{ V œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ # >œ #> B b œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œ œ t œJ œ t œj œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œ The Lincolnshire Poacher œ œ œ 4 It is illegal to make unauthorized copies of this copyright music. A:3 Trad. English Arranged by Hywel Davies VbVb f Bb t Bb t Vb œ™ B { b œ™ Boldly q. = c.104 7 {{ 6 1 4 œ 68œ jœ œœ œj œ œ œ œ œœ œ ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 6 ∑ Œ J 8 j œ œ œ œ œ2 œ J j œ œ œ œj œ œj œ œ œ t =5 Fœ j œ œ #Fœœ tf 1œj = œ b t œ™#œ œ œœj œœ œ œœ œœJ œ1 #> b >t =# 3 3 j œœj œ œ Œ œ œ œœj j œ œ œ™ œ œ™ J œ œ j œ œ œ œ™ œ j œ œ 1 2 3 œ™ œ™ œ j œ œ œ J t t # œ™ Œ™ 3 j œ œ J œ œ1 4œj œ œj mf ™™™ as a pianist œœ ™™™ and also as œ ™™ He isœœœactive œœ ™™ and organist, œ œ™ Franklyn Gellnick was educated in Canterbury, gaining a PhD at the University of Kent inœ1998. œ™ ™ œ™ œ ranging from Gregorian chant to jazz harmony. Moody Prawn Blues was composed to cheer an examiner for ABRSM. His interests are very wide, up an examiner colleague who had fallen ill during an examining trip after eating a ‘moody’ prawn omelette. The composer has written: ‘Imagine a rather sinister, beady-eyed prawn, at a medium swing tempo, and the character of the piece should emerge.’ Vb Bb 1 rit. 5 a tempo © 112014 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music { Vb j œ œ œ œ œ œ™ = œœ ™™ œœ ™™ { œ AB œ 3732 œ œ œ œ™ œœ™™ Œ™ F j jt 24 suddenly slower q. = c.69 16 Bb œ™ œ™ 4j 4 œ™ j œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ t mf œ™ œ Œ œJ œ œ J 5 3 Œ j œ œj œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ™ J J tœœt suddenly faster q. = c.126 1 3 j œ œ œ œ f œ œ F œ #œ =œ #œ t t œ t t œ t t J J J œ œ 1 3 1 21 œ™ t Œ™ j Œ œ j 1 œ tt p This piece is a modern piano arrangement of a traditional English song expressing a poacher’s delight in his illicit activity. The song was first published in the late 18th century, and the first verse and refrain read: When I was bound apprentice, in famous Lincolnshire, Full well I served my master for more than seven year, Till I took up to poaching, as you shall quickly hear; Oh! ’tis my delight on a shining night in the season of the year. Note that the first two left-hand notes are part of the melody, as shown by the dotted lines in bb. 2 and 14. This arrangement builds up to a pause chord at the start of the refrain (b. 12). Slowing down at b. 17 might suggest the poacher being more stealthy as the gamekeeper approaches, and then managing to escape after the pause in b. 18. © 2014 by The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music AB 3730 B { bb œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 œ œ ‰. ‰. V bb ‰™ ™™ ™™ Œ Ó Œ 3 2 2 1 2 œœ œ 3 œ ‰4 Impertinence œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ mf‰ mf ‰ œ œ mp ‰ œ œ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ #‰ B bb 3 3 1 5 2 2 bV#‰b C œ1 œ2 œ œœ2 œ1œ#œ2 œ ‰3œ œ1 # œ2 ‰ ‰3 œ œ œ œ4 œ 1 2‰ 32tr ‰ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ ™™ ™ ‰ V bbB b mf ‰ œ œ œ œ œ #‰ œ C Œ Ó Œ œ ‰ b f {B bb œ œ œ œ œ 5œ œ 2 œ 2 œ 1 œ œ œ œ œ œ 1 œœ œœ œ ‰ ™œ ™™ { bb œ12 œ œ œ œ œ‰ 2 œ3 3 ‰. ‰tr. . 2 ‰1™ ™ ™ œ2 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ ™™ V œ f f œ œ œ œ œ . B œ { bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰. ‰ ‰ ™ ™™ ™™ Œ Ó Œ It is illegal to make unauthorized copies of this copyright music. 11 2 1 A:1 œ œ œ œ œ { HWV 494 G. F. Handel (1685–1759) Allegro [h = c.84] 16 3 œœ œ œ 5 This is one of Handel’s earliest keyboard pieces, composed around 1705 when he was only 20 and living in the north German city of Hamburg. There he played violin, and later harpsichord, in the Hamburg Opera. At that time, too, he composed keyboard pieces, arias, cantatas, and his first opera, Almira. Impertinence is written in the style of a bourrée, a lively French dance in duple time. Like much French keyboard music of the time, it is a character-piece with a fanciful title. The impudent behaviour, referred to by the title, might be reflected in the style of performance. In this edition, the tempo mark, and all slurs, staccatos and dynamics are editorial suggestions only. The staccatos in b. 7 (except that of the trilled note, for which see the realization above the stave) might be played as crotchet plus crotchet rest. Source: MS copy, London, British Library, R.M.18.b.8. 2 bV b œ2 œ œ œ mf‰ ‰ B bb ‰4 ‰ 3 2 1 3 œ © 1991 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Adapted from Baroque Keyboard Pieces, Book I, edited by Richard Jones (ABRSM) 11 { 1 œ 3 V bb #‰ 16 { B bb ‰ 1 ‰ 3 # ‰ œ2 œ œ œ œ1 œ2 3 œ œ œ 2 3 œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ #‰ mp œ œ œ œ f œ œ œ œ œ 2 œ œ ABœ3731œ œ 1 œ œœ œ ‰ ‰ 5 ‰ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ mf 2 ‰ 4œ œ 1 2 32tr œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰™ ‰™ ™™ ™™ 2 1 This is one of Handel’s earliest keyboard pieces, composed around 1705 when he was only 20 and living in the north German city of Hamburg. There he played violin, and later harpsichord, in the Hamburg Opera. At that time, too, he composed keyboard pieces, arias, cantatas, and his first opera, Almira. Impertinence is written in the style of a bourrée, a lively French dance in duple time. Like much French keyboard music of the time, it is a character-piece with a fanciful title. The impudent behaviour, referred to by the title, might be reflected in the style of performance. In this edition, the tempo mark, and all slurs, staccatos and dynamics are editorial suggestions only. The staccatos in b. 7 (except that of the trilled note, for which see the realization above the stave) might be played as crotchet plus crotchet rest. Source: MS copy, London, British Library, R.M.18.b.8. © 1991 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Adapted from Baroque Keyboard Pieces, Book I, edited by Richard Jones (ABRSM) AB 3731 Vb t œ #> #> Moody Prawn Blues B b œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œh iœ t51 œJ41 œ t œj œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œ ∑ Œ œ œ Ó ∑ Vb c œ # œ h i 51 >41 ∑ VB b c mf t ∑ t j Œ œ b œœœ # >œœœ Ót j b c mfœ œJ œ œ œ 1 2 3 œ5 = œ 3#œ œ 1 t2 œJ œ t œj bV Bœb cœœ œ tœ œJœ œœ œt œœj œœœ œ œœb œ# œœ>œ Œ t œjt= œ œ#jœ #œ œ œ tœ œJœ bœœ = œ tœ œœj œ1 5 1 2 >3 B bb œŒ tœ œJ Œœ tt 1œjj œ5œ œœ bœœ œ>œ 1t 3œj = œ #œ œœ œ4 t 31 œJ Œ#œ t tj œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ V œ # >œ œ œ œ # >œ3 1 4 4 1 1j œ5 1 3 j œ œ œ t t œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ VB b Œ œ b œœœ # >œœœ Œt j œ œœ # >œœ j b œ j =œ #œ t t t œ œ œ œ bœ œ =œ #œ œ œ J B b œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œ œ t œJ œ t œj œ œ b œ >œ t œj = œ #œ 4 { t It is illegal to make unauthorized copies of this copyright It is music. illegal to make unauthorized copies of this Franklyn Gellnick copyright (born 1968) music. 10 C:1 C:1 Œ œ œ Œ œ œ 1j œ5 Prawn 3 Moody œ œ œ 1 Blues œ œ Swinging moodily q = 112 ( { { 7 { { { œ œ œ œ = œ œ Œ œ œ j œ Franklyn Gellnick (born 1968) Swinging moodily q = 112 ( = ) 3 4 4 Franklyn Gellnick was educated in Canterbury, gaining a PhD at the University of Kent in 1998. He is active as a pianist and organist, and also as an examiner for ABRSM. His interests are very wide, ranging from Gregorian chant to jazz harmony. Moody Prawn Blues was composed to cheer up an examiner colleague who had fallen ill during an examining trip after eating a ‘moody’ prawn omelette. The composer has written: ‘Imagine a rather sinister, beady-eyed prawn, at a medium swing tempo, and the character of the piece should emerge.’ © 2014 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music AB 3732 Vb VB b b Bb 7 { { ) 4 31 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ J j œ œ œ œ J t t t t œ œ œ œ œ œ #> œ œ Œ œ œ b œ # >œœ t œ b œ >œ t œ œ Œ œ œ t œ #œ œ œ œ b œ = œ œ œ œ1 1 2 bœ =œ œ 1 3 j œ œ t œ #œ œ œ œ j t œJ #œ t œj œ =œ #œ œ 1 4 j t œJ #œ t œj œ =œ #œ œ 1 4 3j 1 2 3 3 Franklyn Gellnick was educated in Canterbury, gaining a PhD at the University of Kent in 1998. He is active as a pianist and organist, and also as an examiner for ABRSM. His interests are very wide, ranging from Gregorian chant to jazz harmony. Moody Prawn Blues was composed to cheer up an examiner colleague who had fallen ill during an examining trip after eating a ‘moody’ prawn omelette. The composer has written: ‘Imagine a rather sinister, beady-eyed prawn, at a medium swing tempo, and the character of the piece should emerge.’ Franklyn Gellnick was educated in Canterbury, gaining a PhD at the University of Kent in 1998. He is active as a pianist and organist, and also as © 2014 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music an examiner for ABRSM. His interests are very wide, ranging from Gregorian chant to jazz harmony. Moody Prawn Blues was composed to cheer up an examiner colleague who had fallen ill during an examining tripAB after eating a ‘moody’ prawn omelette. The composer has written: ‘Imagine 3732 a rather sinister, beady-eyed prawn, at a medium swing tempo, and the character of the piece should emerge.’ © 2014 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music AB 3732
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