Letter of Agency for the 2015 Midwest FurFest Art Show

Letter of Agency
for the
2015 Midwest FurFest Art Show
By signing the form below, I give the individual listed as “Agent” permission to act in all ways as my
representative in the Midwest FurFest Art Show. This includes displaying or removing my original art in
the art show and receiving my payout check once the show is over. This further includes making
decisions on my behalf regarding any questions the Midwest Furfest Art Show may have.
Agent’s Legal Name (please print): ____________________________________
Agent’s MFF2015 badge number: _____________________________________
Agent’s MFF2015 badge name: _______________________________________
Agent’s phone number: (______) ______ - ________
Artist’s Name (Fan/Badge Name): _____________________________________
Artist’s Legal Name (please print): ____________________________________
Artist’s phone number: (______) ______ - ________
Artist’s Signature: __________________________________________________
Date: ______/______/______