FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF BELLEVUE 1934 108th Ave NE Bellevue WA 98004 Phone: 425-454-2059 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday School and nursery care is available. Rev. Steve Tarr, Pastor Nancy Berry, Congregational Care Laurie Edwards, Children and Families Judy Allen, Director of Communications Gay Norman, Office Manager The Clarion Volume 21 Issue 5 May 28, 2015 From the Pastor On Sunday May 17th we confirmed three of our young people. Delaney Edwards, Jaelin Gates and Sophia Hulet declared their commitment to the way of Christ and were welcomed into membership in FUMC Bellevue. Those of you who were present will remember the statements of faith that they made. Many of you were so impressed with what they said that you asked for copies. We are glad to oblige; on page 8 in this newsletter you will find a copy of what they said. In preparing her statement of faith, each confirmand had to come to terms with what she believed. Naturally enough, when you are dealing with concepts like God, the Church and discipleship, there is a lot to be worked through. Where each of them had the most trouble, though, was with our denomination’s stance on homosexuality. Even though our local church is inclusive, none of them was sure that they wanted to be part of an overall organization that discriminated. Since they all joined, you will recognize that they came to terms with their hesitation. They were each persuaded that they could be better voices for justice on the inside than outside. For that I am grateful. We need such passionate advocates for justice within our church. Our confirmation class was organized and led by Laurie Edwards. It included the three who were confirmed in our congregation and also Grace Park who is part of the Korean congregation. Mentors were Alice Morris, Cindy Bendixen and Phyllis Borland. My thanks to Laurie for doing the heavy lifting; and to Alice, Cindy and Phyllis for being the non-parental adult supporters and guides. Above all, on behalf of all of us, congratulations to each of our confirmands. We are proud of all of you! Grace and Peace, Steve Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 2 Adult Christian Formation Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study Monday Night Group Jesus is the Question Fitness, Faith and by Martin B. Copenhaver Friends begins their Thursday 5:30 — 7 pm at summer series of Cocina Oaxaca evening walks on 437 108th Ave NE Monday June 8 at 6 pm Facilitated by Alice Morris at Marymoor Park. We and ALL participants will walk the Bird Loop to observe the nesting Join the group for dinner herons, so bring your and discussion. The restau- binoculars. This will be a leisurely, family-friendly rant is near the Bellevue walk. From the main entrance to the park, use the transit center. Books are $15 payable to Laurie first parking lot on the right (near the Clise Edwards. All are invited. Mansion). We’ll meet in this lot; parking costs $1. To carpool, meet at the church by 5:30 pm. Book Discussion Group The Endowment Committee treated the The group is on summer congregation to strawberry cheesecake following worship on May 24th. It is an annual tradition that should not be missed! Check with the office for more information about how you can make a gift to the church. break. Join them next fall on the third Monday of most months at 7:15 pm in the Library for lively literary discussions! Everyone is welcome! Special Music Service! On June 7, we will have Feel the Spirit a special worship service that features The Celebration Singers, The Chancel Choir, and the choir from Lake Washington UMC. Together, we will sing a piece by the most popular British choral composer today, John Rutter. The piece is “Feel the Spirit,” and is seven arrangements of traditional spirituals. While the tunes will be mostly familiar, Rutter’s arrangements are stunning and sumptuous in their harmonies. I know you will enjoy this special music service! First Sunday Potluck June 7th is our next monthly potluck! There are many celebrations and events happening around this time so the potluck theme will be simple: "Coffee Hour and High Tea!" It will be a chance to mingle with the choir that will have just performed. Food can be bright and colorful, too, in honor of Seattle Pride! Think cookies, cucumber sandwiches, scones, mini quiches, etc. As usual, coffee and tea will be provided. Note: There will be no extra tables put up as we want people to be free to move around and mingle. Can't wait to see you on June 7th! Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 3 Notes from Nancy The first time I preached here was during the Advent season when pastor Beryl Ingram was incapacitated with a broken leg. I stepped into the pulpit, and the first words I uttered as I looked out at the congregation were “My goodness! You’re all so far away!” I’m pleased that we have grown closer in these past nine years. You have taught me about pancake races, building scarecrows on the lawn, and locking up the alleluias until Easter. We have laughed together, sung together, eaten together, and walked together. We have also grieved together at memorial services for many beloved members. I have been honored to share the journey with all of you. I will continue to have some connection with this faith community—but it will be a different relationship than we have now. Please pray for me and also for the Skyway UMC congregation as we seek to discern where God is leading us next. My prayer for you is from Ephesians 1: 16-18: “I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints.” Peace and blessings, Nancy B. Retirement Party for Nancy Berry On June 21 we will celebrate Nancy’s retirement after nine years of service. As Director of Congregation Care she has provided personal support to our members by visiting homebound, hospitalized and grieving people. She coordinates the Congregational Care Team events such as decorating for Celebrate Summer with the Easter Brunch, the Earth-Friendly Gardening events and Advent grief support group. She Neighborhood: also helps with planning summer Taize services, Friday, June 19th, 10 am – 12 noon at Bovee Park teaches the Monday night classes and coordi- (soon to be renamed Zumdieck Park, south of nates walking groups. the church on 108th Ave). Bubbles and hula Show your appreciation and send her off to hoops for the kids, coffee for the adults, and a retirement on Sunday, June 21. Join us in the chance to get to know our neighbors for every- parlor after the service for a light luncheon. one! Please RSVP by June 15th. Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 4 Children and Youth Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the wonderful Sunday School teachers who have given so much to our children this year. Thanks to: Alice Morris, Kathy Kugler, Becky Reese, Betty and Wayne Bruning, John McGuire, and Steve Pollard for leading our youth sermon discussion group each Sunday, giving our youth an opportunity to stay in worship with us and to learn how to apply the sermon to their daily lives. Brieanne Allen for her work with the older elementary children, well crafted lessons and a deep foundation of knowledge! Susan Ramsey, Lise Richardson, Anika Dubois and Darlene Pollard for their work with the younger children, their incredible patience and kindness, and their engaging lesson plans and crafts! What’s new with VBA this year? This year’s G-Force Vacation Bible Adventure promises to be as exciting as always, with plenty of twists and turns thrown in as we learn to live, move and act in God. Children from Mary’s Place (a homeless day shelter for women and children in Seattle) will be joining us as always, but this year they are supplying a bus driver (phew!). Also, in addition to providing lunch for them each day, we’ll be making sure that none of them start the morning hungry. Lastly, we’re hoping to give them all a chance to scooter, bike and pogo stick, adventures which tie in with this year’s theme! Another change will be that we are not doing crafts for ourselves, but rather for others. We’ll focus our attention on elderly people and what their experience of the world is like and our crafts will focus on their needs. For instance, we’ll be using sewing machines (yes, really!) to make walker/wheelchair bags to give away. Gretchen Frey for her work in the nursery, and her energy and enthusiasm for our youngest children! Susan Ramsey, Pam Dean, Lillian Eaton, Shirley Hirsch, Janna Miller, Cindy Bendixen, Trina McCarrell, Darlene Hamilton, Betty Bruning, Clara Poole and Hilary Simard for lending a hand in the nursery, cuddling babies and entertaining toddlers! Phyllis Borland and her band of tireless Roamers, keeping our hallways safe and lending a hand wherever needed! Sunday School and the nursery are where it all starts, where faith, the decision to follow Jesus, and the knowledge that God is with you always, takes hold. Please join me in saying thanks to these tireless role models and faithful servants! Vacation Bible Adventure Wish List: There are many ways you can help: Pray for the leaders and the children! Provide a lunch one day for about 30 people, including the kids from Mary’s Place. Provide some breakfast cereal, fruit, milk and juice for those who come hungry. Lend us your children’s bikes, scooters, roller skates, skateboards, roller blades and other wheeled toys! We’re going to set up an area in the back of the parking lot where the Mary’s Place kids can learn some new skills! Provide some new bike helmets! Volunteer! We still need plenty of help with science experiments, daily snacks, Bible story dramas, supervising lunchtime and much more! THANKS! See Laurie to help in whatever ways you can! Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 5 The Work Bench, an Update from the Trustees WWW Whistle, Church Hums What image comes to mind when you think of the Wednesday Wonder Workers? For me, that band of industrious church servants congers up an image of the Seven Dwarfs. It’s not a perfect image, but seven diverse personalities enjoying the company of each other while in service for the common good seems to capture the essence of this group. Our version of the Seven Dwarfs isn’t all male, single or even dwarves, but they are a likeable group of happy, bashful, Doc-like and, yes, even grumpy folks that come together on Wednesday mornings to meld their individual gifts into a work party that serves God. We, the church users, are the benefactors of their service; their efforts keep our facility humming along. I don’t know that they actually whistle while they work, but in my mind’s ear, Wednesday mornings at our church is a time for whistling. Please join me in thanking the WWW for their tireless service to our institution. A few months ago, I went hiking with an old high school buddy and we got to talking about our impending retirements. Still off a few years, it’s close enough that we’re both starting to envision life after the 40-hour work week. My friend is struggling to find a clear vision of a useful and productive retirement. Not me; I want to be a WWW and I can’t wait. I hope they need a Grumpy, but if not I can be a Sleepy or a Dopey! Here are just a few of the many projects the WWWs have accomplished over the past few months: Oversight of birch tree removal Sidewalk repair Oversight of door repair Installation of hand sanitizer stations Construction of gravel walk Construction of faucet drain Replacement of meter cover Repaired leaking steam pipe Spot cleaning carpets General maintenance Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 6 Mission & Outreach Your Chance to Help Others May Mission of the Month Crossroads Feeding Program Our Mission of the Month for May was hosting and The fourth Monday participating in the Church World Service Crop Walk event held on the 17th. This is the only interfaith Crop Walk in the country with participation by the Muslim and Jewish communities as well as a number of Christian churches. There were about 150 walkers and we raised more than $7000. Between our special offering and funds from the Mission and Outreach budget our church contributed over $1,600 to the cause of helping battle hunger around the world. Thanks to Laurie for her leadership and all the volunteers who helped of every month, Jerry Crowson prepares a chili, cornbread, salad and dessert dinner for 40 to 75 people at the Salvation Army facility near Crossroads in Bellevue. You can help by prepping the meal with Jerry, serving, or making a dessert. Your are invited to join Jerry and crew make this a success. In particular, thanks to both to have fun while helping others June 22nd. Porter and Reid Neuman who served as outside Contact Lael O’Neal or the church office if you greeters and walked the three mile route. would like to help. Please remember the Crossroads feeding program in your prayers. Feeling the Need to Get Involved? The Mission and Outreach Team is in need of some new recruits. Participation involves one meeting a month plus work either assisting or leading on one of our Mission of the Month projects or other initiatives. If you think you might be interested and want to know more please contact Gary O’Neal. Rummage Sale a Success! Our rummage sale held on May 1-2 was big success. Despite collecting items for a shorter period of time and using less space, we raised over $8,000 which will be used for our Mission and Outreach work. Lael O’Neal and her trusty crew of volunteers once again put on the best organized sale on the Eastside per the testimonials of our customers. Thanks to all helped by donating items and spending time working the sale to make it a success. This project not only helps Bellevue First with our mission programs but provides support to many other organizations. See, for example the note on page 7 regarding our contributions to the Sophia Way program. Unsold items also went the Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store, the Jubilee Reach Thrift Store, the Bread of Life Mission, American Cancer Society Discovery Shop, and the Northwest Center for the Developmentally Disabled. Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 7 RWelcomeMat This year’s Seattle Pride Parade is Sunday June 28. Last year we had five members from our congregation march and we had a great time. Would you like to participate? The parade route is approximately 1.5 miles. We carpool from Bellevue and park at First Church in Seattle. If you don’t want to march in the parade there are other ways to participate. Attend a cookie baking party at Seattle First Sunday June 14 at 1pm. It’s a great way to network with members of other congregations. You can bake cookies at home and have them available on Sunday June 28. The parade route ends at First Church and last year they handed out over 10,000 cookies! You can hand out cookies and kool-aid at First Church at the end of the parade route. You can person the booth at Pride Fest in the Seattle Center. (Walking distance of First Church) Questions? Alice Morris and Cindy Bendixen who marched last year can help. Sign ups are in the church office. Thank you, Lael, rummage sale volunteers, pastor & congregation: I want to thank all of you more than I can say for your extreme generosity of donations from your sale to the Sophia Way housing program. I volunteer in furnishing apartments for the clients who are able to live independently. Having nice, nearly new items to place in these apartments provides overwhelming joy to these women. I always wish that everyone who has donated even one small item could see the tears of joy the day a woman gets her own place with beautiful donations. Your donations will help (already have) change the life for a woman who is no longer homeless. With deep gratitude, Kay Hollingsworth, Sophia Way volunteer Weeding Help Needed There are approximately ten small beautification plots scattered around the church grounds that require periodic weeding. They are quite small and one or two hours of work per week would easily control the weeds. If several church members could fit this into their schedule, we could easily conquer our weed enemy. If we don’t get the volunteers we need, we’ll have to contract for services and that, of course, would require funds that could better be spent on missions, etc. Maybe you could join the Wednesday Wonder Workers and enjoy coffee & donuts with those handsome fellows & gals at 10:30 am. Please call Gay in the office and tell her of your interest. Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 8 Statement of Faith Confirmands, 2015 I believe that God is always there to watch over us and guide us. He does not give up on us, listening to us and loving us no matter what. I believe that God loves everyone, but that it's our choice whether to accept His grace or not. I believe that God forgives our mistakes. He created us with the ability to make our own decisions which sometimes leads to wrong, even evil, acts. But God does not give up on us and forgives. I believe that God wants us to live a life of works and faith, faith and works. I believe that Jesus was a teacher and leader who came to Earth to show us the right things to do: being kind and helping others. I believe that Jesus inspires us to ask questions that make us think about how to lead our lives. I believe that Jesus wanted us to love everyone, just like he did. I believe Jesus came to teach us valuable lifelong lessons and that he died to show us how to truly follow God and bring His kingdom to Earth. I believe in following the example of Jesus, by taking action when I see a problem that needs to be solved, and spreading kindness, and joy all around. I believe that the Holy Spirit is the part of God that is all around us on earth, everywhere, and in everything. I believe we all have a part of the Holy Spirit within us, helping us, and encouraging us when we need it, reminding us to make right choices, and to do good in the world. I believe that you can see and feel the Holy Spirit in the joy and the miracles of each day. I believe that the Bible is a book filled with metaphorical stories that teach us how to lead a life full of grace. I believe that the church is a place full of love, where anyone can come and connect with God. I believe that we go to church for support and guidance and to connect with God and Jesus and to consider their teachings for us. I believe that as Christians, we connect with each other, God, and our community through church, which helps to strengthen our relationship with God. I believe that church, and God’s love, are for everyone, no matter what. I believe that we still have a lot to learn, and God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will be with us, every step of the way. Written by Delaney Edwards, Jaelin Gates and Sophie Hulet Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 9 Worship Themes Through June 28, 2015 That’s the Spirit! To have spirit is to have energy. That’s true of team spirit; it’s even truer of God’s Spirit. During these weeks we will take a look at some of the ways God’s Spirit energizes us. May 31st: Blowin’ in the Wind. John 3:1-17 (The unpredictability of God’s Spirit). God’s action is like the wind: powerful but hard to control. June 7th: Feel the Spirit. Colossians 3: 12-17 (How Christ’s followers should live). The combined FUMC and Lake Washington UMC choirs present a program of African American spirituals in arrangements by John Rutter. June 14th: Speechless. Romans 8:26-39 (When we have trouble praying). Although we can worry about the poverty of our prayers we don’t have to; prayer can be about more than words. June 21st (Fathers’ Day): Spiritual Redwoods. Jeremiah 17: 5-10 (We can learn from a flourishing tree). Spiritual strength is not just for a select few; it is something that can be developed in all of us. June 28th: Pastor Steve at annual conference. The Wrestler Episodes in the life of Jacob Worship Themes for July 2015 Life can be difficult. It doesn’t matter what we are called to do, we can find it hard to get there. So, how do we manage? What resources does our faith give us so that we are able not only to survive but even to flourish? Few Biblical characters provide a better example for us than Jacob. Eventually celebrated as one of the founders of ancient Israel, he struggled throughout his life to live up to his potential. Note: the series continues into August. July 5th: The Struggle Begins. Genesis 25:19-34 (Jacob and Esau are born fighting). Jacob is a flawed character but he’s also God’s chosen person. How do we reconcile who we are with God’s promises for us? July 12th: The Struggle for a Future. Genesis 27:1-29 (Jacob steals Esau’s blessing). As Jacob’s duplicity deepens, so do our questions. How do we best harmonize ends and means? July 19th: The Struggle for Awareness. Genesis 28: 10-19a (Jacob dreams about a ladder). In a material world it can be hard to develop our spirituality; but it is possible. July 26th: The Struggle for Love. Genesis 29:15-28 (Jacob loves Rachel but marries Leah first). In a role reversal, Jacob is now the one who is cheated. How he responds reveals a lot about the power of love. Volume 21 Issue 5 Page 10 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF BELLEVUE 1934 108th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004-2828 Phone: 425-454-2059 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the Web! United Methodist Women UMW Circle’s special summer meeting is Wednesday, June 10th at Timber Ridge. We will carpool from the church at 10 am due to limited parking. The meeting will start at 10:30. Lunch is approximately $10. The program will be book reviews of books from the UMW reading list. Please call Mitzi Karg 425-883-8146 if you want to present a book review or have questions. At the May 13th UMW meeting, Jean Harris, Seattle District Social Concerns Coordinator for United Methodist Women, spoke about undocumented immigrants who are arrested, sometimes without probable cause, and sent to Tacoma Detention Center to await hearings. Deportation usually follows. For more information, check these organizations online: Washington Immigration Reform Coalition; We Are One America; and Northwest Immigrant Rights Project. Write your representatives in support of immigration reform and specifically the Dream Act, which allows those who have served in the military a fast track to citizenship and those who have been raised in this country the right to a higher education.
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