Garden Party of the Century – Highlights Updated: April 19, 2015

Garden Party of the Century – Highlights
Updated: April 19, 2015
Saturday, May 9th – Garden Party of the Century (9 am to 4 pm)
9 AM to 9 PM - Flower Show “Our Park Our Treasure 1915-2015” Hosted by the San Diego
Floral Association (Balboa Park Club)
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Kids Floral Wagon Parade
Following the Parade - Marine Corps Ceremonial Plant Exchange and Cabrillo Bridge March
12:30 PM - Maxfield Rubbish Oddly Alluring Flea Circus (Plaza de Panama)
1:00 PM – David Kamatoy – Amazing Juggling Experience (Plaza de Panama)
1 PM – TOUR San Diego Floral Association: (Balboa Park Botanical Building Tour)
1:30 PM – Maxfield Rubbish Oddly Alluring Flea Circus (Plaza de Panama)
2:00 pm - David Kamatoy – Amazing Juggling Experience (Plaza de Panama)
2 PM – TOUR Park Ranger Led Tour: Ranger’s will led a “100 Years – 100 Trees Tour”.
2:30 PM – Maxfield Rubbish Oddly Alluring Flea Circus (Plaza de Panama)
3:00 PM – David Kamatoy – Amazing Juggling Experience (Plaza de Panama)
3 PM – TOUR Friends of Balboa Park: Tour of the Adopt-A-Plot Gardens
4 PM – Youth Orchestra of the Californias Concert (Organ Pavilion)
*Note: All Walking Tours will begin at the Plaza de Panama Information Booth.
All Day Events on May 9, 2015
All Day – Spanish Village Artisans’ will be making floral inspired creations
All Day - Horticulture Experts will provide free consultations
All Day - Garden Tours (Plaza de Panama)
All Day – Gardening Talks by the San Diego Master Gardens (Located at the Botanical Building)
100 free Balboa Park 2015 geraniums to the first 100 mothers during the Floral Wagon Parade
100 free Cork Oak Tree saplings to the first 100 elementary age children during the Parade.
All Day – Painters, Photographers and Artists will be painting, photographing, and providing art
experiences throughout the Park.
Plein Aire, Photographers, and Local Artist.
Spanish Village Plein Aire Artist – All Day at the Morton Bay Fig Tree and throughout the
park. Painting will be available for sale in Spanish Village.
Pacific Photographic Society – Pacific Photographic Society will have a “1915 Photo Booth” at
their booth along El Prado. They will also capture history unfold throughout the park. Photos will
be available for free to view at:
Local Artist – various local artists have created performances, images, sound, and installations
specifically for the day’s event throughout the Park. *Examples of the work: We will have
performances of a Flea Circus in our new “Living Room” on the Plaza de Panama, a sound
installation throughout the day at the Balboa Park Carousel, and free post cards will be handed
out based on Kate Sessions in the Plaza de Panama.
Garden Party of the Century – Highlights
Updated: April 19, 2015
Garden & Horticultural Tours
San Diego Rose Society: Ongoing walking tours of the Ineze Grant Parker Rose Garden.
San Diego Floral Association: Balboa Park Botanical Building Tour: Tour will begin at 1 pm.
Meet at the Botanical Building entrance.
Park Ranger Led Tour: Ranger’s will led a “100 Years – 100 Trees Tour”. Scheduled start time
2 pm. Meet at the Plaza de Panama Info booth
Friends of Balboa Park: Tour of the Adopt-A-Plot Gardens adopted during the 2015 Centennial
at 3 PM. Meet at the Plaza de Panama Info booth.
San Diego Master Gardener Talks
San Diego Master Gardeners will be at the “speaker’s tent” all day. Approximately 45 minute
talks/demonstrations. Tent will be located on the Botanical Building Lawn.
Horticulture Experts, Garden Groups, & Educational Organizations
The experts, garden groups and educational organizations will be located along the El Prado, Plaza de
Panama, Botanical Building Lawn, Fig Tree Lawn, and at the Balboa Park Club.