Parent Information Packet - First Presbyterian Church of Houston

Summer 2015
High School Jamaica Mission Trip
June 16-24
TRIP LEADERS (25 total)
Denver McCollister – Youth Director
Emily Deering – High School Director
Andrew McDonald – High School Director
Amy Skelton – Middle School Associate
Cheryl Tucker – Youth Coordinator
Travis Marshall – High School Intern
Eric Blackwell – Summer Intern, Baylor
Trey Rummel – Summer Intern, University of Texas
Lexi Reamer – Summer Intern, University of Texas
Kendall Williams - Summer Intern, Baylor
Tim Cornelson – FPC Elder
Sarah McCollister – Youth Volunteer
Annie McDonald – Youth Volunteer
Bess Alford – Youth Volunteer
Cindy Marion –Youth Volunteer
Morgan Bates – Youth Volunteer
John Drexel – Youth Volunteer
Scott Reamer – Youth Volunteer, FPC Parent
Matt Offenbacher – Youth Volunteer
DeDe Bertron – Youth Volunteer
Audrey Gow – Youth Volunteer, FPC Parent
Laurie Pearson – FPC Parent
Carolyn Tucker – Former Student
Jewel Crosswell – Former Student
Peyton Belchic – Former Student
Contact Information
* In the case of an emergency here are the numbers you can call:
Denver Cell: 713-859-1037
Emily Cell: 713-829-4097
Andrew Cell: 713-724-2635
Cheryl Cell: 713-443-5773
Travis Cell: 713-419-5917
Why do we go on mission trips?
* To get away from the noise
* To learn the value of service
* God has asked us to “go”
* To build strong relationships
* We’ve seen the fruit & we’ve experienced it first hand
Why Jamaica?
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.” -James 1:27
Who are we going with?
*We have used this mission organization
before in 2010 on our last Jamaica Mission
Experience. We found them to be organized,
safe, efficient, and Spirit-filled people.
Jamaica Mission Trip Questions
How many people are coming on the trip?
 We are bringing 175 people. (150 students and 25 leaders)
What will the weather probably be like when we get here?
 Hot, 85-90 degrees. Every day there is usually a rain shower.
Where will we be staying? Is it totally safe?
 Yes it’s very safe. It is up a hill pretty much on its own. They hire a security
guard for nights when groups are there and the caretaker lives on site and
is there all day. Worst thing that has happened is theft off clothesline.
Will we be able to accommodate 150 people there? Do the kids just need
sleeping bags or should they bring pads as well?
*Pillow, sheet, blanket, or sleeping bag will be fine.
*There will be bunk beds with mattresses so it is up to the student to decide what
to bring to sleep on.
How are the showers? How many are there? Is there hot water?
*Cold showers!!
*There is a big bathroom for guys and one for girls.
*Guys side has 8 showers, 6 toilets and a few urinals.
*Girls side has 9 showers, 8 toilets.
How many work sites are there? Do we know for sure that there will be
enough work? What kind of work will we be doing?
 We will split into small groups of around 15.
 There will be plenty of work. (painting, building, orphan work)
 There will be site leaders to empower us.
What are the safety issues? Will there be supervision at each site?
Are any of the sites high-crime areas?
 The 2 biggest safety issues are dehydration/exhaustion & safety
with all work tools.
 There will be leaders from the mission organization and 2 FPC
leaders at each site.
 None of the sites are high-crime areas.
In the case of an injury, what would be the plan?
 There is a medical clinic within a short drive of our base camp.
Who cooks the food?
 The facility has a staff that cooks often for this number of people.
He said running out won’t be an issue. We will have a couple of hot
breakfasts, pancakes, eggs & the rest will be cereal, etc. We will
pack our own lunches. Dinner will be basic—pork, chicken.
How many times will we attend church? What is our church dress
 We will attend once on Sunday morning.
 For guys, nice pants, a collared shirt, and closed-toe shoes must be
worn. For girls, a knee length dress or skirt, nice shirt, and nice
shoes must be worn. No tank tops or short skirts.
Days off – Hilton Rose Hall
What are the rooms like?
 4 people to a room
Is the resort in a high-crime area? What are the safety issues?
 There are no real safety issues. The entire resort is gated and
enclosedBig gate all around property. More than 1 guard at front
gate at all times. Guard has to open gate for you to get in.
 FPC students are not allowed to ride motorized sports.
How do we know the kids won’t be served alcohol?
 The bartenders are very strict. Each kid will have different colored
wristbands from the adults.
FPC Summer Parent Agreement
 No motorized sports (i.e. jet skis, sorry, we’ve had accidents in
the past!)
 No cell phones, iPods, game boys, or electronics of any kind
are allowed on this trip
o They are totally disruptive to the process.
o I expect parents to make sure they are in possession of
students’ cell phones & iPod’s during our trips.
 Absolutely NO DRINKING or DRUG USE
o If a student is caught in possession of alcohol or drugs, I
know I will be responsible for arranging and paying for all
parts of getting them home (airport shuttle/cab, plane).
They will not come home with us, no matter what day of
the trip it happens.
Important Information for Parents!
1- Forms: If you have not turned your student’s forms in yet,
please turn them in ASAP!
2- Attend Sunday School & Summer Activities: Now that you
are officially on the list, we strongly recommend that each
student attend as many youth events as possible. The summer
calendar will be posted on our website soon at Team unity
and fellowship are dynamic essentials to the success of this
mission trip, so each person’s involvement now is vital as we
prepare together for the mission.
Jamaica Packing List
Devotional Materials
Personal journal/notebook and pen
Spending Money
Health, Safety & Hygiene
Prescription medicine
Nonprescription medicine
Sunblock (aloe vera)
Money ($50-100)
(6 work days, 2 travel, 2 beach)
Work Shoes (Hiking boots, Tennis Shoes or
Work Boots)
Rain Coat
Water bottle (put name on it)
Jeans or work pants (4-6, cannot work in
Shorts (4-6)
T-Shirts (11-15)
Insect spray
Work shirts (5)
Swim wear (conservative)
1 roll toilet paper
Underwear (9 day trip)
Toothbrush and paste
Towel (2)
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
Socks (2 per day? Good quality work or
Sleepwear (lightweight)
Supplies and Equipment
Bandanas/handkerchiefs for sweat or hat
Tennis Shoes/Sandals/after work shoes
Bedding (pillow, sleeping bag,
Watch or Alarm Clock
Small fan (battery operated best)
Laundry Bag
Dress clothes for church & dress shoes
Work gloves
Travel Supplies
Passport and copy of passport
Flight information
Diet food (if required)
Medical insurance card
There are 3 flights for the Jamaica Mission Trip
Flight #1 *Please arrive at IAH 3:20 a.m.
Departure: June 16
Airline: US Air #1853 Houston 5:20 a.m. – Charlotte 8:50 a.m.
Airline: US Air #840 Charlotte – 9:25 a.m. - Montego Bay 11:22 a.m.
Number of passengers: 80
Flight #1
Return: June 24
Airline: US Air #869 Montego Bay 12:25 p.m. – Charlotte 4:39 p.m.
Airline: US Air # 673 - Charlotte 8:20 p.m. – Houston 9:53 p.m.
Number of passengers: 80
Flight #2 *Please arrive at IAH at 5:10 a.m.
Departure: June 16
Airline: Delta #810 Houston 7:10 a.m. - Atlanta 10:12 a.m.
Airline: Delta #361 – Atlanta 12:30 p.m. – Montego Bay 2:13 p.m.
Number of passengers: 55
Flight #2
Return: June 24
Airline: Delta #304 Montego Bay 3:18 p.m. – Atlanta 7:10 p.m.
Airline: Delta: #2249 – Atlanta 9:59 p.m. – Houston 11:09 p.m.
Number of passengers: 55
Flight #3 *Please arrive at IAH at 4:00 a.m
Departure: June 16
Airline: Delta #1329 Houston 6:00 a.m. – Atlanta 9:05 a.m.
Airline: Delta #727 Atlanta 10:45 a.m. – Montego Bay 12:42 p.m.
Number of passengers: 15
Flight #3
Departure: June 24
Airline: Delta #360 Montego Bay 12:00 p.m. – Atlanta 3:55 p.m.
Airline: Delta #790 Atlanta 5:20 p.m. – Houston 6:33 p.m.
Number of passengers: 15
Trip prayer requests
For the unity of our group, both leaders & students.
For the overall safety of our trip.
For God’s Spirit to move powerfully within our group
For our students to be open to what God wants to do in their lives and hearts.
That every student would have a great experience. Our prayer is that every
child would experience the love of God, of our leaders, and a warm embrace
from other students.
For God to give our leadership team wisdom.
That God would raise up the funds for our students to go. Pray for all the
families of our student’s financial situations, that this trip would not be a
financial burden to any family.
That God would use this trip to draw students to Himself. That He would
inspire the kids who are not extremely involved in our ministry to get more
involved, all for the glory of God.