47th Year THE BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Volume XLVII No. 1, April 2015 A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION 711 N.E. 100TH Ave. Portland, Oregon 97220 (503) 255-6535 2 Gateway Elks Lodge #2411 16321 SE Stark St Join the crew every Saturday morning from 9:00am to 10:30 to check out the progress on our new Lodge. Then stick around for some good old fashioned WORK. Wear your grubbies, work shoes and gloves and pitch in. GATEWAY OFFICERS 2013-2014 EXALTED RULER .................. Bruce Beattie Est. Leading Knight ...................... Mike Finch Est. Loyal Knight ............................................. Est. Lecturing Knight ............... Dennis Freitas Secretary ..................................... Judy Veazey Treasurer….…………………… Jan Cooper Tiler .................................... Chuck Dangerfield Asst. Tiler……………………... 1 Year Trustee ........................... Dave Roberts 2 Year Trustee ........................... Randy Spikes 3 Year Trustee ................................. Ed Schuldt 4 Year Trustee ................................... Jim Gast 5 Year Trustee ......................... George Haston Esquire ......................................... David Manu Assistant Esquire………...... Richard Holmes Chaplain .................................... Marsha Sharpe Asst. Chaplin………………………Mary Gast Inner Guard .......................... Keith Torgrimson Asst. Inner Guard………......….Chuck Gallop Justice Subordinate .................Donald Molnar Electrician . ................................ Leo McIntyre PAST ELKS OF THE YEAR Elk of the Year ................ Denice Schuermyer Club Manager ................... Steering Committee 1970-1971 .................................... .John Goche 1971-1972 ...................................... Bill Snyder 1972-1973 ................................. * Don Massey 1973-1974 ............................... * Dick Rodgers 1974-1975 ................................. * Jim Samuels 1975-1976 ........................................ Bob Uetz 1976-1977 ................................... * Jake Vaden 1977-1978 ................................. * Ernie Nutter 1978-1979 ..................................... Dave Miller 1979-1980 ................................. * Mel Hastings 1980-1981 ................................... * Bud Traver 1981-1982 ............................. Larry Pemberton 1982-1983 ................................ * Pete McLean 1983-1984 ................................ George Haston 1984-1985 ...................................... * Al Albert 1985-1986 ............................... * Ralph Norrish 1986-1987 ........................... * John Ceglia, Sr. 1987-1988 ..........................................Jim Miles 1988-1989 ............................ * Dick Pemberton 1989-1990 ............................... *Karl Williams 1990-1991 ......................... * Bob Ollerenshaw 1991-1992 .................................... * John Alden 1992-1993 .................................. Glenn Walker 1993-1994 ................................... Lyle Wescott 1994-1995 ................................... * Gil Gilbert 1995-1996 ...................................... * John Hall 1996-1997 .................................... Vern Larvick 1997-1998 ........................................ Ed Schuldt 1998-1999 ...................................... Don Littrell 1999-2000 ...................................... *Bill Parker 2000-2001 ..................................... Chuck Dunn 2001-2002 ............................... *Gene Jaramillo 2002-2003 ................................. *Wesley Clark 2003-2004 ....................................... Gene Spina 2004-2005 .................................... Jim Richards 2005-2006 ..................................... *Ron Brown 2006-2007……………………Walt Winterlich 2007-2008………………...…..*Bill Hornbeck 2008-2009 ……………………..Bob Kennedy 2009-2010…………………….*Gene Mizner 2010-2011…………………....Jim Schuermyer 2011-2012………………………..Jim Hanson 2012-2013……………………. .Ed Parmer 2013-2014…………………Shirley Stambaugh 2014-2015……………………..Kellie Shearer Exalted Ruler’s Message It is all so new! A new month, a new set of officers and a new Lodge in the making. I am truly excited about the new Lodge and I’m not the only one. In the first week of remodel our members put in over 250 hours of hard work. Repurposing a former restaurant into a first rate Elks Lodge is no easy task but we are up to the challenge. I am going to ask for your patience as this can’t be done overnight. There are permits to be gotten, inspections to pass and Fire Marshals to satisfy. Our target date to move in is June 1, 2015. If all goes as planned, by then we will have all the floors at the same elevation and most of the partition walls framed. We will be a construction zone for months to come. Again, patience. Remember, the architect who looked at the building was going to have crews of full time professional workers on the job and would take until the end of the year to be done. That was also going to cost three times our budget. When we are done I believe we will have a Lodge of which we can be very proud. I want Gateway to be pointed to as a Lodge that has done downsizing right. I hope you will stop by on any Saturday morning, 9 till 10:30 to check out our progress. The building committee has worked very hard to find our new location and deserves a friendly pat on the back. I am grateful for all their hard work, much of which was behind the scenes. This process began early last fall. When I took the Obligation eight years ago, I had no idea that my path would lead to a leadership role. Now that it has, I only hope I can be judged worthy of your trust. It will be a great honor to take my place alongside of all the past Exalted Rulers of the Lodge. I will work hard to earn this honor. I have received help and guidance along the way from too many members to name here. With your help we can continue to make Gateway a jewel in the Metro district and in Oregon. Fraternally, Bruce Beattie Exalted Ruler, Gateway Lodge 2411 The Betty Hise Knitting and Crocheting Social Here we are at the beginning of March. With all the excitement around us our social has managed to make at this point almost 900 hats. In some aspects I am very very excited about this, in others not so much. Have you ever tried to find space for 900 hats? But I am so proud of everyone, giving their time, their energy, and their talents. A few of us have branched out a little bit and are making small blankets for babies. These blankets are 18” x 18”. They are going to be used for preemie babies and stillborn babies. If you would like to join us we are in the Lodge every Monday at 2 PM. We would love to have your help, or your yarn donations. If you would like to contact me my telephone number is 503-708-7066. Gatepost Staff Ed Schuldt (Editor IC) Shirley Wicker (Editor) Denice Schuermyer (Graphics) Jim Hanson (Production) Richard Holmes (Production) Rick Delaney (Production) Dave Ott (Delivery) Guidelines for the Gatepost. 1. 2. 3. Please type or email all submissions to [email protected] or [email protected] Submit artwork as a JPEG Deadline is the 10th of each month prior to publication. Knitting chairman, Mary Gast 503-708-7066 Attention All Golfers! The Tuesday afternoon golf league starts on April 7, 2015 at 2 PM at Glendoveer golf course. This is open to all golfers who are Elks. We play every Tuesday afternoon all the way to September. The rules remain the same as last year. Prizes are awarded weekly by flight. The first week there are no starting times. You do not have to have a foursome to play. Singles are always welcome. This is a great way to meet new golfers and Elks. If you are a golfer but not an Elk come on out and we will be happy to get you an application. There is a season ending 18-hole tournament and awards banquet. There are at least 40 golfers that come out each week rain or shine. There were only two rainouts last year. Come on out. Widows What a wonderful March so far. This year is going to be an exciting year once we can get into a new place. It will be sad to leave all the old memories, but it will be fun to make new ones. Thank you to all the ladies that helped with the sorting and packing of the things in our room. We have appointed our officers: President, Sue Callison: Vice President; Maxine King: Secretary; Rosemary Hopkins: Treasure; Norma Jones: Chaplain; Betty Hansen: Sargent at Arms; Eleanor St.Helen: Parliamentarian; Pat Mattsen: Friendship & Visitation; Mary Blake: Historian; Carol McFarlane: Socials; Darlene Heath, Carol Hansen, Sheri Abernathy: Call list; Margie Szmania. Thank you Sue Callison Lodge Hours Monday thru Friday 10 am to close Saturday 4pm to 10pm Sunday 1pm to 6pm Club Hours Sunday 1pm to 6pm Monday 4pm to 9pm Tuesday 4pm to 10pm Wednesday 2pm to 11pm Thursday 2pm to 11pm Friday 4pm to 12am Saturday 4pm to 10pm Office Hours Monday thru Friday 10am to 4pm HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER MARCH 15TH Elkettes Greetings and Salutations Let me introduce myself, I am Marsha Sharpe, President elect for the 2015-2016 year of the Elkettes. I heard years ago that when the Lord closed a door, he always leaves a window or two open. With the new year starting there are many windows of opportunity opening for all. The Gateway Elkettes held the installation of new officers on March 17, 2015. For the coming 2015 2016 year please welcome the new Officers: Vice President April Freitas, Recording Secretary Jean Friend, Membership Secretary Judy O’Dell, Treasurer Jan Cooper, Tyler Ginger Moffett, Chaplain Shirley Stambaugh, Rib Editor Sheryl Heiden and Parliamentarian Mary Gast. I know we will take this time to step up to our new responsibilities to help insure a smooth and successful transition into our new home. On March 10, 2015 we had the Elkette Banquet. Members, family, friends and Lodge Elk Members attended our social. We gratefully recognize and thank last year’s officers for all they have done, many returning this year to keep the flame burning and assisting the new officers in their role. Also, all the Elkette members who supported our many committee’s by volunteering and helping out where ever needed. I would like to give our new Exalted Ruler, Bruce Beattie, our congratulations and the support from the Elkettes in the upcoming year. We have voted on the ways and means for the events in the upcoming year. The Spring Elkette Bazaar will be held on the weekend of April 18th – 19th. Visit the Sweet Shop Café, we will have food available, homemade Taco Soup, sandwiches, fruit cups and an array of fresh baked items for sale. Looking ahead: May 2nd District Ritual Contest (held at Gateway Elks Lodge) May 10th Mother’s Day May 25th Memorial Day Lodge and Office closed A closing thought to reflect on: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been” Our next business meeting is: May 3, 2015 7:00pm Respectfully yours, Marsha Sharpe Elk of the Year Our Elk of the Year is Denice Schuermyer. She was born February 1st She was born in Oregon City and graduated from Gladstone High School. While attending high school she was Teenager of the month for Oregon City Elks. She attended Clackamas Community College and received her Associates degree in Criminal Justice. Her father is an Elk and so is her hubby, Jim, who was Exalted Ruler in 2007-08. Prior to joining the Lodge 18 years ago, Denice was active in the Entertainment Committee. She joined in January 1998. Since joining she has been very active. Denice can be found doing many things for the Lodge and the Community as well. She has worked on various committee’s such as the Entertainment, Band, and CPR to name a few. She is also the Public Relations Chairman for our Lodge and has gotten Gateway in the Elks NATIONAL Magazine. She has worked hard getting ENF Grants and putting on events for the National Guard here at the Lodge and also getting Gateway recognition at a couple of Trailblazer games. Denice has been an officer of the Lodge, serving as Inner Guard and Chaplain. In her spare time she enjoys singing, reading, camping and hanging out with friends and family. Congratulations to Denice, Gateway’s Elk of the Year. Citizen of the Year Golden arches, the Big Mac and Ronald McDonald are well-known icons of the most popular fast food chain in the world. Less familiar to the masses is Ollie Lund, one of the founders of the first McDonald's in the Pacific Northwest which opened February 26th 1960 at the corner of 122nd and Glisan. Oliver has been an owner/operator for more than 50 years in the Portland area. He has served more than 43 million customers, employed over 14,000 people and served more than 14 million Big Macs. Oliver proudly served in the Navy for 20 years. He enlisted in the 40’s as a Publicity Recruit. He stayed with that area while enlisted and retired as one of two Master Chief’s in Journalism. He was on the West Coast and the other was on the East Coast. He is one of nine sailor’s that had the idea of opening a McDonald’s restaurant. They went to the bank to get a loan and the Bank officer said ‘you want to borrow $50,000 to sell 15 cent hamburgers?’ They must have been very persuasive since he loaned them the money. He currently owns three McDonalds. Oliver is active in the Portland Rotary Club, who work with local youths in various activities and also on a worldwide level providing assistance and medical needs to those less fortunate. I am proud to present Oliver Lund as Gateway Elk’s Citizen of the Year for 2015-2016. Fraternally submitted, Tom Frazey !"# +, +# " - $# +, +# ," %& ' (%)*&& $# . ' (/*&& / ' (%0*&& (%2*&& $" $1$ (%2*&& 3 +$ 3 44 + 61 , (5*.& (7*&& (7*.& - - (5*&& (7*&& 8 (.*0. 9 31 $ -; ! , "$ ! ! !+ $1 <;$ " , # +, $"+, %. = : ! !;" " $ 6 +1! -$ 9 > " ? ! "# $ % #&' & (!) '!) * The Nations First and Largest Classroom refresher for motorists 50 and older 55 ALIVE DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM Learn how to avoid driving hazards Minimal Course Fees NO Tests!! Classes held at Gateway Elks Lodge Call Lodge office to Register. Class fees Payable at first class. Next Classes ????? 11:00 in the Morning class start time Membership Drawing February 19, 2015 #15413, #659, #15529, #15675 #15239*, #7845** February 5, 2015 #6334, #15581, #11552, #5869, #14340*, #15526** Winner #15575 Randy Spikes Donated to Help the Lodge March, 5 2015 #14418, #11877, #15325, #15575, #7256*, #13159** * & **, Special Drawings sponsored by BINGO, $75.00 and Cronies, $24.11 You Must be present at the drawing to WIN. Lower Level Closure As we prepare to move to our new home it may be necessary to restrict or close portions of our current facility. Starting March 15th the lower level of the lodge will not be open for general use. The showers and Saunas will be closed and the water turned off. The workout room wil remain open, but equipment will be removed soon. Bingo will continue on Wednesday nights but may be moved upstairs soon. Funding The Remodel I move, $500,000 be allocated and transferred to the Reserve Fund for remodeling costs as detailed below; Replace roof, estimated $85,000 Replace HVAC, estimated $125,000 Build new restrooms and supply fixtures, estimated $50,000 Build out Bar, Game Room and Lounge including lighting, floor covering and dance floor, estimated $80,000 Build and equip mini-kitchen, estimated $30,000 Build and furnish Office, estimated $30,000 Remodel Lodge room including floor, estimated $30,000 Build out Dining room, estimated $20,000 Build out large kitchen, move scullery, refurbish equipment, estimated $30,000 Exterior landscaping, clean-up and security upgrades, estimated $20,000 All estimates include contingency amount. All expenditures will be subject to Lodge voucher controls and additional Building committee protocols and steering committee approval (as required). Balloting for this motion will be at a regular session of the Lodge on April 16, 2015 Motion read on Lodge floor March 26, 2015 Submitted by Ed Schuldt, Chairman BOD Absent Members Dale Stockton Jr. #4777 Life #448 June 14, 1935 March 3, 2015 Antonio Lopez #10723 Life #463 September 2, 1933 March 8, 2015 John Lillestrand #15089 December 5, 1943 March 14, 2015 Elks are Never Forgotten Never Forsaken Scholarship We have selected 2 applicants for our scholarships for the year 2014-2015 and we are proud to be able to give $1000 to each of the applicants. With the move we are not going to bring them to the Lodge for dinner however if you know these young people be sure and give them your congratulations. They are: Reid Rubsman and Mary Vu. Congratulations to them both and may their future be bright. Lynn Powell Scholarship Chairman GATEPOST A Monthly Periodical by Gateway Lodge 2411 A Fraternal Organization Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Portland, Ore. Permit No. 1091 711 N.E. 100th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97220
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