THE TOWER TIE The Newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church of Goshen 33 Park Place; Goshen, NY 10924 The Reverend David Calvin Kingsley, Pastor Telephone: (845) 294-7991; fax: (845) 615-1239 email: [email protected] Robert J. Clooney, Director of Ministry of Music Patricia Schwetje, Church Secretary Web Page: March 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Faithful in Small Things Make an ark of gopher wood . . . this is how you are to make it (Genesis 6:14–15) As I sit in my office writing this, we are under yet another arctic blast. We have had weeks of this, and we already know there will surely be a next time when the prolonged cold will freeze pipes, overwork us with snow removal, and cause wrecks and falls. Something like that will happen again. It’s not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when.” This is a question worth pondering: how do you get ready for a storm? How do you prepare yourself for a storm that hasn’t come yet, and still prepare in such a way that the mere threat of a storm doesn’t determine how you live? It would seem strange for southern Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coast residents to leave plywood nailed over their windows year-round “just in case.” There are some preparations that can only be done when the horizon is dark, the winds are up, and the waters are high. What I’m asking is not really about how to prepare your house or your driveway, but rather I’m asking about you. How do you prepare yourself? We know from reading Genesis 6 that Noah had found favor with the Lord. He was a man who walked with God. Phrases like “finding favor in the eyes of the Lord” and “walking with God” are high-sounding phrases. They speak to the nobility of Noah’s character and his right standing with God as compared with the wickedness of his neighbors. But these high-sounding phrases are given definition and detail when it comes to the boat. God gave Noah specific instructions: use gopher wood…cover it with pitch…three levels…300 cubits long…50 cubits wide…30 cubits high…place a doorway on the side. Thus, Noah built the ark. Maybe that’s what it means to walk with God. Maybe that’s how we find favor with the Lord. We first listen closely for what God wants us to do, and then we obey God in detail being faithful in small things. That’s how Noah got ready for the storm. He did it with gopher wood and pitch. Spiritual warfare isn’t always a cataclysmic battle. Sometimes it’s a daily struggle to do what we’ve been called to do. Faithfulness in small things will not get you out of the storm, but it will clear the path that takes you through it. Be obedient in the ordinary things. Do your work well and deal honestly with your clients or employer. Speak kind words to those around you. Love your children and honor your spouse. Tell the truth. Apologize when you need to do so, confront with grace and not vitriol. Be faithful to God in the small things. Trust his faithfulness to you in the big things. Then you’ll be ready for anything. Finding calm in the midst of the storm, Pastor Kingsley ************************************************************ March Leads Us from Lent II to Palm Sunday We have marked ourselves as penitent and contrite when we received the ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday. That act marked the beginning of our Lenten journey -- a season of self-examination, of taking stock of our lives, of looking closely at our short comings and taking steps to set things right. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness preparing for his death; and, as Christians, we spend the time preparing ourselves to arrive at Easter Sunday renewed and deepened in our faith. I was thinking about an updated interpretation of Lenten observance rather than the old “giving up something.” Here are some interesting ideas I came across for a more meaningful Lenten practice guaranteed to change us from the inside out. Pray daily for our enemies Weather permitting, get outside everyday and walk in nature Meditate -- spend some time in silence Journal your experiences to life as it unfolds around you Take pictures of things that interest you Reduce your media exposure -- stop the bombardment of bad news Don’t allow technology to hold you captive – unplug Follow a daily devotional such as “Our Daily Bread” Invite a friend to church Practice a random act of kindness each week Call someone you’ve neglected Hold peace instead of reacting to every disturbance that arises Memorize an uplifting passage that speaks to you Reach out and support relief efforts in your church and community We conclude the month of March as we enter Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday on March 29. We celebrate and recall the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem singing the joyous entrance hymn, The Palms as the youth lay their palm branches on the chancel. However, just as events took a sudden turn for Jesus as he faced his trial and ultimate crucifixion, our service turns more somber as we anticipate the events of Holy Week with the choral anthem, Beneath the Cross of Jesus; the beautiful Pie Jesu; and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. We then continue our Lenten journey with the services of Holy Week. First, we observe Maundy Thursday, which derives from the Latin word “mandatum,” meaning “commandment.” The events of Maundy Thursday highlight the humility and servanthood of Jesus. His command to His disciples is a command that He leaves for us as well, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). As we enter, we extend our hands to be cleansed by our pastor. The chancel is transformed into a glowing candlelit space in which to experience the Passover Meal, the last supper or communion before Easter. At the conclusion of the service, the altar is stripped of all elements and windows are blackened out in preparation for the somber tone of the service on Good Friday. On Good Friday, April 3, the service presents a dramatic reenactment of the events of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion in word and music. It is a moving and emotional experience for all. We depart in silence and darkness not to reenter the sanctuary until Easter Sunday morning. Robert Clooney Director of Ministry of Music _________________________________________________________________ A Lenten Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen News of the Prayer Shawl Ministry The ladies have been busy keeping their hooks flying throughout the cold winter months. Two shawls made by Joan Howell’s magic fingers were given to Mrs. Cox’s daughters at her funeral reception in February. Two shawls were also presented to Fran Hoffmann and her daughter Heather upon the passing of Fran’s husband and Heather’s dad, Dr. Hoffmann. These came from the talents of Joan Butensky. Jen Pillar will also send a shawl to her aunt who is battling a serious illness and her grandmother who is the caretaker in Maryland. Thank you, Jen for getting those hugs out to your family. I know it will be a comfort to them both. So as quickly as they are made, they seem to fly right back out the door. Thank you ladies, one and all, for your continued support and dedication to this wonderful church ministry! February is the month when we collect yarn to keep this ministry flourishing. We thank all of you who placed some yarn into our bin. Not only is the yarn used for the ministry, but also hats and scarves made for the Salvation Army and the Midnight Run. Yarn that we cannot use (too small an amount or not the right weight for a shawl) will be passed to our Sunday school or the Vacation Bible School group to be used. Believe me; we will not waste what we find. Also, the beautiful crocheted angels are back in the Narthex for taking and also the mini shawls to carry in your pocket are back in the basket. Please take one when you need one or pass it on to someone you know. Thank you again to everyone who supports us. We couldn’t do it without you. Consider yourselves hugged, Wendy Lee Paffenroth Shawl Ministry Secretary DEACONS’ PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH- MARCH 29 Please join us in the sharing of food and fellowship following the worship services. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The PW Association does not meet during the winter months and will meet again on the first Monday of March in the parlor at approximately 7:00 p.m. Please join us. All are welcome. Our condolences to Moderator Fran Hoffmann and her family on the passing of her beloved husband Don early in February. Don was also a great supporter of PW, and we will miss his gentlemanly ways. We hope that all our thoughts and prayers will be of comfort to Fran and her family. This note was received for PW: “Thank you so very much for the Christmas gifts and plant that you were so kind to give us. Your hearts are enormous. We have always been the givers and now we are the receivers. Yes we are having our ups and downs, but we have faith with all your prayers Bill’s health will improve. Your generosity has been accepted with an open heart. A special thank you to all who make it possible to attend church most Sundays; the choir, the greeters, the Sunday school teachers, the children, the servers, ladies group, men’s group, janitor for clearing the snow away, and Rev. David Kingsley for his expert sermons and guidance. Hope you all got a piece of this Hug. Bill and Audrey Howell and sons.” Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Howell; this deserved sharing with everyone. We are so glad to see you each week as well. Our church is made of special people like yourselves. We are glad we could bring a little joy to you as well. PW will be hosting a special coffee hour in May. We are hoping the men will challenge us again. Thank you to the ladies who helped with the funeral reception for Gertrude Cox and Dr. Hoffmann. God bless each of you for all you do. Respectfully, Wendy Lee Paffenroth – Secretary PW **************************************************************************** SHOPRITE GIFT CARDS FOR SALE Would you like to help support our church’s upcoming mission trip? Do you buy groceries at ShopRite? Then we have an easy solution for you! Purchase ShopRite gift cards from FP Goshen at full face value. The church receives 5% back from ShopRite. You can buy $5, $10, $25, $50, or $100 gift cards. Cards are available during coffee hour on Sundays and during office hours at the church office during the week. Ask your relatives, friends, and co-workers. The more we sell, the more money we raise! Contact Mark or Paty Glasse with questions at 845-986-1460 or [email protected] SHARE PAGE If you have something you want to share - a recipe, poem, prayer, something that touched your heart, email me by the 15th of the month, and we will try to get it into the next newsletter. Email me at: [email protected] Thank you, Wendy Lee Paffenroth. This was shared with me recently and I, in turn, would like to share it with you. Wendy HAVING FAITH “Faith is what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe.” St. Augustine The fields were parched and brown from the lack of rain, the crops lay wilting from thirst. People in the farming community were anxious as each day the sun again shone bright and hot without a cloud in sight. They searched the sky for some relief, but none came, and the days turned to weeks. If there was no rain soon, everything they worked so hard for would be lost. The local ministers got together and wanted to restore faith to the community. They decided to call for an hour of prayer on the town square that following Saturday. They requested that each person bring an object of faith for inspiration, to come with an open heart, and to bring everyone they knew. At high noon the townspeople gathered. They filled the square and listened to the ministers words. All the faiths prayed together, they held hands, they held their Holy Books, their crosses, their rosaries, and whatever meant the most to them. When the hour ended, as if by a magical command, a soft rain began to fall. Cheers swept through the crowd. They held up those faithful treasures to the sky in gratitude and praise. From the middle of the crowd came one symbol of faith. It was held by a small child who carefully opened up the umbrella they had brought. BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY WHEN: SATURDAY, March 28, 2015 TIME: 8:30-10:00 A.M. OR 10:00-11:30A.M. WHERE: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN GOSHEN COST: $7.00 PER PERSON, PAID IN ADVANCE Included in the price of each paying child’s reservation will be tickets for crafts, games, and activities (for children of all ages), and an egg hunt. The Easter Bunny will be on hand to greet everyone. BRING YOUR CAMERA TO CATCH THAT SPECIAL MOMENT ON THE EASTER BUNNY’S LAP! LIMITED SEATING; DON’T DELAY!! Reservations accepted in the church office through March 23. Questions? Call 469-6063 or 294-7991 ***************************************************************************** RESERVATION FORM for “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” Name_______________________________ Phone_________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________________________ Preferred Seating Time on Saturday, March 28 Number of adults and older children______ _____ 8:30 to 10:00 OR _____10:00 to 11:30 Number AND AGES of children participating in breakfast and activities_____________________________________ (Activities include an egg hunt. Please bring your own baskets.) TOTAL NUMBER X $7.00 COST PER PERSON = $_______________ Please make checks payable to: First Presbyterian Church, 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY 10924. Forms and checks can be dropped off at the church office. TIDBITS FROM THE TOWER HAPPY MARCH BIRTHDAYS TO: Gina Gruber Josephine Bartley Jennifer Piller Deborah Spencer Wendy Paffenroth Betty Lobb Connor Gati Robert Lobb Jean Musgrave Karen Magee Logan Fuller 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 11 21 22 24 25 26 28 30 31 Patrick Farley Ally Phelan Hannah Taylor Jeff Kingsley Maureen Johnson Jeff Gati, Jr. Caryl Swald Robin Paulus Tyler Cox Michael Roper Jack Quick HAPPY MARCH ANNIVERSARIES TO: 15 Bill and Carolyn Keller If you are also celebrating a special day, we wish you much happiness. If you would like your birthday and/or anniversary included, please give your dates to Pat in the church office. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Jackson Diglio on being named champion of the school-wide National Geographic Bee at Goshen Intermediate School for the second year in a row. Sam Boese on being one of the winners of the New York Civil Liberties Union Bill of Right Essay Contest. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE HOLY WEEK SERVICES PALM SUNDAY – MARCH 29 – 9:30 A.M. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP AND COMMUNION SERVICE – APRIL 2 - 7:30 P.M. SERVICE OF DARKNESS - GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 3 – 7:30 P.M. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE – APRIL 5 – 7:00 A.M. EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP – APRIL 5 – 9:30 A.M. DEACON’S 3RD ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH $5.00: Children 4 -11 years 5PM TO 7 PM $10.00 Children 12 and older/ Adults Ages 3 and under: free Tickets can be purchased in the office or from any Deacon Includes salad, bread, beverage, and ice cream sundae for dessert Take out available Gluten Free Spaghetti/meatballs upon request WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2015 St. James’ Episcopal Church, 1 St. James Place, Goshen, will be hosting the annual World Day of Prayer on March 6 from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. in St. James’ Parish Hall. We hope you will join us in prayer and fellowship with the women of the Goshen community. A light luncheon will be served, so please come hungry! If you have any questions, contact Sharon Lunden at 845-615-1330 or [email protected]. PLEASE PAY YOUR PER CAPITA ASSESSMENT FOR 2015 Every year, the Presbytery of the Hudson River charges every member church an assessment according to the current active membership. Our recorded active membership is currently 345 and our assessment per member (not per family) for 2015 is $31.00, which is a total of $10,695.00 to be taken from our operating budget. Please assist with this expense and write a check for your family assessment, if you haven’t already done so, and either mail it to the church or place it in the Sunday offering plate. Thanks for doing your share. JOYFUL VOICES FROM AFRICA In just over two months, our church will be filled with joyful voices from Africa! The Watoto Children’s Choir will be performing at FP Goshen on Friday, May 22 at 7:30 p.m. The choir is from Uganda and they “sing for their supper” and the roofs over their heads! The Watoto choir will tour the U.S. in order to raise money to support their villages in Uganda. There is no charge to attend the concert; a free will offering will be collected. We need host families willing to house two children and one adult overnight. This is a unique cultural opportunity! If you have an interest in being a host family, please contact Mark and Paty Glasse at 845-986-1460 or [email protected] COFFEE HOUR Beginning in April, the first Sunday of every month will be a “congregation coffee hour.” Please donate a food item and bring to the kitchen by 8:30 a.m. Please contact Robin Knoblock at 845-3131319 with any questions or if you want to sign up to host a coffee hour. Thank you. *********************************************************** Easter Lilies If you are interested in ordering an Easter lily for the sanctuary in honor or memory of a loved one, please do so by March 22, 2013. Just fill out the form below and give it to Betty Lobb, Carolyn Keller, or Carol Gabella, or place it in the offering plate. The price for each plant is $12.99 and they can be taken home after the Easter morning service. If you do not plan to take the plant, please indicate that on the order form so that we may pass it on to a shut in or leave it to continue to beautify the sanctuary for a few more Sundays. Checks should be written to “First Presbyterian Church” with the words “Easter Lilies” in the memo. Thank you, Betty, Carolyn, and Carol, co-chairs ***************************************************************************** Name: ________________________________________ Number of plants ordered: _________________________ Text to be printed in the bulletin: _____________________________________________________________________ THE 6TH ANNUAL GOSHEN CHILI CHALLENGE Once more the First Presbyterian Church Mission Committee is gearing up for the fun event of the season—The Goshen Chili Challenge! ~Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015 ~Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Voting ends 6:30) ~ Place: Fellowship Hall It’s hard to believe, but this is the sixth year that this rousing event is being held in Goshen, and the excitement is mounting. Who makes the best chili in Goshen? Maybe it’s you or your organization. Find out by joining us in this night of friendly competition that’s entertaining and enjoyable. Entries will be limited to 15. Registration to enter chili in the contest is $25.00. Prizes will be awarded for the winning chili in each category: “Popular Vote” for an individual entry and “Popular Vote” for an organization. Also, three local chefs will grant one winner the “Judge’s Super Chef Award!” Each winner in each category receives a $50 cash prize and a plaque to guarantee bragging rights forever. To ensure your spot in this popular event, don’t delay in returning the entry form below. Send it with your check to: The First Presbyterian Church of Goshen, 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY 10924. Please write, “Attention: Chili Challenge” on your check. For more information, call Geri Corey at 294-8414. All proceeds go to----PresbyBuild in Partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Newburgh. Name: Individual or Organization______________________________________________ If an organization, the name of the person in charge________________________________ Phone number of contact person______________________________________________ PRAYER CORNER The following members or friends are going through a time in which they have asked for prayer by the church. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Vince Ahrens Rosa B. JoAnna Becerril Sarah Burrows Eric Carsanty The Family of Gertrude Cox Bob Dennis David Dzierzek Mary Lee Farris’ sister Rebecca Garloch Dorothy Gott The Family of Don Hoffmann Susan Johnson Bob and Barbara Kennedy Jeff Knox James Magee Riley Martin Evelyn Mercado Jude Monteleone Nina and Jason Ann Ott Velma Peters Tim Richardson Tom Sawyer Bryan Scott and Family Fred Smith David Paul Spradlin Elmer Stevens George Tietz Kenya VanZandt Molly Wanat Anne Wood’s brother-in-law Phyla Wright Dedra Altizer The Barron Family The Family of Virginia Bennett Anthony Capaccio Jean Chang Bruce and Jean Crandall Joe Destefano Everyone serving in the Military Ben Fisher Graham Glasse Barbara and George Hankins Carol Hoffman Rosemary Joy Laura and Tom Kennedy Liz LaMontanaro Kelly Magee Thrush Andy Marussich Jeff Monroe Eileen Myslinski Nick K. Alice Paffenroth The Ptak Family Loretta Richner Kevin Schuler Dorothy Sevcik The Smith Family Jackson Spradlin Bill and Jean Strong Butch Turley Ashley Wade The Weinberger Family Orra Wood Beryl Yungman Millie Augere Emily Barry and Family Ed Berry Mary Carr Steve and Carol Coon Suzanne DeBlock Sally Dorritie Evie and Family Norm and Sharon Frelinger Kate Goodspeed Kevin and Sara Hankins Bill Howell Carolyn Keller’s father Roberta Kinnamon Robert Lobb Gavin Martin The McCloud Family Joseph Montalbano Richard Nash Amy (Thompson) Nguyen Dave and Wendy Paffenroth Rachel Reeves Ted Sandstrom Fred Schwarz Matt Skyer and Family Louise Spencer Peggy Srirach Jean Stukey Kim Valentini and Family Wendy Bynum-Wade Jo Wolfe Sharon Worden The Family of Larry Zakreski (If you or someone you know would like to be on this list or if you would like to take a name off the list, please call the church office and the name(s) will be included/omitted next month.) Maney-Hawkins Meditation Garden MARCH UPDATE __________________________________________________________________________________________ Memorial Pavers To order a memorial paver to honor or remember a loved one, please see Pat in the church office. The cost of each paver is $100. We now have eight orders on-hand. We will place another order when we have a total of ten. Get your order in soon! 13 Niches Remain for Purchase in the Memorial Columbarium Each niche allows for double or single interment with four purchase options: Payment in Full = $2,500 12-Month Payment Option = $250 / month for 12 months ($3,000) 24-Month Payment Option = $130 / month for 24 months ($3,120) 36-Month Payment Option = $ 90 / month for 36 months ($3,240) ______________________________________________________________________________ “Stewards of Our Garden” Thank you to our dedicated Stewards for keeping the garden neat! The MARCH and early APRIL Steward’s Schedule: Jen and Gregg Piller: Beryl Yungman and Karen Bende: Barbara and George Hankins: March 1 – March 15 March 16 – March 31 April 1 – April 15 It takes only a few minutes of your time to pick up any litter, pull a weed, or sweep a few pavers clean, and you can help keep our garden beautiful! Contact Pat in the church office to sign up. Call the church office (845-294-7991), Rev. Kingsley, or Wayne George (914-213-4093) For any information you may need about The Maney-Hawkins Meditation Garden. UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday March 14 - Health and Wellness Expo at the CJ Hooker School from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Darlene Bartley and Mark Glasse will be there at a table selling ShopRite cards and crocheted items. We will also have a donation bucket for Nicaragua. We would also like to have information about our church to hand out, so if anyone has a brochure that can be printed for us to share that would be awesome. Good way to get new members….. Sunday March 15 - the St Patrick’s Day Parade at 1:00 p.m. We will again be selling hot dogs, burgers, corned beef sandwiches, fries, and beverages. Please come out and support our mission fundraiser. If you cannot come and would like to help, we can use donations of soda and water. Please let Pastor Kingsley know if you can help with this. Friday April 10 Tricky Tray Doors open at 6:30 p.m. calling at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. We are hoping for 100 baskets. There will be a 50/50 and a sweepstakes table as well. It would be appreciated if you could donate a themed wrapped basket for the event. The baskets should contain new items and be a value of at least $25.00. They can be dropped off on Thursday evening. Saturday April 18 - Community Yard Sale Jeanette McDowell will be hosting this event so look for that information coming up. If you need to clean out for the spring, please put your items aside and come to the Community Yard Sale…. Sunday April 26 - Accessory After The Fact 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. If you are looking for something special for Mothers Day, a birthday gift, or just for yourself you will want to come to this event. Come and check the beautiful scarfs, jewelry, hand bags and much more. The prices are reasonable and I know you will walk away with more than one item… OUR MISSION STATEMENT Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we shall seek to use our gifts through worship, ministry, and mission, to gather the Church in from the world, to continue to nurture one another, to serve a world still broken, and to exemplify through common values and purposes Christian discipleship to the greater glory of God. BOARD OF ELDERS Class of 2015 Kathy Alevras Wendy Bynum-Wade Elizabeth (BA) Long Louise Spencer Sue Varden Orra Wood Class of 2016 Cliff Bartley Geri Corey John Redman Tom Sawyer Mal Stewart Jo Wolfe Class of 2017 Robin Knoblock Karen Magee Anne Tuthill Grover vonPentz Rob Warner Clerk of Session: Sue Varden BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2015 Laura Colacci Carol Gabella Tina McCloud Gregg Piller Jennifer Piller Nancy Smith Hannah Warner Class of 2016 Wendy Donohue Bill Eustance Gina Gruber John Gruber Carolyn Keller Kathleen Kingsley Lisa Montalbano Class of 2017 Diana Bowe Diane Church Lori Kilmer Mary Kingsley Charlie vonPentz Nancy Warner Cheryl Zis Moderators of Deacons: Carolyn Keller and Carol Gabella Presbyterian Women: STAFF Robert Clooney, Director of the Ministry of Music Pat Schwetje, Church Secretary Kim Hoernig, Church Treasurer Richard Paulus, Financial Secretary Anne Wood, CLP – Mission Pastor to Sullivan County
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