6th INTERNATIONAL MEETING FUEGORED 2015 Organizers: Málaga 18th-‐21st November 2015 Web: fuegored2015.uma.es Campus Internacional Andalucía Tech. Partners: INFOCA. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Territorio, Junta de Andalucía. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Ojén Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Marbella Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo Coordinators: ORGANIZER COMMITEE •José Damián Ruiz Sinoga y Juan F. Mar^nez Murillo (departamento de geogra`a, Universidad de Málaga) Secretary: •Paloma Hueso González (departamento de geogra`a, Universidad de Málaga). Colaborators: • Miguel Ángel Catalina Mimendi y Adriano Vázquez Mora (Cuerpo OperaJvo Provincial, Plan INFOCA, Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio). • José Jesús Delgado Peña (departamento de geogra`a, Universidad de Málaga). • Dania Abdul Malik (European Topic Centre, Universidad de Málaga). The 6th Fuegored InternaJonal meeJng 2015 brings together scienJsts, professionals and authoriJes dealing with wildfire researches, immediate soil protecJon against post-‐fire erosion, and land and ecosystem management aRer wildfire for restoraJon purposes in the current framework of Global Change. This meeJng is promoJng the parJcipaJon of young researchers, PhD. and undergraduate students by means of a seminar specialized on topics related to widlfires and their impact on ecosystem, soils and society. The aim is to enhance the cooperaJon between naJonal and internaJonal research groups, local authoriJes, companies and associaJons to innovate, develop new technologies and methods for a beXer pre and post-‐management of wildfires. The Fuegored InternaJonal meeJng is a key scienJfic event due to the next year 2015 is the InternaJonal Year of Soils being supported by the Spanish Society of Soil Science. SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE • David Badía Villas (Universidad de Zaragoza, España). • Antonio Bento (Universidade do Minho, Portugal). • Artemi Cerdà (Universitat de València, España). • Montserrat Díaz Raviña (InsJtuto de InvesJgaciones Agrobiológicas, CSIC, España). • Antonio Jordán (Universidad de Sevilla, España). • Jan Jacob Keizer (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal). • Jorge Mataix-‐Solera (Universidad Miguel Hernández, España). • CrisJna MonJel Molina (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España). • Daniel Moya Navarro (Universidad de CasJlla-‐La Mancha, España). • Jonay Neris (Universidad de La Laguna, España). • Jesús Notario del Pino (Universidad de La Laguna, España). • Paulo Pereira (Mykolas Romeris University, Lituania). • Sergio A. Prats (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal). • Guillermo Rein (Imperial College of London, Reino Unido). • José Damián Ruiz Sinoga (Universidad de Málaga, España). • CrisJna San^n Nuño (University of Swansea, Reino Unido). • Xavier Úbeda Cartañá (Universitat de Barcelona, España). • Lorena M. Zavala (Universidad de Sevilla, España). HONOR COMITTE •D. Fco. Javier Madrid Rojo (D.G. GesJón del Medio Natural, Junta de Andalucía, España) •Excmo. Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Ojén (Málaga, España). •Excma. Alcaldesa de Marbella (Málaga, España). • Emilio Ferre Bueno (Profesor emérito, Universidad de Málaga, España). REGISTRATION Early registraJon is opened from November 30th, 2014 unJl September 30th, 2015. RegistraJon form. The registraJon payment is done via bank transfer to: IBAN ES24 2103 0146 96 0030028661. It is required to indicate the following reference: 80301660. VENUE 1 Edificio de invesNgación Ada Byron. Universidad de Málaga. VENUE 2 Salón de Actos del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Ojén. The payment document has to be submiXed to [email protected] Also, students should send a document proven their legal condiJon of student. Should you need an invoice, please, contact to organizers. FEES DEADLINES 30/11/2014: First update. Opening of early registraJon for seminar and Fuegored meeJng. 31/05/2015: Deadline for abstract submission. 30/06/2015: Acceptance of abstracts and second update. 31/07/2015: Deadline to submit extended abstract to FLAMMA Journal. 30/09/2015: Deadline for early registraJon. 15/10/2015: Third and final update. 13/11/2015: Deadline for registraJon in seminar and meeJng. 18/11/2015: Seminar: "Wildfires and Impacts on Ecosystems and Society” 19-‐21/11/2015: 6th Fuegored InternaNonal MeeNng 2015. Before sep. 30th AIer sep. 30th Full-‐registraMon (Seminar & MeeMng) Fuegored members 275€ 325€ Non-‐Fuegored members 325€ 375€ Students 120€ 150€ Only meeMng Fuegored members 250€ 300€ Non-‐Fuegored members 300€ 350€ Students 100€ 120€ Only 1st meeMng day Fuegored members 125€ 175€ Non-‐Fuegored members 175€ 225€ Students 60€ 80€ Seminar & only 1st meeMng day Fuegored members 150€ 200€ Non-‐Fuegored members 200€ 250€ Students 85€ 105€ Only seminar 25€ 25€ SCIENTIFIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAM (preliminary) Pre-‐meeJng day, Wednesday, 18th November. 18.30-‐19.30: RegistraJon and recepJon of parJcipants at the Mail Post Building, University of Málaga Rector’s Office. Cervantes Av. 3 (city centre). 19.30-‐21.00: Guided route through the Malaga historic centre. First day meeJng, Thursday, 19th November. Venue: Edificio de Inves6gación Ada Byron, Ampliación del Campus de Tea6nos, Universidad de Málaga. 8.30-‐9.00: RegistraJon and documentaJon for parJcipants. 9.00-‐9.15: Official opening of the 6th InternaJonal Fuegored MeeJng. 9.15-‐10.00: Key note 1: “Historical presence of wildfires in landscape”, CrisJna MonJel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 10.00-‐10.45: Key note 2: “Smouldering wildfires: when soil burns with no flames”. Guillermo Rein, Imperial College London (United Kingdom). 10.45-‐11.15: Coffee break. 11.15-‐12.00: Key note 3: “Forest fires in boreal regions”. Paulo Pereira, Mykolas Romaris Universitetas (Lithuania). 12.00-‐12.45: Key note 4: “Fire ecology”. Juli Pausas, Universitat de València (Spain). 19.00: Travel to Marbella (field trip area). AccommodaJon and dinner in Marbella Inturjoven Hostel. Second day meeJng, Friday, 20 de November. 9.00-‐18.00: Field trip to Barranco Blanco wildfire occurred in 2012. AccommodaJon and dinner in Marbella Inturjoven Hostel. Third day, Saturday, 21st November. Venue: Salón de Actos del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Ojén. 9.00-‐9.15: Opening ceremony in Ojén venue. 9.15-‐10.00: Key note 6: “La influencia de la meteorología severa sobre los incendios forestales en Málaga y sus técnicas de ex6nción”. José Mª Sáchez-‐ Laulhé Ollero (AEMET, España) y Miguel Ángel Catalina Mimendi, Infoca, COP-‐Málaga, Junta de Andalucía (España). 10.00-‐11.00: Oral presentaJons. 11.00-‐11.30: Coffee break. 11.30-‐12.30: Poster presentaJons. 12.45-‐13.30: Oral presentaJons. 12.30-‐13.30: Closing key note: “An overview of research into soil (fer6lity) losses in recently burnt areas in the Iberian Peninsula: what's next?” J.J. Keizer, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal). 13.30-‐15.00: Lunch. 13.30: MeeJng closing ceremony. 15.00-‐16.30: Oral presentaJons. 14.00-‐16.30: Fare lunch and awards. 16.30-‐17.00: Coffee break. 16.30: Back to Málaga by bus. 17.00-‐18.00: Key note 5: “Wildfires in Andalucia region”. Infoca, Andalucia Regional Government (Spain). 18.00-‐19.00: General Assembly of Fuegored ThemaJc Network. During the return to Málaga the bus will stop at the airport and railway and bus sta6ons for those par6cipants who request it. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS The scienJfic contribuJon is submiXed like-‐abstract following the supplied template in the congress webpage. Either Spanish or English language can be used to write the abstract. Abstracts should contain no more than 600 words and references are allowed. Authors can provide a maximum of 5-‐key words. The abstract should be submiXed to the email [email protected] before 2015, 31st May. Authors are invited to indicate whether their contribuJon is presented as oral or digital poster which consists in: -‐Oral communicaJon: oral presentaJon of 10 to 15 minutes + 2 minutes for quesJons*. -‐Digital poster: oral presentaJon of 2 to 5 minutes; no quesJons are allowed*. *The duraJon will be dependent on the number of contribuJons submiXed in both formats. FLAMMA Journal offers the possibility to those authors interested in submi•ng an extended abstract from their contribuJon to the Fuegored meeJng. Should you indicate your interest when authors submit their abstract to the meeJng organizers. The deadline to submit the extended abstracto to FLAMMA is 31st July. The manuscript must be performed according to format rules of FLAMMA for authors and with a maximum length of 4 pages, including figures, tables and references. OTHER ACTIVITIES IN FUEGORED 2015 -‐BEST DIGITAL POSTER AWARD FUEGORED 2015 FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS In the Fuegored 2015 meeJng, the best digital poster presented by a young researcher will be awarded aRer the deliberaJon of a jury composed by senior researchers. ParJcipants: researchers under 35-‐years old in 19th November 2015. Award: Garmin GPS. Support: MONTEVIVO Company. -‐BEST PHOTO ON WILDFIRE AWARD 2015 ParJcipants are invited to submit their photos on wildfire topics. Further informaJon will be given shortly. PRE-‐MEETING SEMINAR: WILDFIRES AND IMPACTS ON ECOSYSTEMS AND SOCIETY (preliminary program) 8.30: Opening. 8.30-‐9.00: “El fuego y su impacto en los ecosistemas”, Artemi Cerdà, departamento de Geografia, Universitat de València (Spain). 9.00-‐9.45: “El papel del fuego en la vegetación mediterránea”, Fernando Ojeda, departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Cádiz (Spain). USEFUL INFORMATION ARRIVAL Malaga city is unbeatably well-‐connected to Spain and Europe by different means of transportaJon. For further informaJon, please, click in the following links: Airport: Aeropuerto de Málaga-‐Costa del Sol. Bus: estación de autobuses de Málaga. 9.45-‐10.30: “Efecto del fuego sobre las propiedades de los suelos”, Victoria Arcenegui, departamento de Edafología y Química agrícola, Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain). Train: estación de ferrocarril de Málaga. 10.30-‐11.15: “Impacto del fuego en la hidrofobia del suelo”, Ángel J. Gordillo-‐ Rivero y Jorge García Moreno, departamento de Cristalogra`a y Química Agrícola, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain). 11.15-‐11.30: Coffee break. ACCOMMODATION 11.30-‐12.15: “La importancia de las cenizas”, Paulo Pereira, Mikolas Romaris Universitetas (Lithuania). (Rates, including taxes) 12.15-‐13.00: “Los procesos de erosión post-‐incendio”, Jonay Neris, department of Geography, Swansea University (Wale, UK), y Óscar González Pelayo, departamento de Geogra`a, Universitat de València (Spain). 13.00-‐13.45: “Cartograha de incendios, severidad del fuego y regeneración vegetal post-‐incendio”, Daniel Moya Navarro, Universidad de CasJlla-‐La Mancha (Spain). Hotel Sur ** (40 a 50 €). Hotel Carlos V ** (50€) Hotel ZEUS ** (50 a 65 €) 13.45-‐14.45: Lunch. 14.45-‐15.30: “Tratamientos y manejo del suelo para reducir el impacto de la erosión post-‐incendio”, Sergio Prats, CESAM, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal). Hotel Guadalmedina **** (70€) 15.30-‐16.15: “Incendios forestales en el contexto global: tendencias actuales y futuras y sus implicaciones socio-‐económicas”, CrisJna San^n, department of Geography, Swansea University (Wale, UK). 16.15-‐17.15: “Gejng your research published and cited: insights from a journal editor”, Steffan Doerr, department of Geography, Swansea University (Wale, UK). Hotel Igh Eliseo *** (40€) Hotel Zenit *** (50€) Hotel Venecia *** (55 €) Hotel Soho Bahía Málaga*** (60€) Hotel Atarazanas *** (60€) Hotel del Pintor *** (65€) Hotel MS Maestranza Málaga **** (80 €) Hotel PeJt Palace Plaza Málaga **** (85€) Hotel Molina Larios **** (100€) Hotel AC Málaga Palacio **** (105€) CONTACT Secretary: Paloma Hueso-‐González. E-‐mail: [email protected] Juan F. Mardnez-‐Murillo. [email protected] Phone: +34 952 133446; Fax: +34 952 131700
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