Celebrating 50 Years : 1965 - 2015 FAMILY NEWSLETTER - Issue 14 - May 21st 2015 2015 CALENDAR DATES MAY Fri 22nd Tues 26th Wed 27th Fri 29th Gr 6 transition forms due back Walk Safely to School Day Make a Difference Day - Nepal Earth quake fundraiser - warm casual dress Do More With Less Conference Division Cross Country Winter Lightning Prem - n’ball/t-ball School Trivia Night - Highton Bowls EDUCATION WEEK 2015 - ’Cracking the code’ This week is Education Week across Victorian government schools and this year’s theme is ’crack the code with maths’. Education Week throws a spotlight on the education happening in our government schools and invites parents and friends in to have a look at programs in action. Our fun maths activity day held today highlighted the varied types of activities that encompass the numeracy spectrum. Students and teachers enjoyed the activities and we hope visitors enjoyed being part of it JUNE Wed 3rd Thur 4th Fri 5th Mon 9th Mon 15th Wed 17th Fri 19th Wed 24th Fri 26th PA Meeting Prep Mums Ships Ahoy Night 6pm World Environment Day Mobile Muster closes Queens Birthday Holiday School Council Gr 1 Zoo incursion Special Food Day Half year student reports home Parent teacher Interviews from 8.30am — pupil free Last day Term 2 Lunch 1.00-2.00pm Dismissal 2.30pm JULY Mon 13th First day Term 3 NOTES HOME THIS WEEK Address : Receipts Bank Books 37 Cook Street Newtown VIC 3220 Telephone : 03 5221 3772 Facsimile : 03 5223 1208 SCHOOL COUNCIL MAY MEETING Our school council met this week with discussions centering on the energy usage report conducted in March this year and presented by Balanced Sustainability’s Heidi Fog who talked council through her findings and gave recommendations for future savings. We have already begun with our action plan as a result of the report with a new, more economical fridge/freezer installed in the kitchen. We will look to develop a whole school policy on sustainability and skill up students to lead the charge as members of our school ‘s ’Green Team’ in an effort to teach students aspects of sustainability education. Energy savings will be first, then waste, water, etc., to develop a whole school culture. Mr Calnin will lead this program. 50th ANNIVERSARY MURAL You may have noticed the newly installed mural on the kitchen wall that shows the official opening of the school in 1965. We had such a reaction to the original photo during the 50th celebration that the idea of the mural grew from there. Things certainly do change in 50 years. Check it out if you are walking past. Students are very curious about it. MRS JACOBSON RETURNS Good to see Mrs J. back after a stint of leave following her recent horse riding mishap. Back in the saddle! Email : [email protected] Website : www.fyansparkps.vic.edu.au P/Assoc. Email : [email protected] OSHC - CAMP AUSTRALIA Telephone : 0452 247 130 Hours : 6.45 am - 8.45 am 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm SCHOOL NEWS Page 2 Make a Difference Day 22nd of May If you have not already heard, there has been an extreme natural disaster that has occurred in Nepal. Roads have crumbled and houses left in ruins by an extreme earthquake. This has affected millions of lives. To show our support the Fyans Park SRC have decided to hold a casual dress day - called ‘Make a Difference Day’. It is on Friday the 22nd of May. We would like all Fyans Park students to wear their Winter warmer clothes. A gold coin donation is required for student to dress up. Example of things you could wear include: a scarf, beanie, gloves, ear muffs. Thank you, the SRC leaders Sara, Ned and Coco. SCHOOL & COMMUNITY NEWS INFORMATION FROM VICROADS This is to advise that VicRoads will be temporarily closing the Queens Park Bridge over the Queens Birthday long weekend, in June. The bridge will be closed from 7.30pm Friday 5 June, to 7.00am Tuesday 9 June 2015, for routine steel maintenance works and painting to prevent corrosion. This closure is to ensure safety for workers and for all motorists, pedestrians and cyclists using the bridge and surrounding areas. VicRoads will be engaging with residents, schools and sporting clubs who may be affected by this closure. Page 3 SCHOOL BANKING We are seeking a volunteer school banking coordinator. It’s an easy system to learn and all training is provided. If you have an hour to spare on a Tuesday or Wednesday, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Office. Eliza Houghton Communications and Stakeholder Relations Officer VicRoads M 0437 997 804 E [email protected] W vicroads.vic.gov.au A 180 Fyans Street Geelong Victoria 3220 Issue No. 4, 2015 GRADE 3/4 FAMILIES A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY ......... Due back tomorrow Friday 22nd May This year’s Grade 3/4 Cave Hill Creek camp will be held from Wed 16th to Fri 18th September SIBLING ENROLMENTS If any families have Prep students yet to enrol for next year, would they please contact the Office. It’s on again! We are collecting old mobile phones, mobile batteries, chargers and mobile accessories as part of the ‘Mobile Muster’ program for 2015. What is Mobile Muster? MobileMuster is the Australian mobile phone industry's official product stewardship program. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS GREENER LAWN CARE If you must water your lawn, do it early in the morning before any moisture is lost to evaporation. Have a few weeds? Spot treat them with vinegar. Not sure if you should rake? Normal clippings act as a natural fertilizer, let them be. If you've waited too long, rake by hand - it's excellent exercise. It's a free mobile phone recycling program that accepts all brands and types of mobile phones, plus their batteries, chargers and accessories. Basically, it's the industry's way of ensuring mobile phone products don't end up in landfill - but instead are recycled in a safe, secure and ethical way. The collection box will be located in 5/6C – Room 2 and we encourage all families to bring in any old mobile phones and accessories they no longer use. We will end collection on World Environment Day, Friday 5th June. For more information please visit the website at: http://www.mobilemuster.com.au SCHOOL NEWS Page 4 Fyans Park will be celebrating Walk Safely to School Day tomorrow - Friday 22 May. Walk safely to school and then come to the court yard before school for oranges and a free bag tag. SCHOOL NEWS Page 5 Grade 3/4s go to Melbourne Sealife Aquarium SCHOOL & COMMUNITY NEWS Page 6 Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive, terminal neurological illness. Two people in Australia are diagnosed every day. There is no cure and no effective treatment, with average life expectancy is two to five years. In September 2013 our world was torn apart when my sister Lecia O’Brien was diagnosed with MND. At just 38 years old, with a husband and young children (7 year-old son and 3 year old twin boys) her life began to unravel and would never be the same. Currently she uses a walker and has limited mobility in her arms and legs, making everyday life difficult. Her husband will cease work in June 2015 in order to provide Lecia with the day-to-day care she needs. For Lecia, the challenges ahead are beyond belief. I am now endeavouring to try and ease her mind by knowing that when the inevitable happens, her family will be taken care of and they will be able to continue living the life they love. How You Can Help We come to you seeking your support for our major fundraiser, Soiree for My Sister, to be held on Saturday 1st August at Mount Duneed Estate Winery. We are seeking the donation of goods or services from your company in the form of a voucher or product that we can incorporate into either our silent auction, live auction or raffle. We anticipate more than 200 people from the Geelong and Portland communities will attend our event, and we hope to raise in excess of $20,000. Funds raised will help to provide support for the boys’ future, as well as immediate assistance like some muchneeded modification to the family home to make Lecia more comfortable in the months to come. Your business will be promoted in our advertising campaign for this event via Facebook, Instagram and at the event, Soiree for My Sister. Please let us know if there is any particular way that you would like to be acknowledged. We would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to assist our fundraiser. If you also wish to attend the event, we’d be delighted. Please see our Facebook page or www.trybooking.com/135749 for the link to purchase tickets. If you have any queries regarding this event or how to donate, please feel free to contact us below. We thank you in anticipation Narelle Fellows (Lecia’s Sister) [email protected] 0403 936 257 Further event details can be found at: Rebecca Hanegraaf (Mt Duneed Estate) [email protected] 0407 178 880 @Soiree for my sister www.mtduneedestate.com.au SOIREE_FOR_MY_SISTER Donations can be made at Commonwealth Bank BSB: 063 871 Event Partners ACC: 1025 1862 SCHOOL & COMMUNITY NEWS Page 7 To advertise in our school newsletter, please contact the Office on 5221 3772 or [email protected] Ads will run for a term’s duration and will be business card sized only Cost will be $150 per term, decreasing in cost for subsequent terms No inappropriate businesses will be considered, ie. promotion of gambling, alcohol, etc OSHC NEWS Page 9 Term 2, Week 6 - 21st May 2015 Come and Have Fun with us! Hi Families, DO YOU HAVE ANY ODD SOCKS LAYING AROUND THAT NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU LOOK, YOU CAN'T FIND IT'S MATE? If you would like to get rid of them, I will take them off your feet, oops I mean hands! This past week children have been busy with our puppet theatre and Buddy's house, we have been making puppets in order for the children to make up their own plays and perform them for others. We have been playing many board and card games over the past week with UNO, Cluedo and Yahtzee being the favourite choices. We have a compost team now who take our compost after each session and contribute to the compost bins. A huge thank you goes to Jordan, Alex C, Amelia and Hannah for volunteering for this role, your efforts are very much appreciated. Next term we have our annual fundraiser and I am looking into making an O.S.H.C. recipe book and would appreciate any recipes that you and your family enjoy from entrees to dessert and supper ideas. Also if anyone has any experience in binding books I would appreciate some help with that as well. We endeavour to ensure that all your child's medical and contact details are kept up to date as possible, to help us with this task I ask you to come and see me if there is any changes in your or your child's details. We want to make sure we can contact you if there is an emergency and ensuring that your details are correct is the best way to do this. If you know that your child will NOT be attending a session they have been booked into PLEASE ensure you give me a call to let me know, so that I am not chasing up children that are safely with their caregiver. I encourage you all to enrol your child/ren with us in case of emergencies that are beyond your control and to ensure that I have access to your child’s details if needed. To enrol your child/ren go to www.campaustralia.com.au. We have vacancies every morning and afternoon in O.S.H.C. don’t hesitate to book your child/ren in today! Cheers & Keep Smiling Jodie
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