FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, April 26, 2015 Mission Awareness Sunday Please stand at items marked * if you are able. Passages in Bold Print are to be spoken in Unison Organ Prelude – Hymn and Quiet Reflection "Be Still and Know that I am God" (Ps. 46: 10) Please take the time before the service as an opportunity to quietly prepare your heart and mind for worship. Welcome & Announcements Worship Leaders - More than Mission and other volunteers Organist - Joseph Tassone Music Director- Kendall House Introit Call to Worship “Praise, I will praise” #420 Opening Prayer: Eternal God, we praise you for your pursuing love, revealed in Jesus, his life, his teachings, and the cross he bore for our salvation. May we not go away empty, but refreshed and encouraged by your sustaining grace. Trusting in your grace and compassion, we offer our prayers of confession: Forgive us the times our faith has wavered; the times mingled motives have blended with our purest aspirations; and the times our love has been cold toward others and we have turned away from their distress. Merciful God, help us to draw nearer to you so that even while we are busy with the duties of home, work, and other commitments, we remain in harmony with your will and mission. We offer our prayers and worship in Jesus’ name. Amen. Assurance of Pardon (last verse to be sung after Children's Time) Children's Time WE HEAR GOD'S WORD Hymn of Preparation Lord, listen to your children praying; Lord, send your Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love; send us power, send us grace! Gloria Patri: O.T. O.T. N.T. 594 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen. WE RESPOND TO GOD Tithes and Offerings * Offertory Response The church is wherever God's people are helping, caring for neighbours in sickness and need. The church is wherever God's people are sharing the words of the Bible in gift and in deed. God of amazing grace, we thank you for the love and riches with which you bless us. We pray you will mold our lives and nurture our generosity, so that we may grow as faithful instruments of your love, not only in the Church, but in the world. Bless and use us and all we offer in Jesus’ name. Amen. Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer (debts ….debtors) WE GO OUT TO SERVE “In loving partnership” Blessing #319 484 Prayer of Dedication * Hymn: Choir Anthem: "The Gift to be Simple" * Children's Hymn: “Wherever I may wander” P. 10 P. 495 P. 55 Sermon: “ReciproCare in Mission” (written by Rev. Shirley Gale) Special Music: "What Shall I Give Thee Master" by Laura Po WE GATHER IN GOD’S PRESENCE * Entry of the Bible * Hymn: Bible Readings: Genesis 12: 1–9 Psalm 15 Mark 16: 14–19 Response: Sing Amen 264 Sing amen. Amen, we praise your name, O God. Sing amen. Amen we praise your name, O God. Sing amen. Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, we praise your name, O God. Asithi. Amen, si-ya-ku-du mi-sa. Asithi. Amen, si-ya-ku-du mi-sa. Asithi. Amen, Baba, amen, Baba, Amen, si-ya-ku-du mi-sa. #759 Prayer Concerns: Marie Huffman (Roseview) Bernice Johnston Walter Hogarth Rose Ducharme (Marg Stein's mother) Al & Marilyn Miller's daughter-in-law Michelle, wife of Jamie (Calgary) There will be a youth group meeting TODAY at Lakeview Church from 6:30-8:30pm. All youth grades 5 and up are welcome. Please contact Sarah Campbell ([email protected]) or Will Newton ([email protected]) if you have any questions. Summer will soon be upon us and with summer comes Pres-B-Camp!!! Pres-B-Camp is a week-long overnight summer camp for those entering grades 3-8 this fall. This year camp will be held on July 1925th. In addition, there will also be a weekend Teen Retreat for those entering gr. 9 and up on August 21-23rd. This year the presbytery has decided that if you bring a friend to camp that has never been before both of you will get half off the cost of camp! If you have any questions please contact Sarah Campbell ([email protected]) or Will Newton ([email protected]) Grab your camper or staff application form from the Church office now!!! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church presents "The American Songbook" featuring the Bottom of the Barrel Dixieland Band, Forever Young and John Petch Quartet on Friday, May 15th at 7 pm. Tickets are $10. Proceeds help restore historic St Andrew's. Thank you this week to: Greeters: Betty Irwin and Betty Irving Lay Reader: Lynae Grace Fellowship Time: Sandra Allan and Betty Ann Burn Elevator Operator: Laird Morrison Offering Counting: Joyce Nystrom and Brenda Snowdon Seabrook Offering Collection: Russ Brown, Don Munn, Joyce Nystrom, Janet Taylor Visiting: Beth Workman Next week’s volunteers: May 3rd Greeters: Betty Irwin and Betty Irving Lay Reader: Sandra Allan Fellowship Time: Evelyn Kinsman and Vikki & Ian Kinsman Elevator Operator: Terry Stein Offering Counting: Sandra Allan, Mickey Kennedy, Leila Pettigrew Offering Collection: Russ Brown, Don Munn, Joyce Nystrom, Janet Taylor Visiting: Beth Workman Upcoming Events at First Mon., April 27th - Cards afternoon - 1 pm Thurs., April 30th - Bible Study - Choir Practice - 10 am - 7 pm Sun., May 3rd Communion Service Tues., May 5th - More than Mission - 1 pm Visiting regularly? Would you like Sunday Offering Envelopes or to participate in our automatic banking program? Please speak to the church's envelope secretary, Sandy Allan. Either choice will make it easier for us to track your donations and provide an accurate tax receipt at the end of the year. Thank you for your support. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT Our Mission purpose is to put our faith into action through mission education, community outreach, and personal and financial support both at home and abroad. Thank you so much to everyone who donates to the Food Bank.
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