March 2015 Issue 4 Gareloch RDA Newsletter Inside this issue: Emma/Greta 1 Gareloch Ball 2015 1 RDA Riding Hats 1 Bobby 2 Summer Sessions 2 Leader Training 3 Recycling 3 Regional Training 3 for Visually Impaired Treasurer STILL Sought! 3 NEW GROUP CONTACT INFORMATION 4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION GROUP CONTACT CHANGES PLEASE SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS Success for Emma and Greta Congratulations to Emma Carr pictured here with her two instructors, Greta and Mandi, for achieving her Proficiency Tests 1 and 2 for Stable Management and Riding. Isabelle Thompson, County Instructor, visited to assess Emma at the beginning of March. Whilst visiting she was able to review Greta and was delighted to pass her as an instructor, with ‘flying colours’. Greta is now a fully fledged Gareloch Group Instructor. Well done to both girls. The Gareloch Ball 2015 To everyone who supported the ball, but mostly to Julie, Ian and Jack Ward, Another fantastic evening and an amazing amount raised—£2,500+ Thank you! RDA RIDING HATS WE ARE DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT RDA NATIONAL HAVE NEGOTIATED AN EXTENTION TO THE DEADLINE FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF BS EN1384 STANDARD RIDING HATS UNTIL JANUARY 2017. RDA NATIONAL, WITH SUPPORT FROM THE PEOPLES POSTCODE LOTTERY, HAVE ALSO NEGOTIATED A VERY GOOD DEAL WITH TAGG EQUESTRIAN , THE MANUFACTURERS OF POLLY HATS, FOR THE REPLACEMENT MODEL. WE WILL BE REPLACING ALL OUR HATS WITH THE NEW MODEL BEFORE JANUARY 2017. ANYONE PURCHASING A RIDING HAT OF YOUR OWN, OR FOR ONE OF OUR RIDERS, PLEASE ENSURE THAT IT MEETS THE CORRECT UPTODATE STANDARD. BE AWARE THAT SOME SHOPS AND WEBSITES ARE SELLING OFF THE SOON TO BE OBSOLETE STANDARD HATS AS FAST AS THEY CAN!!! Page 2 Ga reloch RDA Issue 4 CROSSFIRE ‘BOBBIE’ Our newest pony. Looking like a glorious wooly bear, may we introduce Bobbie, the newest addition to the Gareloch RDA herd. Bobbie’s proper name is Crossfire but we felt that Bobbie would be easier as an everyday name. He is a Dales x, about 14.1 hh and 10 years old. He was born in Yorkshire but has spent most of his life at a yard north of Inverness. He lived outdoors most of the time which is why he has this beautiful, very thick, shiny coat. His mane and tail are amazing! Bobby has had a good deal of RDA experience already and despite our thinking we would bring him in slowly, has stepped straight into some of our sessions. Even the hoist has not fazed him. He has won our hearts, the mares think he is not too shabby and he and Hamish are getting on like a house on fire. Bobbie will gently take over from Hamish who will be retiring to Cardross and Mandi in a few months time. SUMMER SESSIONS WE ARE PLANNING TO ORGANISE A LIMITED NUMBER OF FRIDAY SESSIONS DURING THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND NEED YOUR INPUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WOULD RIDERS PLEASE LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW WHETHER YOU WISH TO RIDE DURING THE HOLIDAYS. VOLUNTEERS PLEASE LET US KNOW WHETHER YOU ARE WILLING AND ABLE TO ASSIST WITH SESSIONS. Ga reloch RDA Issue 4 Page 3 Reminder Leader training and refresher training with our Instructor Tina Rickerby 11 am Monday, 13th April at Colgrain Equestion Centre RECYCLING Jen and Ian are working together setting up a recycling service to raise funds for the group. To start with they will focus on old mobile phones and ink cartridges but will be expanding to other resaleable items in due course. Collection boxes will be in the gallery and the cabin. Regional Training Day At Fergushill Riding Stables, Kilwinning KA13 7RF On Tuesday 21st April 2015 COACHING VISUALLY IMPAIRED RIDERS This training is open to all coaches, volunteers, parents and participants. There will be two excellent demonstrations which will be of interest to all groups, not only those with visually impaired riders. The first session will show Lynne Shovlin with her rider, 9yr old Lucia. They will demonstrate just how much has been achieved since Lucia started with hippotherapy six years ago. This will be followed by Dianne Theakstone who has ridden since she was a child and has successfully competed for many years. Dianne is coached by Julie Anne Kitt and will be riding a horse provided by Equibuddy. along with Winton RDA for kindly hosting this event and generously providing the refreshments. Coffee will be available at 10.00am with the first session commencing at 10.30 am. We expect the demos to finish around noon. The riders and their coaches will be available to answer any of your questions over lunch, kindly provided by the Winton Group. The training session will finish at approx. 1.00pm. West & Central Scotland Groups may claim a contribution towards their travel costs from the Brown Fund. For further information and booking forms please contact Kate Bennet or Anne Johnston. We are extremely grateful to Evelyn Aitken and Gillian Beattie GARELOCH RDA TREASURER STILL URGENTLY REQUIRED If you or anyone you know would be interested in finding out more about this position please contact Kate (07721515190) or any member of the committee. GARELOCH RDA COLGRAIN EQUESTRIAN CENTRE CARDROSS ROAD G82 5HG 01389 842022 WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER E-MAILS VOLUNTEERS SECRETARY [email protected] [email protected] A GENTLE REMINDER. WE APPRECIATE THAT FROM TIME TO TIME LAST MINUTE CANCELLATIONS ARE UNAVOIDABLE BUT PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE GO TO GREAT EFFORT TO MAKE SURE THAT PONIES AND VOLUNTEERS ARE PREPARED AND READY FOR EACH RIDER AT THEIR SESSIONS. IT IS VERY DISAPPOINTING TO HAVE TO SEND VOLUNTEERS HOME UN-NEEDED. UNLESS THERE ARE EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES LESSONS WILL BE CHARGED FOR IF CANCELLED AT LESS THAN 24 HOURS NOTICE. WEEKLY SESSIONS TUESDAY 10.00—10.30 10.30—11.00 WEDNESDAY 4.30—5.00 5.00—5.30 THURSDAY 9.30—10.00 FRIDAY 10.00—10.30 } 10.30—11.00 } 11.00—11.30 } 11.30—12.00 4.45—5.15 GROUP CONTACT NUMBER Jim Smith Lesley Isles Greta Scott Larsen Mandi Waterston (Trainee) Fiona Spy (Supervising) FOR VOLUNTEERS, RIDERS AND CARERS FOR ALL SESSIONS EXCEPT FRIDAY PM JUDY LIGHTBODY 07758424294 (Sophie’s old RDA number) Tina Rickerby Greta Scott Larsen Kate Bennet (Trainee) Fiona Spy (Supervising) Debbie Newman (Trainee) Anne Barker (Supervising) FRIDAY PM SESSION CONTINUE TO CONTACT ANNE DIRECTLY ON 07747414030
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