THE GARDEN CLUB OF LOS ALTOS PRESIDENT: BETTY WARD VICE PRESIDENT & PROGRAMS: JOANNE CONNELLY NEWSLETTER EDITOR: JUDY HOGAN WEB SITE: MEETING PLACE: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church LUNCHEON BEGINS: 11:45 a.m. -- bring your salads 11:15 to 11:30 GENERAL MEETING: 12:45 p.m. PLANNED PROGRAM: 1:30 P.M. and don’t forget to pay your dues for 2015-2016 . . . PLANNED PROGRAM: Exuberant Spring – Excellent Flowers and Enchanting Flower Arrangements! We are delighted to welcome Kren Rasmussen as our expert floral designer at the March Salad Luncheon meeting. Kren has demonstrated his unique view of arranging flowers to us several times and has always been a great hit. He talks as fast as he arranges so we learn a LOT as well as “oohing” and “aahing” over his beautiful designs. Kren owns Bloomsters in San Jose; it is a fabulous florist/gift store. This month’s program was developed by JoAnne Connelly, our Programs Chairman. Guests are welcome (there is a $10 fee for guests); see “Salad Luncheon” for details. SALAD LUNCHEON: Our Salad Luncheon is always our most popular meeting. Bring your special salad to serve at least six between 11:15 and 11:30. Please remember to bring your plate, silverware and coffee cup. If you are bringing a guest, remember a plate etc. for him/her – there is a fee of $10 for each guest. MEMBERS WITH MARCH BIRTHDAYS, PLEASE BRING LOTS OF COOKIES/DESSERTS – you don’t have to bring a salad unless you want to do so. If you haven’t signed up to attend the luncheon, or are bringing additional guests, call Marguerite Appling or Joy Stewart . If you have signed up but find you won’t be able to attend after all, let Marguerite or Joy know. FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: No flower arrangements this month. Carol Press JOINING THE GARDEN CLUB: We always welcome new members to the Garden Club of Los Altos. New members may join at the March meeting (for the year beginning April 1) after paying their guest fee of $10 for the March meeting MEMBERSHIP DUES: Nancy Shardell will have a table set up at the March meeting for collecting dues from renewing members. If you would prefer to pay your membership dues by mail instead of paying at the meeting, starting now, please send your $25 check ($30 for a family membership), payable to Garden Club of Los Altos, to Membership Chairman Nancy Shardell, to renew your membership for 2015-2016. Thanks. Please pay your dues as early as possible – we want everyone to get in the directory this year! SEMPERVIRENS FUND: We will pass the Sempervirens Fund baskets at our March Luncheon so we can plant more redwood trees in the Big Basin Reserve. Linda Caprini 2014 SCHOLARSHIP: We made a net $160 from the Garden Treasures sale at the February meeting. Liana Cauz, Scholarship Chairman FEBRUARY FERTILIZER SALE: We made a net $123 at our February Fertilizer Sale. It really went fast! Pat Ley HISTORY MUSEUM GARDEN HELPERS: We are working on Thursdays, from 9-11. If you would like to join us, please call Ellie Moll and I will add you to my email list to be notified of our work plans. We chat as we work and quite often we learn something new from one another. THANK YOU!!! NEW OFFICERS: The following officers were nominated and approved by a vote of the members present at the February meeting. The newly elected officers will be installed at the March Garden Club of Los Altos meeting. President, Betty Ward Vice President/Programs: JoAnne Connelly Treasurer: Barbara Capron Recording Secretary, Pat Hirschbek Corresponding Secretary: Susan Trost ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: Thank you for bringing (and purchasing!) “garden treasures” at the February meeting. The result of your generosity is that the Club will be able to add to the amount of the scholarship for this year’s Foothill College horticulture student. Hope you have been spending time in your garden on sunny days and between rain showers (hooray!) to see blossoms and early spring flowers as well as to listen to birds singing and breathe fresh, fragrant air! How fortunate we are! Hope you plan to attend our annual March salad luncheon, always a fun time to enjoy being together. Betty Ward PLANT SALE, APRIL MEETING: Hope you will share some of your favorite plants and bulbs for the April Plant Sale held before our regular meeting. There will be volunteer sign-ups to help at this event, it is a good way to get acquainted with members and to learn about plants. Now is a great time to divide perennials, or start annuals or veggies and herbs. We like them in 4" pots or larger, but not huge trees or bushes that are too heavy to lift. Any questions call Susan Moss SPRING PLANT EXCHANGE: The Spring Plant Exchange will be held Saturday, May 2, at Hillview Community Center from 10 a.m. to noon. We will have sign ups at the March meeting for members to help at the exchange. Betty Lee MEMBERS GARDEN TOUR: The Spring Members’ Garden Tour is scheduled for Thursday. May 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have some lovely gardens to tour. Tickets will be sold at the March and April meetings for $15 each. Volunteers are needed on tour days at each garden for 2 ½ hour shifts. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sue Becker or Kris Gulesserian. Thanks. APRIL BOARD MEETING: The April Board Meeting on Monday, April 6, 2015, at 2 p.m. will be hosted by Judy Hogan, Allyn Feldman and Nancy Brubaker at Judy’s home. Call Judy, Allyn or Nancy if you will not be able to attend. UPCOMING EVENTS: SAN FRANCISCO FLOWER AND GARDEN SHOW: "Going Wild" March 18-22, 2015 at the San Mateo Event Center, Saratoga Drive, San Mateo. Hours are 10a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets may be ordered online through their website or bought early (at a discount!) at different nurseries - including Summer Winds SPRING GARDEN MARKET presented by Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County will be held on Saturday, April 11 this year at History San Jose, 1650 Senter Road San Jose, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be many varieties of tomatoes, peppers, ornamentals and herbs for sale, many that are not available locally. Arrive early for the best selection! Look at the website for a list and description of all the varieties available. Throughout the day Master Gardeners will give talks on garden topics. There will be a Green Elephant Sale with reasonably-priced garden-related items. Vendors will be selling all types of plants and tools and garden-related items. Bring cash or check only!!! For more information, go to BOUQUETS TO ART at the deYoung Museum, Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, with Exhibition viewing hours: Tues. April 14 - Sun. April 19, 9:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. (Fri. April 17, 9:30 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.). For more information and to purchase tickets: or (1-415) 750-3504. GOING NATIVE GARDEN TOUR - Get ideas for water-wise gardens and learn how to attract birds and butterflies. Some gardens have talks, and some have plants for sale. Saturday, April 18 for southern gardens (Cupertino to Morgan Hill) and Sunday, April 19 for northern gardens (Sunnyvale to San Mateo). Both days are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free, but register at GAMBLE GARDEN SPRING TOUR - "There is no place like home" Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour 5 private Palo Alto gardens; marketplace and plant sale. Tickets and information: (650) 329-1356 or CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY (CNPS) Native plant sale is Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Hidden Villa Preserve, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills. More information at Parking is free
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