IMPERIALISM, COLONIALISM, AND DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FALL 2014 INTA 2050 Agenda 1. Thought experiment 2. The causes of colonial expansion 3. Varia:ons in the experience and legacies of colonialism in La:n America, Asia and Africa 4. Colonialism as the source of inspira:on for the project of interna:onal development INTA 2050 It is the year 3000… INTA 2050 You are the Bill Gates of the time… INTA 2050 Growing pains for you… DECLINING RESOURCES CUTTHROAT COMPETITION Tons of Copper (in millions) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2080 2085 2090 2095 3000 3005 3010 3015 3020 INTA 2050 New India… with abundant copper? INTA 2050 Would you organize an exploration mission? INTA 2050 Huge find… with some problems ABUNDANT COPPER AND MORE… FLOURISHING CIVILIZATION OF HUMANOID ALIENS INTA 2050 They’re breathing down your neck… INTA 2050 Would you organize a mission to extract the resources? INTA 2050 Agenda 1. Thought experiment 2. The causes of colonial expansion 3. Varia:ons in the experience and legacies of colonialism in La:n America, Asia and Africa 4. Colonialism as the source of inspira:on for the project of interna:onal development INTA 2050 Source: Dutch trade routes ca.1690 Economic: resources and trade INTA 2050 Example: Spanish mining in Potosi, Bolivia INTA 2050 Political INTA 2050 El Cid Colonies Se\lement of occupied territories by colonists from imperial power Rule of those new colonists over indigenous popula:ons Ongoing poli:cal and economic links between the imperial power and the colonized territory Source: james-‐ INTA 2050 Juan Ponce de Leon Cecil Rhodes Source: h\p:// The “men on the spot” INTA 2050 In sum, three sets of explanations Economic: Sourcing of materials and resources, trade Poli:cal: The race among European powers for expansion, pres:ge Administra:ve: The “men on the spot” INTA 2050 Agenda 1. Thought experiment 2. The causes of colonial expansion 3. Varia9ons in the experience and legacies of colonialism in La9n America, Asia and Africa 4. Colonialism as the source of inspira:on for the project of interna:onal development INTA 2050 Describe the colonization process of… LATIN AMERICA ASIA AFRICA INTA 2050 Look for: Main European powers involved in region’s coloniza:on experience Years of colonial rule Method of coloniza:on and colonial rule (e.g. type of colonial administra:on, involvement of indigenous leaders) Characteris:cs of the indigenous popula:ons (e.g. technological sophis:ca:on, military power) INTA 2050 Latin America Guns, germs and exploita:on INTA 2050 Population collapse Indigenous Popula:on of Central Mexico 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1518 1532 1548 1568 1585 1595 1605 Popula:on (in millions) Source: Author with data from Borah and Cook (1969) INTA 2050 Asia Chartered companies, nego:a:on and exploita:on INTA 2050 The reign of the East India Company Ini:al difficul:es in South Asia • Similar stages of technological sophis:ca:on among Mughals – especially military technology • Resistance in Asia to European disease • Compe::on among English, Dutch, French and Portuguese trading companies vying to enter the Indian market But power of Mughal empire eventually weakened • East India Company develops overwhelming economic and poli:cal power, especially aier the late 18th century • Use of “indirect rule” INTA 2050 Africa Private companies, colonial administra:ons, and exploita:on INTA 2050 Dividing the continent Source: h\p:// File:ColonialAfrica_1914.png Colonial division of Africa ca. 1914 INTA 2050 Private companies and colonial administrations Private companies • Ini:al conquest • Infrastructure development Colonial administra:ons • Kept local leaders in lower rungs (indirect rule) of the administra:on • Codifica:on of local law INTA 2050 Legacies of colonial rule Correla:on between Colonialism and the Global South INTA 2050 Former European Colonies The Global South Legacies of colonial rule BUT varia:on across former colonies United States of America INTA 2050 Mexico Legacies of colonial rule AND varia:on within former colonies Source: h\p://‐more-‐south-‐american-‐travel-‐ ideas/ INTA 2050 Agenda 1. Thought experiment 2. The causes of colonial expansion 3. Varia:ons in the experience and legacies of colonialism in La:n America, Asia and Africa 4. Colonialism as the source of inspira9on for the project of interna9onal development INTA 2050 Colonial ideas and the development project European faith in cultural differences, European superiority INTA 2050 Europeans as bearers of a “higher” civiliza:on Ostensible goal of transforming, modernizing indigenous socie:es in a fundamental manner • Jus:fica:on for exploita:ve economic policies, government prac:ces, repression Source: h\p://sugar-‐ increasing-‐popula:on-‐ on-‐planta:ons.html Colonial ideas and the development project European faith in cultural differences, European superiority INTA 2050 European lifestyle = ideal lifestyle? In pursuing the ideal lifestyle, is it ok to transform people’s lives, uproot them, change their jobs, cast aside their customs and culture? Ques:on the idea that the European life is be\er, become culturally sensi:ve • Understand our assump:ons • Recognize the value of different lifestyles Colonial ideas and the development project Ini:al efforts to develop policies to benefit indigenous popula:ons, quell unrest Objec:ve s:ll to “modernize” those “backward” socie:es Post World War I and World War II project of development INTA 2050 Source: h\p:// File:Office_du_Niger_and_flame_tree.jpg Wrap-up Imperial powers pursued coloniza:on to expand their territories. They were driven in part by • Economic interests • Poli:cal ambi:ons • Men on the ground The impact of coloniza:on varied across and within regions, in part as a result of • Technological and disease-‐resistance differences among local popula:ons • Indigenous resource endowments • Coloniza:on approach favored by imperial powers INTA 2050 Wrap-up The long-‐las:ng impact of imperialism and colonialism on development can be observed in • The legacies of colonial rule in former colonies • The ideas and mo:va:ons driving the development project INTA 2050 For next class… Speeches by Presidents Truman and Mujica: What are the characteris:cs that the speakers associate with an ideal society? How do they propose that we promote the development of such ideal socie:es? What role do they assign to capitalism in the pursuit of this development of such ideal socie:es? INTA 2050 Extra slides INTA 2050 Imperialism Expansion of a poli:cal en:ty (e.g. kingdom, state) to new territories • Centralized rule in imperial seat of power • Trade and economic integra:on of new territories (extrac:on?) Source: h\p:// Spanish empire circa 1580 INTA 2050 In sum, the relationship between imperialism, colonialism and development… The ideas and assump:ons of European “higher” culture The ini:al means – projects – to pursue moderniza:on, quell unrest INTA 2050
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