RESS P RESBYTERIAN A Newsletter Vol 32, Issue 4 P R I IN THIS ISSUE L PASTOR TIM 2 PNC REPORT /GIVING 3 EVENTS & UPDATES 4 KIDS NEWS 5 YOUTH NEWS 6 WHAT’S NEW 7 EASTER WEEK 8 OGHS 9 APRIL CALENDAR 10 A P R I L 5|2 0 1 5 HE IS RISEN! MATTHEW 28:6 GOD IS GOOD! PASTOR TIM APRIL 2 0 1 5 A WORD FROM PASTOR TIM Dear FPC Family and Friends, You’ll be receiving this edition of the PRESS sometime during Holy Week! The events of those decisive seven days 2000 years ago continue to stir up controversy, shed light in dark places, call people to decision and surrender, and transfom the lost and broken into healed and set-free people. The reason being is simply put: “He is risen!” That has made and continues to make all the difference. I’ll hope to see you on both Good Friday and then with friends and famiy in tow on Easter morning as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (See inside this issue of the PRESS for a calendar of events!) Surrounded by the reality of Jesus Christ who lives and reigns, let me put in writing what I shared with you in worship on March 29th as something to be aware of and pray about. Many of you know that last summer the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (our denomination) passed a proposed amendment to the Book of Order (Part II of our constitution) which would change the definition of marriage. The language of the definition up to this point has included: “Marriage is a civil contract between a man & a woman,” and “for Christians marriage is a covenant thru which a man and a woman are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship” (Book of Order W-4.9001) The proposed change of language would eliminate those sentences and replace them with: “Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their love and support each other for the rest of their lives.” The obvious difference is that the definition of marriage would now include same sex couples. Amending the Book of Order requires a majority (86) of the 171 presbyteries (regions) in the PCUSA. Our presbytery (Los Ranchos)voted against the proposed change at its February meeting. On Tuesday, March 17th, however, the threshold of 86 presbyteries was reached to approve the change in definition. (As of writing to you, the count has risen to 98 in favor.) This means that the PCUSA, as of June 21st, will officially recognize same-sex “marriages” as a form of marriage blessed and intended by God. As of June 2014 the PCUSA already allows (does not require) Pastors and sessions to perform and host same-sex marriage ceremonies in states where same-sex marriage is legal. What does this mean for FPC Downey? Last year the FPC Pastor Nominating Committee asked for guidance from the FPC Session on this matter as they began reviewing candidates. What should the PNC say and do if, for example, a prospective candidate asks where FPC stands on this issue, or, if the PNC learns that a candidate affirms and would wish to perform same-sex marriages, how should the PNC respond? Session responded simply and clearly: “We affirm the traditional view of marriage (as a covenant between a man and a woman).” Without getting into all the details of all the related issues, your Session felt that this enough to say for now. We want you to know that. AND we want you to know that with respect to marriage nothing really changes here at FPC Downey. Please pray for our denomination and for our country. Pray and stay steady with this commanding reality in sight: Jesus Christ is risen! Pastor Tim PROGRESS REPORTS LUKE 6:38 Luke 12:34 GIVING Y-T-D GIVING MONTH AMOUNT 2015 JANUARY $22,911.66 2014 JANUARY $18,794.26 FINANCES MONTH INCOME EXPENSES NET INC/ (EXP) Y-T-D INCOME Y-T-D EXPENSES Y-T-D NET INC/(EXP) JAN 28,967 29,967 (1,000) 28,967 29,967 (1,000) FEB 21,411 25,169 (3,758) 50,378 55,136 (4,758) Events Updates & P R A Y ABOUT Everything PHILIPPIANS 4:6 PRAY FOR SHUT-INS MARGIE KALIE Hacienda Grande, Long Beach MIYO YOKOTA Sunrise, Hermosa Beach ROBERT QUILLIN LARC, Norwalk W E LC OM E J O I N US !!! This month the first Friday of the month is Good Friday. As a result, we won't be holding our Fun Friday event. We are encouraging everyone to attend the Good Friday service on Friday evening and then attend the Easter Eggstravaganza on Easter Sunday morning at 9:00. Watch for details for May's Fun Friday event. S U N D A Y SCHOOL SESSION 9AM EVERY NIGHT PRAY FOR OUR YOUTH!!! APRIL 3 FRIDAY W EASTER E K REMEMBER HIS SACRIFICE APRIL 5 SUNDAY APRIL 5 SUNDAY DOWNEY ONE GREAT Hour of Sharing SHARING BRINGS JOY. TO OTHERS, TO GOD, AND TO US. Imagine the joy when your gift positively affects someone’s life—both the joy someone feels as their burdens ease and the joy you feel when you realize your gift has helped. As Christians, we speak of God providing us with blessings in abundance, but there are many in the world who live without the basic necessities of life. Surely God calls us to share. By giving to One Great Hour of Sharing, you make a conscious decision to bring the joy and love of Christ to some of the most vulnerable and desperate places and people around the world. With your generous gift to One Great Hour of Sharing,you can be a channel through whom God Satisfies the hungry, comforts the distressed, and Brings hope to the poor and oppressed. Learn more about this annual offering each Sunday! BE BLESSED AS YOU GIVE! Thank you For your gift! APRIL 2015 SUN MON TUES WED THURS 1 I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE L I F E JOHN 11:25-26 5 6 7 7:30pm BAND 12 13 10am Worship 19 14 Circle 1 Bible Study 7:30pm BAND 20 21 7pm DEACONS 10 am Worship 26 7pm ALL TEAMS 7:30pm BAND 27 28 2 3 CHOIR 7:30pm YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 8 9 CHOIR 7:30pm 16 YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 22 CHOIR 7:30pm 29 CHOIR 7:30pm Jerry Scott Don Dragovich Marcella Jones Diego Curiel Peggy Fisher 7:30pm BAND 6 8 11 11 14 16 Henry Wale Sharon MacCallum Christine Gonzalez Kendalynn Graham Karen Trejo Bruce McCaughan 9AM PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION STUFFING @7:30 PM @ 10AM OFFICE CLOSED 11 9AM PRAYER 7:30pm Spanish Bible Study OFFICE CLOSED 18 9AM PRAYER 7:30pm Spanish Bible Study 24 OFFICE CLOSED 25 9AM PRAYER 7:30 pm Spanish Bible Study OFFICE HOURS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 1 2 3 5 5 4 30 7pm SESSION 10am Worship SAT GOOD FRIDAY EASTER EGG 17 23 YOUTH 7-8:30 PM OFFICE CLOSED 10 YOUTH 7-8:30 PM 15 FRI 18 19 22 23 23 29 30 MON-THUR: 9-4pm FRI: Closed Harold Hougland Anthony Garcia Kathy McCaughan James Heine Katherine Ruckman Javier Garcia Elizabeth Dayhoff Fpc First Presbyterian Church of Downey PO Box 5069, 10544 Downey Avenue Downey, CA 90241 (562) 861-6752
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