят больше, вам, возможно, придется доплатить за превышение багажа. Представитель авиакомпании проверяет ваш билет и дает вам посадочный талон с номером вашего места на нем. Затем вы проходите через паспортный контроль, где служащий проверяет ваш паспорт, и идете в зал ожидания. Здесь, вы также можете купить что-нибудь в магазине беспошлинной торговли, например, духи, алкогольные напитки и сигареты. Поезд, прибывающий сейчас на платформу 3 – это поезд до станции Пэддингтон в Лондоне, с остановками в Суиндоне и Реддинге. Пассажиры, следующие до Дидкота, совершают пересадку в Суиндоне. Мы приносим пассажирам извинения за прибытие с опозданием поезда до Оксфорда, отправлением 8.25. Этот поезд теперь прибудет на платформу 6 приблизительно через 20 минут. Следующий поезд, прибывающий по расписанию на платформу 4 – это поезд отправлением 9.06 до Бирмингема. Я ехал со скоростью 65 миль в час по крайней правой полосе, и вдруг меня обогнала машина, которая ехала со скоростью 90 миль в час. Водитель резко затормозил, но не смог предотвратить аварию: «Мерседес» врезался в переднюю часть его автомобиля. Водитель был серьезно ранен, а машина – сильно повреждена. Бульварные газеты меньше по размеру, в них больше иллюстраций, часто цветных, и меньше обстоятельных статей, зачастую о менее значимых событиях или о личной жизни знаменитостей. Поэтому считается, что в них содержится недостаточно серьезной информации. Некоторые очень сильно не доверяют бульварным газетам и называют их желтой прессой. Но «Сан», например, которая является бульварной газетой – самая продаваемая газета в Британии. Мужчина, который сидел рядом со мной в самолете, очень нервничал. Он до этого не 2 i j k l m n o p q r s t летал. Он снова опоздал. Это так типично для него заставлять всех ждать! – Да, я уже устал ждать. – А я просто взбешена его отношением к нам! – И меня это все достало! Я надеюсь, тебя не шокировало то, что я тебе сказал. Ты был разочарован результатом экзамена? Хотя я не говорил на этом языке, я сумел объясниться и вышел из положения. Я не буду с ней разговаривать до тех пор, пока она не извинится передо мной. У него есть крошечный мобильный телефон, который умещается у него на ладони. Хотя он сказал ей, что их отношения закончены, она по-прежнему думала, что они могли бы возобновить отношения. Если вы не пришлете свое заявление сегодня, они не будут рассматривать вашу кандидатуру на эту работу. Если вы оставите белый краситель слишком надолго, ваши волосы позеленеют, и если вы не вымоете весь шампунь тщательно, то они не будут выглядеть блестящими. Моя сестра гораздо серьезнее относиться к своему бойфренду, чем он к ней. Чтобы добиться наилучших результатов, вам следует стирать этот свитер вручную. Она сильно скучает по дому? – Да, она все время думает о своей семье там, на родине. Я сделал ей комплимент насчет ее английского. Она говорила свободно и делала очень мало ошибок. 2. Grammar and vocabulary tasks 1. Read the definitions and write the proper word(s) before them or give the definition of the word(s) given below. a A cemetery b is someone who steals from the shop. c is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat. d A mystery film e is a woman whose husband is dead. f Catering g A tailor h The Highway Code i A continuity person j is a journalist who are not employed by the newspaper. k is someone who works in a newspaper office and decides on how the pages should be laid out, how stories need to be cut, what headlines should be used and so on. l A Guardian-reader 3 2. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs. She ___found____ his number while she __was looking____ was looking through her address book. 1. His tooth _________________ (break) as he _________________ (eat) his dinner. 2. As soon as she _________________ (open) the door, she _________________ (see) the mess. Someone _________________ (break) into the house. 3. She _________________ (take) a drink of water before she _________________ (begin) to speak. 4. They _________________ (be) excited, as they _________________ (never win) anything before. 5. The boys _________________ (Start) to talk while the teacher _________________ (write) on the board. 6. They _________________ (sleep) when the bus _________________ (drive) into the bus station. 3. 4. Circle the correct form of the verbs. Andrew: When is Tom arriving / might Tom arrive in Glasgow? Irene: I’m not sure, he hasn’t told me yet, he might / is going to come tomorrow. Andrew: May / Will you phone me as soon as you know? Irene: Yes, of course. I’ll / I’m going to phone you later. Now, what are you going to / will you eat? Waiter: Are you ready to order? Irene: Yes, I’ll / I might have the pasta. Andrew: Me too. Irene, can you pay? I’m going to / I’ll pay you back tomorrow. Irene: Sure. What time are you meeting / will you meet your parents? Andrew: Not until three. We’re going / We’ll go to the cinema this afternoon. ARTICLES A Put in a, some, any or ‘–’. Alternatives are possible. AT YOUR SERVICE, SIR! 1___–___ robots are common in industry and perhaps they will soon be common in the home. 2______ robot working in the home must be able to behave like 3______ human. You could ask it to make breakfast for you. ‘I’d like 4______ pot of coffee, please and 5______ boiled eggs.’ ‘How many, sir?’ ‘Two, please.’ You wouldn’t have to worry about bringing friends home to dinner. ‘I’ve brought 6______ friends for dinner,’ you would say, ‘please prepare 7______ meal for six.’ Your robot would be 8______ cook, 9______ servant and 10______ cleaner, and perhaps it could even do the shopping. ‘We haven’t got 11______ tomatoes,’ you would say. ‘Be 12______ good robot and get some from the supermarket.’ 13______ robots would never need to sleep, and would never complain. But I wouldn’t want them wandering round the house at night! B Put in a, the or one only where necessary. HERE’S HEALTH! ‘I think that’s all, Mrs Grant,’ Dr Grey said as she handed her 1___a___ list of prescriptions. 2______ list was very long and Mrs Grant almost fainted as she tried to read it. She had 3______ headache and 4______ cold and felt as if she was getting 5______ flu. On top of this, one of her children was in bed with 6______ mumps. ‘I’ve prescribed some pills for 7______ high blood pressure as well,’ Dr Grey said. ‘How many do I have to take – 8______ pill 9______ day?’ ‘No. One pill with each meal. Three pills 10______ day.’ Mr Grant thanked 11______ doctor and walked out of her surgery with some difficulty. She staggered into the local chemist’s and handed 12______ long prescription list to Mr Burt, 13______ chemist. Mr Burt greeted her cheerfully. ‘Good morning, Mrs Grant,’ he said, glancing at 14______ list. ‘What a list! I trust you’re keeping well!’ 4 C Put in a/an, the or ‘–’. ANCIENT SECRETS Mr Denys Stocks, 1__a__ retired policeman, has just been given 2______ B.Sc. for twelve years’ research into ancient Egyptian industrial methods. Egyptologists have often wondered how 3______ Egyptians were able to cut such hard stone and how they produced such fine jewellery. Mr Stocks has shown that 4______ Egyptians used saws and drills. 5______ saws and drills were made of copper, which is very soft. But 6______ Egyptian craftsmen turned them into very powerful tools. First 7______ craftsman made 8______ cut in 9______ stone with 10______ soft saw. Then 11______ craftsman poured sand into 12______ cut. 13______ hard sand got into 14______ teeth of 15______ saw and did 16______ cutting. In this way, 17______ worker could cut basalt, one of the hardest rocks. 18______ sand he used turned into 19______ very fine powder. 20______ powder was then used by jewellers to cut precious stones and to make delicate jewellery. D Put in a/an, the or ‘–’. SUNRAYCER I read recently in 1__The_ Times that the big American company, General Motors, has developed 2______ vehicle that uses 3______ power of 4______ sun instead of petrol. 5______ vehicle is called Sunraycer. Sunraycer has just taken part in 6______ race against 25 solarpowered vehicles. 7______ route of 8______ race was from Darwin to Adelaide, 9______ immense distance. Sunraycer covered 10______ distance in 45 hours at 11______ average speed of 41 miles 12______ hour in temperatures as high as 48°C. It beat all other cars by two and 13______ half days! Sunraycer (‘ray of the sun’ + ‘racer’) is certainly 14______ car of 15______ future! E Put in a/an, the or ‘–’. FOOD FIT FOR A KING! seeds dating from 1325 B.C. have been found at 2______ Kew Gardens in 3______ London. ‘It’s 4______ exciting discovery,’ 5______ Professor Arthur Bell, 6______ Director, said yesterday. 7______ seeds were found in 30 cardboard boxes by 8______ French student, 9______ Christian Tutundjian de Vartavan. 10______ seeds come from 11______ tomb of 12______ King Tutankhamun. Inside 13______ tomb were shawabtis, that is, model human beings who would serve 14______ King after 15______ death. Inside 16______ Tutankhamun’s tomb, there was 17______ wheat for making 18______ bread, 19______ barley, perhaps for brewing 20______ beer, and spices like 21______ coriander, 22______ cumin and 23______ sesame, as well as 24______ grapes and 25______ tropical fruits. 26______ food had to be suitable for 27______ King’s last journey, but it was very tasty, too! 1______ F Put in a/an, the or ‘–’. HIGH FLYER I travel all over 1__the_ world on business and my neighbour thinks my life is one long holiday. You know what 2______ business travel is like: up at 3______ dawn to catch 4______ plane; 5______ breakfast in 6______ London, 7______ lunch in 8______ New York, 9______ luggage in 10______ Bermuda. When you’re in 11______ sky, you see only snow in 12______ Arctic or 13______ Greenland. You have glimpses of 14______ Andes or 15______ Pacific. You’re always exhausted. Your wife or husband complains you’re never there to take 16______ children to 17______ school or put them to 18______ bed. When you get home, your neighbour says, ‘Another nice holiday, eh?’ Give me Home Sweet Home any day! 5. TRANSPORT A Fill the gaps in these sentences. 1. A: How often do buses _____________ on Saturdays? B: I don’t know. Have a look at the timetable. 2. We wanted to go by plane but we couldn’t afford the air _____________. 3. It was quite a long way, that’s why I came _____________ car. 4. A couple of them _____________ the bus, so unfortunately they had to walk. 5. They’ve just announced that our train will now be leaving from _____________ eleven. 6. I saw your brother while I was waiting at the bus _____________ near the cinema. 7. They’ve just apologised for the late _____________ of our train. They now say it’ll be here in twenty minutes. 8. Announcement: Ladies and gentlemen, we apologise for the earlier delay. The train is now _____________ to arrive at London King’s Cross in fifteen minutes. 5 B Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. Go along of this road and take the first turning on your right. ___________________________________________________________ 2. He got on the car, fastened his seat belt and drove away. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Keep go down here, until you get to the bank. ___________________________________________________________ 4. The lorry broke in the inside lane of the motorway. ___________________________________________________________ 5. If you drive in the fast lane of the motorway, be careful not to break the limit of speed. ___________________________________________________________ 6. He overtake the bicycle on the bridge, which caused a serious accident. ___________________________________________________________ 7. The post office is down there – turn on the left at the traffic lights. ___________________________________________________________ 6. Circle the correct form. Your eyes are red – have you cried / been crying? 1. I’ve done / been doing three exercises today. 2. I’m tired – I’ve worked / been working too hard. 3. They’ve just won / been winning the competition. 4. He’s played / been playing tennis since he was six. 5. I’ve painted / been painting your room all morning. 6. Did you know? John’s broken / been breaking his leg. 7. Circle the correct words. I think horoscopes are silly, although / in spite of I know most people read them. 1 However, / Although I can’t believe that one twelfth of the population are really so similar. For example, my brother and my cousin are completely different 2 although / despite both being Geminis. And my mother is relaxed, and good at making decisions 3 in spite of / although as a Pisces she should be anxious, and indecisive. 4 However / In spite of this, she reads her horoscope every day. My father has never believed in fortune telling, 5 although / despite a fortune teller once told him he would become manager of his company. And he did. 6 In spite of / However, my opinions I still read my horoscope anxiously. But then I’m a Pisces. 8. Rewrite these sentences using or, if, or unless. If you don’t get up now you’ll be late. (or) __Get up now or you’ll be late._____________________________________________________ 1. If he doesn’t go now, he’ll be late. (unless) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Take a sandwich or you’ll be hungry. (if) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Unless it rains, we’re going out tomorrow. (if) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you don’t leave now, you’ll miss the bus. (or) _________________________________________________________________________ 5. If you don’t phone, I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock. (unless) _________________________________________________________________________ 9. RELATIVE CLAUSES A Match each situation with one of the sentences that follow. 1. I have three umbrellas. I bought one of them in Paris. That one needs repairing. ___a___ a The umbrella which I bought in Paris needs repairing. b The umbrella, which I bought in Paris, needs repairing. 2. I have one colleague. He works extremely hard. He has few friends. ___b___ a My colleague who works extremely hard is not very popular. 6 b My colleague, who works extremely hard, is not very popular. 3. I have several aunts. One works in New York. She’s getting married. ______ a My aunt who works in New York is getting married. b My aunt, who works in New York, is getting married. 4. Peter made some sandwiches. They have all been eaten. You made some too. Your sandwiches have not been eaten. ______ a The sandwiches which Peter made have all been eaten. b The sandwiches, which Peter made, have all been eaten. 5. There was only one park in this town. Someone has built over it. We used to play in the park when we were children. ______ a The local park where we played as children has been built over. b The local park, where we played as children, has been built over. 6. One of my French teachers helps me with my homework. The other lives too far away. ______ a The French teacher whose house is near mine helps me with my homework. b The French teacher, whose house is near mine, helps me with my homework. 7. You met one of my cousins last summer, the one from America. He’s coming to stay again. ______ a My American cousin who you met last summer is coming to stay again. b My American cousin, who you met last summer, is coming to stay again. 8. There were a lot of candidates in the presidential election. Three of them were women. The winner was one of them. She had campaigned for better housing conditions. ______ a The woman who led the campaign for better housing conditions has been elected President. b The woman, who led the campaign for better housing conditions, has been elected President. 9. Only my boyfriend sent me flowers, but I had some other presents, including a vase. I put the flowers in the vase. ______ a The flowers which my boyfriend sent look beautiful in my new vase. b The flowers, which my boyfriend sent, look beautiful in my new vase. 10. I tooktwo cameras away with me. You lent me one of them. That’s the one that got broken. ______ a The camera which you lent me has been broken. b The camera, which you lent me, has been broken. B Complete the conversation with who, that, whose, or where. If no word is needed, leave a space. Zoe and Pat are planning a party during the school holidays. ZOE: Well, who shall we ask to this party? PAT: Oh, not too many. Just a few people 1____–____ we can be relaxed with. ZOE: Yes, I agree. So, who, for example? PAT: My cousin John, of course, and Carlo. ZOE: Carlo? Who’s he? PAT: He’s the Italian guy 2___who___ is staying with John’s family. ZOE: Oh, yeah. Is he the one 3_________ wallet got stolen when we were in London? PAT: That’s right. They caught the guy 4_________ did it, but he’d already spent all the money 5 _________ Carlo had brought with him. ZOE: Poor Carlo. Perhaps the party will cheer him up. PAT: It might, if we ask the girl 6_________ he’s been going out with. ZOE: Who’s that? PAT: Celia’s her name. She works in that cinema 7_________ they show all the foreign films. ZOE: But will she be free on Thursday evening? PAT: Yes, it’s her evening off. That’s the reason 8_________ I suggested Thursday. ZOE: OK. Who else? What about Nicky and Cherry? PAT: Are they the girls 9_________ you went to France with? ZOE: Yes. If they bring their boyfriends, that’ll be ten of us. But have you got a room 10 _________ big enough? My mother says we can’t use our sitting-room because we made too much mess the last time 11_________ she let us have a party. PAT: It’s all right. We’ve got a basement _________ we store old furniture. If we clean it up, it’ll be fine. 12 ZOE: Great. Let’s go and have a look at it. 7 3. Listening tasks Recording 1 Task 1. Listen to five people interviewed in the street and tick the correct answers in the table below. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Who is talking about ... a cycling b reading newspapers on the train c a famous TV show d driving a car e tourism Task 2. Listen again and decide whether the statements below are true or false, using the short answer (Yes, he has. / No, she isn’t. etc.). 1. Speaker 1 believes that BMWs are the safest cars. ______________ 2. Speaker 2 has never taken part in a TV show called The Wheel of Fortune. ______________ 3. Speaker 3 has visited Stonehenge once. ______________ 4. Speaker 4 found it very difficult to get used to riding a bike in Holland. ______________ 5. Speaker 5 travels to work by train. ______________ Recording 2 Task 1. Listen to the interview with Eric Hardworker and take notes following the guidelines below. List: a two things that jobless people 1 __________________________________________ should do to find employment 2 __________________________________________ b two things that make you an expert 1 __________________________________________ in your field 2 __________________________________________ c two useful pieces of equipment 1 __________________________________________ when you are looking for a job 2 __________________________________________ d two qualities which employers find 1 __________________________________________ important in candidates lookin for a job 2 __________________________________________ e two things that are important for a 1 __________________________________________ professional image 2 __________________________________________ Task 2. Listen again and decide whether the statements below are true, false using the short answer (Yes, he has. / No, she isn’t. etc.) or if there is no information (NI). 1. Eric Hardworker works for an agency for unemployed people. ______________ 2. The government of well-developed countries are best prepared to solve the problem of unemployment. ______________ 3. If you are an expert, your employer will provide you with a free mobile phone and a pack of business cards. ______________ 4. There is no need to inform your future employer about your qualities before the job interview. ______________ 5. Having business cards is not as important as getting on well with people at work. ______________ 8 4. Reading Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below. Then summarise the text. Vampires – fact or fiction? Everybody has heard stories about vampires. The word vampire is of Slavic origin, as the legend originated centuries ago in south-eastern Europe, in Transylvania and Serbia. In the Middle Ages, there were many folk legends about vampires, but places like Transylvania and Serbia seemed like the end of the world to the people of Western Europe at that time. Since the inhabitants of Germany, France and England did not know much about these distant lands, they listened with fear and amazement to the strange tales told by merchants and travellers. With time, literature started to play an important role in popularising vampires. Many romantic authors in the early nineteenth century wrote novels about foggy mountains, terrifying creatures, distant castles and their mysterious inhabitants. In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a book about Dracula, the most famous vampire of all time. He based his story on the life of a fifteenth-century Valachian ruler, Vlad IV Dracula, who was known for exceptional cruelty and criminal actions. Stoker’s tale was set in Transylvania, in Count Dracula’s castle, and in nineteenth-century London. However, Dracula was not a historical novel. It was a romance, a story about an unhappy vampire who fell in love with Mina, a beautiful girl who reminded Dracula of the wife he had lost years ago. Later, vampires became part of mass culture. In the twentieth century, Stoker’s book was the source of inspiration for film makers who started to make new versions of the original story. One of the most successful movies about Dracula came out in 1992. This film, by Francis Ford Coppola with Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder, became a box office hit – it shows that every generation wants to discover vampires for themselves. Task 1. Read the text about vampires in literature and decide whether the statements below are true or false. 1. Merchants and travellers used to tell stories about vampires to inhabitants of Serbia and T/F Transylvania. 2. The nineteenth-century novels about strange people and places made vampires very T/F popular. 3. Bram Stoker based his books on the life of a real person. T/F 4. Stoker’s book told a love story set in the fifteenth century. T/F 5. Mina was the name of Count Dracula’s wife. T/F Task 2. Answer the questions in your own words (trying not to use the expressions from the text where possible). 1. How did the legends and stories about vampires spread across Europe? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where were the nineteenth-century romantic novels set? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When did the book about the most famous vampire of all times appear? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did Count Dracula fall in love with Mina? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What happened in 1992? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tasks Reading Translation Summary 9 5. Writing tasks 1 Description of a place. Write an article for a magazine, giving your personal view of a city, town or village anywhere in the world. 2 Write about some of your favourite films, genres and film stars. Join your ideas with relative clauses where possible. 4 Write an informal letter to an English-speaking friend, using the cues in the paragraph plan below to help you. Paragraph 1: Start the letter. Thank your friend for his / her last letter. Apologise for not writing back sooner. Explain briefly why you haven’t written. Paragraph 2: Give news and information. Give current news about yourself. Mention your family and friends. Paragraph 3: Ask for news Ask how your friend is getting on. Ask about your friend’s family and any other friends you both know. Paragraph 4: End the letter. Say that you must end the letter and why. Give your regards to his / her parents. Ask him / her to write soon. !!! Don’t forget about the address and the rules of letter writing. 3 Write a description of an occasion when some good or bad news was announced in your family. Say: where you were at that time; what you were doing; what the news was (e.g. a birth, death or engagement); what has happened since. 5 Write a story about an event where something went wrong. Use the cues below. Paragraph 1: Give background information Where did the event happen? What were you doing? What was the weather like? etc. Paragraph 2: Describe the event. How did you know that something was wrong? What had happened? What did you do? Paragraph 3: Describe the consequence. What happened in the end? How did everyone feel? 10 Решение Экзаменационной комиссии Подписи членов Экзаменационной комиссии:
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