FIT TO PAGE Newsletter | April 2015 FEATURES But the highlight of our days was when our Moms packed us up and took us out on the country roads to hunt for caterpillars and other insects along the ditches. Wild milkweed was our goal as we knew the monarch caterpillars would be there, munching away. Even more exciting was when we got to grab our buckets and nets and head down to the draw that flowed out of the lagoon from my Dad’s wheat field. If we were there at the right time of year, the water would be teaming with pollywogs. We were allowed to catch a few and take them home to see if we could raise frogs. Sometimes we were successful and would get to see them grow and develop legs. Other times…not so much! But during these days of adventure, I was learning…learning about the world, learning about nature and learning to love and appreciate it all. Click here to read more... VILLAGE OF READERS An Evening with LeVar Burton Friday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. Riverside Library & Cultural Center If you no longer wish to receive this email, PLEASE use the unsubscribe option below. Please DO NOT mark this as junk or spam. PREVIOUS PAGE 1 1-888-861-READ (7323) Unsubscribe NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS As I sit here thinking about what I want to write about this topic, I’m asking myself why this is so important to me? Why should anyone care that children get outside and explore nature? I’m trying not to say, “Well, when I was young…” but when I was young, my mother would have had to lock all the doors to keep me in the house. With my best friend living across the street, you can bet that during the summer months, as soon as our eyes popped open in the morning, we were quickly fed, dressed, and out the door in a matter of minutes. What did we do all day? We rode bikes, played kickball in the street, played in the sprinklers, and used our imagination to make up our own games. We were pretty much left to our own devices as long as we checked in occasionally and stopped in for food. SPECIAL EVENTS CHILDREN & NATURE FIT TO PAGE FEATURES Children & Nature As Rachel Carson, author of The Sense of Wonder, said, “If a child is to keep his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.” SPECIAL EVENTS So what is my point of writing this long dissertation about my life in the wild? I want you to go outside and have fun with your child! Dig in the dirt and let your child get good and grimy. Children wash up pretty good! Follow those ants crawling across the sidewalk. They’re really quite interesting! Watch the birds in the trees. Turn over rocks. See what’s living under them. Plant a garden. Play in the rain. Play in the snow. Take a walk. You don’t have to go far, I promise. And if you’re walking with a 3 year old, you won’t go far…I promise! That 3 year old will see everything on the ground and in the sky and will be more than excited to share everything with you. Pay attention to what your child has to say. Not only will you make memories, but spending time in nature helps renew and rejuvenate your body, your mind and spirit. FEATURES In my heart of hearts, as I look back, I believe that these times spent outside with my Mom and my friends, exploring the nature that was available to us, was the start of the empathy and love I have for the environment and every being that lives there. There are so many resources available to help you make the most of your adventures outside as well as studies and research about the benefits of being out in nature. If you are interested in learning more, take a look at these books and websites: I Love Dirt! 52 activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature by Jennifer Ward I Love Dirt! presents 52 open-ended activities to help you engage your child in the outdoors. Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots by Sharon Lovejoy Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots presents 12 spirited, easy-to-implement ideas for theme gardens that parents and kids can grow together. The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson First published more than three decades ago, this reissue of Rachel Carson’s award-winning classic brings her unique vision to a new generation of readers. Beautiful photographs by Nick Kelsh complement Carson’s intimate account of adventures with her young nephew, Roger, as they enjoy walks along the rocky coast of Maine and through dense forests and open fields, observing wildlife, strange plants, moonlight and storm clouds, and listening to the “living music” of insects in the underbrush. PREVIOUS PAGE 2 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Books: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv In his landmark work Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv brought together cutting-edge studies that pointed to direct exposure to nature as essential for a child’s healthy physical and emotional development. Now this new edition updates the growing body of evidence linking the lack of nature in children’s lives and the rise in obesity, attention disorders, and depression. FIT TO PAGE Children & Nature resources continued The Kids’ Outdoor Adventure Book: 448 Great Things to Do in Nature Before You Grow Up by Stacy Tornio Nature is a destination, but you don’t have to travel anywhere to find it. Just open the door and step outside. A fun, hands on approach to getting involved in nature. The Truth About Nature: A Family’s Guide to 144 Common Myths About the Great Outdoors by Stacy Tornio Sets the record straight on nature myths once and for all by breaking down 144 everyday nature myths, identifying how true the myth really is. Nature Ranger by Richard Walker Become an expert nature ranger with this hands-on guide to the wildlife in your own backyard. Get Outside Guide: All Things Adventure, Exploration and Fun! by Nancy Honovich This fun-filled guide inspires kids to get out of the house and explore the great outdoors where they can discover the wonder and amazement of the world around them. SPECIAL EVENTS The Nature Connection by Clare Walker Leslie The Nature Connection offers dozens of fun things to do during every season. FEATURES The Stick Book: Loads of Things You Can Make or Do with a Stick by Jo Schofield Just what the title says! Loads of things you can make or do with a stick. How to Raise a Wild Child: The Art and Science of Falling in Love with Nature by Scott D. Sampson An easy-to-use guide for parents, teachers, and others looking to foster a strong connection between children and nature, complete with engaging activities, troubleshooting advice, and much more. LOCATIONS Websites: Nature Rocks - National Wildlife Federation - Children & Nature Network - The Nature Kids Institute - The Whirlpool of Life - ~ Jan, Carbon Valley Regional Library PREVIOUS PAGE 3 NEXT PAGE FIT TO PAGE FEATURES Programs marked with an asterisk (*) are community partnerships. Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of these events does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the content or views expressed during these programs. ALL AGES | STITCHES & STORIES: MINIATURE QUILT SHOW March 16-April 27 · Lincoln Park Library ALL AGES | WRITERS’ CABIN Farr Regional Library ALL AGES | NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Lincoln Park Library Help us grow a Poet-Tree through the month of April. We supply the leaves to attach to an indoor tree; you supply an original or favorite poem. Mes Nacional de Poesía: Ayudenos a crecer un árbol de poesia durante el mes de abril. Nosotros proveemos las hojas para colocar en nuestro árbol interior; usted provee un poema original o su favorito. • April 8, 6:00 pm • Open Cabin Come in, spread out, and write the evening away. • April 15, 6:00 pm • Young Writers’ Cabin A special event for our young writers, ages 5-12. Writing games, snacks, fun and more fun. ADULTS | WINDOWS 8 BASICS April 1, 3:00-5:00 pm · Centennial Park Library • April 22, 6:00 pm • Word Prom All ages write-in with music, lighting, and promstyle activities. Dancing is not required, but formal or costumed dress is. Learn to navigate new Windows 8 features such as the Start screen, Charm menu, and desktop. You’ll find out how to manage apps and programs on the Start screen and how to customize the Start screen and desktop areas. We’ll also cover locating files, folders and common Windows features. Bring your own Windows 8 laptop or device. Registration required. PREVIOUS PAGE • April 25, 10:00 am-6 pm • All-Day Cabin From open to close, the library is ready for writers. Camp-themed activities and writing time all day. BYOSB (Bring Your Own Sleeping Bag) 4 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Welcome to HPLD’s Writers’ Cabin, the month-long writing project. You pick a goal, we’ll help you get there. • April 1, 6:00 pm · Kickoff Meet & Greet Meet your fellow writers, set some goals, and get pumped up! SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS CHILDREN | MINI CRITTER QUEST: ITSY BITSY BUGS April 4, 10:00-11:00 am · Riverside Library Puppets, music, and live bugs will keep children ages 3-5 fluttering, hopping, and singing. Presented by The Butterfly Pavilion. Registration required. Need some fun during Spring Break? Join us to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier in preparation of The Avengers: Age of Ultron movie coming out on May 1. Popcorn will be provided! CHILDRENS | BOOK TO MOVIE - BABE: THE GALLANT PIG April 2, 3:00-5:00 pm · Centennial Park Library Kick off your Spring Break by watching Big Hero 6 (Rated PG). Eat free popcorn and feel free to bring your own water bottle, pop, or other snacks. After the movie, get creative and make a Baymax bookmark. Registration required. Join us as for a short discussion about Dick KingSmith’s book Babe: The Gallant Pig and enjoy the movie inspired by the story (Rated PG). Babe: The Gallant Pig is on the Battle of the Books list for 3rd4th grade. Come have a fun afternoon with us - even if you’re not participating in Battle of the Books! Curious? Drop in on your “no school” day and find out what’s happening! (Kdg - 5th grade) Trees are important not only for the food and lumber they supply, but for the beauty and value they add to the environment. Join us as Greeley Forestry Manager Shiloh Hatcher shows us how to keep our trees healthy and attractive for this generation and the next. ADULTS | POWERPOINT BASICS April 7, 1:00-3:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library ADULTS | GROWING ROSES 101 April 2, 6:30-7:30 pm · Erie Community Library Learn how to create, save and edit a Powerpoint presentation. We will teach you to insert images, format text and create slideshows that will amaze your friends. Participants should have good keyboard and mouse skills and be comfortable with basic computer operations. Registration required. Every garden needs a rose bush or two or three . . . Dave Ingram, Consulting Rosarian and member with the Denver Rose Society will present on how to plant, prune and care for new and established roses, including building new rose beds and preparing roses for winter. He will also answer gardener’s questions about their roses. #HPLD #gardentalk 5 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS CHILDREN | IMAGINATION CREATION STATION April 7, 1:00-3:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library ADULTS | TREE TALK April 2, 5:30-7:30 pm · Lincoln Park Library PREVIOUS PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS CHILDREN & TEENS | BIG HERO 6 VIEWING PARTY April 6, 1:00-3:00 pm · Erie Community Library FEATURES TEENS | CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER April 2, 2:00-5:00 pm Riverside Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS TEENS | MAKEY MAKEY INVENTING ROOM April 7, 2:00-3:30 pm • Erie Community Library Want to get creative with your technology? MaKey is an invention kit for teens interested in art, engineering, and everything in between. Learn to program gaming controllers using everyday objects like fruit, silverware, clay, and more. Combine them with the Internet to play games or control the computer. Registration required. CHILDREN | CLUB TECH @ YOUR LIBRARY: GAME DESIGN April 7, 4:00-5:30 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library ADULTS | EXCEL BASICS April 8, 6:00-8:00 pm · Centennial Park Library Update your practical skills and learn to create, save and edit spreadsheets! This class will cover creating a workbook, editing cells, creating charts and using basic formulas. Participants should have good keyboard and mouse skills. Registration required. ADULTS | BOOK CLUB BONANZA April 7, 6:00-8:00 pm · Centennial Park Library ADULTS | WRITING COLORADO WITH NATURALIST KEVIN COOK • April 8, 6:30-8:00 pm Erie Community Library • April 9, 12:00-1:30 pm Farr Regional Library Do you belong to a book club? Are you looking for a book club to join? Have you ever considered starting your own book club? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Book Club Bonanza is for you. Discover the many ways the library can help your book club select and acquire books. Learn about public book clubs and talk about your own book club if you wish. And of course, if you are searching for a book club to join, this is one-stop shopping to find a book club that is right for you. This is a drop-in program, please stop by at your convenience. Light refreshments will be served. #bookclubbonanza PREVIOUS PAGE April’s selection is A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Bird. Many British women of the nineteenth century challenged the aristocratic notion of how a proper woman should behave, but the writings of Jane Austin, though daring and revealing, seem timid compared to the bold life of Isabella Bird. Her topping of Longs Peak was but a single chapter in a life lived defiantly and filled with personal and social conquests. 6 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Love cool new gadgets and cool computer software? Join us this month for Game Design! Gamestar Mechanic is a website and online gaming community for creating video games totally online. Play a video game that teaches video principles and earn points that “buy” tools to create their own games. Space is limited and available on a first-come first-served basis. (Ages 9-12) SPECIAL EVENTS Eustis Habighorst, Registered Representative - CUSO Financial Services, L.P., will focus on: • How to plan for when your retirement will start, how long it will last, and the retirement lifestyle you want. • Steps to estimate the amount of money you’ll need in retirement to meet your goals, factoring in healthcare costs, taxes, and inflation. • How to supplement fixed income sources such as Social Security and an employer pension with your retirement savings, including the products and investment strategies you should consider, a sustainable withdrawal rate, and the best order to tap various accounts. FEATURES ADULTS | MONEY MATTERS: RETIREMENT INCOME PLANNING* April 7, 6:30-8:30 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS TEENS | DON QUIXOTE: THE AWKWARD YEARS April 10, 12:00-2:00 pm · Erie Community Library and 3:00-4:30 pm · Carbon Valley Regional Library ADULTS | HOW TO WRITE A BUSINESS PLAN* April 9, 6:00-7:30 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library NORTHERN COLORADO CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL April 11, 10:00 am-3:00 pm Island Grove Event Center 521 North 15 Ave, Greeley This seminar, presented by East Colorado SBDC, will review how to prepare a business plan, the essential components of a business plan, and how to put these together. Participants will receive resources for additional support as well as templates for writing the plan. Registration required. ADULTS | THE TRUMPET’S PLACE IN JAZZ HISTORY April 9, 6:30-7:30 pm · Erie Community Library Join us for some history and a little jazz as we celebrate Jazz History Month with Musician and Jazz Historian Steve Christopher of the Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts. #jazzhistory@Colomusicorg We are looking for the Superhero in You! Bring your cameras and take advantage of this photo op showing who you are as a Superhero. Receive your Golden Ticket and visit the Bookmobile in the parking lot to collect your free superhero bracelet. While there, take a tour and sign up for a free library card with our Bookmobile Staff. The High Plains Library staff will be entertaining you from the main stages with stories and music you can share with your children at 10:45 am and 2:30 pm. FAMILIES | POOR TIM PUPPET SHOW AND STORYTIME April 10, 10:30-11:00 am · Farr Regional Library Join us for a puppet show created by kids for kids. This fun and educational program shares a lesson on friendship and anti-bullying. PREVIOUS PAGE Look for the High Plains Library District sign at the Children’s Festival. 7 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS The Northern Colorado Children’s Festival focuses public attention on the needs of Weld County’s young children and their families, and recognizes the early childhood programs and services available in the community. With the help of many community agencies, this event highlights children as the building blocks for our community’s future and helps ensure their healthy development SPECIAL EVENTS What would Don Quixote be like if Miguel de Cervantes set his classic novel in a 21st century American high school? This 50-minute show reimagines the Man of La Mancha as an awkward teenager. Featuring the most memorable moments from Cervantes’ epic tale, the performance will utilize Spanish to help convey universal themes of imagination, honor, and non-conformity. Students will have an opportunity after the performance to participate in an acting workshop with the cast. Registration required. FEATURES ALL AGES | POETRY THROW-DOWN April 9, 4:00-5:00 pm · Lincoln Park Library Can you outwit the champion rhymer of Lincoln Park! Submit challenge words to try to stump him, and win acclaim and fabulous prizes! And if you’re really brave, you can try it yourself. Pachanga Poética: ¿Es usted más listo que el Rimador Campeón de Lincoln Park? Presentele palabras desafiantes para tratar de dejarlo mudo, y gane aclamación y premios fabulosos. Y si es valiente, puede tratarlo su mismo. FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS ALL AGES | MAKE IT: LUMINOUS LIGHTS April 11, 2:00-4:00 pm · Centennial Park Library Like making homemade cards? Want to add a cool new twist? Join us as we light it up with circuits and make take home LED cards. Registration required. Let your imaginations run wild with this buggy storytime presented by the Butterfly Pavilion. (Ages 3-5) Registration required. ADULTS | INTRODUCCION A LAS COMPUTADORAS 12 de abril, 1:00-3:00 pm · Riverside Library Aprenda las operaciones básicas de una computadora, incluyendo como prender y apagar la computadora, navegar ventanas, y abrir y cerrar programas. Vamos a explorar el fondo de escritorio, archivos, carpetas, menús y también les mostraremos cómo guardar y almacenar su trabajo. We will introduce you to your profile, newsfeed, adding friends and messaging. We’ll answer all your questions about security settings, privacy and who can see what on your profile. We’ll also talk about accessing Facebook on mobile devices. Must have current email account and basic computer skills. Existing Facebook account is preferable. Registration is required. ADULTS | TEDxFRONTRANGE SALON PRESENTS THE POWER OF WORDS April 12, 2:00-4:00 pm Centennial Park Library HPLD invites our communities, organizations and individuals to stimulate dialogue. We hope to extend the conversation over Ideas Worth Spreading. Today, TED is best thought of as a global community. It is a community welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. makes the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free. Come join us as we explore uplifting, encouraging and inspirational books. We’ll enjoy a cup of coffee or tea as we discuss the story plots and some of the particular literary elements and techniques authors employ to make us want to read their books. ALL AGES | INTERNATIONAL TABLETOP DAY April 11, 12:00-4:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library Join us in a dialogue about how words make us feel, spark imagination, form connections, and be heard. Join us for International TableTop Day, a celebration of board games, card games, dice games, and anything else you can play on a tabletop! Last year’s International TableTop Day was celebrated in 80 countries over all 7 continents. Bring your own games or choose from our extensive game library. We’ll even provide the popcorn! PREVIOUS PAGE This is a free, ticketed event. Tickets are available at Centennial Park Library, or call Laura at 970.506.8626. 8 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS NEW AT KERSEY LIBRARY!! ADULTS | SECOND SATURDAY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK CLUB April 11, 10:00-11:00 am · Kersey Library SPECIAL EVENTS ADULTS | FACEBOOK FOR BEGINNERS April 11, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Centennial Park Library FEATURES CHILDREN | MINI CRITTER QUEST: CREEPY CRAWLY STORYTIME April 11, 10:00-11:00 am · Riverside Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS TEENS | EARTH DAY WOOD & MOSAIC TILE ART Part I: April 14, 4:00-6:00 pm Part II: April 22, 4:30-6:00 pm Erie Community Library Grab a book of your favorite poetry or some original poems and take the mic! We’ll sip on coffee and share our poems aloud. Berets and turtlenecks are optional. TEENS | ELEGY FOR A DEAD WORLD: THE POETRY OF GAMING April 13, 4:30-5:30 pm · Farr Regional Library Registration required. April 22, 4:30-5:30 pm · Centennial Park Library ADULTS | INTRODUCTION TO GOODREADS April 15, 3:30-5:00 pm · Farr Regional Library ADULTS | HOLOCAUST LITERATURE BOOK DISCUSSION SERIES April 13, 6:00-8:00 pm · Centennial Park Library ADULTS | BABY’S BRAIN: STRESS, TEMPERAMENT, & SELF-REGULATION* April 15, 5:30-6:30 pm · Erie Community Library Please join us for an informative, moderated book discussion series. We will be reading All But My Life by Gerda Weismann Klein (April 13). Complimentary copies of the books will be provided for the first twenty registrants. Understanding different temperaments can make parenting easier. Join an expert from Best Start for Babies & Toddlers to discover factors that affect your baby’s brain development and receive tips to help children of differing temperaments. Learn how to encourage activities that foster growth and reduce stress in children and parents. Grandparents, caregivers, and educators are also welcome. Registration required. Have you heard of the ‘Facebook’ for books? Goodreads is a great tool to connect with your friends about reading, for finding new books to read, keeping a to-read list, and reviewing and tracking all that you’ve read. Come join us and we’ll get you started. Registration required. ADULTS | CRAIGSLIST 101 April 14, 1:00-3:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library Learn how to post your own ad and reply to another poster’s ad. We’ll also teach you to search safely and strategically. Participants should have good keyboard and mouse skills and basic experience in navigating the web. Registration required. PREVIOUS PAGE 9 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS You are the only survivor from an entire crew traveling to distant, dead worlds in order to discover what happened. You’re alone, but your mission is unchanged. You’re the only one who can explore these worlds and tell the rest of the universe how these worlds died. You’re the only one who can tell us how we might save ourselves. Come and play Elegy For A Dead World, a video game of space exploration and storytelling. #elegyforadeadworld. SPECIAL EVENTS Celebrate Earth Day by combining the richness of tile mosaics with the rawness of wood. Learn how to design and assemble your mosaic and then come back to grout and seal your masterpiece and take it home with you! This is a two-part class; you will need to plan on attending both programs. Registration required. FEATURES TEENS | POETRY CAFE April 13, 4:00-6:00 pm · Lincoln Park Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS TEENS & ADULTS | WRITER’S WORKSHOP WITH AUTHOR ANN AGUIRRE April 20, 6:00-8:00 pm · Riverside Library William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody was America’s first celebrity. He lived during a time of great geographic and technological expansion, a time when American mass media became dominant. Cody was there at every step, the right person at the right place at the right time. It was through those brilliant efforts that Cody the man became Buffalo Bill the celebrity and, eventually, Buffalo Bill the legend. Presented by Steve Friesen, Director of the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave. ADULTS | VILLAGE OF READERS: AN EVENING WITH LEVAR BURTON April 17, 6:30-7:45 pm · Riverside Library PREVIOUS PAGE ADULTS | GOOGLE SEARCHING & GOOGLE EARTH April 21, 1:00-3:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library How does Google’s search work, anyway? How can I maximize my searching time and get more relevant results? How do I use Google Earth? We’ll answer these questions and more as you improve your Google skills and learn some advanced tips and tricks. Participants should have good mouse and keyboard skills and basic experience in navigating the web. Registration required. 10 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Join LeVar Burton, host and executive producer of the beloved children’s television series, Reading Rainbow, as he talks about his commitment to help create generations of passionate readers. LeVar’s inspiring story will help you recognize the opportunities you have to secure bright educational futures for the children in your life. This event is for anyone who believes that every child deserves a strong start and wants to join the conversation about how reading support is essential to success. This is a free ticketed event for adults. Tickets will be available for pickup beginning April 6 at Carbon Valley Regional and Riverside Libraries. *Limit 5 tickets per person. You must provide a name and email for each ticket you pick up. SPECIAL EVENTS This workshop will give aspiring writers the chance to interact with a nationally recognized author. There will be an hour for the workshop and additional time for questions, a book signing, and a chance to win one of Ann’s books! Participants should bring any books they wish to have signed and a piece of their own writing (optional). Tea and coffee will be provided. Registration required. FEATURES ADULTS | HISTORY SERIES: BUFFALO BILL - SCOUT, SHOWMAN, VISIONARY April 16, 7:00-8:00 pm Erie Community Center, 450 Powers Street, Erie FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS LLAMA LLAMA MINGLE-RAMA FAMILY STORYTIME • April 21, 10:30-11:00 am Centennial Park Library • April 23, 9:30-10:00 am Centennial Park Library • April 28, 10:00-10:30 am Carbon Valley Regional Library • May 1, 6:00-6:30 pm Farr Regional Library • May 2, 10:00-10:30 am Riverside Library When you hear llama, what comes to mind? Do you think of Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama books? Or the selfish llama prince from Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove? Maybe you picture Napoleon Dynamite’s hungry llama, Tina? ADULTS | IPAD BASICS April 21, 6:00-8:00 pm · Farr Regional Library Llamas and alpacas are not the same animal. Like many things in nature, while they may look similar and are related, there are differences of which many people aren’t aware. ADULTS | TUNE UP YOUR COMPUTER April 21, 6:00-8:00 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library Mark your calendars, ‘paca your bags and bring the family to the library for an exciting experience where you will learn everything you need to know about llamas and alpacas. You don’t want to miss this chance to come face-to-face with Sunrise Silhouette’s family-friendly alpacas! Remember when you first bought your computer and it ran like a dream? Now you’re bogged down with ads, programs, malware and your system is slowing down to a crawl. Learn a few tricks to rejuvenate your computer. Bring your own laptop or just come and learn about ways you can speed up your system. This class is mostly for PC users, but some Mac options will be discussed. Registration required. 11 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS When you hear alpaca, what comes to mind? Do you think of the llamas just mentioned? Learn the basics of navigating an iPad. Menus, buttons and settings will be explained in a relaxed and friendly environment. We will talk about apps and how to manage them. Bring your own iPad or iPhone. Registration required. PREVIOUS PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS If you’ve ever made a financial decision you regretted the next day, you’re not alone. In fact, as the emerging field of behavioral economics reveals, you’re practically hard-wired to overspend, an activity that lights up the brain’s pleasure centers. “Thinking Money: The Psychology Behind Our Best and Worst Financial Decisions” is a documentary that uses a mix of humor, on-the-street interviews and provocative insights from innovative thinkers to explore why we spend, why we save (or don’t) and how we think about money. This entertaining short film will be followed by a discussion facilitated by Laurel Kubin of the Larimer County Extension and Nancy Patton of Public Service Credit Union. FEATURES ADULTS | THINKING MONEY: THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND OUR BEST AND WORST FINANCIAL DECISIONS* April 21, 6:00-7:30 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS ADULTS | MAKE YOUR OWN WEBSITE April 27, 10:00 am-12:00 pm · Lincoln Park Library Celebrate Money Smart Week with a family storytime and crafts. Children can enter a drawing to win a piggy bank and go home with resources to help you be financially literate. Join us as we take you through the step-by-step process to set up, customize and populate your own website, using Weebly. There’s no need to own a domain, we will show you how to build a website with only a few hours of work. Whether you’re looking to make a site for a small business, non-profit or a travel blog, we’ll get you started and on your way. Registration required. ADULTS | INTRO TO MICROSOFT PUBLISHER April 22, 6:00-8:00 pm • Centennial Park Library ADULTS | PRACTICE JOB INTERVIEWS April 28, 1:00-2:30 pm Carbon Valley Regional Library ADULTS | BUSINESS START-UP ORIENTATION* April 23, 6:00-7:30 pm · Erie Community Library This program has been designed to be a starting place for anyone who is considering jumping into business for the first time (or the second time with a better outcome). This comprehensive seminar, hosted by East Colorado SBDC, will provide you with a Colorado Start-Up Guide and library resources to support your business and websites. Registration is required. ALL AGES | ANIMAL TO APPAREL April 25, 2:00-4:00 pm · Kersey Library ADULTS | MAKE YOUR OWN ETSY STORE April 28, 2:00-4:00 pm • Farr Regional Library Local alpaca breeders Janet and Herb Bollum will bring two of their four legged friends to assist in explaining the intriguing process from newborn cria to a finely finished garment. Their presentation will include a brief overview of raising alpacas followed by a step by step account of how alpaca fleece develops and is processed to become some of the most prized of knitting and crocheting materials available. The audience will be surprised by many little known bits of trivia about alpacas and their fleece. Children will enjoy petting and seeing these beautiful animals as well! PREVIOUS PAGE Are you interested in getting the perfect, custom, handmade gift? Are you interested in selling your handmade or vintage goods online? Join us as we explore buying and selling on Etsy - we’ll show you how to set up your account and give you some tips and tricks to get you started. Registration required. 12 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Everybody knows the old saying “practice makes perfect,” and it is never more true than in a job interview. If you’re searching for a job, take the time to make sure you’re ready before you sit down with a hiring manager. Register today for a practice job interview with our Job Zone staff. Bring in your resume and a job description for a position you’d like to have, and we’ll give you a trial run. If you bring device that records video, we’ll even record some of your interview so you can see for yourself how you’ll do when it’s time to make it count. Registration required. SPECIAL EVENTS Want to make your own flyers, greeting cards, banners or brochures? We’ll go over the basics of getting started, using templates, formatting and adding images in Microsoft Publisher. Registration required. FEATURES FAMILY STORYTIME: MONEY SMART WEEK April 22, 6:00-6:45 pm · Riverside Library FIT TO PAGE SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILIES | EL DÍA DE LOS NIÑOS/EL DÍA DE LOS LIBROS April 30, 6:00-7:00 pm • Riverside Library Be like the Lorax and speak for the trees! Find out how to conserve and preserve. Instead of throwing out paper, learn how to make your own recycled paper with a blender and pressing screens. (Grades 3-5) Registration required. Join us for a family storytime and crafts for children of all ages and their families while celebrating El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros. El Día de los Niños / El Día de Los Libros: Celebre el Día de Los Niños/Día de Los Libros con cuentos y manualidades para niños de todas las edades y sus familias. CHILDREN | A FANCY NANCY PARTY April 29, 3:00-4:00 pm • Erie Community Library SPECIAL EVENTS Are you tres charming? The superb and splendiferous are needed for a special storytime celebrating our favorite jeweled and accessoried super sleuth. Wear your fanciest attire! (Ages 3+) Registration required. ADULT | PORTION DISTORTION April 29, 6:00-7:30 pm King Soopers, 6922 10th Street, Greeley Click here to view all programs offered by HPLD. Click here to view the current storytime session schedule. Click here to view the technology class schedule. ALL AGES | POETRY IN YOUR POCKET DAY April 30 • Lincoln Park Library Join this national celebration of poetry and carry a short poem with you during the day. We will provide pockets with mystery poems inside. All you have to do is...take one! 13 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS You know you’re eating the right foods. You exercise, have cut out soda, donuts and chips, and your diet is pretty healthy overall, right? Not could be sabotaging yourself and not even know it. How do you measure your food accurately? What is a portion? A serving? Is a cup of spinach packed or loose? Don’t let “super-sized” get the best of you! Learn tricks to control portions without feeling hungry as King Soopers’ Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Mara McGuin helps you avoid the pitfalls of portion distortion. We will be meeting in the entryway (near the produce section) of King Soopers. Participants must be 18 years and older. Registration required. PREVIOUS PAGE FEATURES CHILDREN | SPEAK FOR THE TREES April 28, 4:00-5:00 pm • Erie Community Library FIT TO PAGE FEATURES Carbon Valley Regional Library 2650 West 29th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 1-888-861-READ(7323) 7 Park Avenue, Firestone, CO 80504 1-888-861-READ(7323) Eaton Public Library Erie Community Library Farr Regional Library 132 Maple Avenue, Eaton, CO 80615 (970) 454-2189 400 Powers Street, Erie, CO 80516 1-888-861-READ(7323) 1939 61st Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634 1-888-861-READ(7323) Fort Lupton Public & School Library Glenn A. Jones, M.D. Memorial Library Hudson Public Library 425 S. Denver Ave., Fort Lupton, CO 80621 (303) 857-7180 400 S. Parish Avenue, Johnstown, CO 80534 (970) 587-2459 Centennial Park Library 2227 23rd Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634 1-888-861-READ(7323) 555 Main Street, Hudson, CO 80642 (303) 536-4550 Kersey Library Lincoln Park Library Northern Plains Public Library 413 1st Street, Kersey, CO 80644 1-888-861-READ(7323) 919 7th Street Suite 100, Greeley, CO 80631 1-888-861-READ(7323) 216 2nd Street, Ault, CO 80610 (970) 834-1259 Outreach Platteville Public Library Riverside Library & Cultural Center 2650 W. 29th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 1-888-861-READ(7323) 504 Marion Ave., Platteville, CO 80651 (970) 785-2231 3700 Golden St., Evans, CO 80620 1-888-861-READ(7323) PREVIOUS PAGE 14 NEXT PAGE LOCATIONS Administration & Support Services SPECIAL EVENTS LIBRARIES FIT TO PAGE PUBLIC COMPUTER CENTERS Lochbuie (Senior Center) Milliken 1100 37th Street, Evans, CO 80620 (970) 475-1125 501 Willow Drive, Lochbuie, CO 80603 (303) 659-8262 1109 Broad Street, Milliken, CO 80543 (970) 660-5045 Nunn (Town Hall/Community Center) Pierce (Plains Market) 185 Lincoln Avenue, Nunn, CO 80648 (970) 897-2385 139 West Main Street, Pierce, CO 80650 (970) 834-2150 FEATURES Evans (Community Complex) AFFILIATED LOCATIONS 1100 37th Street, Evans, CO 80620 (970) 475-1125 Hazel E. Johnson Research Center at the City of Greeley Museum 714 8th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 350-9220 Poudre Learning Center 8313 West F Street, Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 352-1267 BOOK DEPOSITS Hill & Park Senior Center Milliken Senior Center 42089 WCR 70, Briggsdale, CO 80611 4205 Yosemite Dr., Greeley, CO 80634 1101 Broad Street, Milliken, CO 80543 Pierce Senior Center Prairie View Senior Center 321 Main, Pierce, CO 80650 1151 Main St., Hudson, CO 80632 PREVIOUS PAGE 15 LOCATIONS Briggsdale Library SPECIAL EVENTS City of Evans Museum NEXT PAGE
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