June Assignments:
Altar Rep:
Bev Williams
Altar Flowers:
David & Margie Ekkel
Jack & Mary Butterick
Max & Yvonne Lee
David White
Coffee Hosts:
June Birthdays
Bev Williams, Marc Miller,
Marjorie Salata, Jim Rynberg
Mike, Michelle & Maggie Sweet, Ann Werner
___, ___, ___, ___
Jerry & Helen Miller, ____
Beth Hooker
Dean Morehouse
Al Smalligan
Jack Butterick
Georgia Paxton & Shirley Hooker
Jack & Rosemary Tittle
Max & Yvonne Lee
Mat & Deb Emerick
Prep & Serve
Beth Hooker Michelle Sweet
Helen Miller Clair Shively
Clair Shively Beth Hooker
Ryan St. Peter
Lauren McKivitz
Samuel Sweet
Frank Blain
Janice Stone
Bob Erber
Harlow Redding
Ken Hall
Barbara Lindner
Pat Peccia
Pam Jorden
P.T. Lindner
Norma Purvis
David VandenBelt
Gage Cooper
Lissa Denney
Jim Rynberg
Helen Jane Carbine
Angela Pullman
Ted Caris
June Anniversaries
Miles & Ruth Cowles
Mat & Deb Emerick
10Miles Jr. & Sara Cowles
24 Clair & Linda Shively
Max & Yvonne Lee
Ted & Jeannie Caris
Roger & Becky Tuuk
David & Linda White
Pastor Ray’s Ramblings:
When progress creates egress.
That is a matter for consideration not
only for the future of our
congregation but the denomination
and our place in it. A recent
“National Review” editorial by David French was titled “If
you want to destroy Your Church, Follow Liberal's Advice.”
This seems to be a very inflammatory thesis at first glance.
But as a person probes deeper into the premise there seems to
be a correlation. The three most progressive denominations in
the US in regards to theological and cultural positions are the
Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church in the USA and
the United Church of Christ, our current affiliation. Each of
these mainline churches believe that the best way to grow a
church is to take no positions on issues of sexual morality,
biblical authority or acknowledging that the atonement of
Jesus Christ is the only means of bridging the chasm that
exists between a sinful humanity and a holy and just God. If
these positions are the default position then one must wonder
why this “progress” creates egress rather than influx. The
PCUSA has lost 25% of its members in the last 5 years. If
current demographic trends continue it will cease to exist
within 15-20 years. Our UCC has lost 38% of its membership
since the year 2000. Worship attendance shows even greater
losses. The denomination, under current trends has a life
expectancy of, at the most, a couple more decades. There are
a host of reasons for these trends, but most important in the
ramblings of my mind is the fact that the mainline churches
have neglected to remain true to Scriptures and the “sine qua
non” (without which nothing) of the Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. It no longer represents what the world really needs;
that is, a salvation based on a core of immutable certainties
and given through the Son of God. The mainline church has
become sideline.
Polls also make clear that the “nones” are also increasing
in percentage. These are individuals that have given up on
church and they no longer seek or expect anything from it. Is
it possible that an organization that is open to anything really
has nothing to offer? What does this imply for believers who
are part of the mainline church? As French says, “In the short
to medium term, it means more cultural conflict and more
cultural division – with only one certain path to extinction:
theological liberalization and cultural conformity.”
We must be vigilant to remain true to our Lord. Scripture
defines church as “those who are called out” from this world
(the word ecclesiastical derives from this) to identify with our
faithful Lord and Savior and therefore be light and salt to
culture. The church is the original counter culture. Consider
these things, probe and crave truth as this month you are
called to make a decision for this local church that will affect
us and the future very much.
Book Circle:
Our next get together will be Tuesday,
June 16 at NOON (12:00) at the home of Bev
Williams. If you need directions to Bev’s or a ride call Ann
Werner (924-0192).
Everyone is asked to bring a salad of any kind (greens,
dessert kind, jello or any type). No table service is necessary.
Please note the time (12:00 Noon). There will be no
book review - just a social gathering.
Just a reminder that the special congregational meeting will
be held Sunday after church service on June 14th in
Fellowship Hall. The proposal presented by the Council
will be to amend the First Congregational Church UCC of
Fremont's Constitution so that we dissolve our relationship
with the UCC denomination. The motion to accomplish this
can either be voted up or down or referred back to the
Council. It cannot be amended or changed in any other
way. Although only members can vote on the issue, we
encourage our non-member "Friends" to comment, ask
questions or give opinions during the meeting.
Members requesting an absentee ballot can request one at
any time. These requests should be made to Lorene, church
Secretary, Shirley Brooks, Clerk or any member of the
Council. The eligibility of those who requested an absentee
ballot will be determined and those members that qualify
will receive a ballot. Deadline to return the ballots will be
noon, Sunday , June 8th . Voters can return their ballots to
the church secretary, Lorene by June 8th.
Members and "Friends" are encouraged to pick up the
Committee's 18 page report which will be on the tables in
the Narthex. We need an educated voter to make such an
important decision. This issue requires much praying and
learning if we are to fulfill our obligations as members.
Music News:
June will be the last time the Choir
and Gospel Singers will present music in
the worship service this season. These
groups will take a summer break and be
back singing in the Fall.
The Praise Group will continue to sing in the service on
the fourth Sunday of each month and possibly more often for
something special.
Throughout the summer music will be provided by Jack
Brooks, Deb Emerick and others from the congregation.
Guests will also be invited to present music throughout the
The music department has special appreciation for
Roger Tuuk, David Vandenbelt and Bob Erber who so
willingly volunteer throughout the year on the keyboard and
organ. Also, Rick St. Peter our faithful sound person and
Jonathan Tuuk and Marc Miller who fill in when Rick is
We look forward to a summer of special music and to
hearing our Choir/Gospel singers in the Fall.
Special thanks to Roger & Becky Tuuk for hosting a pot
luck at their home for everyone involved with the music
Financial Update $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Jan 1 - May 24
Pledged Non Pledged Loose Offering Overall total
We will see you on June 8th.
Year to date budget $53,681 $12,887
Year to date received $48,883 $13,777
Over/(Under) budget $(4,798) $ 890
$ 742
Our Church Family:
Health Concerns ~
Volunteers Needed:
Volunteers are needed to setup/take down at
the 8 Annual Christ Caris Memorial Fishing for
Kids event, on June 23. The event is held at the
east end of Fremont Lake Park. Setup begins
around 6 a.m. and finished before the children
arrive at 8 a.m. Take down begins around 1:30 and
finished within an hour or so. Volunteers don’t
have to remain on site between setup/take down. A large truck will
be needed to pick up items stored at our church. The Sweets are
unable to attend this year’s event (Setup/Take down Captains).
Mike has a video/report of what needs to be done. Please contact
Jeannie Caris cell 616-634-2654 or home 924-5924.
Jim Morse is dealing with some
health issues and has been a patient at
Mercy Hospital.
Judy Ramm spent a couple days at
Gerber with a blot clot. She continues to
cope with her cancer.
Jane Carbine has been diagnosed with liver cancer and
has moved to the Poppen House in Muskegon.
Chuck Price has been having some health concerns.
They hope to return to Fremont the first part of June.
Violin Recital:
From the Crafters:
Special thanks to the Woodshop
People for all the many projects they do
for the church craft sale.
They also recently designed and make a beautiful heavy
duty work station on wheels for the crafters to use when they
need to pound, saw or hot glue things. This will help protect
our other tables.
They also recently made wood boxes which the praise
group will use to set mic stands for more height.
Both the work station and the mic boxes will be used a
lot and are very much appreciated.
Thank you Woodshop!!
This month we will be featuring
two violin students that participate in
our strings program here at the First
Congregational Church. We are excited
about music and we use opportunities
like this to serve our Lord and the community. We often play at
The Trillium and we played for the Christmas Festival downtown
last year.
This program began when Lucille Spinner, a former school
music teacher, came to Fremont to teach and also conducted the
Newaygo County Community Orchestra. First Congregational was
gracious enough to open their doors and hearts to this program.
Last month Lucille participated in the performance of the
Messiah with the Newaygo County Community Choir. This month
her students will be in a recital here in the sanctuary on Saturday,
May 30 at 4:30 p.m. Come one, come all. The students will also be
participating in our worship on Sunday, June 21.