MINUTES BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING CITY OF FREMONTHILLS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of he Board of Aldermen of the City of Fremont Hills was called to order by Luke Davis, President of the Board, at 6:05 PM on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at Fremont Hills Country Club, 1953 Fremont Hills Drive, Nixa, MO 65714. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The pledge of allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Jeanette Curtiss, Deputy City Clerk, called the roll (a quorum was present): Mayor Tom Tobin Ann Littell Mills, Alderman, Ward 1 Luke Davis, Alderman, Ward 2 Alisa Lowry, Alderman, Ward 3 Absent Present Present Present Kevin Jansen, Alderman, Ward 1 Bud Addington, Alderman, Ward 2 Randy West, Alderman, Ward 3 Absent Present Present City officials present: Scott Christensen, City Project Manager; Matt Growcock, City Attorney and Jeanette Curtiss, Deputy City Clerk. Visitors Present: Officer Keith Mills, Christian County Sheriff’s Department. MAYOR’S COMMENTS TO THE BOARD. No comments from Luke Davis, President of the Board. OPEN FLOOR TO VISITORS. No comments to come before the Board. COMMENTS FROM ALDERMEN. Scapes generally did a good job with snow removal--cul de sacs could have been plowed better. CONSENT AGENDA: Sheriff’s Dept. Community Crime Report. Officer Keith Mills, with the Christian County Sheriff’s Department, addressed questions from the Board relating to the 2014 annual crime report for the City of Fremont Hills (report was prepared by Detective Mike Wells). The report contains not only information from the officers patrolling our City, but also other calls that come into dispatch. After general discussion, the Board felt it beneficial to get data, monthly, on incidents the officers experience while on their patrol shift (officers could make notes of incidents on their time sheets), and we would like the crime report on a quarterly basis rather than annually (with dates and times). Officer Mills will discuss these changes with Detective Wells—they may need to prepare these statistics during their scheduled time working for the City. Officer Mills made the Board aware they can’t release any information that is a part of an open investigation. Officer Mills had no new information to report on the recent burglary and attempted burglary. Approval of January 15, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the January 15, 2015 regular meeting minutes as presented was made by Bud Addington, with Ann Littell Mills seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Page 1 of 4 Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Expenses To Be Paid. Jeanette Curtiss presented the treasurer’s report and expenses to be paid ($31,350 for bond debt, $15,695.51 for general fund and $26,141.80 for sewer fund). A motion to approve the treasurer’s report and expenses to be paid was made by Randy West, with Alisa Lowry seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. RFP Audit Services. Jeanette Curtiss obtained 4 proposals for our annual audit (Decker & DeGood/2014-$3,950, 2015-$4,050, and 2016 -$4,150; Taylor Green PC/2014-$6,500, 2015-$7,000 and $2016-$7,500; KPM/$11,500 all three years, and one firm declined to submit a proposal). After general discussion, a motion to accept the three-year proposal from Decker and DeGood was made by Ann Littell Mills, with Randy West seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. CC Hwy. Fence Damage Repair/Bids. Scott Christensen reported damage to a couple sections of black fencing on the west end of the CC Hwy. entrance. The highway patrol did not have an accident report on record that may have indicated how the fence was damaged. Bids Scott Christensen received for the fence repair were: Carnahan White/$2,295 and Whisler Construction/$1680 (other vendors contacted did not respond to our request for a bid). A motion to accept the bid from Whisler Construction was made by Ann Littell Mills, with Bud Addington seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Bill #264-2015/Ordinance #264-2015 Amending Intergovernmental Agreement For County Sales Tax Distribution Of Funds. The City was awarded $106,783 from the 2015 pool of sales tax distribution funds from the County for street-related projects—we requested $239,018. The County made changes to the previously approved intergovernmental agreement (provisions for unused funds and an annual accounting of funds spent). Bill #264-2015 was read in its entirety on the first reading. A motion to approve Bill #264-2015 on the first reading was made by Alisa Lowry, with Bud Addington seconding the motion. The motion was approved by roll call vote with the ayes being: Bud Addington, Luke Davis, Ann Littell Mills, Alisa Lowry and Randy West—there were no nay votes. A motion to dispense with the second reading was made by Randy West, with Ann Littell Mills seconding the motion. The motion was approved by roll call vote with the ayes being: Bud Addington, Luke Davis, Ann Littell Mills, Alisa Lowry and Randy West—there were no nay votes. A motion to adopt Bill #264-2015 as Ordinance #2642015 was made by Alisa Lowry, with Ann Littell Mills seconding the motion. The motion was approved by roll call vote with the ayes being: Bud Addington, Luke David, Ann Littell Mills, Alisa Lowry and Randy West—there were no nay votes. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: Planning and Zoning. Scott Christensen reported that the request for a fence variance for Beth and Kalon Mitchell was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the variance was written into covenants and restrictions for the Mitchell Addition. A question was asked about the garden ordinance as people will want to start planting soon—the garden proposal did not pass last year, and Planning and Zoning would have to make the decision to revive it. Sewer. Scott Christensen reported that the new pump has been installed--we haven’t gotten an estimate on the pump rebuild. The service road gravel project is completed. Our DNR permit expires in September (paperwork has to be submitted in March). It’s a 5-year permit, and our plant operator doesn’t anticipate any permit renewal problems. Jeanette Curtiss spot checked the sludge hauling manifests for January, 2015 with the City of Springfield--all were accurate. Casey’s should be starting anytime—they are applying with DNR for the sewer extension. Page 2 of 4 (BOA Meeting Minutes—2-19-2015) Beautification. We need to check with Kevin Jansen on the flyer he was going to prepare for a Drury student project—revamping landscaping at the three entrances. OLD BUSINESS: Update On Security Camera Install. Luke Davis reported the project is at the stage of fabricating the metal box to house the equipment inside the bricked structure. He will get the box dimensions to Scott Christensen and Alisa Lowry to look at box options. The access door dimensions are 12” x 12” and the tempered/anti-glare glass is 16” x12”/$200 for the glass without metal frame and access door. Jeanette Curtiss was asked to send samples of signage for the structure to Matt Growcock for his approval of the language. Update On Website Enhancements. Luke Davis has gotten a few more aldermen bios—we need to give Jordan Needham recommendations on the home page. The analytics have been reinstalled—Luke Davis shared those statistics with the Board. Emergency Management Plan Update. The Fremont Hills Country Club has allowed us to use their facility in the event of an emergency--Alisa Lowry will make a change on page 16/Facilities to show that we are located in the club facility (not the parking lot). We have prepared a list of CERT-trained residents (taken from the class roster from the session held in the City) and an emergency contact phone numbers list. The next stage is to present the plan to Phil Amtower for feedback. The facility use agreements and County agreement are awaiting update from the County. Luke Davis volunteered to present the new facility use agreement to the Fremont Hills Country Club when prepared. Ward Population Rebalancing. The Board decided to table the issue until after the election. We may want to form a special committee to evaluate the wards and/or ask more assistance from Josie Block to look at more rebalancing scenarios. Liability Insurance Coverage. Matt Growcock discussed the issue of liability insurance coverage should a non-employee, city-related accident happen on private property that is utilized by the City for City business. Matt Growcock recommends, as does our insurance broker, that we inquire with the underwriter (MOPERM) about a lease arrangement that would make the City’s insurance primary if such an accident were to occur. In the short-term, if a lease is permitted and the private property added as an additional insured, then it accomplishes this goal—in the long-run, we may want to work towards the goal of constructing a city hall. At our next meeting we may want to form a committee to look at city hall options. Update On Water Loop. Scott Christensen reported that the new Ozark water tower should be online in July. After Ozark conducted professional studies of the water infrastructure, they learned that the Cassidy Addition line doesn’t connect to the rest of Fremont Hills. The City of Ozark is looking at connecting the Cassidy Addition line to Fremont Hills at Spyglass/Winged Foot Drive and another connection at Fremont Hills Drive—a 12” line that will provide a backfill water supply to 6” lines to help with supply demands during peak usage. Update On Natural Gas. Jeanette Curtiss reported that Missouri Gas Energy is continuing their feasibility study of installing natural gas inside our City—nothing new to report at this time. Page 3 of 4 (BOA Meeting Minutes 2-19-2015) NEW BUSINESS Street Repair/Resurfacing Project. Scott Christensen reported that APAC is looking at our project—we may piggyback onto a City of Ozark project. Bore samples of certain areas will be taken after the snow is gone. We will check for failing areas and repair those first, then plan a 1.5” overlay on the most heavily traveled streets and some of the areas that did not get the MAQ resurfacing (the double barrel to the club, all of Interlochen to Pasatiempo, all of Pasatiempo, Greenbriar, south Greenbriar/Rolling Hills intersection and south to Shinnecock, including Shinnecock). Milling will be done along the edges for those streets getting the overlay—it will make them flush with the street gutters. Ozark would write the spec for us for bidding. We may want to contact Ozark Special Road District to see if they have an interest in bidding this project as well. 2014 Sheriff Patrol Data. Alisa Lowry presented an analysis she prepared on the contracted officer patrols for the City, looking at various patterns relating to day of the week/time of day, etc. The Board discussed reviewing the data to see if schedules need to be modified, etc. and make recommendations at our next meeting—we may want the officers to patrol in one-hour time frames instead of two-hour shifts. We may also want them constantly moving unless doing traffic stops or checking something. Discussion of Breed Specific Dog Prohibition Ordinance. Ann Littell Mills would like the Board to review our animal control ordinances, in general, and make suggestions that would improve our codes and make for a more cohesive animal control code. Suggested language in a handout she circulated to the Board came from the City of Ozark. Matt Growcock recommended some language in the code that doesn’t prohibit properly documented service dogs. It was decided to discuss animal control ordinances further at our next meeting. Luke Davis made the Board aware that before the meeting a resident questioned whether some fencing had been removed along Rolling Hills, between Fremont Hills and Fair Haven, after it was damaged. They thought maybe as many as four panels had been removed and never replaced. Scott Christensen was not aware of any that had been removed but will see if he can tell by looking at the area—Luke Davis will check a dated view on Google Earth to see if it shows any extra panels. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further discussion to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn was made by Ann Littell Mills, with Randy West seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 9:07 PM. CITY OF FREMONT HILLS By: ___________________________________ T. T. Tobin, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Jeanette Curtiss, Deputy City Clerk Page 4 of 4 (BOA Meeting Minutes 2-19-2015)
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