Small Group Discussion/Study Guide Week 3: Becoming Generous Reflecting on the Sermon Key Scriptures: Luke 16:1-13; John 3:16; Matthew 6:21; Proverbs 11:24; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 generous when we remember the gifts and blessings of God as the ultimate source of all life? • Opening Questions: • What stood out to you from the sermon on Being Human by Becoming Generous? • What do you see in the example of Jesus that shows generosity? Is it “easy” for Jesus to be generous, since he has all the riches of heaven at his disposal? Would you say that you also have all the riches of heaven at your disposal? Made to Give The Point of the Parable In Jesus’ parable that Patrick taught on today, the manager was praised for fraudulently reducing the debts of those who owed his master money. • Knowing what you know of the rest of the teaching of Jesus and the whole Bible, do you think the point of the parable is that it’s OK to commit fraud, or is there a bigger lesson Jesus is driving home? • Read 1 TimotHY 6:17-19. In Paul’s instructions, he says that rich people who share with those in need store up treasure for the future. Do you see the parallel with Jesus’ parable? If God is the owner, and we are the managers who will have to give him an account, then according to Paul and Jesus, God is the kind of manager who actually wants you to give away His money. Instead of judging those who do, He will judge those who don’t. How does that speak to your attitude towards wealth? Patrick made the assertion that being generous is part of being fully human. Discussion Questions: • Read Genesis 1:27-30. What are some of the key words and images? How do ideas like blessing, life, multiplying, filling, and fruitfulness relate to generosity? • Now compare Genesis 3:17-19. How have the words and images changed? How do ideas like curse, toil, sweat, and dust relate to generosity vs. greed? Is it easier to be greedy when we focus on the hard work and effort required to survive in a fallen world? Conversely, is it easier to be Which kind of life do you think God wants us to operate in now, as redeemed people saved by Jesus Christ—the cursed life Adam had after sin, or the blessed life he had before? • Share Your Story Has someone ever been unusually generous to you? How did it make you feel? How do you think God felt? Welcome to Management One of the ways Patrick listed to develop generosity is to begin seeing yourself as a manager, not an owner. • Read Psalm 24:1. True or False based on this verse: 10% of my money belongs to God. Discuss your answer. • Read Luke 19:17. If God is the owner and we are the managers, what kind of owner is God? Is He someone who will bless, honor, and reward those who manage well? Uncounted Patrick challenged us to learn generosity by giving to those who don’t deserve it. • Read Proverbs 19:17. According to this verse, when you give to the needy, who takes on the responsibility to pay you back? If your giving is really to the Lord, how does it change your perspective on who is “worthy” to receive your giving? • Read Luke 6:32-36. Why do you think giving to those we think don’t deserve it is especially important to developing true generosity? The Great Reminder Patrick made the case that we all end up either greedy or needy—either demanding what we think is our right, or remembering that we are in need of God’s goodness and grace. • Read Revelation 3:15-19. How does Jesus describe his feelings toward those who think they are rich and need nothing, when really they are desperately poor in his sight? How do you think regular, intentional giving to others could help you remember who you truly are in the sight of God? Share Your Story Have you ever given to someone without any regard to whether they deserve it, or whether they could ever pay you back? How has giving to others shaped your sense of joy for how much God has given to you? Next Week… Being Human through the Virtue of Forgiveness FRAZER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • WWW.FRAZERUMC.ORG/HUMAN
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