Letter Log
Official Publication of the
Fort Walton Yacht Club
April 2015
club officers
CommodoreDick Secord
Vice CommodoreDavid Tye
Rear CommodoreJune Scroggin
Fleet CaptainJohn Farris
Faye Black
Matt Chapman
Chip Cook
Ray Dewrell
John Dezzutto
Micki Gramm
Scott Mitchell
Roger Roy
P/C David Seaton
Kerrie Serpa
Reddoch Williams
Paul Yergens
TreasurerCraig Stoldt
Dock MasterP/C David Vaughan
SecretarySuz Weston
Table of Contents
Club Calendar4-5
At the Helm6
Clubhouse News6
On Deck7
GYA Opening Regatta
Tell Me a Story
Finish Line18
WoW 20
Friday Dinner Specials
Letter Log Staff
Editors & Web Masters
Jennifer & Sam Grant ~ [email protected]
Copy Editor
Linda Wright ~ [email protected]
Copy Editor
Kasi Hardy ~ [email protected]
Pat Tye ~ [email protected]
Hurricanes, weather and you
Special guest speaker ~ Randy Kallenbach
Lead Meteorologist
23rd Special Operations Weather Squadron ~ Hurlburt Field
Thursday, April 9, 2015
6:30 p.m.
In The Dining Room
All rental contracts and necessary information will be reviewed
with member or alternate for current information
Check in and review beginning at 6:30
Guest Speaker at 7:00 p.m.
Mandatory Attendance
FWYC Member (or Alternate) with a
“Boat Storage Rental Contract”
Two drawings
$50 Gift Card from West Marine
Must be present to win gift certificate
at the helm
Steady at the Helm
As Spring rolls in, our Club is continuing to prepare for the GYA Opening Regatta, May
1-3. GYA Com-modore George Goodall and I expect an event we can be proud
of hosting.
As detailed later in this Letter Log issue, Vice Commodore David
Tye’s numerous Club upgrades and repair projects are all expected
to be finished well before the Regatta’s start. But I am sure members
have already noticed the changes.
I must once more give a shout out to our numerous self-help volunteer
efforts toward enhancing our Club’s interior. The majority of this work of
cleaning, painting and upgrading has been done by our ladies, even to the extent of
donating several thousand dollars for new fans and blinds. I remain amazed at this outpouring of assistance.
Meanwhile our Rear Commodore, June Scroggin, has been working tirelessly to keep the
Club’s social calendar moving and grooving. I think most of us have been impressed
and pleased with her numer-ous entertainment events during the 1st quarter of 2015.
High-fives for June!
And Fleet Captain John Farris’ activities are obviously moving ahead at a rate that is
astonishing to me. The myriad sailing events and the administrative matters accompanying them require untold hours of attention. This big part of FWYC’s “raison d’etre”
is in good hands.
~ Dick Secord
Clubhouse News
This month we will hope for minimally disruptive April showers so we can enjoy the fun of the Spring season.
This month we have a lot of happenings at the club. The first event will be the Easter brunch on Sunday, April 5.
Menus have been made. Please make your reservations so we can plan accordingly. The meal will be $19.95 for adults
and $9.95 for children 12 and under. There will be a Hurricane seminar in the dining room on Thursday, April 9.
We have a private party for a wedding on April 11. The Blessing of the Fleet is on Saturday, April 18 in conjunction
with the Peerson Regatta. The General Membership meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 19. We also have one
more private party on Thursday, April 30. Along with the WetaFest and other races, we have a full month. I hope
you all come out for the various festivities.
On Thursday, April 23, I will be getting “arrested” on behalf of the
yacht club. This will be to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. If you are willing to donate to this great cause, please send
me an email or call me at the office so I can log your donation and
information. This is not the first time I have done this for this charity and I am glad to help. The worst part is the
I hope you all have a wonderful April!!
~Eric Mattiza
Florida Commodores Association
During our last monthly luncheon meeting, there were many comments about the clean and fresh look of our club
house and entry. The freshly painted walls, etc. seem to say “welcome spring”. Members of the FCA appreciate the
untold hours of work put in by many dedicated volunteers that give proof of their love of the club.
We recognize the leadership of Appointment Chair, Jo Ann Secord that made this happen. Not since Shari Seaton’s
similar leadership when she was Appointments Chair five years ago, has the club come alive with new colors.
Along with the new roof, completed parking lot and new entrance gate, Fort Walton Yacht Club is ready for the
Opening Regatta that will bring many visitors. The wooden portion of the gate was designed by Jennifer Grant while
Ron Hankins constructed the metal part. Here again, many, many hours were contributed by volunteers to complete
this project.
We congratulate GYA Commodore, George Goodall, who makes all of
us at Fort Walton Yacht Club so very proud. We applaud his never-ending pursuit to bring the sport of sailing to the youth of our Gulf Coast
area. We wish Commodore Goodall and his wife, Fran, the very best for
a fun and productive year while serving the Gulf Yachting Association.
Everyone working together striving for the best for our yacht clubs
seems to equate to a happy and fun atmosphere. From the FCA to all
those who contributed to this end, we sincerely thank everyone for their
Our next luncheon meeting is Tuesday, April 7 in the Commodores
Room and an invitation is extended to all members to attend. We are fortunate that Craig and Debra Wilusz will give
a brief presentation on the Viper 640, which is one of the proposed boats that the GYA is considering to replace the
Flying Scot for the interclub racing circuit.
~Phyllis Seaton
on deck
The third FWYC Board of Directors meeting was held on March 17th, 2015. Commodore Secord presided and individual Flag reports were favorable. Vice Commodore Tye described progress on the roof, docks, and south parking lot.
He reported that all work was continuing without any problems. Rear Commodore Scroggin reported that February’s
entertainments had been successful and described upcoming events. Fleet Captain Farris spoke about recent Junior
successes along the Gulf Coast. He also reported on the completion of both the Zevin Series for the FWYC PHRF
Fleet and the Frosty Nipple for the FWYC Portmouth Fleet. Both series had been well attended.
P/C Commodore Tom Reynolds, chair of the Five Year Planning Committee, discussed the need for disaster preparedness and stated that his Committee would provide the Board with suggestions toward this end at the April meeting.
GM Eric Mattiza reported that FWYC had weathered the breakdown of the walk-in cooler and that our insurance
company would be providing some recompense. He thanked the club members who had helped with relocating supplies during the failure.
During Unfinished Business, the proposed Seasonal Membership By-law Change was withdrawn. In New Business,
three By-law Changes were proposed and passed their First Read. The By-law Changes involved provisions for holding
Emergency BOD meetings, increasing the thresholds on expenditures not requiring BOD approval, and altering the
manner in which temporary dry storage is documented and charged. Lastly, VC Tye requested an increase for the ongoing dock repair project. This increase was approved in a single read. The three By-law Changes will receive a Second
Read at the April 21st Board meeting. For further information, please review the official BOD minutes.
Letter Log Advertising Rates
Bus. Card ~ $5/mo ($60/yr)
1/4 Page ~ $12/mo ($130/yr)
1/2 Page ~ $24/mo ($260/yr)
Full Page ~ $48/mo ($560/yr)
Contact the Office ~ 850-243-7102
Ship Shape
It would be impossible to not notice the many positive improvements to our club and club grounds over the past
month. Dock work continues unabated, and we are approaching completion on this most important project. As I
type this, the crew is working the configuration change that will yield four more wide slips to accommodate larger
vessels for our members. I am pleased with the efforts of our dock contractor.
By the time you read this, our clubhouse roof will be completed. All that is lacking are installation of some ridge vent
cap shingles which are on hand. The contractor ran short, but
will return very soon to complete the project. They did a good
job of minimizing the impact on our operations, and I appreciate your patience while the work was being performed. Though
the contractor swept continuously for nails and roofing debris,
and our volunteers followed up with further sweeps, it is inevitable that some fasteners escaped our scrutiny. Please be on the
lookout for nails, and properly dispose of any you may find.
I’m sure you’ve also noticed the new fencing around the South
parking lot. Many volunteers came out to make this installation
a reality, but I’d like to single out the members of the fence committee who picked the materials and design, and led the self-help
efforts to make this first class project an economical reality for us all. The fence committee consisted of Doc Reddoch
Williams, PC David Vaughan, and Sam and Jennifer Grant. When you see them, please thank them for their efforts.
By this time you should see progress being made on the
South parking lot pavers project, scheduled to start Mar 23.
I expect the duration of this project to be about two weeks,
and be complete by the end of the first week of Apr. As always, I ask your patience as we continue to improve.
Looking to the future, Phil Pritchett has agreed to head up
a self-help effort to repair and paint some of the more needy
and visible parts of our building exteriors. We will pressure
wash our building exteriors, repair a beam cap at our main
entry area, repair several areas of rotted soffit on our Junior
Building; then paint the wooden portions of the front of
our main building (the blue parts), and paint the soffit and
fascia on the Junior Building. Dates to be announced. As
always, I’m very appreciative of the membership’s response when we ask for volunteer labor for these important efforts.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Bill and Paula Bushelle for their generous contribution of two teak wood benches, placed just
West of our flag pole/yard arm, on the concrete apron by our main dock. The benches are donated in memory of their
son Will, and replace the benches previously in that location that had fallen into disrepair.
~David Tye
Springing Forward
Spring is finally here in northwest Florida. Along with the annual Mongolian Barbecue hosted by FC John Farris, we
celebrated the vernal equinox with the Annual Burning of the Socks.
In conjunction with the sock burning ritual, the “Share, Care, Give a Pair” sock drive netted 107 pairs of new socks for
charity. Thank you to all the caring members who donated on behalf of our Club!
March is over, but now we have adventures in April to enjoy (look for the event notices in this issue of the Letter Log):
April 2 • WOW Luncheon
The ladies of FWYC get together for lunch in the dining room, a wonderful way to get to know each other.
April 3 • First Friday
Bobby D will have us dancing in the lounge.
April 5• Easter Egg Hunt
More than 500 fun-filled Easter Eggs will be hidden on the back lawn for
children to enjoy finding. Led by FWYC’s Easter Bunny, the hunt begins at
1 p.m. following Easter brunch.
April 11 • Blue Wahoos Pensacola Trip
I am looking forward to cheering on the Blue Wahoos. Enjoying a good
baseball game is another wonderful part of spring time. Thanks to Pat Tye,
we have special seats reserved for us on the Coors Deck.
April 16 • WOW Cocktail
Enjoy time with sister FWYC members and try a fun new cocktail in the lounge. This month we have a special visitor
from Pensacola! Don’t miss out on this fun night!
April 17 • Sock Hop
A great party is planned in the dining room to celebrate the 50s. Whether you dig out your poodle skirts or not, let’s turn
back the clock and enjoy a fun rock-and-roll night.
April 18 • Movie Night
Pat Tye and her movie crew have arranged another fun time in the lounge. Share delectable potluck offerings or the
equally-delicious Cook-Your-Own. Eat at 5:30 p.m.; then relax while watching the movie at 6 p.m.
~June Scroggin
2015 FWYC
Blue Wahoos
Game Trip
APRIL 11, 2015
All you care to eat/drink burgers, hot dogs, salads, fresh
fruit, non-alcoholic beverages, and Team Ball Cap.
We will have reserved seating on the Coors Deck
$31 per person
New Reservation Deadline with Payment ~ April 3
5:30 Gates open and food served
6:30 Game starts
For more information or reservations, please contact
Pat Tye at [email protected]
The truth is that to sail,
to even contemplate sailing,
calls for a fundamental faith in one’s self.
~Richard Bode
The ECSA summer sailing lessons are now open for registration. You can sign up at or follow
the link from Lessons are two weeks long with either morning or afternoon sessions.
Classes start 8 June followed by classes on June 22 and July 6th. The July class will be held at Bluewater Bay.
If you have a question, please call George Goodall 862-7276.
Commercial - Investment Property - Leases - Residential
Matt McGee, Licensed Real Estate Broker
Blessing of the Fleet
Led by
Retired US Navy Chaplain Clayton Davis
Saturday, April 18th
12:05 Skippers Meeting
Open to all Boaters
Come and have your vessel
May 1st – May 3rd
Although we are not all involved in the racing or GYA activities for the Opening Regatta, below is an abbreviated schedule of events of what will be happening on club grounds during the weekend.
The Opening Regatta is fast approaching. Keep in mind there are many things in which to participate over the weekend.
The first is the Sailors Welcome Party under the tent on the back lawn. We will play Slap Cup, Beer Pong, and other
games under the tent on Friday night. Join us if you want to mingle with sailors from around the coast! Also, dinner
will be served in the dining room, so make your reservations now. But that’s not all! Bobby “D” is playing in the bar!
There is something for everyone on this Friday night!
Saturday is full of activities at the club! Meetings will be held for our GYA guests; however at 12:15 we are hosting a
Flag Raising Ceremony which is an event not too be missed! The ceremony is priceless. Seeing club members from all
over the Gulf of Mexico honoring a time honored tradition is truly an amazing event. Don’t be the one who misses it.
Following an afternoon of sailing, the party picks up again at 6:00. We are having a fish fry and dance on the back lawn.
“Flash Flood” will join us to provide music. Need I say more? Event tickets are $10 and can be purchased on Wednesdays & Fridays, 5:00 till 7:00 in the lobby during the month of April (after Easter).
Sunday will bring brunch in the Dining Room and the continuation of racing. Soon after the racing has ended, we will
have the trophy presentation in the dining room. This will wrap up our 2015 GYA Opening Regatta.
After more than six months of planning, with a planning group that has no equal, the generosity of our members and
friends, the patience and professionalism of our staff, Commodore George Goodall and I thank you for your support.
Our members are the best of the best.
Abbreviated Schedule of Events
Friday, May 1st
Sunday, May 3rd
5:30 Sundowner Ceremony
9:00 Brunch
6:00 Sailor Welcome Party
11:55 Racing Begins
Beer games under the tent & limited
Trophy presentation in the Dining Room
menu available on the patio
6:00 Dining Room open
(Reservations suggested)
7:00 Bobby “D” in the bar
Saturday, May 2nd
11:00 Lunch (dining room)
12:15 Flag Raising Ceremony, Back Lawn
2:00 Racing Begins
6:00 Dinner & Dance Party under the tent
7:00 GYA Commodore’s Cocktail Party
(Invitation Only)
tell me a story
Have you ever had one of those months where all your Ts are dotted and your Is are crossed? Well that is what happened to this month’s interview and story. When I was available they weren’t and vice versa. We have all vowed to
make the time, take a breath and git er done! So stayed tuned to this spot next month and meet a very unique and
interesting couple.
On a side note, after four years of interviewing members and telling their stories, I’m running out of willing interviewees and I need your help. If you’d like to continue to know more about some of your fellow yacht club members
through this column please let me know if you or another club member has an interesting story to share. It doesn’t
have to be water related. After all, we have a vibrant set of non-boating social members that I’d love to hear from. You
can either bend my ear if you see me at the club or email me at [email protected].
~Pat Tye
Check out the
Sock Hop Diner
Easter Brunch
Carving Station w/ Pork Tenderloin & Turkey Breast
Bacon & Apple Stuffed Pork
Chicken Cordon Bleu, Tortilla
Crusted Tilapia
Shrimp & Pineapple Kabobs
Rice Pilaf, Ratatouille
Peach Cobbler, Bourbon Bread
Breakfast Bar
Adults ~ $19.55
Kids (under 12) ~ $9.95
Spring Fling
A group of Club boaters will be going on a week-long cruising trip from 22 April through 29 April. The Flingers will
start at the Club, work their way to Port St. Joe, and then
work their way back to the Club. The travel pace averages
around 5 knots/per hour as most of the boats are sailboats. The trip will include both anchoring offshore and staying at marinas. There will be a 9:00 AM Skippers meeting in the Castaway Room on
the 22nd before boaters leave from there. The Flingador and Flingadora of the trip are Sam and Susan
Weston. Contact one of them if interested so marina reservations can be amended.
~ Suz Weston
Sam ~ 499-2100
Susan ~ 499-3678
finish line
FWYC Junior Sailors have been busy this winter traveling to compete in away regattas. On March 7-8 at the 2015 Wet n’ Cool
Regatta, our junior sailors from FWHS (David Beaudry, Rachael
Metruck ) CHS (Charly Graffunder, Huston Locht, George Hambleton) and NHS (Ian Hunter, Kelly Stukbauer) sailed their Club
420s to 1st Place finishes in Fleet Racing on Saturday, then shot to
the top on Sunday in Team Racing taking the Overall 1st Place in
Alabama’s first ever High School Sailing Championship at Fairhope
Yacht Club. The next weekend, three of our Junior Boys competed
in the 2015 Alfonso Regatta & Sutter Cup - Laser D-14 Championship, March 14-15 at Gulfport Yacht Club. David Beaudry took
3rd Place, Ian Hunter 6th Place and George Hambleton 7th Place.
On Saturday, March 7, this year’s WaterTribe Everglades Challenge featured over 140 boats lined up on the beach at
Ft. Desoto, near St. Petersburg, FL to race down to Key Largo, nearly 300 miles away. 2014 Champion Randy Smyth
was on the support side, due to injury, for Linda Wright’s first ever attempt. However, the race was cancelled after
about two hours due to the many reported rescues by the Coast Guard. What a shame. Linda was not aware of the
cancellation until she arrived at the first checkpoint. Linda said it was one of the best days of sailing she had ever had!
She checked in 6th out of 140 boats. Perspective: 1st single-handed multi-hull competitor, the only Weta, and the
smallest boat of the first six to arrive at the first checkpoint. She covered 65 nautical miles in a little over seven hours.
Way to go Linda!
On March 20-22 at the 2015 41st Orange Peel Regatta at Florida
Yacht Club in Jacksonville, Jennifer Grant sailing with Loy Vaughan
placed 15th and Sam Grant crewing for Laura Graham finished 37th
at the “premier event on the entire Thistle Class schedule.” Wait till
the Thistle Class comes to our Club for its Championship!
Back on the home waters of Choctawhatchee Bay, on Sunday, March
15, the final 2015 Frosty Nipple was run. The series saw a total of
fifty-seven entrants come to the starting line. In the end, FWYC sailors Craig & Deborah Wilusz were first overall sailing a Rondar K-6,
followed by StABYC member Matt McComas, Sam/Jennifer Grant,
Jeff Brown and PCYC member David Dunbar rounding out the top five.
The last of the 2015 Zevin Memorial Regatta series was finished on
Sunday, March 22. A Fleet went to Scram co-skippered by Roland
Martin and Jennifer Wray. B Fleet honors went to Amigo and the expanding C Fleet winner was Ticky Tacky, followed by the ever present
Compromise and up-and-coming Lucki Enough skippered by new
member Kasi McCain.
The 2015 FWYC Regatta Calendar along with results and winners
is posted on the club bulletin board and on our club website. Enter
your boat in a race, crew with one of the many boats across all our
fleets, join Race Committee or just come and enjoy an evening or
afternoon watching our fleet compete.
~ John Farris
New Members ~ Welcome Aboard
Heather Baus
Paul Beaudry
Dagmar Bemis
Robert Berry
Angie Bowen
Charley Brown
Chip Cook
Jim Coulter
Bonnie Dezzutto
Harold Fielding
George Hambleton
Ethan Holt
David Jay
Wyatt Kartvedt
Bill Keeler
Mickey LaGarde
Timothy Blue ~ Regular
First Readings
Keith Kotlar ~ Regular
Resignations ~ Sailing Away
Ken Rose ~ Regular
Pam Guthrie ~ Surviving Spouse
Reinstatements ~ Welcome Back
Virginia Ham
Dave Fish
David Lauderbaugh
Anna Morris
Tara Pakiz
Stephany Peters
Susan Peters
Phil Pritchett
Hal Pruett
Leonard Rayburn
Elise Anne Ready
Lou Richard
Kim Roy
Theresa Sampson
Maggie Smith
Craig Stoldt
Jim Studley
Don Waterhouse
The GYA Foundation is pleased to report the election of Ashley Sukalski to the Board of Directors as the Florida representative. Ashley brings a wealth of experience as evidenced by her resume.
Ashley Sukalski – Member of FWYC/NOYC/PBYC
Active sailor, 15+ years
Associates Degree in Accounting
Bachelors Degree in Project Management
FWYC/NOYC Jr. Chairs (between 2005 - 2014)
FWYC Capdevielle Chair (between2005 - 2014)
FWYC Fleet Captain (Flag Officer - 2014)
GYA Capdeville Committee Fl. Rep (2008-2012)
GYA Youth Council Vice-Chair (2007-2011)
GYA One Design Secretary & Chair (2011-2015)
Participated in multiple GYA Championships including Knost, J22, Multihull,
won A fleet Challenge Cup in 2011
Organized and maintained various one design campaigns, including several J/22 campaigns (with mixed results but a lot of
The Foundation board looks forward to Ashley’s input as we continue our mission to support amateur sailing in the Gulf
Yachting Association.
If you have a “Ripple” or know someone who does, please e-mail the information to [email protected].
women on the water
Women on the Water (WOW) continues to serve the women of FWYC as they serve the Club itself. We are focusing
on including as many new members as possible by providing a social venue for exchanging ideas and experiences. All
FWYC ladies are invited and encouraged to participate.
Our regular schedule is the luncheon on the first Thursday and a cocktail party on the evening of the third Thursday.
Hostess, Carole Langford, has adopted an Easter theme for the Luncheon on 2 April. Barbara Macpike will hostess
the Cocktail Party on 16 April when Women’s History (since April is Women’s History month) will be the theme. We
also have a special guest, Annie Dike, a local woman sailor and author of “Salt of a Sailor” joining us for cocktails.
So be sure not to miss this WOW event to hear all the thrills and sailing adventures that Annie will share with us. Be
sure to put these two WOW activities on your calendar NOW!
~Lynne Reynolds
USO Support
The Fort Walton Yacht Club “Women on the Water” are involved in a project of support for the USO, providing
items needed by traveling members of the U.S. Military, and their families. The location of this facility is the USO
FREEDOM LOUNGE, located right here at the Destin-Fort Walton Airport. This facility serves incoming and
outgoing troops which average more than 2,500 military visitors per month. Diane Freeman, Center Supervisor,
has expressed gratitude for the generous donations and continued support by WOW and FWYC members. Located
across from the ticketing area, the USO Freedom Lounge provides many amenities and services for visiting military.
ALL members of the Fort Walton Yacht Club are encouraged to bring donations to the office (see the special gold
box), or contact any member of WOW. Our continued thanks to all members who continue to generously support
this important project.
~ Lynne Reynolds
friday Specials
April 3rd
Smoked Pork & Apple Soup
Beef Yakitori
BBQ Baby Back Ribs
Cherry Pie
April 17th
Hot Dogs & Grilled Cheese
Hamburger w/ Cheese
French Fries
Banana Split/Hot Fudge Sundae
April 10th
Sweet Potato & Parsnip Soup
Taco Cupcakes
Pork Cassoulet
Key Lime Pie
April 24th
Cream of Spinach Soup
Pate Maison
Salmon w/Honey Balsamic Glaze
Coconut Cream Pie
Hobie 33 North Americans
Fort Walton Yacht Club hosted the 3-day Hobie 33 North American Championship 2015 race over the weekend
of March 26-29. Fort Walton Beach’s very own Craig Wilusz took first place with his boat Myasasaur. Rich Brew of
Jacksonville, FL came in 2nd place on KAOS ahead of Scott Maust, Pigeon Cove, MI, who sailed into third place
on Rhumbline. VivaLasVegas skipper Steve Attard of Temperance, MI came in fourth place while Dale LeVey of
Cocoa Beach, FL arrived in fifth place with his boat Moving Party. Skippers Bill Lanni of St. Augustine, FL and Jim
Blakewell of Oklahoma City, OK tied for sixth place with their respective boats Hoot Mon and Barbarella.
~ John Farris
Saturday April 18
potluck in the lounge or cook-your own
This month’s movie has
Lots of exciting action!
Come Join the Adventure
Eat at 5:30 with movie to start at 6
The Florida Council of Yacht Clubs
As many of you know, our Club is a member of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC). This membership keeps
us aware of happenings in other member clubs, gives us an ear, and a voice, on what is taking place in the legislature
that may impact our Club. In addition, our membership in FCYC affords our regular members reciprocal privileges
at other member clubs.... the ability to charge your food and drink to your FWYC club number and one free night
of dockage at the various clubs. More information and detail about the FCYC can be found at or you can contact one of your Directors, Tom Reynolds or Reddoch Williams
Our Regular Meeting was at
Isles Yacht Club (Punta Gorda) and there was a good turnout.35 of 36 clubs attended.
A number of topics were discussed and of special interest
• SB 1548 Relating to Vessel Safety specifying how vessels may be anchored or moored effective July 1, 2015.
This, if passed, would restricting anchoring within 200’ of a residence. While not a major issue in our area
it could have a lot of impact on boats traveling south and wanting to anchor out. Suggest that you go to the
Senate website ( if you would like more information and an
actual copy of the text of the proposed bill.
•“The All Aboard Florida” multi-faceted private infrastructure investment project would connect Miami and
Orlando through intercity passenger rail service. While building 4 million square feet of transit development
around the planned station sites, it will have a substantial impact on the boating community. Increased traffic
over old bridges along the route, could effectively close traffic, commercial and pleasure, for long periods of
time during the day. It could severely limit passage across the state via Lake Okeechobee. A study has been
done on how this relates to boating and navigation in Florida. A motion was made and passed that FCYC
Commodore send a letter to the Commander of the Seventh Coast Guard District with our comments on the
subject. If you would like more info, I suggest that you Google “All Aboard Florida” and take a look at the pros
and cons info that pops up.
The FCYC is planning a 2015 Cruise aboard the Crown Princess. It will be a seven days cruise (October 10-17)
starting at San Francisco with stops at Santa Barbara, California, Los Angeles, San Diego and Ensenada. Mexico. If
interested, there are brochures in the hall and the office or you can call 941-377-0017 to make reservations.
For those of you who may be venturing southward, the FCYC Cruising Guide is available in the Office. This will give
you directions by land and sea to FCYC clubs, a nice option when you are travelling and looking for a welcoming
place to stop.... see Sandra.
The next meeting will be 15-16 May 2015, Captive Yacht Club....if you have comments or questions that you would
like addressed at FCYC please let us know.
P/C Tom Reynolds
Reddoch Williams
FCYC Director
FCYC Alternate Director
[email protected]
[email protected]
FWYC Vip Parking Spot
It’s almost that time again! Time for our Spring General Membership Meeting. And that means FWYC will be auctioning
off the VIP Parking Spot that I have enjoyed for the past year.
It works like this, you bid on the parking spot at the meeting,
the auctioning goes on
through the
meeting. At
the end of
the meeting,
the highest
The money
goes to the
Junior Program to use at their discretion.
WOW Special Guest
Annie Dike of Pensacola
Author of “Salt of a Sailor”
“Had I ever sailed? No. Did I think that mattered? No.
I felt I had whatever grit and guile I needed to handle
this silly sailing stuff. I parachuted with a sheet, drove
a car that started with a screwdriver, swished with
hydrogen peroxide. I rode horses, climbed rocks, leapt
off cliffs. I spent summers in the sleeper of a big rig. I
ate Malt-o-Meal. Surely these were excellent traits of a
sailor. Surely I was salty enough. I fancied I was.
Either way, we were going to find out. The time to go
was now. All we needed was a boat.”
Ever wonder what it would be like to accompany your mate through the entire
process of selecting, buying and learning about sailing all at warp speed? Join us
at this month’s WOW Cocktail hour at 5:30, 16 April, to personally meet the
author of the book “Salt of a Sailor”, Annie Dike, a local woman sailor hailing from
Pensacola, as she shares her true sailing stories and adventures with us. This
will definitely be a WOW meeting you don’t want to miss! All women of FWYC are
invited to join in the fun! And bring your friends!!
April 16 at 5:30pm in the FWYC Club Lounge
I have been fortunate to win at two meetings in a row. The
parking spot lasts for six months, from General Membership Meeting to the next General Membership Meeting.
Since winning, I have had the opportunity to meet some members who did not understand the Rule that governs this
VIP spot. That rules is simple, NO ONE ELSE is suppose to park in that spot, with a few exceptions. And one of
my exceptions is for Davie who did park in my spot and when I showed up, she was so apologetic that she sent me a
beautiful bouquet of flowers the next day. IF I win again, she can park there any time!
So, if you are interested in the VIP parking spot, come on down to the Spring General Membership meting and try
to outbid me. Remember the bid money goes to the Junior Program and you get to have your own VIP Parking Spot.
Good Luck.
Fort Walton Yacht Club
180 Ferry Road
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
self help DAY
april 4, 2015 ~ 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Come one, come all!
Primary focus will be exterior areas, dry storage, beach, bathhouse and patio.
Be a part of our beautification efforts!
What to Bring:
Gloves, rakes, shovel, etc.
Sun Protection